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    tree 結果共45筆

  • Typhoon Gaemi causes fatal accident in Kaohsiung

    Discover the tragic impact of Typhoon Gaemi in Kaohsiung, where a 70-year-old woman lost her life to a falling tree amid strong winds. Learn more about the dangers of extreme weather.
    2024/07/24 16:48
  • Z世代超愛她!賀錦麗「椰子樹」迷因瘋傳 魔性笑聲被製成混音

    隨著美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)宣布退選,現任副總統賀錦麗(Kamala Harris)成呼聲最高的接替人選;提到賀錦麗,喜歡滑社群媒體的美國人對她印象最深的就是魔性笑聲和「椰子樹」(coconut tree)迷因,這也讓她廣獲Z世代(1997-2012年間出生)喜愛。究竟「椰子樹」是什麼梗?賀錦麗能否憑此贏得大選?
    2024/07/23 16:03
  • Jerry McKay, known for sheltering 200 cats, passes away

    Jerry McKay, a British expat known as "Grandpa Ma" in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, who cared for 200 cats and became a beloved local figure. Learn about his life, love for cats, and legacy.
    2024/07/10 11:00
  • Tree sparrow population under 2,000, says Taiwan agency

    Discover the efforts to save Taiwan’s endangered Tree Sparrow, with a population under 2,000. Learn about the threats they face and the conservation strategies in place by the MOA and KMU.
    2024/07/01 10:39
  • Taipei employs dogs to sniff out tree disease

    Discover how Taipei is using detection dogs to sniff out trees infected with brown root rot disease, enhancing urban safety and forestry management. Learn about the challenges and future prospects of this innovative approach.
    2024/06/11 16:50
  • 不用濾鏡!53歲蘇慧倫真實膚況曝光 網看傻:太不科學

    有「玉女掌門人」封號的歌手蘇慧倫,唱紅〈鴨子〉、〈Lemon Tree〉等多首好歌,53歲的她凍齡有術,是歌壇裡出了名的美魔女,更時常在社群分享素顏生活照。近來她忙籌備著演唱會,更不忘開直播與粉絲互動,在沒有濾鏡輔助下,她的真實膚況也曝光。
    2024/05/31 14:25
  • 全美近1300間零售店今年熄燈!瑞銀:五年內恐關4.5萬間店

    隨著人們購物習慣改變,美國部分零售業出現財務困難而難以繼續營運。外媒調查發現,至少有9家零售品牌於今(2024)年宣布將關閉店面,總計有約1280間零售商店將結束營業。其中閉店規模最龐大的,為知名廉價雜貨品牌Dollar Tree旗下的「Family Dollar」,預計今年將關閉至少600間店面。瑞士銀行(UBS)的分析師更預測,接下來的五年內,美國的零售商店關閉數量可能達到45000間。
    2024/04/26 17:59
  • Grality leads the way in innovative tree management solution

    Discover how Grality is revolutionizing the management of urban tree assets. With innovative technology, Grality simplifies the complexities of maintaining green spaces, enhancing biodiversity, and improving quality of life.
    2024/03/21 19:15
  • 冏!安平樹屋翻譯成「tree mouse」 南市府爆元凶是他

    台南市知名觀光景點安平樹屋的英譯路標,被民眾發現樹屋「Tree House」竟寫成樹鼠「Tree Mouse」,市議員李啟維建議市府相關單位應盡速改正避免「貽笑大方」,而南市府發現錯誤後也立即卸下修正並裝回。
    2024/03/18 14:45
  • Tainan tourist gem marred by "Tree Mouse" sign blunder

    Discover the story of a spelling mishap at the Anping Tree House in Tainan, Taiwan. Unveil how a signpost error turned "tree house" into "tree mouse," causing confusion among visitors. Explore Councilor Lee Chi-wei’s call for improved English proficiency to enhance international interactions and preserve Taiwan’s unique heritage.
    2024/03/18 10:52
  • 台南新景點?路標出現「安平樹鼠」 遊客調侃:很會行銷喔

    台南知名的安平樹屋,最近改名字了嗎,原來有人發現馬路上的路標,安平樹屋英譯,把樹屋「Tree House」寫成了「Tree Mouse」,變成安平樹鼠,有人覺得有趣,開玩笑說,說不定會吸引遊客好奇,但也有人說英譯是給外國人看的,恐怕丟臉丟大了。
    2024/03/17 19:31
  • Taipei battles urban heat with green solutions

