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    Star 結果共296筆

  • 郭雪芙砸百萬英國遊學!突返台美成這樣 開工倒數驚喊2字後悔了

    2024/04/18 17:26
  • Daan dominates Taipei’s top 4 school districts

    Housing prices near 36 "star" schools in Taipei analyzed, with the highest average at NT$1.226 million per ping near Jin-Hua Elementary in Da’an District due to location and school prestige. Beitou District has lower prices, around NT$500,000 to NT$700,000.
    2024/04/15 15:37
  • 《百戰大勝利》魔王近況曝光!淡出演藝圈罕露面 豪砸500萬報喜

    經典綜藝節目《百戰大勝利》中的「魔王」許家豪,與「南拳媽媽」成員張傑砸下500萬,將於5月5日在壹電視攝影棚舉辦「Muscle Star 健美之星」。許家豪曾在亞洲、東亞、世界運動會的健美比賽中奪下銀牌、金牌和銅牌,他與從歌手轉戰健美的張傑都熱愛健身,因此譜出了籌畫比賽的想法,籌備近一年,從舞台、燈光、音響等設備都是演唱會規格,要讓選手在賽程中,也可欣賞多位知名歌手帶來的演唱。
    2024/04/01 18:46
  • Taiwanese star Greg Hsu shares joy at film debut in Japan

    Taiwanese actor Greg Hsu promotes "18×2 Beyond Youthful Days" in Japan, a Taiwanese-Japanese co-production that has captivated audiences in Taiwan. Hsu, alongside director Michihito Fujii and co-star Kaya Kiyohara, expressed his joy and anticipation during a press conference, highlighting the film’s themes of youth and friendship. Hsu’s chemistry with co-star Shunsuke Michieda is praised, with the actor inviting Michieda to visit Taiwan post-premiere. The film is currently screening in Taiwan and is scheduled for release in Japan in May.
    2024/03/28 17:54
  • Taiwanese badminton star Lee Yang announces retirement

    Taiwanese badminton player Lee Yang, known for his successful partnership with Wang Chi-lin, announces retirement at Wu Wen-Ta Memorial Badminton Championships. Lee aims for gold at Paris Olympics after Tokyo success. Post-retirement plans include teaching or coaching.
    2024/03/27 12:07
  • 20歲剛出道就與劉德華合作!李英愛將再演大長今

    韓國天后53歲的李英愛,在剛舉行完的「第17屆亞洲電影大獎」頒獎禮中,獲大會頒發卓越亞洲電影人大獎,表揚她對影視圈的貢獻。她現身《娛樂新聞報道》中《Star Talk》環節,接受主持王鎮泉訪問。
    2024/03/19 09:48
  • 李易不要看!六月路上「緊牽小鮮肉」被拍 不科學辣腿全看光

    2024/03/16 11:53
  • 敲碗8年!《信號》第二季確定開拍 原班人馬回歸機會曝

    人生神劇《信號》第二季真的要來了!《信號》編劇金銀姬13日公布第二季劇本將完成,很快就要進行到拍攝的環節,令喜歡這部劇的觀眾朋友興奮不已!《信號》當時開播後收視率居高不下,並奪下當年度多項大獎,包含第52屆百想藝術大賞、第5屆APAN Star Awards、第9屆韓國電視劇節等都榜上有名,期待此次第二季再創奇蹟。
    2024/03/15 22:12
  • Jackie Chan’s new look shocks fans ahead of 70th birthday

    Internationally acclaimed action star Jackie Chan’s shocking appearance as he approaches his 70th birthday has fans abuzz. Recent photos reveal Chan sporting white hair and visible signs of aging, sparking speculation about his upcoming role in the film ’Mo Sheng Jia Ting’ (陌生家庭), where he portrays a man with Alzheimer’s. Despite his aging appearance, Chan’s professionalism and vibrant spirit remain intact as he continues his illustrious career spanning over six decades.
    2024/03/14 16:22
  • KKTIX refutes claims of unfair IU concert ticket sales

    KKTIX denies rumors of ticket reservation for IU’s concert in Taiwan. IU’s "2024 IU H.E.R. WORLD TOUR CONCERT" in Taipei sees rapid ticket sales, sparking fan anger. Over 95% of tickets were for public sale, with 20,000 tickets sold out in a minute for each of her two shows. The real-name system was implemented to ensure consumer rights, with failed orders put back on sale.
    2024/03/07 11:33
  • IU’s concert tickets vanish in seconds amid huge demand

    IU’s upcoming concert in Taipei sold out in under a minute, with an estimated 700,000 fans vying for the 20,000 available tickets. The extreme demand crashed the ticketing platform KKTIX, prompting a ticket clearance event for disappointed fans. The "2024 IU H.E.R. WORLD TOUR CONCERT" marks IU’s return to Taipei after a four-year hiatus, with performances scheduled for April 6 and 7 at the Taipei Arena. The concert will use real-name ticketing to combat scalping, and any returned tickets will be released at an unspecified time.
    2024/03/06 18:20
  • Yao Ming towers over others at 14th Nat’l People’s Congress

    At the opening ceremony of China’s National People’s Congress, former basketball star Yao Ming towered over other attendees, bringing a unique highlight to the event. Discover how Yao’s towering presence and his journey from the basketball court to the political arena captivated everyone’s attention.
    2024/03/06 17:18
  • K-pop star Karina apologizes amid dating news uproar

    South Korean girl band aespa’s leader, Karina, faces backlash over her public apology for dating actor Lee Jae-wook. Fans’ reactions vary from support to protests, with some calling for Karina to end the relationship to protect her career. Despite the controversy, many fans continue to stand by Karina.
    2024/03/06 15:00
  • 4女星開泳池趴!「性感比基尼豐滿炸出」嗨坐肩上 照片全曝光

