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    HOLIDAY 結果共136筆

  • 26年回憶!「台北知名連鎖KTV」結束營業 只開到這天

    2024/06/10 13:16
  • NBA/難防唐西奇後撤步!德佬讚「足夠全能」:能適應任何時代

    作為新生代最具影響力的球星之一,獨行俠少主唐西奇(Luka Doncic)絕對是不少防守者的惡夢,甚至在總決賽G1與塞爾提克的交鋒過後,也讓哈勒戴(Jrue Holiday)以「白人都來防守了」巧妙比喻,足見唐西奇在當今NBA的生態中,已經成為最難纏的球員之一;對此曾交接傳承火炬的「德國坦克」諾維茨基(Dirk Nowitzki)更是毫不猶豫給出最高評價。
    2024/06/09 13:32
  • Taiwan braces for week-long rain during Dragon Boat Festival

    Discover how Taiwan’s Dragon Boat Festival holiday will be impacted by seven days of rainfall starting June 6, due to a low-pressure belt and southwesterly winds. Stay informed on weather forecasts and prepare for the holiday.
    2024/06/06 09:47
  • Taiwan Railway boosts service for Dragon Boat Festival

    Discover how Taiwan Railway Corporation is enhancing travel for the 2024 Dragon Boat Festival by adding six EMU3000 trains, increasing capacity by 6.1%. Bookings open May 30.
    2024/05/29 11:59
  • NBA/克服18分落後!塔圖姆「0失誤」準大三元 榮登歷史第一人

    塞爾提克在今(26)日東區冠軍賽G3當中,雖然一度落後多達18分,但在眾將鬥志高昂、急起直追,以及哈勒戴(Jure Holiday)關鍵2+1與致勝抄截的帶領下,終場反而是以114:111逆轉勝。值得一提的是,塔圖姆(Jayson Tatum)還在此戰繳出36分10籃板8助攻0失誤的搶眼成績單,成為NBA歷史第一人。
    2024/05/26 14:40
  • Hualien’s tourism faces low bookings, hotel closures

    Discover how Taiwan’s tourism industry faces challenges during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, with a significant drop in hotel bookings and the impact of natural disasters on regions like Hualien. Learn about the efforts for recovery.
    2024/05/23 17:26
  • THSR adds extra trains for Dragon Boat Festival

    Discover how Taiwan High Speed Rail is preparing for the Dragon Boat Festival holiday with extra trains and enhanced services from June 7-11. Learn about ticket availability and travel tips.
    2024/05/22 10:26
  • 悄悄「暫停」中國公民申請打工渡假 陸民怒灌澳洲駐中使館微博

    對世界各地許多年輕人來說,打工渡假簽證(Working Holiday Visa)被視為體驗澳洲生活的寶貴機會。根據澳洲和中國大陸之間的自貿協定,從2015年起、每年開放5000名中國公民申請,也成為過去十年來許多中國移民的跳板選擇之一。但澳洲政府近期卻在毫無公告與宣導下,悄悄暫停包含中國在內5個國家,申請打工渡假簽證的資格,讓眾多大陸年輕人非常傻眼且憤怒。
    2024/05/15 13:38
  • NBA/鎖死「英雄哥」開胡!塔圖姆讚哈勒戴:數據無法說明他的好

    聯盟龍頭塞爾提克在今(22)日首輪季後賽第一場比賽以114:94大勝熱火,此戰除了塔圖姆(Jayson Tatum)繳出23分10籃板10助攻、完成季後賽生涯首次大三元,主控哈勒戴(Jrue Holiday)在防守端限制熱火得分後衛「英雄哥」赫洛(Tyler Herro)更是關鍵。對此,塔圖姆賽後也極力盛讚老大哥一番。
    2024/04/22 15:12
  • NBA/比肩詹姆斯、柯瑞!綠衫軍4年1.35億續約哈勒戴

