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    discovery 結果共560筆

  • 行動支付會員數破千萬!全聯推夏季福袋 送2台百萬名車

    超市全聯宣布行動支付PX Pay會員破1000萬,全支付會員數也快到500萬,為了讓更多PX Pay會員能升級到全支付,全聯也推出多款優惠活動,7月1日起除了全聯之外,在30萬家店外消費,最高可享全支付點數4.5%回饋,6月28日起更首度開賣夏日福袋,祭出2台市價破200萬的「DISCOVERY SPORT多功能運動休旅車」,只要花666元就能抽,這次代言也找來唱跳團體Energy擔任代言人,希望能吸引更多粉絲加入會員。 ​
  • 新好男孩尼克醜聞揭秘!性侵未成年 「弟弟支持受害者」導致反目

    「新好男孩」成員尼克卡特與他的親弟弟亞倫卡特被譽為「世紀末最後美少年」,2人紅遍全球,近年卻因負面消息頻頻登上媒體版面,Discovery 頻道推出最新紀錄片《殞落之星:尼克與亞倫卡特》,紀錄這對兄弟撲朔迷離的手足關義,更揭開成名背後不為人知的陰暗面。
    2024/05/24 11:47
  • 百白遭爆「常擺前輩姿態」與大鶴鬧翻 老闆陳柏霖親曝真相

    男星陳柏霖今(19)日帶著愛犬Afuri出席2024 Discovery 世界地球日活動,因日前公司旗下女星百白遭爆「常擺前輩姿態」,甚至與好友學弟大鶴撕破臉,陳柏霖受訪時被問到該問題時,先是大笑直說:「那個沒事啦!」隨後大方的表示:「到時候電影《鬼才之道》宣傳的時候你們可以自己問她呀!那真的是個誤會!」
    2024/04/19 16:14
  • 被逼用「X交姿勢」唸劇本! 紀錄片踢爆兒童頻道變態真相

    MeToo事件無國界!Discovery頻道最新紀錄片 《沉默片場:童星的黑暗面 》訪問上百名當事人,試圖拼湊知名電視製作人丹施耐德任職尼克兒童頻道期間,製造惡劣工作環境、編寫性暗示兒童劇等恐怖真相,其中一名男演員更在第三集中公開自己被「對白教練」性侵的不堪往事,而那年他才15歲,揭開娛樂圈不為人知的職場文化。
    2024/04/18 12:20
  • Fitness YouTuber Peeta caught up in drug scandal

    Taiwanese fitness YouTuber PEETA葛格’s office drawer in Taipei was found to contain marijuana during a police search. Despite denying possession, the case was transferred to the judiciary for further action.
    2024/03/15 16:24
  • Premier Chen urges action on food safety before LNY

    Premier Chen Chien-jen calls for central and local governments to ensure food safety in response to the discovery of Cimbuterol, or "lean meat powder," in TaiSugar pork. This issue is particularly important as the Lunar New Year holiday approaches. Chen expresses gratitude to the Taichung City Government for re-testing the pork sample and hopes for swift publication of the scientific verification results. The Health Bureau of Taichung City Government previously announced that the level of Cimbuterol in the sampled TaiSugar pork exceeded the limit. Deputy Minister of Health and Welfare Victor Wang urges caution in handling the case, while Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen emphasizes the top priority of ensuring food safety and advocates for rigorous and swift measures.
    2024/02/07 12:02
  • Japanese scientist discovers new cockroach species in Taiwan

    Discover the fascinating story of Shizuma Yanagisawa, a Japanese entomologist who has found two new species of cockroaches in Taiwan and Malaysia. Learn about the "Periplaneta gigantea," or the "Taiwan Giant Cockroach," which is unexpectedly large, measuring up to 54.5 millimeters in length. Explore how Yanagisawa identified this new species through careful observation of its unique characteristics. Find out how this Taiwanese variant differs from common foreign species and its distribution across Taiwan’s mountain regions. Don’t miss the opportunity to see this new species on display at the Ryuyo Insect Nature Observation Park in Iwata, contributing to our understanding of the diverse cockroach genus.
    2024/01/25 15:11
  • 4男5女困海上「求生21天」超折磨 驚悚畫面參賽者痛哭

    2024/01/11 16:48
  • 「Missile」衛星、飛彈? 網傳英文差別和科普

    2024/01/10 12:35
  • 陸射衛星警報大響 Discovery頻道專業科普「太空垃圾」

    台灣今(9)日下午3時4分發布國家級防空警報,中共發射衛星經過我國本島南部。然而不論是「missile」,或是距離選舉時機敏感,都引發討論。除了有些業者趁亂「發射優惠」外,Discovery(探索)頻道粉專今天倒是仍保持正經的風格解釋,在衛星發射時太空碎片(space debris,亦是space junk,太空垃圾)可能產生的情況。
    2024/01/09 23:08
  • 華納兄弟驚傳買下派拉蒙?! 執行長會談數小時商討合併交易

    華納兄弟探索公司(Warner Bros Discovery)執行長札斯拉夫近日與派拉蒙全球(Paramount Global)執行長巴基什會面,在商議可能的合併交易,據了解兩人談了數小時,但洽談只是初步的,不一定會達成協議。若真的成功,將會整合電影和電視製作公司,HBO、CBS等付費電視和無線電視台。
    2023/12/21 12:51
  • Actor Greg Hsu’s cameo in Jay Chou MV wows fans

