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    Star 結果共304筆

  • 才因小耳症手術重建外耳!鮮肉男星戴墨鏡露面 背後原因曝光

    從節目《原子少年》脫穎而出的人氣男團FEniX、VERA今(27)日受邀出席ANYBEARS潮遊樂園擔任OPEN STAR ,現場宣布推出 VERA、FEniX限定、限量聯名T恤,兩組團體都剛出道一年,過年會不會多包紅包給家人,他們坦言仍在努力當中,VERA打趣收入絕對比FEniX更少,因為有6名成員需要分給6個人,而其中VERA團員孟維從小就是小耳症患者,他為了外觀好看,決定在2020年去做外耳重建手術,沒想到現場他還戴著墨鏡,也透露原因。
    2023/12/27 17:26
  • Pop star Nick Chou hospitalized for cold ahead of NYE show

    Taiwanese pop star Nick Chou was hospitalized on December 25 due to a severe cold. Frustrated with his condition, Chou took to social media, urging his fans to stay safe and wear masks. He was scheduled to perform at the New Year’s Eve celebration in Taichung Central Park. Known for his hit "So Handsome We Broke Up," Chou enjoys popularity on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. His illness has caused significant concern among his fans as the end-of-year concerts and commercial performances approach.
    2023/12/26 15:36
  • Tai Tzu-ying named ’top player’ after World Tour Finals win

    Taiwan’s badminton player Tai Tzu-ying, the silver medalist at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, has been recognized as "one of the top players in the world" by Malaysian newspaper "The Star" after winning the World Tour Finals. With victories at the Badminton Asia Championships, 2023 Taipei Open, and the World Tour Finals, the 29-year-old earned a prize of US$200,000 (approximately NT$6.3 million) and 12,000 world ranking points, positioning her well for the Paris Olympics seedings. Tai’s competitors in Paris include China’s Chen Yufei, South Korea’s An Se-young, Japan’s Akane Yamaguchi, and Spain’s Carolina Marin. In an interview with the Badminton World Federation (BWF), Tai emphasized the importance of maintaining her health as she prepares for the Olympics. She also confirmed that the Paris games will be her last, making it her most crucial opportunity to win a gold medal.
    2023/12/25 17:38
  • Discarded CCTV cameras turned into Christmas tree in Tainan

    The Yongxin Police Station in Tainan has gained online attention for constructing a "Surveillance Camera Christmas Tree" using nearly 100 discarded cameras. Deputy Chief Chang Shuo-feng and his colleagues assembled the unique tree in their spare time, using primarily wood and topping it with intersection surveillance cameras to mimic tree branches. The tree serves as a visual statement to discourage potential wrongdoers and car thieves, reflecting the police department’s relentless efforts to detect and counteract criminal activity. Additionally, the Christmas star at the top of the tree is made from a figurine of the police station’s Teddy Bear mascot and a booklet to help citizens recognize scams.
    2023/12/25 13:39
  • King of Mandopop Jay Chou drops surprise Christmas single

    Taiwanese singer Jay Chou surprised fans with the release of his new song, "Christmas Star," during the holiday season. Chou revealed details about the song, including its three-character title and the inclusion of firewood crackling sounds, during a livestream. The music video was shot in a European town setting, featuring scenes inside a gingerbread-like house decorated for Christmas. Chou collaborated with Gary Yang on the song, who not only provided vocals but also appeared in the music video. "Christmas Star" is a unique holiday-themed song in Chou’s extensive repertoire. The song was originally scheduled to be released on Friday Taiwan time but was made available earlier for Taiwanese fans on December 21.
    2023/12/22 17:56
  • 開唱倒數1天!楊丞琳「豪捐219萬」 為甘肅賑災挨轟:又想洗

