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    Model 結果共678筆

  • 「美」夢恐碎! 潛模特兒社團「假尋model、真詐騙」

    2023/12/06 18:15
  • Turkish influencer pixelates daughter’s face for privacy

    Turkish social media influencer Rifat shared a photo of his daughter practicing gymnastics, with her face pixelated at her request, emphasizing the importance of internet privacy and consent. Wu, a famous actor in Taiwan, explained that he respected his 8-year-old daughter’s privacy and choice by mosaic-ing her face. He highlighted the need for obtaining a child’s consent before sharing their images online and hoped that his actions would set a positive example for society. Social media users praised Rifat’s approach, considering him a role model for respecting family and children’s privacy in the age of social media. His commitment to his daughters’ rights and his visibility as a public figure could potentially influence widespread social attitudes towards online sharing and privacy, especially for young children. This act of shielding his daughter’s identity while sharing a family moment reflects the ongoing conversation about privacy in the digital era, particularly regarding young children and the implications of internet exposure.
    2023/11/29 14:22
  • Foxtron marks milestone with record n7 EV model pre-orders

    Foxtron, a joint venture of Yulon Motor’s Luxgen Motor, has received over 9,100 pre-orders for its n7 electric vehicle (EV), making a significant impact on Taiwan’s domestic EV industry. Deliveries of the highly anticipated n7 model are set to begin in mid-January next year and be completed by the end of June. The n7’s pre-order numbers, achieved in just two days, equal three years of total EV sales in Taiwan, signaling a bright future for the EV market. Foxconn CEO Young Liu, leading the electric transformation of the trillion-dollar corporation, sees the increasing global competition in the EV sector as beneficial for Foxconn and its business models. Platformization, modularization, and standardization are key strategies for achieving cost control and timely product launches, which are at the core of Foxconn and Foxtron. The n7 model, benefiting from the shared platform provided by Foxtron, enjoys a competitive edge in cost, aligning with Foxconn’s global EV aspirations. The success of Foxtron’s n7 could potentially usher in a new era for Taiwan’s presence in the international EV landscape as the demand for sustainable transport continues to grow.
    2023/11/22 20:38
  • Retired shopper becomes local legend for claw machine skills

    Discover the heartwarming story of Chen Jung-che, a 76-year-old retired office clerk in Taipei, who has gained fame for his unique hobby of playing claw machines. Chen has spent NT$30,000 in the past three months, winning an impressive 1,450 dolls and even scoring the latest smartphone model. As part of the Chiayi City Government’s anti-aging program, Chen’s dedication to claw machine games not only enhances his concentration and dexterity but also serves a charitable cause. All the dolls he wins are donated to social welfare institutions, including orphanages, bringing joy to children in need. This activity has been recognized as more than just entertainment but also as a therapeutic exercise for seniors, stimulating their eyes, hands, feet, and brains. With just a few coins, this initiative proves that aging can be combated, providing a joyful and purposeful pastime for Taiwan’s senior residents.
    2023/11/22 19:50
  • 鴻華擬每年推一款量產車 總經理李秉彥:Model D明年登場

    鴻海與裕隆合資成立的鴻華先進董事長劉揚偉今天表示,未來電動車產業垂直分工「一定會發生」,且「會提前發生」,規劃每年推出一款量產車。鴻華先進表示,Model C訂單超過9000輛,規劃明年6月底交付完畢。
    2023/11/20 13:22
  • Taichung’s Youth Model UN hailed for educational impact

    Explore how the Youth Model United Nations in Taichung brought together students to develop teamwork, global perspectives, and diplomatic skills, emphasizing the value of global education in preparing future leaders.
    2023/11/16 15:01
  • Taiwanese youth shine in Model UN event in Taichung

    Discover how over 300 Taiwanese students from 38 schools showcased their global awareness and English proficiency at the Taichung Youth Model United Nations event. This two-day gathering in Taichung highlighted the youth’s readiness to engage in international affairs, despite Taiwan’s absence from the UN.
    2023/11/15 15:48
  • Model UN could have smoothed party alliance talks: Mayor Lu

    Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen emphasized mutual cooperation for a win-win situation in the ’blue-white party alliance’ negotiations for the 2024 presidential election. Speaking at TCYMUN, she highlighted the role of negotiation skills, drawing on the model UN as an example for effective political dialogue.
    2023/11/13 17:20
  • 「最難坐的計程車」是這牌?特斯拉也上榜 網點頭:不想坐第二次

