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    Model 結果共678筆

  • 快來對號碼!全聯福箱開獎序號在這 4幸運兒爽中百萬電動車

    全聯抽出龍年福袋幸運得獎得主,業者指出,今年抽出的獎項包括2台Tesla「Model X」(市價約325萬/台)、2台Volvo 「XC40 Recharge」(市價193萬/台)共計4台車,Tesla 「Model X」幸運號為「263109」及「237737」Volvo「XC40 Recharge」得獎號碼為「207171」及「184226」。
    2024/02/23 09:49
  • Tech leaders laud Hon Hai’s economic contributions at Gala

    Discover the success story of Hon Hai Precision Industry Co at its 50th anniversary gala dinner, where founder Terry Gou highlighted the company’s impact on employees and the community. Special messages from tech leaders like Tim Cook and Jensen Huang added to the celebration.
    2024/02/21 13:43
  • 燃油純電一次看!2024年度期待休旅車 35款SUV即將上市

    2023年台灣汽車市場總銷量寫下了476,987輛、年成長11%的18年來歷史新高掛牌紀錄,除了國產進口龍頭Toyota Corolla Cross、RAV4以及電車銷售冠軍Tesla Model Y持續穩定發揮之外,新加入銷售行列的Ford Focus小改款全車系以及大改款6代Honda CR-V與Toyota Yaris Cross等熱門新車,也挹注了不少掛牌數,成功讓去年的台灣車市規模持續向上提升。在2024年,不論是國產品牌、一般進口或是豪華車廠們也準備了眾多重磅新車接力在台灣推出,尤其是去年銷量佔比已達58%的休旅車型,今年預估將會有多達35款重點新車即將登場!
    2024/02/14 14:47
  • 不滿蘋果谷歌霸佔市場?傳特斯拉推手機Model PI上市時間曝

    好幾年前開始,關於特斯拉將推出手機「MODEL PI」的傳言四起。許多人推測這款手機將具備許多新功能,於2023年底或2024年上市。但有專家分析,製造手機沒有那麼簡單,如果馬斯克真的推出手機,極可能會失敗收場。
    2024/02/10 14:55
  • 特斯拉年初韓國銷售慘淡 1月只售出一輛Model Y

    外媒報導,特斯拉今年1月在韓國只賣出一輛汽車,當地消費者對通脹持續擔憂,而馬斯克(Elon Musk)的電動車公司則在面對該國充電設施不足的問題。根據汽車業者研究小組Carisyou和韓國貿易部數據,這是特斯拉自2022年7月以來,在韓國最糟糕的一個月,那個月該公司在韓國的銷售量為零。今年1月賣出的這一輛車是特斯拉Model Y,該款車型在去年9月曾是韓國最暢銷的進口車,所有電動車在今年1月的韓國市場都表現不佳。
    2024/02/08 17:01
  • Lulu主持尾牙界天花板!近3萬人嗨翻 一聽獎金「嚇到咬手」

    女星Lulu(黃路梓茵)個性爽朗再加上口條流利,因此常受邀擔任尾牙主持人。昨(4日)她攜手陳漢典主持鴻海尾牙,透露自己感受到什麼叫做「尾牙界的天花板」。當晚董事長不僅送出獎金,還大手筆送出50台電動車Model C,讓Lulu嚇得直呼「被獎金嚇到咬手手了!」
    2024/02/05 13:08
  • 特斯拉召回北美2百萬輛車 警示燈字太小駕駛看不清楚

    2024/02/03 10:52
  • 特斯拉「軟體故障」倒車影像異常 在美召回20萬台車

    電動車龍頭特斯拉(Tesla)宣布將在美國召回近20萬輛Model S、Model X和Model Y電動車,《美聯社》報導,美國國家公路交通安全管理局(NHTSA)26日表示,特斯拉召回車輛的原因是車輛倒車時,車上的後視攝影機無法正常運作,影像無法顯示。
    2024/01/27 16:44
  • Travel agencies brace for impact of EVA Air pilot strike

    The Travel Quality Assurance Association warns that if EVA Air pilots go on strike during the Lunar New Year holidays, it would have a significant impact on travel agencies as all airlines have already filled their fleet. The strike is planned for the Lunar New Year period from Feb. 7-18 and the Tomb Sweeping Day holidays from March 30 to April 7. Travel agencies would face challenges in adjusting operations and relocating passengers if the strike occurs. Limited alternatives would be available for travel agencies during the Tomb Sweeping Day holidays, and managing already-sold bookings would require separate action. The exact date of the strike will only be informed 24 hours prior, although the pilots’ union has announced the duration. The association’s spokesman, Ringo Lee, suggests implementing a strike notice period similar to the Danish model, which allows for a month’s advance notice of strike action.
    2024/01/26 17:22
  • 曾因豔照外流轉行拍片!大馬波神來台秀美胸 驚見符咒遮奶Coser

