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    George 結果共290筆

  • George Chang, Hsu Yun-le part ways over childbearing dispute

    Taiwanese actor George Chang and his wife of six years, Hsu Yun-le, have announced their divorce due to a difference of opinion on having children. Hsu expressed her emotional turmoil over the topic and thanked Chang for his care and support throughout their ten-year relationship. The couple decided to part ways after six months of discussions, emphasizing their decision to give each other the freedom to choose. Hsu admitted to questioning her responsibility for the breakdown of their marriage due to her persistence in wanting children. Both Chang and Hsu expressed their belief in fate and their commitment to pursuing their individual paths. Hsu concluded her statement by stating that she would not seek answers regarding Chang’s stance on children and would not justify her own desire for childbearing to the public. She thanked herself for marrying Chang and acknowledged his high moral standards.
    2023/12/27 11:16
  • NBA/雙星最長合體紀錄!快艇擊碎質疑 雷納德笑:可以提告嗎

    快艇在迎來哈登(James Harden)的加盟後,正式升級為「宇宙艦隊」,經歷了初期連敗的磨合,快艇不僅整個12月還沒有輸過一場球賽,作為門面的雙星雷納德(Kawhi Leonard)、喬治(Paul George)更是寫下2019年聯手後的「最長合體紀錄」;談到聯盟的「輪休限制」時,雷納德也幽默表示,將會對過去的負面抨擊、言論採取法律行動。
    2023/12/21 10:39
  • NBA/逆風力挺格林!歐尼爾喊「只是球場人設」:我也會肘擊人

    勇士老將格林(Draymond Green)爭議行為不斷,僅15場比賽就被驅逐3次,「暴力隱患」引起各界關注、更是招致大量抨擊,對此聯盟也在祭出無限期禁賽令的同時,要求必須接受心理諮商才有可能重返賽場;除了老友喬治(Paul George)認為要給格林一點空間之外,名人堂傳奇歐尼爾(Shaquille O’Neal)也直言,他不認為情況有如此嚴重。
    2023/12/21 09:24
  • NBA/勇士格林歸期不明!喬治力挺「別說他是瘋子」:會沒事的

    作為勇士八年四冠的絕對功臣,內線悍將格林(Draymond Green)本賽季因脫序的暴力舉動,遭聯盟祭出無限期禁賽的嚴令、同時也被球團安排後續的心理諮詢,近幾年大量的攻擊行為,也讓他被外界貼上「神經病」的標籤;多名退役球星也針對這樣的情況發表看法,快艇喬治(Paul George)也在日前為老友發聲,認為所有人都該冷靜、少點抨擊。
    2023/12/20 09:06
  • Keelung Mayor plans music boost, eyes Taipei Center tie-up

    Keelung Mayor George Hsieh plans to enhance the city’s cultural scene by partnering with the Taipei Music Center to bring more artistic and music events to Keelung. Hsieh’s visit to the music center included a tour and discussions about establishing a professional music venue in Keelung similar to a live house. As part of Keelung’s "Love Keelung Year-End Concert," the event will be broadcast on the 3D screen at Aniverse Keelung. Hsieh aims to collaborate with the Taipei Music Center on cross-over performances and pop music concerts, inspired by the "SoffeeDays" series. The line-up for the year-end concert includes Amber An, Nine One One, Kimberley Chen, Ailing Tai, and U:NUS, with a second stage at Guomen Square to enhance the festive atmosphere.
    2023/12/19 15:42
  • 凱特王妃曝40年前童年照 網驚:根本路易王子

    英國威廉王子(Prince William)與凱特王妃(Kate Middleton)育有3名子女——10歲的喬治王子(Prince George)、8歲的夏綠蒂公主(Princess Charlotte)和5歲的路易王子(Prince Louis),一家五口擁有高人氣。耶誕節將至,41歲的凱特王妃分享她1歲時的童年照,眾多網友驚呼,看起來跟路易王子一模一樣,顯見凱特王妃的基因超強大。
    2023/12/19 14:29
  • U.S. elections, not Taiwan’s, may shift policy: Academic

    The George Washington University Professor Robert Sutter argues that Taiwan’s elections have little impact on U.S. policy towards the island, but the upcoming U.S. presidential election in 2024 could be significant. Both political parties in the U.S. and Congress have prioritized defending American interests and countering China’s actions, with Taiwan playing an increasingly important role. Taiwan’s strategic position, high-tech development, democratic politics, and free market economy have influenced the international order and led to stronger U.S. support. Sutter predicts that if Lai Ching-te, the Democratic Progressive Party presidential candidate, wins the election, U.S.-Taiwan cooperation will further deepen. However, Sutter also suggests that the 2024 U.S. election, particularly if a candidate with an "America First" stance like Donald Trump prevails, could bring a shift in U.S. policy consistency towards Taiwan and pose challenges in countering China’s provocations.
    2023/12/12 13:54
  • Keelung year-end concert tickets snatched up quickly

