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    eX 結果共53筆

  • Ex-PLG basketball player faces deportation over expired visa

    Nigerian basketball player Ifeanyi Uzoma Eboka has been detained by Taiwan’s National Immigration Agency for an expired residency visa. Eboka, known for his time with the PLG Hsinchu Lioneers, is now facing forced deportation.
    2023/10/16 15:57
  • Ex-Pentagon official urges Taiwan to bolster defense

    Former Pentagon official Elbridge Colby’s warning on China’s war preparations and his call for Taiwan to strengthen defense gain attention. Learn more about the interview’s insights.
    2023/10/04 20:04
  • Terry Gou supports ex-president’s decision on National Day

    Foxconn founder Terry Gou expresses support for former President Ma Ying-jeou’s decision to boycott the national day celebration in Taiwan. Gou criticizes President Tsai Ing-wen and Vice President Lai Ching-te for their views on national identity, particularly Tsai’s renaming of the holiday to "Taiwan National Day."
    2023/10/03 12:30
  • Ex-President Ma refuses to attend National Day celebrations

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou has declined to attend the upcoming National Day celebrations on Oct. 10. Ma strongly criticized President Tsai Ing-wen for changing the name of the event from "Republic of China National Day" to "Taiwan National Day," interpreting it as a pro-independence move.
    2023/10/02 11:31
  • 2023搖滾台中 Fly To The Future 10/7-10/8 文心森林公園重磅開唱

    「2023搖滾台中」邁入第16年,今年以「Fly To The Future」為主題,將於10月7日、8日國慶連假期間在文心森林公園盛大舉行,邀請超過30組的國內外樂團演出,包括金曲最佳樂團滅火器Fire EX.、金曲最佳華語男歌手入圍的鶴The Crane、人氣台語搖滾樂團拍謝少年、YouTube總點閱率超過7千萬的老王樂隊、新生代樂團芒果醬Mango Jump、金曲獎最佳新人持修、台中在地樂團固定客等,希望在後疫情時代帶領熱愛音樂的民眾飛向未來,盡情享受搖滾音樂。
    2023/09/25 10:00
  • 搶票了!高鐵國慶疏運加開184班列車 今起開放購票

    2023/09/08 10:04
  • Ex-health minister declines apology for controversial words

    Yang Chih-liang, former Minister for Health, defiantly rejected demands for an apology on Aug. 28 for his controversial remarks made at a rally for business magnate Terry Gou a day earlier regarding domestic violence.
    2023/08/28 20:44
  • Ex-US defense secretary: Taiwan should boost defense budget

    Rising cross-strait tensions have become a concern for many democracies around the world. As China increases its military drills surrounding Taiwan, former U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper advises Taiwan to boost its defense budget to enhance asymmetric warfare capabilities. 
    2023/08/25 17:48
  • Ex-PM Aso urges peace in Asia-Pacific at security forum

    Former Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso emphasizes peace, deterrence, and cooperation at Ketagalan Forum’s 2023 Indo-Pacific Security Dialogue. Insights on Taiwan Strait stability.
    2023/08/08 20:45
  • THSR introduces mobile ticketing for non-reserved seats

    Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) has introduced a new mobile ticketing service, allowing passengers to purchase free seating tickets through the "T-EX Mobile Ticketing" app. Starting today, you can conveniently buy your tickets via the app and scan the QR code to access the platforms directly.
    2023/07/03 13:12
  • 趕時間直衝月台!高鐵手機可買自由座 1情況仍需去窗口排隊

    應該許多旅客要搭高鐵因為趕時間沒買到票,還得在心急時刻去窗口排隊!台灣高鐵公司宣布自即(3)日起推出自由座購票體驗。旅客在出發站的車站大廳內,即可透過手機「T-EX行動購票」App購買當日自該站出發的自由座車票,付款後直接掃描QR code進站搭車。
    2023/07/03 12:42
  • Ex-UK PM Liz Truss reiterates support for Taiwan

    Former British Prime Minister Liz Truss emphasized her backing for Taiwan on Wednesday (May 17), asserting that the self-governing island stands at the forefront of the global struggle for freedom.
    2023/05/17 17:45
  • Ex-President Ma heads to Europe to talk geopolitics

    Former Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou departed from Taoyuan International Airport on Monday (April 24) for Europe, where he will deliver talks on geo-politics and address rising cross-strait tensions in the region.
    2023/04/25 16:06
  • Ex-NSC official urges stronger missile arsenal for Taiwan