    2024/01/25 18:21
  • 電動車崛起 特斯拉Model Y躍居歐洲第一熱銷車款

    特斯拉(Tesla)Model Y,2023年躍居歐洲最熱銷的車型,這個成就不僅限於電動車(EV)類別,而是橫跨所有車型,包括混合動力(PHEV)和內燃機車輛(ICE)。也是歐洲歷史上首次,有一款電動車成為銷量冠軍,Model Y過去一年在歐洲的銷售量,達到驚人的25萬4822輛,超越其他任何車型,最近該車型在歐洲的售價還進行調整。
    2024/01/19 11:09
  • 南韓車主太愛特斯拉Model Y 引起現代起亞側目

    搭載低價中國製磷酸鐵鋰電池(LFP)的特斯拉Model Y電動車,對韓國電動車製造商,構成越來越大的威脅。該車型滿足南韓消費者對環保車輛的需求,成為特斯拉在韓國最暢銷產品。根據韓國國際貿易協會(KITA)的數據,去年中國已經成為繼德國之後,韓國進口電動車的第二大國家,這與2021年相比上升三名。這部分的原因是特斯拉Model Y,在韓國受歡迎程度非常驚人,銷量超過1.3萬輛,比前一年多了一倍。這輛車是由位於上海的特斯拉超級工廠製造,成為在韓國年銷量唯一超過1萬輛的進口電動車。
    2024/01/18 16:07
  • 11 aircraft crossing Taiwan Strait median line: MND

    Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense (MND) has detected 11 aircraft crossing the median line of the strait within a 24-hour period. The Republic of China Armed Forces are closely monitoring these aircraft, along with 24 other aircraft and five vessels engaged in activities around the Taiwan Strait. Some of the aircraft have exceeded the median line and entered Taiwan’s airspace. The closest distances to Taiwan were approximately 42 nautical miles from Keelung in the north and 85 nautical miles from Cape Eluanbi in the south. The MND highlights the changing security environment and threat model faced by Taiwan, asserting that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is using cognitive warfare and military actions to impact Taiwan. The MND emphasizes the need to constantly adjust the mode of disclosure to avoid being influenced by the enemy. The Republic of China Armed Forces are employing aircraft, vessels, and shore-based missile systems to closely monitor and prepare for response scenarios.
    2024/01/18 12:24
  • 新春福袋!全聯送4台電動名車 家樂福花198元抽30萬跳島遊

    超市、量販新春福袋來了!全聯這次祭出超過1400萬的總獎額,祭出4台電動車,其中最大獎是2台市價325萬的Tesla「Model X」、2台市價193萬的Volvo 「XC40 Recharge」;家樂福也推出福袋,售價198元,最大獎是價值近30萬元的「全台環島、跳島住一年」,共5名,另外,新春檔期也有推出限定10天滿額9折活動。
    2024/01/18 10:33
  • 野生特斯拉「新M3」被捕捉 官網可訂、便宜5萬

    特斯拉改款新Model3同步在台灣和北美官網開賣,台灣預計2024年第2季開始交車,美金售價折合新台幣約119萬起,不過看看台灣官網售價標準版,卻逼近170萬實在差很大,然而還是比先前停售前還便宜約5萬左右,專家分析,新Model3內裝升級,但競爭對手Kia EV6、Toyota BZ4X售價更低。
    2024/01/11 18:44
  • 好吵! 車主怨Model X一出廠「椅子異音+搖晃」

    2024/01/10 20:29
  • President Tsai honors Taiwan’s top civil servants of 2023

    President Tsai Ing-wen praises outstanding civil employees from 2023 for their contributions to national progress and societal stability. Accompanied by Premier Chen Chien-jen and Examination Yuan President Huang Jong-tsun, Tsai acknowledges the awardees at the Presidential Office for their exemplary efforts and achievements. She emphasizes the significance of public servants in providing enhanced public services and overall national development. Tsai expresses gratitude for their commitment and encourages them to share their workplace innovation experiences with others.
    2024/01/02 15:49
  • New Vivid Express train offers spectacular Alishan views

    The Alishan Forest Railways in Taiwan has introduced the Vivid Express, a train with a transparent cockpit, in celebration of its 111th anniversary. The train, modified from an existing model, features large-pane glass windows that offer passengers a 70-degree view, allowing them to see the track ahead and the driver’s seat. The design also includes 360-degree rotating seats for a comprehensive view. The upgrades aim to create comfortable and spacious conditions for passengers while significantly improving their views. The transparent compartments will be put up for tender and are expected to be operational by April, enhancing the visual experience for travelers exploring the scenic mountainous landscapes of Alishan.
    2023/12/26 20:03
  • Starux Airlines to launch Taichung-Macao direct flights

