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    beer 結果共29筆

  • Tainan’s state banquet gifts showcase local pride

    Discover the essence of Tainan’s hospitality and creativity through state banquet gifts unveiled by the Tainan City Government and sponsored by Kang Yin-shou. These gifts, including local specialties and award-winning products, perfectly encapsulate the city’s rich culture and innovative spirit.
    2024/05/08 17:50
  • Breweries in Taiwan embrace sustainability by reusing waste

    Explore how Taiwanese breweries are innovating by turning spent grain, a byproduct of beer production, into valuable, eco-friendly resources, pushing the industry towards greater sustainability.
    2024/04/30 18:02
  • T1 League discusses potential merger with PLG

    Rosa Chien, president of the T1 League, discusses the challenging yet optimistic prospect of merging with the PLG, highlighting ongoing collaborations but acknowledging the complexities and potential delays in the process. As the T1 League progresses into its third season with playoffs approaching, the idea of expansion and integration with the PLG remains a significant yet intricate project.
    2024/04/30 18:01
  • ’Made in Taiwan’ Heineken beer to hit global markets

    Vice President Lai Ching-te, along with officials and Heineken Taiwan’s Managing Director Wu Chien-fu, launched a NT$13.5 billion investment in Pingtung for a net-zero carbon beer factory aimed at the East Asian market, marking Heineken’s deep-rooted expansion in Taiwan.
    2024/04/26 21:55
  • DeMarcus Cousins seals deal for Taiwanese basketball return

    Taipei Beer Leopards renew terms with DeMarcus Cousins, set to return to Taiwan in mid-April. Cousins aims for postseason success and overall championship with Leopards teammates. Fans’ fervent support valued by Cousins. Leopards to face Taipei Mars and Kaohsiung Auas with Cousins as reinforcement. Cousins earned fans’ love during previous stay in Taiwan.
    2024/03/18 12:01
  • 學校也釀酒!輔大首創精釀啤酒品牌 結合農產創新口味熱銷

    校園裡也可以釀酒嗎?輔仁大學民生學院就有自己的啤酒品牌「Father’s Beer神父啤酒」,因為是天主教大學,所以取名神父啤酒,而且不要小看它,神父啤酒在2020年9月推出時,首批只釀500箱,兩周內就賣光光,被號稱是「買不到的啤酒」。
    2024/02/11 12:59
  • Former NBA star DeMarcus Cousins set for T1 League debut

    Former NBA star DeMarcus Cousins receives a warm reception from eager fans as he arrives at Taiwan Taoyuan Airport. He is set to join the Taiwan Beer Leopards of the T1 League and will participate in team training and a press conference at the Sheraton Taoyuan Hotel. Cousins will make his debut on Jan. 20 against the Tainan TSG GhostHawks, wearing jersey number 15. He is scheduled to play four matches this month, including a rematch against the GhostHawks on Jan. 28. The Taiwan Beer Leopards announced Cousins’ official joining on Dec. 18, and fans have high hopes for his addition to the team.
    2024/01/19 15:47
  • 作家截稿日崩潰「創作焦慮」 性感女房客意外闖入心亂如麻

    由柏林影后寶拉貝爾(Paula Beer)主演的新作《野火蔓延時》,這是她與德國名導克里斯汀佩佐(Christian Petzold)繼2020年電影《水漾的女人》暌違三年後再度交出「元素精靈」三部曲的第二部作品。片中寶拉貝爾飾演意外闖入的女房客娜嘉,讓同間屋子內曾有輝煌成就,卻苦無新作的作家心亂如麻。
    2024/01/09 14:59
  • DeMarcus Cousins officially joins Taiwan Beer Leopards

    Former NBA star DeMarcus Cousins has officially joined the Taiwan Beer Leopards, with a debut scheduled at Taoyuan Arena in January. The addition of Cousins, an NBA All-Star and U.S. gold medalist, brings excitement and anticipation to Taiwan’s basketball community.
    2023/12/18 19:36
  • Taiwan basketball ups ante, eyes more NBA talent

    Former NBA star DeMarcus Cousins has signed a one-month contract with the Taiwan Beer Leopards, according to the club’s CEO Johnny Chang. This signing marks a significant boost to Taiwanese basketball, and the team is open to adding more NBA talents in the future. Cousins, known for his versatility as a center and his gold medal with Team USA, is set to arrive in Taiwan in mid-January and will make his debut in home games at the Taoyuan Arena on January 20, 21, 27, and 28. While the details of Cousins’ salary remain undisclosed, Chang hinted that it would be similar to the structure of NBA short-term contracts. Addressing concerns about Cousins’ temperament, Chang emphasized that his intensity on the court reflects his respect for professional basketball and will bring a passionate atmosphere to the games. Chang also expressed surprise at Cousins’ professionalism during the negotiation process.
    2023/12/18 18:39
  • Taiwan Beer Leopards eyeing former NBA star DeMarcus Cousins

    The Taiwan Beer Leopards are reportedly in talks to sign former NBA star center DeMarcus Cousins, enhancing their lineup and demonstrating Taiwan’s basketball league’s commitment to attracting international talent.
    2023/12/15 17:44
  • DPP’s Wang Shih-chien shrugs off vote-buying claims

    Amidst escalating tensions regarding allegations of vote-buying in Taiwan’s political arena, Wang Shih-Chien, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislative candidate for Taipei City, dismissed the accusations against him as "boring" on Thursday (Dec. 7) without providing further details. The allegations surfaced when his opponent, Kuomintang (KMT) candidate Yu Shu-hui, shared a Facebook post revealing beer boxes featuring images of DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te and Wang at a local banquet. This incident adds to a series of controversial campaign tactics in Taipei, including KMT candidate Hsu Chiao-hsin’s alleged distribution of noodles as a form of vote-buying. Hsu criticized the DPP for distributing lunch boxes and beer with Lai’s campaign slogans, suggesting a double standard. In response, Wang presented photos demonstrating that Yu had also distributed campaign items such as small bags, dishwashing liquid, and snacks. This exchange underscores the ongoing debate over what constitutes inappropriate campaign gifts, as both major parties scrutinize each other’s activities leading up to the elections.
    2023/12/07 19:51
  • Australian firefighters apologize for drinking on Taipei MRT