    女星張文綺參加歌唱選秀節目出道,在《明日之星Super Star》憑藉動人嗓音、深厚唱功,獲選為人氣歌手,隨後發行單曲,開啟演藝生涯,近幾年跨足主持圈,擔任《天才衝衝衝》助理主持人,幽默風趣、自然率真的個性深獲觀眾喜愛,知名度逐漸攀升,工作之餘也不忘與圈內好姐妹們出國放鬆,同時曬出火辣泳池照,讓粉絲們一飽眼福。
    2024/03/06 08:29
  • K-pop icon IU kicks off H.E.R world tour to raving fans

    South Korean superstar IU kicks off her world tour, H.E.R, in Seoul with boyfriend Lee Jong-suk in attendance. The opening night draws over 10,000 fans and features a star-studded audience, including Yoo In-na, Lee Joon-gi, and members of Aespa and EXO. IU’s success in music and acting has solidified her position as "The Nation’s Sweetheart," captivating audiences with her girl-next-door image.
    2024/03/04 10:32
  • 赴日下海遭欺負!Tiny控片商「外流毛片」 4月0片酬怒喊不尊重

    台灣正妹網紅「Tiny」(胎尼)日前以「田井虹」為藝名,正式進軍日本AV界,引發各界高度關注。不過,Tiny所拍攝的第一部作品才剛曝光,她便立刻發文抨擊片商FALENO STAR,疑似將拍攝好的毛片外流、上架販售,更導致她結束拍攝迄今4個月都尚未收到片酬。
    2024/03/02 08:23
  • 黃明志敗訴!一身黑拍道歉片崩潰痛哭 30萬人搶看卻笑了

    大馬創作鬼才黃明志2019年底原要在吉隆坡開唱,主辦單位Star Planet(星藝娛樂)無預警取消演唱會,讓他怒控對方毀約,官司打了4年,直到日前結果出爐,雙方皆敗訴收場,必須賠償對方,另外他還得拍攝道歉影片、登報道歉,昨(1)日他在臉書、YouTube等社群公開道歉影片,總觀看數火速吸引衝破30萬人次。
    2024/03/02 00:06
  • 楊丞琳病倒了!突Po點滴照「遭侵襲10多天」 嘆:相當不舒適

    歌手楊丞琳去年忙著「LIKE A STAR」世界巡迴演唱會,今年將繼續開唱,3月23日將前進大陸佛山演出,今(29)日她在社群分享2月生活照,豈料裡頭竟有1張點滴照,身體狀況令人擔憂。
    2024/02/29 15:23
  • K-pop star Karina and actor Lee Jae-wook confirm romance

    aespa’s Karina and actor Lee Jae-wook are confirmed to be in a romantic relationship, as revealed by South Korean paparazzi "Dispatch." Both SM Entertainment and C-JeS Studio have acknowledged the couple’s budding romance. The two are currently getting to know each other better, with Lee Jae-wook filming while Karina balances her busy schedule.
    2024/02/27 14:46
  • Hikaru Utada announces first-ever concert in Taiwan

    Japanese American pop star Hikaru Utada announces plans to perform in Taiwan for the first time, sparking excitement among fans. Celebrating their 25th year in the music industry, Utada is set to bring their hit songs to Taipei and Hong Kong as part of the "Science Fiction Tour."
    2024/02/26 16:40
  • Taiwanese rock icon returns to North America after 9 years

    Don’t miss Taiwanese band Wubai and China Blue on their 2024 North American "Rock Star" tour, featuring hits like "Wanderer’s Love Song" and "Last Dance." Catch them in Las Vegas, Toronto, and Connecticut this April and May. Experience the magic of Wubai’s iconic performances that have captivated fans for over three decades.
    2024/02/26 14:19
  • 等了9年!伍佰無預警宣布「重磅喜訊」 地點要辦在北美

    「搖滾之神」伍佰&China Blue「ROCK STAR」2024北美巡迴將重磅登場,這是伍佰相隔9年再次踏上北美舞台,且連續三場橫跨東西岸大型演出,他與團隊都非常興奮,分別在4月27日登上美國拉斯維加斯、5月1日加拿大多倫多、5月4日美東康州演出。
    2024/02/26 12:14
  • NBA/明星賽沒看頭?新星驚吐「沒人想參加」:沒競爭力很正常

    儘管總體收視率高於去(2023)年,2024全明星賽仍被各界評為「最難看一屆」,引起熱烈討論;而無論是聯盟首次出現單場200分的驚人紀錄、還是球員們面對這場「年度盛會」的心態,都讓不少球迷感到難以接受。而對於外界的批評,灰狼少主愛德華茲(Anthony Edwards)也在一次採訪中表達看法,甚至不諱言表態「明星賽註定不具有競爭力」。
    2024/02/21 15:34
  • Yu Chang signs minor league deal with Tampa Bay Rays

    Taiwanese baseball star Yu Chang signs minor league contract with Tampa Bay Rays, earns Major League spring training invite. Chang’s renowned defense secures him a monthly salary of US$36,000, with potential bonuses doubling from previous year. Rays’ inviting atmosphere and promise of US$1 million annual salary upon promotion entice Chang’s decision.
    2024/02/21 13:41
  • K-pop star Hyewon charms fans at Taipei meet-and-greet

    South Korean actress and singer Kang Hye-won, known as Hyewon, delights fans in Taipei with a fan meet-and-greet event at Clapper Studio. Enjoy her serenading fans with popular K-pop songs and her humorous interactions, as she shares her love for food and local delicacies during her first personal visit to Taiwan. Experience the charm of this rising star as she crafts a memorable connection with her Taiwanese fans.
    2024/02/19 14:38
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