    Get your tickets now for Keelung’s year-end concert on Dec. 23 at the Keelung Gymnasium! With just 6,143 seats available, residents wasted no time in lining up at district offices to secure their tickets. The demand was so high that the allocation of 680 tickets per office quickly ran out. This year, Mayor George Hsieh decided to move the festivities indoors to avoid the rainy weather that often plagued previous open-air New Year’s Eve concerts. Hosted by Daniel Chen, Lin Yu-Pin, and Haze Chen, the concert promises an evening of entertainment with performances by Amber An, 911, Ailing Tai, Kimberley Chen, U:NUS, NEXT GIRLZ-CRYXTAL, and pianist Hsu Che-cheng. Don’t miss out on this highly anticipated event and enjoy a comfortable and enjoyable experience as you celebrate the end of the year with fanfare.
    2023/12/07 19:01
  • NBA/你累了嗎?約基奇「單場23鐵」生涯最慘 快艇勝率重返五成

    衛冕軍金塊在傷兵陸續歸隊之後,終於在今(7)日以「完全體」作客挑戰快艇。不過,當家中鋒約基奇(Nikola Jokic)此戰手感奇差無比,整場32次出手僅命中9球,締造了個人生涯最慘紀錄,也讓快艇成功克服最多15分落後,以111:102守住勝利,並成功將勝率拉抬回五成。
    2023/12/07 15:35
  • NBA/All-in變笑話?庫茲馬「看衰」哈登交易案:我會保留原陣容

    快艇在開季打出3勝1負的戰績後,球團突然與76人在11月初策動大型交易,並從中獲得哈登(James Harden),但此後卻15場比賽當中卻只拿到6勝,表現明顯不如原先預期。對此,向來喜歡在社群網站上與球迷們互動的巫師前鋒庫茲馬(Kyle Kuzma)就透露,若自己是快艇高層的話,他絕對不會交易哈登,而是以「原陣容」繼續拼鬥。
    2023/12/06 15:13
  • 美騙子議員桑托斯被逐出國會 改賣名人客製影音一片喊價6千

    美國紐約州共和黨聯邦眾議員桑托斯(George Santos)日前遭國會驅逐,成為20多年來首位被驅逐議員,也是史上第6位;失去政壇地位後,近日他改進軍提供客製化名人影片的影片網站Cameo,還將錄製的每部影片定價200美元(約6297新台幣)。
    2023/12/05 18:19
  • TVBS Charity Foundation fundraiser brings warmth to families

    The TVBS Charity Foundation’s fundraiser in Taipei, held on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, united local governments, churches, and social organizations to support disadvantaged communities. This event, endorsed by mayors Chiang Wan-an and George Hsieh, fostered love and hope, creating a beacon of warmth as Christmas approaches.
    2023/12/04 19:36
  • NBA/兩度葬送領先!格林淡定認「調整就好」:我們知道怎麼贏

    短短一個星期內,勇士遭遇了兩場「大比分領先」卻被逆轉的丟臉敗仗,先是季中錦標賽遭國王翻盤,24分的領先形同虛設,再有台灣時間3日作客快艇,浪費掉了22分的大幅分差,被喬治(Paul George)一記大號三分殺死比賽,讓不少球迷感到失望不已;對此核心悍將格林(Draymond Green)卻不擔心,並強調現在的勇士「仍在朝正確的方向前進」。
    2023/12/03 17:33
  • 共和黨罷免自家議長又逐出同事 美國會史上首見

    2023/12/02 23:24
  • 「跪殺佛洛伊德」警察獄中被捅22刀 黑幫兇手面臨謀殺指控

    因強壓非裔青年佛洛伊德(George Floyd)頸部致死,被判刑入獄的美國明尼蘇達前警察蕭文(Derek Chauvin),日前傳出在監獄中遇襲,被人以利器連捅22次重傷送醫。《紐約郵報》報導,經過多日調查後發現,行兇的人來頭也不小,曾是墨西哥黑手黨成員、也當過聯邦調查局(FBI)線人的特爾薩克(John Turscak),根據負責該案的檢察官說法,如果不是監獄人員反應迅速,特爾薩克本可以致他於死地,如今他將面臨蓄意謀殺等罪名指控。
    2023/12/02 10:45
  • 詐欺又洗錢!美眾院歷史性表決 驅逐「騙子」議員桑托斯

    美國國會今天進行歷史性表決,將紐約州共和黨籍聯邦眾議員桑托斯(George Santos)趕出國會。這位醜聞纏身的政客以謊言進入國會殿堂,被控用偷來的捐贈現金維持奢華的生活。
    2023/12/02 08:37
  • 因非裔男佛洛伊德致死案入獄 前白人警「遭囚犯刺成重傷」