    WASHINGTON D.C. (TVBS News) — Former White House National Security Council official Ivan Kanapathy has shared his insights on how Taiwan can enhance its defense capabilities in a recent interview with Commentator Wenchi Yu on TVBS Meeting Room. 
    2023/04/22 16:42
  • Ex-President Ma boasts ’successful’ 12-day trip to China

    Former Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou arrived in Taiwan on Friday (April 7) after successfully wrapping up his 12-day trip in China. 
    2023/04/08 17:24
  • Ex-President Ma heads to Shanghai to visit Yangshan Port

    Former Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou arrived in Shanghai on Wednesday (April 5) as he heads to the Yangshan Port, one of the last travel destinations on his 12-day-long China journey.
    2023/04/05 18:38
  • Ex-President Ma Ying-jeou visits Xinhai Revolution Museum

    Former Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou visited the Xinhai Revolution Museum in Wuhan City on Thursday (March 30).
    2023/03/30 20:20
  • Taiwan ex-President Ma Ying-jeou faces protests at airport

    Taiwan’s former President Ma Ying-jeou faced protests from pro-independence groups on Monday (March 27) as he arrived at Taoyuan International Airport to catch a flight for his 12-day trip to China.
    2023/03/28 17:14
  • 日本人氣男星佐藤健 出演寶可夢集換式卡牌遊戲宣傳影片! 開啟全新冒險之門,和帕底亞地區的寶可夢們進行全新的邂逅

    2023/02/13 10:12
  • Ex-VP Chen Chien-jen becomes Taiwan’s premier

    Taiwan’s former Vice President, Chen Chien-jen, was inaugurated as the country’s new premier at the Presidential Office on Tuesday (Jan. 31). 
    2023/01/31 17:15
  • Ex-flight attendant joins Taiwan Power’s Skills Competition

    More than 1,200 people competed at the Taiwan Power Corporation 55th Skills Competition in Kaohsiung on Wednesday (Jan. 11), including a former EVA air flight attendant. 
    2023/01/12 18:11
  • 百貨新櫃AIGNER設台北首店 EX NIHILO台北版香氛1瓶1萬1

    百貨新店齊發!德國時尚精品AIGNER,台北首家專門店在SOGO復興館開幕,同步推出2022秋冬新系列「Progress - 超越」;另外,巴黎前衛香氛品牌EX NIHILO則開設全亞洲首間旗艦店,落腳在微風信義百貨,更推出EX NIHILO台北限定版「迷走緋花淡香精」。
    2022/08/28 14:59
  • 小賈斯汀看車感動爆哭! 全球唯一客製勞斯萊斯費時3年打造

    通常藝人或者歌手只要具備一定知名度,吸金能力絕對超越一般人想像,更別說是全球知名的影星或者是歌手,財力甚至有機會富可敵國。來自加拿大的歌手小賈斯汀(Justin Bieber),起先於2008年在Youtube上發表翻唱歌曲後被星探發掘。在2010年時發布首支單曲Baby後隨即在全球爆紅,讓他成功賺進大把鈔票。
    2021/10/18 17:54
  • 小改Stinger維持預售價漲幅3萬起跳 148.9萬元起正式開賣

    由BMW M性能子品牌前資深副總裁操刀的Stinger,可以說是Kia產品線中「B味」最濃厚的一款。6月中旬,Kia總代理臺灣森納美起亞宣告正式啟動小改款Stinger預售接單,同樣維持2.0 EX、2.0 GT Line以及3.3 GT AWD等3款車型,並開出148.9萬元、178.9萬元與229.9萬元預售價,當時預告7月中旬就會正式上市。如今,臺灣森那美起亞正式宣佈小改款Stinger上市開賣,建議售價與預售價相同,皆為148.9萬元起,與小改款前相比,兩款2.0升動力車型皆漲價3萬元,3.3 GT AWD車型則是調漲4萬元。
    2021/07/15 18:42
  • 韓風四門跑車Stinger改款預售啟動 148.9萬起接單價小漲3至4萬

    由BMW M品牌前資深副總裁與Kia設計團隊聯手打造的Stinger,目前以四門跑車之姿,擔任Kia在臺灣產品線的旗艦角色。隨著韓國原廠於2020年下半年發表小改款更新之後,Kia總代理台灣森那美起亞也正式宣告啟動小改款Stinger預售接單。同樣維持2.0 EX、2.0 GT Line與3.3 GT AWD等3款車型,分別開出148.9萬元、178.9萬元與229.9萬元預售價格,與改款前相比,2.0動力車型有3萬元漲幅,3.3 GT則是漲價4萬元之多,預計7月中旬正式上市開賣。
    2021/06/17 11:32
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