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    Jin 結果共83筆

  • 連退團的都回歸!男模團F.CUZ隔11年完整來台 竟是鐵粉大力促成

    For.U(粉絲名)等了11年,終於能再次親身見到韓流男神二代團F.CUZ了!由Jin On、LeeU、藝浚、KAN、來炫與大建組成,出道便造成旋風熱潮的F.CUZ,曾經來台與郭書瑤(瑤瑤)合作。這次超難得6位團員完整合體,宣布將於7月13日來台北舉辦粉絲演唱會,而且本次僅開放「超少席次」,就是要好好寵粉!
    2024/05/03 18:22
  • 《黑澀會》女星曾「掰彎7任鋼鐵直女」 自爆閨房秘辛「一舉動」:沒興致了

    2024/04/19 18:17
  • Daan dominates Taipei’s top 4 school districts

    Housing prices near 36 "star" schools in Taipei analyzed, with the highest average at NT$1.226 million per ping near Jin-Hua Elementary in Da’an District due to location and school prestige. Beitou District has lower prices, around NT$500,000 to NT$700,000.
    2024/04/15 15:37
  • 陳小春新劇開鏡4個月「無預警停工」 資金短缺影響數百演員

    香港男星陳小春主演的網劇《反黑》在YouTube上架後大獲好評,全球各大串流平台累計播放次數50億,時隔6年,監製兼導演的陳國坤和宋本中宣布開拍第二季,卡司增加了謝天華、MC Jin、陳瀅、肥媽、關智斌、吳浩康、陳山聰等人,篇幅也從32增加到60集,總投資約2億港元,去年11月舉行開鏡儀式,沒想到因資金問題突然停拍,找尋新金主,受影響的演員多達上百人。
    2024/04/06 12:59
  • Over 11k runners converge for the gold-label WJS Marathon

    Discover the highlights of the Wan Jin Shi Marathon in New Taipei City, where over 11,000 runners, including international athletes, competed for top honors. Kenyan runners led the pack.
    2024/03/20 13:31
  • 57歲美魔女被媳婦爸抱進房!暈眩無力「全身濕了」 口水交換女兒看傻

    2024/02/19 17:52
  • Son Ye-jin’s star power boosts golf brand

    Beloved Korean actress Son Ye-jin extends her endorsement contract with golf brand PIRETTI through 2024, captivating audiences worldwide. Despite reducing public appearances and film projects after marriage and childbirth, Son’s allure remains undiminished, fostering brand loyalty. Her personal passion for golf is showcased on social media, where her golf attire, including polo shirts, pleated skirts, calf-length white socks, and sneakers, garners widespread attention. Son’s popularity soared in Asia after her role in the Korean drama "Crash Landing on You," boosting PIRETTI’s product sales. With her enduring charm and influence, Son’s star continues to shine bright as she balances her personal and professional life.
    2024/02/07 17:46
  • Han Kuo-yu consults predecessor after securing Speaker role

    Newly-appointed Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu seeks counsel from his predecessor Wang Jin-pyng, demonstrating respect for traditional decorum and the continuation of Kuomintang’s experience. Han emphasizes that non-violent conduct and police intervention are unnecessary as long as his agenda can be accomplished. Meanwhile, You Si-kun, who failed to secure another term, resigns from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and is praised for his commitment to democracy by Lai Ching-te. Lai reveals that You had declared his determination to secure the position of legislative speaker and, if unsuccessful, would resign as a legislator to cultivate new talent. At a gratitude dinner, Lai encourages his party colleagues to anticipate future competitions and collaborations in the Legislative Yuan and continue making strong efforts to push legislation forward.
    2024/02/02 11:33
  • 韓職/起亞虎總教練金鍾國收賄遭起訴 春訓前緊急換帥

    韓職起亞虎(Kia Tigers)日前宣布,該隊總教練金鍾國(Kim Jong-kook)因面臨檢察官調查「收受賄賂」,決定暫停其主帥職務。起亞虎的一名官員表示,已將金總教練涉嫌接受賄賂的調查情況,通知聯盟辦公室。而金總教練的停職,正好發生在球團計劃前往澳洲春訓前兩天,接下來將由代理總教練陳甲龍(Jin Kab-yong),將負責坎培拉的訓練營。
    2024/01/29 16:07
  • Twinnen in Taiwan: Fusion flavors shine on Yongkang Street