    Australian firefighters visiting Taiwan apologize for drinking beer on Taipei’s Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), as captured by local netizens. They publicly displayed their fine receipt, confirming payment of penalties for their actions. According to Taiwan’s Mass Rapid Transit Act, passengers caught eating or drinking in forbidden zones within the MRT system can be fined from NT$1,500 to NT$7,500. The firefighters were in Taiwan to promote disaster prevention concepts and international camaraderie, engaging in activities such as a calendar photo-shoot, exchanging ideas with Taiwanese firefighters, and trying local specialties like stinky tofu.
    2023/11/13 11:33
  • 無酒精啤酒或藏大腸桿菌 酒精含量、存放溫度是殺菌關鍵

    隨著健康意識抬頭,越來越多消費者轉而飲用無酒精啤酒(non-alcoholic beer),不過最新研究表明,飲料中酒精含量和儲存溫度是影響細菌滋生的最重要因素,無酒精啤酒缺乏酒精的消毒特性和正常釀造的殺菌過程,藏有的大腸桿菌(E. coli)和沙門氏菌(salmonella)量竟比傳統啤酒更多。
    2023/11/02 16:53
  • 56歲男「愛喝1飲品」頭暈站不穩 送醫一查嚴重了

    連假不少人會和朋友團聚喝酒助興,近日,台中就有名56歲的王先生,在中秋和國慶連假期間狂喝啤酒,天天都喝10罐以上,導致步態不穩、頭暈,緊急送醫,診斷後確定為「啤酒性低血鈉症」(beer potomania),醫師警告王先生一定要戒酒,免得有生命危險。
    2023/10/12 21:31
  • 駐義大利代表處攜手Taiwan Beer 歡度112年國慶

    2023/10/05 16:35
  • Cost pressures lead to adjusted prices for Taiwan Beer

    Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Corporation (TTL) raises prices for Taiwan Beer and cigarettes due to escalating expenses. Retail prices for Taiwan Beer products increase by NT$5 per can/bottle. Cigarette prices surge by NT$5 to NT$10 per pack. Get insights into this pricing adjustment.
    2023/08/11 19:40
  • 啤酒訂閱制!月付399元 三種酒精飲料不限時段喝到飽

    天氣炎熱吃飯來杯冰的生啤酒,相當消暑,不少業者也趁機推出優惠活動,像是日系品牌「Beer King」就推出啤酒訂閱制活動,月付399可以暢飲三種酒精飲品;另外還有台灣啤酒與DEAR JOHN COFFEE合作,推出「咖啡啤酒」,7/25日前購買有3件79折優惠。
    2023/07/16 11:35
  • Taiwan’s beer industry resilient facing China’s import ban

    The shelves of Taiwan’s supermarkets are increasingly filled with Chinese-made beers, highlighting a stark disparity in the trade relationship between the beer industry on the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. As Taiwanese breweries face repeated bans on selling their products in China, they are now trying to establish alternative business partnerships.
    2023/06/09 18:26
  • 酒控注意!路邊快閃啤酒加油站 不定時出現、生啤免費喝

    愛喝酒的民眾!11月中開始可以隨時在全台街頭,注意這台「Beer Station人生加油站 」,由啤酒新興潮牌「啤酒肚釀製」全新打造,開放民眾免費體驗生啤酒,而每個快閃地點將於現身的前12小時於官網及官方Instagram公告。另外,全球單一麥芽威士忌品牌麥卡倫特別推出《麥卡倫春宴系列 – 蘇格蘭新年 A Night On Earth In Scotland 2022年限定版 43%》在歲末為新春贈禮賦予意義。
    2022/11/21 10:17
  • 88節喝起來!憑身分證數字「8」 免費換8瓶罐裝調酒

    天氣熱想來罐冰啤酒消暑,加上父親節前夕假日,慶祝更是不可或缺。台灣三得利旗下日本銷售冠軍罐裝調酒品牌「-196°C 強冽」在歡慶父親節的周末,想號召地方愛爸族邀請爸爸一同舉杯小酌,現場憑身分證數字「8」即可免費獲得8瓶強冽。
    2022/08/06 16:39
  • 參訪立法院 歐洲議會副議長:加強歐盟與台灣關係

    來台訪問的歐洲議會副議長畢爾(Nicola Beer)今天參訪立法院時呼籲加強歐盟與台灣關係。她也邀請立法院副院長蔡其昌及所有立委擇期訪問布魯塞爾,與歐洲議會交流。
    2022/07/20 16:30
  • 阿姆斯特丹市民頭痛 自行車酒吧遭禁

    2017/11/01 12:07
  • 伊比利豬夯!五星飯店推最高級的豬肉饗宴

    2016/05/21 23:18
  • 花花、Melody 品味德國經典純釀啤酒

    Bear Beer德國熊啤酒,擁有超過130年歷史的知名德國啤酒廠-HARBOE旗下品牌之一,舉辦「德國熊輕蜜啤酒新品上市記者會」,並邀請到最佳閨密典範,凱渥名模花花與時尚媽咪Melody,一同分享閨密生活中的輕鬆蜜方,近距離透露好姊妹私房話,引領現場品味德國經典純釀啤酒,體驗丹麥皇家御用飲品!
    2016/04/20 12:29
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