    39歲女歌手楊丞琳,12月初時於大陸河南展開「LIKE A STAR」世巡演唱會,未料卻突然拋出一句「河南人愛騙人」,踩地雷言論瞬間引起當地人不滿,連相關部門都介入調查。而老公李榮浩日前也貼出為甘肅地震救災證明,標註夫妻共同捐款,再度引發網友砲轟,「又想幫楊丞琳洗!」事實上,楊丞琳也即將在明(23)日前往北京開唱。
    2023/12/22 08:45
  • Taichung’s New Year’s Eve bash to feature Korea’s Jessi

    Join the star-studded New Year’s Eve celebration in Taichung, Taiwan, featuring Korea’s hip-hop queen, Jessi. Golden Bell Awards hosts Ken Lin and Gladys Tsai will ensure a night full of entertainment. Other performers include Namewee, Nick Chou, Crowd Lu, Nine Chen, Kenny Khoo, Gail, Chang Ruo-fan, Cosmos People, and Amazing Show. The event will also feature a 180-second international-level fireworks display. Watch the festivities live on platforms like Taiwan Mobile’s MyVideo.
    2023/12/20 19:22
  • 桃園星際城STAR UP跨年晚會 超強卡司陪你迎新年

    桃園星際城STAR UP跨年晚會 超強卡司陪你迎新年
    2023/12/19 10:23
  • Tai Tzu-ying clinches 4th BWF title, defeats Carolina Marin

    Taiwan’s badminton star, Tai Tzu-ying, secures her fourth BWF World Tour Finals title by triumphing over former world number one, Carolina Marin of Spain. In a thrilling finale, Tai showcases her resilience and talent, overcoming a deficit in a previous match and staging an incredible comeback victory. Despite losing the first set, Tai’s determination remains unwavering, leading to a 21-14 win in the second game. With a final game score of 21-18, Tai emerges as the champion, etching her name in history. This year’s BWF World Tour Finals also featured a record-setting total prize money of approximately NT$79.43 million.
    2023/12/18 20:56
  • DeMarcus Cousins officially joins Taiwan Beer Leopards

    Former NBA star DeMarcus Cousins has officially joined the Taiwan Beer Leopards, with a debut scheduled at Taoyuan Arena in January. The addition of Cousins, an NBA All-Star and U.S. gold medalist, brings excitement and anticipation to Taiwan’s basketball community.
    2023/12/18 19:36
  • Taiwan basketball ups ante, eyes more NBA talent

    Former NBA star DeMarcus Cousins has signed a one-month contract with the Taiwan Beer Leopards, according to the club’s CEO Johnny Chang. This signing marks a significant boost to Taiwanese basketball, and the team is open to adding more NBA talents in the future. Cousins, known for his versatility as a center and his gold medal with Team USA, is set to arrive in Taiwan in mid-January and will make his debut in home games at the Taoyuan Arena on January 20, 21, 27, and 28. While the details of Cousins’ salary remain undisclosed, Chang hinted that it would be similar to the structure of NBA short-term contracts. Addressing concerns about Cousins’ temperament, Chang emphasized that his intensity on the court reflects his respect for professional basketball and will bring a passionate atmosphere to the games. Chang also expressed surprise at Cousins’ professionalism during the negotiation process.
    2023/12/18 18:39
  • Tai reflects on tough year, grateful despite setbacks

    Taiwanese badminton star Tai Tzu-ying reflects on her disappointing performance in the second half of 2023 but expresses gratitude towards her team and fans. Despite her struggles, Tai triumphed at the Badminton World Federation (BWF) World Tour Finals, claiming the women’s singles title. This victory marked her fourth World Tour Finals title and served as a beautiful conclusion to a challenging year. Prior to the year-end event, Tai had only secured two titles out of the 18 matches she played in 2023. Concerns about her form were raised, but her win on Sunday dispelled any doubts. Tai also mentions the challenges she faced leading up to the championship, including injury and limited training.
    2023/12/18 10:55
  • Taiwan Beer Leopards eyeing former NBA star DeMarcus Cousins