    Embark on a culinary adventure along Taipei’s Yongkang Street, where a fusion of Chinese, Japanese, and Taiwanese flavors comes to life. Discover the best of Taipei’s diverse cuisine, from savory scallion pancakes and classic milk tea to Michelin-recognized Shanghainese dishes and flavorful shaved ice.
    2024/01/03 21:15
  • KMT unites behind Hou Yu-ih in final push for election

    As Taiwan’s 2024 presidential election approaches, the Kuomintang (KMT) unites under a group strategy to support Hou Yu-ih. Prominent KMT figures, including Ma Ying-jeou and Eric Chu, back Hou in a significant shift from past conflicts, highlighting the party’s unified front in the critical election.
    2023/12/30 17:51
  • Jee Seok-jin takes health hiatus, exits ’Running Man’

    Beloved South Korean actor and variety show personality, Jee Seok-jin, has announced a sudden hiatus from all entertainment activities due to health concerns. Effective from December 18, Jee will be suspending all work commitments, including his regular appearances on the popular variety show "Running Man." Known for his humor and affable nature, Jee has been a key member of the show since 2010, amassing a significant fan base over the years. This marks the first break Jee is taking from the show since he joined its original cast 13 years ago. With the departure of another cast member in October, the "Running Man" team is now left with only five members, raising questions about how the show will adapt and what impact it will have on its future.
    2023/12/18 21:19
  • Wang Jin-pyng seeks unity in KMT, urges Gou’s return

    Former Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng, in an effort to strengthen support within the Kuomintang (KMT), highlighted the importance of unity and expressed his desire for the return of Foxconn Founder Terry Gou to the party. Wang also announced his commitment to serve as the national campaign chairman for KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih. These statements were made during a luncheon held in Taipei to gather resources from the pro-Gou faction in support of Hou and his running mate. Former KMT Vice Chairman Hau Lung-bin and former party Secretary-General Lee Chien-lung were also present, showing their support for Wang’s initiative. Wang emphasized that KMT chairpersons are now more united than ever, with all past grievances resolved.
    2023/12/12 17:01
  • Wang Jin-pyng seeks Terry Gou’s support for KMT election bid

    Former Legislative Yuan Speaker Wang Jin-pyng expresses his efforts to invite Foxconn founder Terry Gou to join the Kuomintang’s campaign for the upcoming election. Wang has been appointed as the chairman of KMT candidate Hou Yu-ih’s nationwide campaign. Wang believes in the strength of the Hou-Kang ticket and sees it as a promising combination that could bring about a political power shift. While Wang has not had recent contact with Gou, he assures that arrangements are in place and hints at potential strategic plans. As Hou advocates for the reinstatement of the Special Investigation Division, Wang emphasizes the importance of proper legal processes and the enforcement of the law without violations.
    2023/12/07 20:00
  • Wang Jin-pyng clears air on SID, past rift with Ma

    Former Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng reiterates the importance of lawful administration in response to the Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih and his running mate Jaw Shaw-kong’s advocacy for reinstating the Special Investigation Division (SID). Wang believes that the SID can be effective if those in charge enforce the law correctly. He also addresses concerns over his relationship with former president Ma Ying-jeou, stating that there are no hard feelings and emphasizing his intention to foster a positive future relationship.
    2023/12/07 18:56
  • Wang Jin-pyng to chair KMT’s national support for Hou Yu-ih

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih has announced that former Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng will serve as the chairman of the national support group for the KMT’s presidential candidate. This move aims to unite forces across the nation and boost Hou’s campaign. Wang, a seasoned figure within the KMT, reaffirmed his support for the party’s nominated presidential candidates and expressed confidence in Hou’s growth and understanding of national policy issues. He also praised Hou’s selection of Jaw Shau-kong as his vice-presidential candidate, dubbing them a strong combination. Wang’s endorsement highlights unity within the party and signifies a show of approval for a political alternation and the country’s future development.
    2023/12/07 18:04
  • 阿米們看過來!BTS原創音樂紀錄片12月上線