    Taipei actor Greg Hsu’s appearance in a music video by Mandopop legend Jay Chou at the age of 13 has shocked fans online. In a throwback clip from Chou’s "Class 3-2" music video, a young Hsu can be seen playing table tennis while wearing black-rimmed glasses. Despite his rounder face, his distinctive features are already evident. The discovery of this footage has sparked surprise and admiration for Hsu’s transformation from a young table tennis player to a heartthrob. Now 32 years old, Hsu gained fame through his breakout role in the Taiwanese drama "Someday or One Day" and has become immensely popular across Asia, particularly in China and South Korea. Hsu has revealed that he took up sports, including table tennis, to manage his childhood asthma. His talent in the sport earned him a spot on the elementary school team and eventually led to his cameo in Chou’s music video. "Someday or One Day," which co-stars Alice Ko, is considered a landmark Taiwanese television series and has garnered such acclaim that South Korea produced its own remake titled "A Time Called You."
    2023/12/18 21:18
  • Elderly man’s lost backpack with NT$1M found by clerk

    A 70-year-old man named Liu reported his backpack lost after a trip to Nantou, Taiwan. The backpack contained nearly NT$1 million in various currencies, as Liu was preparing for a business trip to Japan. Fortunately, a convenience store clerk found the backpack and, after no claimant came forward, discovered the significant amount of money inside, including Japanese Yen, U.S. dollars, and Chinese Yuan. The First Precinct Taichung City Police Department, who was already assisting Liu in locating his lost item, was alerted about the discovery. Deputy Head Hsiung Tien-hsin confirmed that the recovered property belonged to Liu and contained all the foreign currencies he needed for his upcoming business trip to Japan.
    2023/12/11 20:47
  • Ko’s spouse clarifies sudden bank deposit hike

    Chen Pei-chi, spouse of Ko Wen-je, presidential candidate from the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), explained in a Facebook post that the increase in their bank deposits was due to receiving NT$4.22 million from a public service pension after Ko’s term as Mayor of Taipei ended. This clarification came after concerns were raised regarding the rise in Ko’s bank deposits, as disclosed by the Central Election Commission (CEC). Chen, who has been responsible for Ko’s financial declarations for years, praised the user-friendliness of the Control Yuan’s property declaration system but noted that the process for fulfilling the CEC’s requirements was incompatible with the Control Yuan’s document handling. Chen meticulously calculated the savings and net value of funds, including residual payment insurance policies. The couple had paid approximately NT$700,000 in insurance premiums that year but did not explicitly list it in the commission’s financial report form due to a lack of specific fields. Chen expressed surprise at the deposit increase, considering Ko’s retirement and lack of salary income as chairman of the TPP. The family relied on Chen’s hospital income, and the discovery of the NT$4.22 million pension deposit was unexpected.
    2023/12/07 10:00
  • 傳揚台灣好滋味 Discovery邀請四大名店名廚分享

    2023/12/03 11:23
  • 「打散人流」創出新空間! 桃園機場打造智慧航廈迎爆炸人潮

    2023/11/11 18:16
  • 郵輪穿越暴風雨遇「9米高大浪」百人傷 遊客嚇壞急寫遺書

    英國郵輪公司「Saga Cruises」營運的探索精神號(Spirit of Discovery),近日橫越北大西洋的比斯開灣時遭遇風暴。9公尺大浪撞擊窗戶,導致自動安全系統啟動,郵輪突然急轉彎,釀約百人受傷。餘悸猶存的乘客透露,當時船艙各處傳來尖叫聲,許多人都以為會沒命,急忙用手機留下「最後訊息」
    2023/11/08 17:25
  • Taiwan popular science train sets out to inspire students

    The Taiwan Popular Science Train, now in its eighth year, has embarked on a journey across the island nation, bringing the excitement of scientific discovery to students. Premier Chen Chien-jen praised Taiwan’s digital economic growth and technological advancements, urging students to pursue careers in science. Minister Without Portfolio Wu Tsung-tsong and Digital Minister Audrey Tang also attended the kickoff ceremony. The train will visit both urban and remote areas, with stops including Taipei, Pingtung County, Hualien, Taitung, and Keelung. Approximately 240 elementary students are expected to participate in the event, which will feature over 330 experiments in fields such as zero carbon emissions, cyber security, artificial intelligence, and quantum and basic sciences.
    2023/10/30 16:59
  • Children’s Amusement Park hosts Halloween costume party

    Join the Halloween costume party at Taipei Children’s Amusement Park this weekend (Oct. 28 and Oct. 29). Incorporate Halloween elements into your outfit and enter the park for free. Despite the weather, people of all ages dressed up as Mario, pirates, ninjas, Eevee from Pokémon, and Elsa, among others. The park extended its operating hours and featured a bonus fireworks display in the evening. Leofoo Village, Lihpao Discovery Land, and Janfusun Fancyworld also offered ticket discounts to those in costume.
    2023/10/28 16:39
  • 葡萄酒畫龍點睛 義式「甜酥捲」美國飄香

    2023/10/28 10:50
  • 顛覆美國零食幻想!奶奶胡蘿蔔蛋糕變餅乾

    2023/10/21 12:29
  • 令人皺眉獨特怪味! 雷根糖逾百款衝擊味蕾

    2023/10/14 12:31
  • 高糖分美國早餐! 漩渦狀「法式甜甜圈」多層口感

    2023/10/07 10:15
  • Typhoon Koinu’s wrath reveals tombstone amid fallen tree

    Typhoon Koinu unearths a mysterious gravestone in Taiwan as it uproots a large tree in Lukang Township, Changhua County. Cleanup efforts and investigations are underway. Stay updated on this unique incident.
    2023/10/05 20:39
  • 美點不可或缺食材!「乳酪」蛋糕、洋芋片令口水狂流

    2023/09/30 11:35
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