    美國非裔男子佛洛伊德(George Floyd)2020年被壓頸致死的事件曾引發全球反種族歧視的示威抗議,而當初用膝蓋壓住佛洛伊德的白人警察蕭文(Derek Chauvin)2021年被判入獄22年又6個月,沒想到近期傳出他在獄中遭其他囚犯刺傷、傷勢嚴重。
    2023/11/25 14:33
  • 60歲王阿姨中感情計!匯246萬想見情人 還被要求借高利貸

    三重一名六十歲的婦人,網路交友認識一名,自稱在美國鑽井的男子,名叫「George Lin」,每天開口閉口就是親愛的,為了見婦人一面,還寄了一箱美鈔加黃金要給她,做為兩人未來使用,婦人被愛情沖昏頭,不但賣首飾抵押房屋,匯了246萬給他,但這名男子還是不停地要她再繼續付款,甚至要她去借高利貸,直到最後她要再匯款9000美金買比特幣,警方及時阻止,她才知道自己中了愛情陷阱。
    2023/11/18 19:20
  • NBA/差點拿金塊祭旗!喬治飆35分領軍 「關鍵卡筐」成悲劇英雄

    送走側翼戰力、迎來哈登(James Harden)加盟的快艇近況令人唏噓,甚至用「慘不忍睹」形容都太過緩和,四星到齊後未嚐一勝也令球迷焦急不已;台灣時間15日作客衛冕軍金塊「地獄高原」主場,葬送掉了決勝節一度握有的7分領先優勢,在約基奇(Nikola Jokic)領軍逆襲、快艇雙前鋒關鍵時刻首感盡失的情況下,最終以111比108的3分之差吞下近期六連敗。
    2023/11/15 14:45
  • NBA/哈登加入卻害到他?喬治強調心態將回歸攻擊模式

    NBA洛杉磯快艇迎來明星控衛哈登(James Harden)後,組成震撼聯盟的四巨頭,甚至被稱為無敵戰艦,只不過自哈登加入後,快艇至今還沒贏過球,其他三巨頭的數據也被影響,其中又以喬治(Paul George)首當其衝。
    2023/11/13 14:01
  • NBA/末節打不到2分鐘!哈登「主場首秀」又輸 快艇苦吞5連敗

    快艇日前大手筆交易獲得的明星後衛哈登(James Harden)在台灣時間今(13)日迎來主場首秀,並面對上本季戰績墊底的灰熊。不過,快艇除了在此戰一度落後多達15分外,哈登第4節更是只打不到2分鐘,終場灰熊即以105:101險勝,而快艇則是收下一波5連敗。
    2023/11/13 08:28
  • NBA/哈登挨轟「問題製造機」!快艇吞連敗 喬治認:打得不像自己

    如願登艇的哈登(James Harden)易主至今,仍未幫助球隊取得「符合預期」的戰績,招致各界批評;日前客場18分慘敗於唐西奇(Luka Doncic)帶領的獨行俠前,一段插曲也於近期引起討論。擔任場邊主播的戴摩里斯(Brian Dameris)賽前不諱言表示,哈登並不像自認的「他就是體系」,而只是個問題的根源,認為他除了會推卸責任、錯誤之外,根本一無是處。
    2023/11/12 15:38
  • NBA/不看好快艇4星?小河流喊「別想著做自己」:得有人犧牲

    「洛城雙雄」湖人及快艇可說近況慘淡,雙雙吞下三連敗的同時,客場之旅仍是未嚐首勝,對此前快艇球員、新任《ESPN》分析師「小河流」瑞佛斯(Austin Rivers)則坦言,快艇很難作為一個功能性齊全的「整體」繼續往下走,尤其是往後深入季後賽的情況下。同時瑞佛斯也表示,快艇四巨頭首先要做的,就是「不能做回以前的自己」,重申必須有人做出改變。
    2023/11/10 11:17
  • NBA/拚老命!詹皇上場42分鐘 轟35分終止對快艇11連敗

    NBA今(2)天上演洛杉磯內戰,快艇和湖人一路纏鬥到第四節,快艇在讀秒階段靠著當家球星喬治(Paul George)三罰俱中,將比分扳平成117 :117進入延長賽,延長賽湖人靠著里夫斯(Austin Reaves)拿下7分、快艇則只有雷納德(Kawhi Leonard)發揮難撐大局,終場湖人以130:125擊敗快艇,終止對戰11連敗,而今年38歲的湖人招牌球星詹姆斯上場時間(Lebron James)超過42分鐘完全燃燒,個人狂轟35分12籃板7助攻。
    2023/11/02 14:23
  • NBA/快艇組豪華四巨頭 一起先發將創42年首見紀錄

    NBA今夏最後一起重磅交易案正式落幕,費城76人將明星控衛哈登(James Harden)送至洛杉磯快艇,讓快艇瞬間成為無敵戰艦,哈登將與喬治(Paul George)、雷納德(Kawhi Leonard)、衛斯布魯克(Russell Westbrook)組成豪華四巨頭,而四巨頭未來若一同先發,將寫下聯盟睽違42年的罕見紀錄。
    2023/11/01 10:58
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