    台灣計程車很方便,幾乎是隨處可招,即便沒車的地方,也可以用手機叫車,上山下海都沒問題,不過小黃好不好坐,您有研究嗎?PTT上有名網友發文討論,坐過最難坐的計程車後座是哪一台?此篇貼文一出便引發眾多網友共鳴。其中,TOYOTA車款被點名最多次,尤其是Sienta的後座讓許多人都無法接受。而令人意外的是,特斯拉的Model 3竟也遭批,「像坐小板凳」、「不會想再坐第二次」。
    2023/11/10 21:38
  • 不只賣手機!華為首輛電動轎車亮相 定價比特斯拉便宜

    繼先前新一代智慧手機Mate 60惹出風波後,華為9日正式對外宣佈,推出旗下首款電動轎車「智界S7」,即日起開放登記預購,除了使用華為自行研發的智慧底盤與駕駛系統,還搭配輔助駕駛系統。首款電動轎車定價25萬8000人民幣(約新台幣114萬5000元)起跳,比特斯拉(Tesla)Model 3略低一點,提供4種規格供買家自行選擇。記者會上華為高層還自嘲,這個定價是虧本賣車,他們希望讓更多車主能體驗並喜愛華為的電動車。
    2023/11/10 14:06
  • Taiwan, UK sign historic ETP, strengthening diplomatic ties

    Taiwan and the UK have signed a historic Enhanced Trade Partnership (ETP), marking the first trade agreement of its kind between Taiwan and a European country. The agreement covers digital trade, investment, renewable energy, and net-zero carbon emissions. Future discussions may include trade facilitation, anti-corruption initiatives, and service industry management. Taiwan is the first country in the Indo-Pacific region to sign an ETP deal with the UK. The agreement is seen as a symbol of enhanced Taiwan-UK relations and could serve as a model for other nations. The deal is particularly significant considering the UK’s entrance into the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), which may have implications for Taiwan’s prospective membership.
    2023/11/09 09:55
  • Eva Airways head forecasts strong passenger market in 2024

    EVA Airways’ President anticipates a strong 2024 passenger market as the 2023 ITF Taipei Travel Fair delights visitors with a Boeing 787 engine model. Offering 28% discounts, EVA invites travelers to ’Fly to Heart’s Content’ with all-you-can-fly passes up for grabs in a November lottery.
    2023/11/05 21:07
  • KMT officials petition collaboration with TPP

    Fifteen regional leaders of the Kuomintang (KMT) have petitioned for their party to collaborate with the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) for the 2024 elections. The petition expresses support for one of two proposals put forward by KMT Chairman Eric Chu. The presidential and vice presidential candidates would be Hou Yu-ih and Ko Wen-je if the KMT is victorious, or Ko and Hou if the TPP wins. The two systems, based on the Japanese or German model, are determined by comparative polls. The KMT aims to achieve democratic reform in Taiwan through this collaboration to avoid a single dominant party.
    2023/11/04 16:50
  • EV戰!Tesla、KIA、福特、Luxgen「搶200萬下市場」

    model Y的後輪驅動版本,要進入台灣市場了,售價180萬元有找,專家點出,外觀其實跟Model Y四輪驅動版本差不多,但電池少了15度,換算總續航力少了約100公里,另外現代汽車也要降價搶商機,Ioniq5、Ioniq6全車系,從11月起降價10萬元,200萬以下電動車市場火熱,KIA、福特、納智捷也都來佈局。
    2023/11/01 19:37
  • Pre-IPO event highlights Foxtron’s tripling revenue

    Foxtron Vehicle Technologies, a subsidiary of Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd., announced that its revenue has tripled compared to last year, indicating promising future growth. The company’s electric bus, Model T, has received overwhelming orders exceeding its production capacity, while its first passenger car, Model C, has been adopted by Luxgen Motor Co., Ltd. with orders surpassing 8,000 units. CEO Andy Lee envisions complete electrification of public buses by 2030, anticipating significant growth for Foxtron products in the coming years.
    2023/10/23 17:34
  • Mayor Chiang wows at fashion show with monochrome suit

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an makes a fashionable statement at Taipei Fashion Week, sparking excitement among attendees and online followers with his monochrome suit. Interestingly, Chiang revealed that his son played a key role in choosing his eye-catching outfits, highlighting the significance of family involvement in personal style.
    2023/10/23 16:44
  • 剎車油偵測異常!美特斯拉召回5.5萬輛、台無影響

    美國國家公路交通安全管理局,最新發布公告,2021年到2023年間生產的特斯拉「Model X」,車輛控制器無法偵測到煞車油不足,也沒有亮燈警示,目前尚未因為這個問題出現事故,不過安全起見,決定召回近5.5萬輛電動車,而台灣特斯拉對此回應,目前沒有相關召回的消息,也無傳出類似通報。
    2023/10/18 19:20
  • Hon Hai Chairman wishes founder happy birthday on Tech Day