    Discover how Taipei City is tackling the urban heat island effect with sustainable solutions like energy-efficient buildings, increased green coverage, and strategic urban planning. This initiative aims to create a cooler, more livable city for its residents.
    2024/03/06 17:17
  • 53歲蘇慧倫曬絕世美照!揭出道33年好消息 初體驗獻給新加坡

    引領90年代流行音樂的「玉女掌門人」蘇慧倫,6月1日將飛往新加坡舉辦「生命之花」巡迴演唱會,這是她出道33年來首度在星國舉辦大型售票演出,預告屆時將帶來〈Lemon Tree〉、〈鴨子〉、〈被動〉等多首金曲,她說:「今天我們終於一起走到這裡,不管現在在現場是幾歲的你,都把自己交出來,或者是回到18歲的你,都請把你們的心敞開。」
    2024/03/06 12:58
  • Taipei Mayor to ride revamped gondola during LNY

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an plans to take his family on a ride on the newly renovated Maokong Gondola during the Lunar New Year holidays to visit the zoo. The gondola cabins have been redesigned in collaboration with "Animal Rescue Team Taiwan" and the popular "Maji Meow" (cat) to promote animal conservation, rescue efforts, and life education. From Feb. 3 to Feb. 14, customers who purchase three one-day passes will receive a limited edition New Year magnet set. Each one-day pass purchase also includes a single limited edition magnet. The cabins feature images of the gondola’s mascots, including the "Landlord" (a sloth), the Maji Cat, EMMA, and a calf. QR codes inside the cabins provide access to real conservation stories, promoting respect for all life and equality among creatures. Visitors to the Camphor Tree Trail during the New Year period can enjoy blooming lupines, the "Maokong Light Halo" at night, and sporadic God of Wealth blessings at various gondola stations. Limited quantities of sweets and cookies will be given away at the gondola stations from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Feb. 10 to Feb. 12.
    2024/02/02 16:03
  • Lau, Leung spark holiday frenzy with sweet Christmas photo

    Hong Kong actress Carina Lau and actor Tony Leung delighted fans with a heartwarming Christmas photo on social media. The picture, shared on Weibo, showed Lau giving Leung a kiss on the cheek in front of a Christmas tree. Married for 15 years, the couple appeared happy and in good spirits. Lau also took the opportunity to send a heartfelt holiday greeting to her followers and tagged Leung’s fan club in the post. Fans expressed their joy and showered the couple with compliments and well wishes in the comments section, making it a charming and personal Christmas gift.
    2023/12/26 17:54
  • Discarded CCTV cameras turned into Christmas tree in Tainan

    The Yongxin Police Station in Tainan has gained online attention for constructing a "Surveillance Camera Christmas Tree" using nearly 100 discarded cameras. Deputy Chief Chang Shuo-feng and his colleagues assembled the unique tree in their spare time, using primarily wood and topping it with intersection surveillance cameras to mimic tree branches. The tree serves as a visual statement to discourage potential wrongdoers and car thieves, reflecting the police department’s relentless efforts to detect and counteract criminal activity. Additionally, the Christmas star at the top of the tree is made from a figurine of the police station’s Teddy Bear mascot and a booklet to help citizens recognize scams.
    2023/12/25 13:39
  • Pets join owners at Christmas charity event for stray dogs

    The Family Dog center in Taipei organized a heartwarming charity event, uniting pet owners and their furry companions in the festive season. The event, aimed at supporting stray animals, featured shared meals and a "Promise Tree" initiative, highlighting community spirit and pet-owner bonding.
    2023/12/24 15:01
  • National Comics Museum to unveil first exhibit Dec. 23

    The National Comics Museum in Taipei is set to launch its inaugural exhibit on December 23, offering comic enthusiasts a new destination for artistic exploration. Situated in the former staff quarters of the Taichung Prison, the museum gained approval from the Executive Yuan in April. The eastern site of the museum, comprised of 15 Japanese-style buildings, currently features eight main themed exhibitions and three focal areas. One of the planned spaces, "Da Shu Jung Guang" ("Big Fig Tree Lights"), aims to create unique nocturnal landscapes using lighting, shadows, mist, and music. Another attraction is "Barkley The Cat," an area adorned with whimsically scattered kitten patterns. The museum also includes three reading areas, a bathhouse area called "Pao Man-hua" ("Soaking in Comics"), and a section for comic graffiti. Visitors can enjoy "Jia Ramen" at Dormitory No. 12, designed for dining while enjoying Taiwanese comics. The northern site of the museum, featuring a new main building, is scheduled to open in 2029. The museum is eagerly anticipated by comic lovers across Taiwan as a celebration of the vibrant world of comics and animation.
    2023/12/20 17:31
  • 好身材炸裂!53歲玉女掌門人「1分鐘運動片」曝 真實狀態太驚人