    Disney+ 繼2022年推出《BTS 防彈少年團:PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE – 洛杉磯》,為來自全球的粉絲帶來21世紀,最具代表性的南韓偶像團體BTS防彈少年團的演唱會籌備過程和精華片段後,21日再度宣布推出全新共八集的紀錄片影集《BTS Monuments: Beyond The Star》,將為全球粉絲們帶來BTS 防彈少年團成員RM、Jin、SUGA、j-hope、Jimin、V和Jung Kook 共七位成員過去從未曝光過的訪談、表演和幕後花絮。
    2023/11/21 14:09
  • Blue-White alliance impacts prospects of Terry Gou’s bid

    Former Legislative Yuan speaker Wang Jin-pyng urges independent candidate Terry Gou to join the Blue camp, as Taiwan’s political landscape heats up with the upcoming 2024 presidential election. Gou’s decision holds significant weight for the KMT, TPP, and the Democratic Progressive Party.
    2023/11/17 18:11
  • 大稻埕『秋穫季』精彩落幕 首度聯名設計師品牌Jin Garden 設計師黃秀瑾將廟宇圖騰化為時裝元素

    第七屆大稻埕『秋穫季』剛落幕,引發熱烈迴響,因為本屆主題--回稻未來BACK TO THE FUTURE時裝秀,霞海城隍廟首度與服裝設計師黃秀瑾品牌「Jin Garden」聯名合作,推出38款融入廟宇圖騰文化的服裝,包含潮東方以及台灣之美和美魔女系列,呈現在地文化與時尚的完美結合,成為今年『秋穫季』的一大亮點。
    2023/11/13 14:00
  • Lung cancer takes the lead on Taiwan’s cancer list in 2021

    Taiwan’s most common cancer has shifted from colorectal cancer to lung cancer, according to the Health Promotion Administration (HPA). This change was observed in 2021, ending a 15-year record held by colorectal cancer. The HPA’s report listed the top 10 cancers, with lung and colorectal cancers being the most common. Other cancers on the list include breast, liver, oral, prostate, thyroid, stomach, skin, and pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer notably made the list for the first time. Dr. Chen Jin-shing, chief of surgery at National Taiwan University Hospital, explained that the shift is not surprising as lung cancer has been the leading cause of cancer-related deaths for the past decade. The HPA’s Cancer Prevention and Control Division director, Lin Li-ju, highlighted an increase in early lung cancer detection following the introduction of low dose computed tomography (LDCT) screening in 2022. In 2021, there were 121,762 new cases of cancer registered in Taiwan, marking the first decline in new patient numbers. On average, a person was diagnosed with cancer every 4 minutes and 19 seconds. HPA Director-General Wu Chao-chun urged individuals to reduce their risk factors and recommended regular screenings for early detection and treatment, especially for those at high risk.
    2023/11/13 12:01
  • 百萬年薪沒了!女歌手心聲曝光 喊話老闆玖壹壹「這件事」

    2023/08/24 11:44
  • 金南佶認了毀約「Jin入伍沒探視」 自嘲長舌公:問這題你會後悔

    2023/08/18 19:46
  • Epik High拉美巡演抱怨「太瘋了」! 9月開唱兌現每年來台諾言

    Epik High由負責Rap的Tablo、Mithra Jin以及DJ Tukutz等3人組成,也是現在韓國嘻哈圈內最具代表性的團體,2023年將迎接成軍滿20週年。Epik High去(2022)年12月來台開唱時,就曾承諾要每年來跟台灣歌迷相見,15日更是公布好消息,確定將在9月開唱。
    2023/08/16 09:00
  • 玖壹壹超正師妹起底!曾是年薪百萬工程師 真實感情狀態曝光

    2023/08/10 11:25
  • 疑「57歲美魔女被分屍」半夜傳撞擊聲! 女星驚見這一幕崩潰

    2023/08/03 11:57
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