    Foxconn Chairman Young Liu extends birthday wishes to founder Terry Gou and wishes him success in the presidential election at Hon Hai’s Tech Day. Prominent industry figures, including NVIDIA’s Jensen Huang, attended the event. Liu highlights the company’s launch of various products in the past three years, emphasizing the CDMS business model’s ability to offer comprehensive and customization solutions for the automotive industry. He also outlines Foxconn’s sustainability goals, pledging zero carbon emissions by 2050 and commitment to cleaner, eco-friendly, and smarter solutions.
    2023/10/18 15:29
  • 黃仁勳親替鴻海電動車簽名 樂喊「劉揚偉是我朋友、晚上夜市見」

    鴻海科技日今(18)日登場,重量級嘉賓輝達(NVIDIA)執行長黃仁勳出席,並在台上與鴻海董事長劉揚偉對談。現場也展示鴻海一系列電動車,包括Model B以及在台灣以納智捷(LUXGEN)n7之名販售的Model C。有趣的是,黃仁勳今早也在劉揚偉陪同下,親自在納智捷n7車身上簽名,並讚嘆該款電動車令人驚艷,「To Young and my friend at Foxconn, beautiful and amazing EVs. Jensen Huang」,展現兩人的好交情。
    2023/10/18 10:40
  • 特斯拉推7種特殊色!美Model 3/Y專屬貼膜24萬起

    通常車廠在推出新車時,也會一併推出不少被俗稱為原廠改的精品部件來讓車主們選配,不過有提供原廠包膜服務的品牌就少之又少,但Tesla近期就在北美推出Model 3跟Model Y專屬的包膜售後選配,一共有消光黑、水泥灰以及玫瑰金等7種不同顏色可以讓特斯拉車主們打造極具個人風格的愛車;只不過這個原廠包膜也不便宜,7,500美元(約24萬新台幣)的起跳價比起Model 3/Model Y原廠車漆最貴的2,000美元(約6.4萬新台幣)還要更難入手!
    2023/10/11 14:52
  • 鴻海電動車卡關?傳年底量產有難度 公司回應了

    由鴻海打造的電動車Model C,有望在今年第4季投產,台灣方面則會以納智捷(LUXGEN)n7之名販售,如今卻傳出年底前量產「有難度」。對此,鴻海旗下鴻華先進今(29)日發布聲明,表示目前量產、交付客戶時程不變,預計明年1月起陸續交車。
    2023/09/29 14:52
  • 鴻華:Model C目前量產、交付客戶時程不變

    外界關心台灣首款國產純電休旅車LUXGEN n7何時上市,裕隆昨表示,年底前大量交車有相當難度。鴻海旗下鴻華先進今天說明,關於Model C開發進度,目前量產、交付客戶時程不變,後續關於n7車款相關事宜,由客戶端(LUXGEN)依新車上市規劃統一說明。
    2023/09/29 14:52
  • 「山道猴子」爆紅!賣場Model還原 作者身分曝

    2023/08/19 19:34
  • 大馬墜機尋獲黑盒子 劇烈衝撞僅騎士遺體完整、其餘有殘缺

    馬來西亞雪蘭莪州(Selangor)17日下午發生小飛機墜毀事故,一架搭載8人的比奇390型私人客機(Beechcraft Model 390),在當地高速公路上墜毀爆炸,還波及到地面兩名駕駛,一共造成10人罹難。綜合馬國媒體報導,搜救人員在耗費數小時後,全數找回所有死者遺體,但其中5人的遺體,因為受到劇烈撞擊,都呈現殘缺不全狀態;地面外送員更因為全身著火而焦黑,但遺體還算完整。同時現場也找到機上部份「黑盒子」,已經送交鑑識單位進行判讀。
    2023/08/18 10:34
  • 傳特斯拉推「低價」電動車擴大市占率 代價:續航里程變短

    要想增加市占率的方法之一,廠商可以提供更多選擇,讓消費者願意入坑買單。《路透》(Reuters)報導,電動車龍頭特斯拉(Tesla)近日決定,將從北美市場開始推銷,推出兩款低價版本的電動車Model S sedan和Model X SUV,比現有低標售價再減10%,唯獨續航里程也隨之縮短,希望以低價策略搶攻市場,吸引更多潛在車主願意買單,預計最快9、10月就能交付訂單。
    2023/08/15 14:40
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