    女星蘇慧倫出道超過30年,憑藉《Lemon Tree》、《鴨子》、《傻瓜》變身三部曲聲勢大漲,除了動人嗓音外,亦參與戲劇演出,能唱能演收穫大批粉絲,長相清新脫俗的她有「玉女掌門人」、「學生情人」稱號,昨(14)日在社群曬出運動短片,真實狀態驚呆眾人。
    2023/12/15 09:07
  • Kaohsiung high school debates NT$70K Christmas tree cost

    The administration of Kaohsiung Municipal Kaohsiung Girls’ Senior High School spent NT$70,000 on a Christmas tree designed by an alumna, leading to debate over its cost and design. The tree, themed in "Kaohsiung Girls’ Red," transitions from burgundy to festive Christmas red and ends in joyful pink, symbolizing the students’ virtues and providing blessings for the school’s centennial next year. The school clarified that the alumna designed the tree for free, and the cost covered only essential materials and decorations. The school also reinforced the tree’s structure due to strong winds in the area. The Christmas tree represents the alumni’s contributions, and the principal hopes students will see beyond the surface of the situation.
    2023/12/12 13:30
  • 不是瑪麗亞凱莉!「新」耶誕神曲登排行榜冠軍

    隨著耶誕節進入倒數,美國今年耶誕老人持續缺工,愛荷華一座小鎮,只有三個人輪班。而每年這個時候都會聽到的金曲,美國西洋天后瑪麗亞凱莉的「All I Want for Christmas Is You」,從2019年、每到12月開始,就會登上百大單曲榜的榜首,不過今年被另一名女歌手布倫達李演唱的「Rockin’ around the Christmas Tree」擠下,成為第二名。
    2023/12/06 20:00
  • Taipei launches Christmas festivities in Xinyi District

    Experience the festive spirit at the "2023 Taipei Xmas" event in Xinyi District! With a record-breaking 55 large-scale Christmas decorations and 12 pedestrian overpass illuminations, this year’s event is bigger than ever. The Taipei City Office of Commerce has collaborated with 15 major department store operators to create a dazzling display of over 80 Christmas decorations. Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an hopes that this event will become an iconic celebration in the future. Don’t miss the novel pop-up Christmas event, held every Friday through Sunday, and be sure to snap a photo with the stunning golden Christmas tree that has become a popular backdrop for photos and social media check-ins.
    2023/12/02 18:32
  • Typhoon Koinu’s wrath reveals tombstone amid fallen tree

    Typhoon Koinu unearths a mysterious gravestone in Taiwan as it uproots a large tree in Lukang Township, Changhua County. Cleanup efforts and investigations are underway. Stay updated on this unique incident.
    2023/10/05 20:39
  • 52歲蘇慧倫中秋曬素顏近照!超凍齡狀態曝光 網暴動:太逼人

    有「玉女掌門人」美稱的蘇慧倫,出道33年唱紅不少歌曲,如《鴨子》、《Lemon Tree》等。現今52歲的她仍有宛如少女般的模樣,保養的相當好。日前,她也在臉書上發文並曬出3張自拍照祝網友中秋節快樂。照片PO出,絕佳的狀態讓不少網友看了紛紛看傻。
    2023/09/30 09:21
  • 英國300年歷史「羅賓漢樹」被惡意砍倒 16歲少年遭逮

    英國諾森伯蘭郡哈德良長城生長著一棵約300年歷史的著名古樹,其曾在1991年電影《俠盜王子羅賓漢(Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves)》登上大銀幕,因此又被俗稱為「羅賓漢樹」,沒想到一夜之間,這棵舉世聞名的股市竟然被「腰斬」,讓當地居民憤怒不已,警方隨即逮捕了一名疑似與該事件有關的16歲少年。
    2023/09/29 10:54
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