
Sunny spells and showers: Taiwan’s weather rollercoaster

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/04/01 14:12
Last update time:2024/04/01 14:12
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Sunny spells and showers: Taiwan’s weather rollercoaster (TVBS News)https://tvbs-news.aiwize.com/rev Sunny spells and showers: Taiwan’s weather rollercoaster
Sunny spells and showers: Taiwan's weather rollercoaster (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The front that passed over northern Taiwan on Monday (April 1) has begun to weaken, reducing the chance of severe weather, although brief showers may still occur. Meanwhile, central and southern regions continue to face a high chance of thunderstorms, with convective cloud systems possibly affecting land areas in the afternoon.

As the front weakens further and southerly winds strengthen, unstable areas will move northward away from Taiwan, gradually restoring stable weather conditions across the island.


From Tuesday to Wednesday, Taiwan will be under the influence of south-to-southwest winds, bringing mostly sunny to partly cloudy weather. Afternoon cloud cover and sporadic showers are expected in mountainous areas, with temperatures likely to be much higher than Monday. Extreme high temperatures may occur in the inland areas of central and southern Taiwan.

The weather pattern will change again with the start of the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday on Thursday. A new front system will form and approach, lingering over the sea and land areas in northern Taiwan. Northern regions and Yilan and Hualien counties will see more cloud cover and brief showers, with temperatures slightly cooler. Central and southern regions will remain relatively stable, with sunny to partly cloudy weather and high temperatures, creating a temperature difference between the north and south.

The most unstable weather during the holiday is expected on the last day, Sunday, when the front may pass over Taiwan, bringing brief showers. Although the rainfall will not be as heavy as it was on Monday, it may still affect traffic. The public is reminded to pay attention to traffic safety.

The WeatherRisk Facebook fan page provides the above weather information.
#Taiwan weather# Thunderstorms Taiwan# Stable weather Taiwan# Sunny weather Taiwan# Temperature difference Taiwan# Brief showers Taiwan# Traffic safety Taiwan# Unstable weather in central and southern Taiwan# Extreme high temperatures in inland areas of Ta
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