    NBA波士頓賽爾蒂克本季打出全聯盟最佳戰績,季前透過交易加盟後衛哈勒戴(Jrue Holiday),被視為綠衫軍本季能脫胎換骨的一大關鍵,而今日也傳出球團將以4年1.35億美元續約哈勒戴,雙方有望合作到2027-28賽季。
    2024/04/11 14:56
  • Sunny spells and showers: Taiwan’s weather rollercoaster

    Stay up to date with the latest weather forecast for Taiwan as a front weakens, bringing mostly sunny to partly cloudy weather with a chance of showers in mountainous areas. Unstable weather may return during the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday, affecting northern regions more significantly. Be prepared and stay safe with WeatherRisk’s updates.
    2024/04/01 14:12
  • Recent rainfall signals hope for Taiwan’s dry season woes

    Stay updated on Taiwan’s water situation with the latest news from TVBS. Recent rainfall has brought relief to reservoirs in central and northern Taiwan, with the Feitsui Reservoir receiving the most benefit. While reservoir levels have improved, officials remain vigilant about water conservation efforts and potential rainfall during the upcoming holiday. The Water Resources Agency is actively implementing strategies to ensure water sustainability across the region.
    2024/04/01 13:06
  • NBA/全家都是湖人迷!哈勒戴無奈:他們穿詹皇球衣來幫我加油

    NBA波士頓賽爾蒂克後衛哈勒戴(Jrue Holiday)季前透過交易加盟,被視為綠衫軍本季脫胎換骨的一大關鍵,近日他參加金州勇士老將格林(Draymond Green)的Podcast節目時透露,全家人其實都是洛杉磯湖人的球迷,甚至會穿著湖人球衣看他比賽,讓哈勒戴十分尷尬。
    2024/03/28 15:10
  • NBA/假日哥養傷沒差!綠衫軍橫掃公牛 「東區封王」魔術數字M1

    NBA 2023-24賽季例行賽步入尾聲,但聯盟龍頭塞爾提克主將哈勒戴(Jrue Holiday)卻遭遇右肩傷勢、暫無歸期。不過,綠衫軍靠著2小將普里查(Payton Pritchard)、豪瑟(Sam Huaser)近期大放異彩,仍在台灣時間今(24)日以124:113擊敗公牛後,「幾乎」確定榮登東區霸主之位。
    2024/03/24 12:12
  • 觀點/無敵豆城軍!四星坐鎮塞爾提克 強勢挑戰史上最強球隊

    波士頓塞爾提克季前交易來Jrue Holiday以及Kristaps Porzingis這一內一外的全明星,星度戰力都滿點的塞爾提克本季氣勢勢如破竹,用主場開季20連勝開局,一路穩坐聯盟龍頭,在15日主場擊敗鳳凰城太陽後,塞爾提克成為本季第一支收下季後賽門票的球隊。綠衫軍不只贏的多還贏的狠,目前的場均淨勝分高達11.2分,除了是本季唯一淨勝分超過雙位數的球隊外,還有望挑戰史上場均淨勝分最多的紀錄。
    2024/03/19 14:01
  • NBA/「復仇者聯盟」再增1大咖?厄文傳也想打巴黎奧運

    美國男籃為了爭奪奧運金牌五連霸,並彌補去年世界盃指拿下第4名的失敗,正著手組建一支強大陣容的「復仇者聯盟」,包含詹姆斯(LeBron James)、柯瑞(Stephen Curry)、杜蘭特(Kevin Durant)、安比德(Joel Embiid)、塔圖姆(Jayson Tatum)、哈勒戴(Jrue Holiday)、布克(Devin Booker)等巨星已同意出戰,近期傳出明星控衛厄文(Kyrie Irving)也有意願加入。
    2024/03/18 12:59
  • Premier considers national Labor Day holiday amendment

    Premier Chen Chien-Jen addresses inquiries on the possibility of a unified Labor Day holiday on May 1 in Taiwan, pending a meeting with the Ministry of the Interior. Legislation amendments may be considered if a decision is reached before May 20, as discussed in response to concerns raised by KMT legislator Wang Hung-wei and the National Federation of Teachers Unions.
    2024/03/15 17:52
  • Washington State declares Lunar New Year as official holiday

