
Premier Chen urges action on food safety before LNY

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/02/07 12:02
Last update time:2024/02/07 12:02
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Chen urges action on food safety scare (Courtesy of the Executive Yuan) Premier Chen urges action on food safety before LNY
Chen urges action on food safety scare (Courtesy of the Executive Yuan)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Premier Chen Chien-jen on Wednesday (Feb. 7) called for both central and local governments to ensure food safety, responding to the discovery of Cimbuterol, commonly known as "lean meat powder," in pork sold by TaiSugar.

Chen stressed this issue is of particular interest as the Lunar New Year holiday period approaches.


Chen expressed gratitude to the Taichung City Government for sending the pork sample to the Food and Drug Administration for re-testing under central government assistance.

He pinned his hopes on scientific verification and called for the results to be published sooner.

Last week, the Health Bureau of Taichung City Government announced that the level of Cimbuterol in the sampled TaiSugar pork exceeded the limit.

However, Deputy Minister of Health and Welfare Victor Wang urged the Taichung City Government to handle the case prudently and refrain from hasty publication.

In response, Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen stated that ensuring food safety is the topmost priority, indicating that rigorous and swift measures are preferred over lax and slow reactions.

Taiwan Affairs

#food safety# Premier Chen Chien-jen# Cimbuterol# lean meat powder# pork# TaiSugar# Lunar New Year# central and local government food safety# Cimbuterol discovery in TaiSugar pork# scientific verification of pork safety
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