    The Taiwan Beer Leopards are reportedly in talks to sign former NBA star center DeMarcus Cousins, enhancing their lineup and demonstrating Taiwan’s basketball league’s commitment to attracting international talent.
    2023/12/15 17:44
  • 楊丞琳失言不藏了!首現身機場「只剩疲態」 低頭疾走躲鏡頭

    台灣藝人楊丞琳近年忙於事業兩岸跑,曾數次在大陸因失言風波慘遭炎上,想不到她最近舉辦「LIKE A STAR」巡演來到河南鄭州站,在台上講出「河南人愛騙人」的玩笑話,再度惹出爭議,大陸當局更介入展開調查。楊丞琳自風波後神隱,昨(13)晚遭媒體直擊現身機場,整身包好包滿,幾乎將臉蛋遮住,也少了以往的熱情,悶不吭聲快速離去。
    2023/12/14 10:06
  • 桃園跨年「演出全名單」公布!韓團壓軸倒數 13組輪番開唱

    「2024桃園星際城STAR UP」將於12月31日晚間7點在高鐵桃園站前廣場盛大開唱,跨年晚會由第3次主持的宇珊及歌手陳大天接下主持棒,今(13)日舉辦記者會,演出全名單正式公開,更宣布超人氣韓團「N.Flying」雙主唱李承協、柳會勝即將壓軸陪伴倒數,在燦爛煙火中與桃園一起迎接嶄新2024。此外,今日記者會還邀請到創作女團「Boom!怪物星人」獻唱新歌〈你會在〉,以及全能偶像黃偉晉獻唱〈唱歌的時候就變了一個人〉,為桃園跨年晚會預熱。
    2023/12/13 20:05
  • Tainan’s Garden Night Market earns five-star recognition

    Tainan’s Garden Night Market has been recognized as the only five-star night market in southern Taiwan, according to the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Tainan Mayor Huang Wei-che praised the city’s street food, which has contributed to its reputation as a food capital and attracted admiration from consumers both domestically and internationally. With the support of the Tainan City Government Economic Development Bureau and the efforts of market vendors, Tainan has received the highest rating of 1465 stars in the MOEA ratings, surpassing all other cities in Taiwan. The Flowers Night Market in Tainan’s north district is one of only two new entries in the prestigious five-star market category across the island. The Economic Development Bureau mentioned that the record number of five-star awards this year indicates the effectiveness of the incentive system in motivating markets and vendors. In anticipation of Tainan’s 400th anniversary, the local Bureau plans to expand the awards to include four-star markets and notable vendors next year, inviting entrepreneurs to join in celebrating the city’s rich history.
    2023/12/12 18:45
  • 楊丞琳失言出事了!大陸官方蒐證調查 演唱會主辦方認遭約談

    楊丞琳日前在大陸河南鄭州舉辦「LIKE A STAR」巡迴演唱會,因脫口「河南人愛騙人」等玩笑話,雖然她在微博發文道歉,仍慘遭大陸網友出征,不過大陸官方已著手展開調查,今(12)日更爆出演唱會的主辦單位已遭約談。
    2023/12/12 16:51
  • 楊丞琳遭出征!得罪1億河南人「李榮浩也封口」 恐賠鉅額罰金

    楊丞琳9日在大陸河南鄭州舉辦「LIKE A STAR」巡迴演唱會,因說出「河南人愛騙人」等玩笑話,竟慘遭當地人出征檢舉,失言風暴也掃到正忙著巡演的歌手老公李榮浩,「楊丞琳憑一己之力把9872萬河南人得罪了」、「不能接受她抹黑我們河南人」,大陸律師更指出,楊丞琳恐因此遭判巨額罰款。
    2023/12/12 11:01
  • Indian badminton star hails Tai Tzu-ying as role model