    Governor Jay Inslee of Washington state signs bill designating Lunar New Year as a state holiday, promoting inclusivity for Asian Americans. Representative My-Linh Thai spearheaded the initiative, aiming for nationwide recognition.
    2024/03/15 17:26
  • NBA/不是隊友雷納德!嘆哈勒戴「防守超硬」 喬治:他強到X北

    儘管在當今的聯盟中,伴隨著哨聲的此起彼落,讓不少球員、球迷感嘆「強硬防守成為過去式」,但仍有不少出色的球員在防守端能帶來麻煩,如快艇雷納德(Kawhi Leonard)、熱火巴特勒(Jimmy Butler)均是以難纏出名的對位球員,而進攻手段相當多元的球星喬治(Paul George)則在節目中坦言,塞爾提克哈勒戴(Jrue Holiday)是他遇過最難對付的防守者。
    2024/03/13 10:43
  • Premier considers unified Labor Day holiday amid challenges

    Premier Chen Chien-jen considers a unified Labor Day holiday in Taiwan, but faces challenges. Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Lin I-chin raises concerns about added costs for police and firefighters. Minister of the Interior Lin Yu-chang emphasizes the need for consensus, while Directorate-General of Personnel Administration Personnel Division Director-General Su Chun-jung calls for further impact assessment.
    2024/03/05 17:14
  • THSR boosts services for Tomb Sweeping holiday rush

    Stay up to date with Taiwan High Speed Rail’s (THSR) additional train services for the upcoming peak travel periods in March 2024. With 58 extra services catering to the mid to late March rush, including special arrangements for Tomb Sweeping Day, plan your journey seamlessly with THSR’s convenient ticketing options.
    2024/02/27 14:42
  • Taiwan High Speed Rail hits record 73 million riders in 2023

    Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) achieved record-breaking success in 2021, transporting 73.08 million passengers and generating NT$49.8 billion in revenue. THSR aims to surpass NT$50 billion this year, attributing its growth to changes in commuting behavior post-pandemic and enhanced services like frequent ventilation for pandemic prevention. The surge in passenger willingness to use THSR has led to increased travel numbers, with a peak of 310,000 passengers in a single day during the Lunar New Year holiday. THSR serves various purposes, including commuting, business, homecoming, and tourism, with 4.02 million people utilizing the high-speed rail for tourism last year. Additional trains and service enhancements have been implemented to encourage passengers to travel during off-peak hours.
    2024/02/22 17:42
  • TPP official challenges legality of China tour ban

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) caucus convener Huang Kuo-chang questions the legal grounds of Taiwan’s ban on group tours to China, suspecting it was a hasty response to the pandemic. The government’s sudden change just before the Lunar New Year holiday raised doubts about the ban’s legal basis, with Huang accusing the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) of using vague legal concepts for punishment. Huang warns against resorting to lies and absurd methods, cautioning about the consequences of broken promises and half-truths.
    2024/02/19 17:13
  • Taiwan faces critical blood shortage, O-type at alarming low

    Taiwan Blood Service Foundation reports critical shortage of O-type blood, with only 3.7 days’ worth in stock. Decreased donations due to Lunar New Year holiday impact blood supply, with Taipei Blood Center urging public to donate after work to alleviate crisis. Blood bank stocks at only 4.5 days, far below optimal level of 7-10 days. A, B, and AB blood types also facing shortages.
    2024/02/17 13:29
  • Taiwan left with 2 consecutive holidays post Lunar New Year

    Discover Taiwan’s holiday outlook for 2024! With only two sets of consecutive holidays remaining, find out how this reduction impacts domestic travel and accommodation. Learn how travel providers can capitalize on the upcoming breaks to attract visitors and boost profits.
    2024/02/16 16:26
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