    StarLux Airlines has announced that it will begin direct flights between Taichung and Macao starting March 31, 2023. The new route will have a weekly availability of eight round trips and will utilize the A321neo model aircraft, offering 188 seats. In addition to Macao, StarLux plans to expand its operations from Taichung International Airport to other cities, including Đà Nẵng and Takamatsu, in 2024. The airline also recently started selling tickets for its Taipei-Hakodate route, which is scheduled to launch on Feb. 1, 2024. With these new routes, StarLux aims to provide a fresh flight experience for the central region of Taiwan.
    2023/12/26 15:36
  • Chu Tien-yu earns 2nd place at Mister Friendship Int’l

    Chu Tien-yu from Taiwan achieved remarkable success at the 2023 Mister Friendship International pageant, securing second place overall and winning the national costume award. Additionally, he received recognition as the runner-up in the swimsuit competition. Chu expressed gratitude to his fans both in Taiwan and abroad for their unwavering support. Overjoyed by the opportunity to represent his country and fulfill his childhood aspiration of becoming a model, Chu’s emotions were evident. Despite holding a master’s degree in Physics from National Taiwan University and working at Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), Chu chose to embark on a new journey in the entertainment industry to pursue his dreams of glamour and fame.
    2023/12/26 11:34
  • 碰撞會讓車門「自行解鎖」 特斯拉召回全美12萬輛車

    知名電動車大廠特斯拉(Tesla),近期可說是狀況不斷,繼先前才因為自動輔助駕駛系統(Autopilot),出現潛在安全隱憂,緊急召回北美200萬輛車進行維護,《國家廣播新聞網》(NBC)報導,特斯拉總部再次因為不符合聯邦交通法規,疑似目前Model S和Model X系列,部份車輛出現撞擊後、非碰撞車門會自行解鎖的問題,可能造成潛在安全危機,緊急召回美國12萬輛車進行升級維修。
    2023/12/23 17:29
  • Model skimpy attire at Shilin Market goes viral

    A viral photo of a woman grilling bird eggs at Taipei’s Shilin Night Market has captured online users’ attention due to her revealing attire. The woman, identified as model Bebe, was seen diligently preparing the eggs despite the cold weather. The image sparked a spirited discussion among internet users, with some joking about the fierce competition in sales. Bebe was reportedly the "one-day shop manager" at the market when the photo was taken, adding another layer to the market’s diverse character. Her daring outfit choice appears to be one of the more unique strategies employed by vendors to attract customers.
    2023/12/20 20:56
  • Indian badminton star hails Tai Tzu-ying as role model

    Indian badminton prodigy Raksha Kandasamy, winner of the Badminton World Federation (BWF) World Junior Championships in Cyprus, expressed her admiration for Taiwan’s most successful badminton player, Tai Tzu-ying. Ranked 9th in the world for junior women’s singles, the 16-year-old sees Tai as a role model. Kandasamy quickly rose to success on the BWF Youth Tournament circuit, winning titles in Cyprus and Bulgaria. Despite her achievements in badminton, Kandasamy is also committed to her academic performance. When asked about her favorite player, Kandasamy praised Tai Tzu-ying for her extraordinary stroke play and deceptive moves.
    2023/12/11 21:16
  • 投資不划算!歐美租車公司接連「淘汰特斯拉」 竟因這理由

    特斯拉電動車近期不斷降低售價對於消費者來說絕對是購車的一大福音,尤其品牌中Model 3與Model Y都是相當熱門的產品,長年位居電動車銷售榜首,甚至國外也是如此。不過並非所有人都對特斯拉的想法感到滿意,根據日前全球最大財經資訊公司《彭博社》報導,德國汽車租賃公司Sixt宣布,因為轉售的成本降低,所以決定將逐漸從車隊中淘汰特斯拉電動車。
    2023/12/11 15:11
  • Taiwan issues "Songshan Declaration" at COP28

    A civilian group from Taiwan, the Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition (TWYCC), unveiled the "Songshan Declaration" at a side event related to the upcoming 28th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP28) in Dubai. The declaration calls for fair transition strategies to combat climate change. TWYCC representative Gina Lee highlighted the controversial solar energy development in Tainan’s Qigu area, discussing its negative impact on local aquaculture fishers. The group also explored examples of just transition, such as solar development in Cigu and the electrification of scooters, expressing concern about the government’s lack of dialogue with youth. The "Songshan Declaration" was jointly initiated by stakeholders from Taiwan’s industries, government, academia, and civil society, pledging to enforce the Climate Change Response Act and engage in the global stocktake. Chen Hui-ping, Chairperson of the Taiwan Green Energy for Charity Association, shared experiences of enabling social change through the "Green Well (GW) 100+" initiative, which has installed solar power systems for underprivileged communities and conducted energy audits and equipment replacements in social welfare institutions. The association emphasized that their model of green charity fosters wider stakeholder participation and contributes positively to the energy transition.
    2023/12/07 17:02
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