    Indian badminton prodigy Raksha Kandasamy, winner of the Badminton World Federation (BWF) World Junior Championships in Cyprus, expressed her admiration for Taiwan’s most successful badminton player, Tai Tzu-ying. Ranked 9th in the world for junior women’s singles, the 16-year-old sees Tai as a role model. Kandasamy quickly rose to success on the BWF Youth Tournament circuit, winning titles in Cyprus and Bulgaria. Despite her achievements in badminton, Kandasamy is also committed to her academic performance. When asked about her favorite player, Kandasamy praised Tai Tzu-ying for her extraordinary stroke play and deceptive moves.
    2023/12/11 21:16
  • singer star Vivian Hsu ends 9-year marriage with Li Yun-feng

    Taiwanese singer and actress Vivian Hsu and Singaporean businessman Li Yun-feng have announced the end of their nine-year marriage. Despite their best efforts, the couple was unable to resolve their differences and recently signed a divorce agreement. The strain of the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced them into a long-distance relationship, along with personality differences, contributed to their split. Speculation about their marriage began last September, and Hsu hinted at her unhappiness in a recent social media post.
    2023/12/11 20:36
  • 「河南人愛騙人」全場暴怒!楊丞琳衝微博熱搜 踩地雷真相曝光

    39歲女歌手楊丞琳,本月9日於中國大陸河南舉辦「LIKE A STAR」世界巡迴演唱會,未料卻在和歌迷互動時,拋出一句「河南人愛騙人」,瞬間引起當地人不滿、衝上微博熱搜,連相關部分都介入調查。至於楊丞琳踩到地雷的原因,網友直言是刻板印象惹禍,玩笑話稍微不慎即演變成地域歧視。
    2023/12/11 15:30
  • 台鋼啦啦隊總決賽 最強外掛安芝儇憶當年痛哭往事

    「加油!我怎麼比妳們更緊張啊!」台鋼啦啦隊WING STAR「最強外掛」安芝儇今日(9號)向台灣鋼鐵集團WING STARS啦啦隊選拔總決賽的25名參賽者加油喊話,歷經3個月的密集培訓,下午將會脫穎而出第一批台鋼雄鷹啦啦隊WING STAR成員,安芝儇接受鏡週刊專訪,一路看著參賽者有些從完全不會跳舞,到現在終於具備基本職業啦啦隊的才能,非常為她們開心。
    2023/12/09 18:10
  • Taiwanese star Apple Huang reveals wedding and baby joy

    Taiwanese actress Apple Huang announces her marriage and pregnancy news, sharing seven wedding photos on Facebook. She expresses joy and gratitude for the love she and her dentist boyfriend, Carter Jaw, share as they enter the next stage of their lives. The photos feature Apple and her husband holding an ultrasound image, symbolizing the newest addition to their family. Fans shower Apple with congratulations and well-wishes on social media.
    2023/12/07 21:03
  • Jessi, Jay Park dispel split rumors, confirm solid ties

    South Korean rap star Jessi and Jay Park address rumors of a fallout, affirming their strong relationship and urging fans not to worry. Speculation arose that Jessi had terminated her contract with Park’s company, MORE VISION, but the artists clarified that there is no discord between them. Jessi, who previously left P Nation in 2022, joined MORE VISION in April 2023. During a performance in Taiwan, she engaged with her Taiwanese fans, showcasing her connection with the audience. Taking to social media, Jessi expressed gratitude for her fans’ support and emphasized that the gossip has not affected her spirit. This public statement demonstrates their commitment to maintaining a professional relationship and clarifying the situation for their supporters.
    2023/12/07 21:01
  • Taiwan mobile eyes full network integration by 2024 end

    Taiwan Mobile has announced its progress in completing a full network integration with Taiwan Star Telecom by the end of 2024. The company has responded to customer complaints regarding communication link quality and has initiated network integration operations since the merger. The efforts have resulted in enhanced 3G coverage by 40%, particularly in remote areas, and improvements in signal strength and internet speeds for former Taiwan Star Telecom customers. The expansion in the 2100MHz band has increased available bandwidth for 4G by 10%, benefiting both 4G and 5G users. Original Taiwan Star Telecom customers will enjoy higher-quality 5G mobile communication services without the need to swap SIM cards.
    2023/12/07 20:41
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