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    ���55������������ 結果共4,202筆

  • 《異能》才封后!韓孝周演反派淪「年度最爛」 朴敘俊沒禮貌又糟

    2023/12/25 17:41
  • 業界公認最無禮演員TOP6!宋仲基、朴敘俊上榜 影帝奪冠

    2023/12/25 15:28
  • 遭台演藝圈封殺?女星消失18年「現蹤超商」 55歲凍齡近照曝

    2023/12/25 12:18
  • 賓士違規迴轉直行休旅車撞上「360度翻轉」 害駕駛重傷昏迷

    2023/12/22 14:35
  • 詐團成員開庭嗆檢察官「白痴」 侮辱公務員多判55天

    2023/12/22 12:09
  • 沈玉琳擁5豪宅「身價破億」太狂! 買6千萬百坪房寵妻:房貸沒放心上

    2023/12/21 13:58
  • 55歲玉女歌手消失31年!凍齡樣貌長這樣 驚人近況曝光

    55歲玉女歌手戚小戀闊別31年重返歌壇,看來凍齡美貌依舊,她秉持想將溫暖送給世界的心,精釀1年完成戚小戀《我的太陽My Sun 2023》全記錄專輯,她浪漫說:「想要紀錄Hopes & Dreams,感恩與祝福!」
    2023/12/21 08:00
  • Survey: near 60% in Taiwan expect 1-3 months’ year-end bonus

    A new survey conducted by Cathay Financial Holding reveals that 59.3% of respondents expect their year-end bonuses for 2023 to be between one to three months’ worth of salary. Additionally, 45.9% of those polled anticipate a salary increase in 2024, with 9.2% expecting the raise to exceed 3%. However, only 8.3% foresee year-end bonuses topping three months’ salary, while 32.4% predict bonuses will fall below one month. In terms of regular monthly earnings in 2024, 47.6% of participants project stability. The survey also indicates that the average growth expectation for Taiwan’s economy in 2024 stands at 2.52%, with 70% of those surveyed predicting a growth rate above 2%. Respondents expect the inflation rate in 2024 to be 2.21%, with 55% believing it will remain above 2%. These figures differ from the projections by the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, which forecasts a 3.35% growth rate and a 1.64% inflation rate for Taiwan in 2024. In December, the optimism index for Taiwan’s stock market rose sharply to 16.1 from -0.4 in November, and the risk appetite index increased from 10.3 to 13.9, indicating market anticipation of potential rate cuts by major central banks next year. The survey, conducted from Dec. 1 to 7, gathered 13,379 valid questionnaires via email from members of Cathay Life Insurance’s official website and customers of Cathay United Bank.
    2023/12/20 20:00
  • Nearly half in Taiwan expect pay hikes in 2024, survey shows

    Nearly 46% of Taiwanese people expect a salary increase next year, according to a survey by Cathay Financial Holding Co. The survey also found that about 60% of respondents anticipate year-end bonuses ranging from one to three months’ salary, while 8.3% expect bonuses to exceed three months. However, 47.6% of those surveyed expect monthly wages to remain constant. The survey also revealed a conservative estimate for Taiwan’s 2024 economic growth, with an average expectation of 2.52%, contrasting with the more bullish 3.35% forecast by the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting, and Statistics. Respondents predict an average inflation rate of 2.21%, with 55% believing it will exceed 2%, higher than the directorate’s projection of 1.64% for 2024. The survey was conducted from Dec. 1-7 and gathered 13,379 valid responses through email questionnaires.
    2023/12/20 19:13
  • Taiwanese optimism on year-end bonuses sises, survey shows

    A survey by Cathay Financial Holdings reveals that Taiwanese are increasingly optimistic about year-end bonuses and economic prospects. 59.3% of respondents expect bonuses ranging from one to three months’ salary, surpassing last year’s 55%. Furthermore, 8.3% anticipate bonuses exceeding three months’ pay, reflecting an improvement in attitudes towards Taiwan’s economy. The Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics predicts a 3.35% economic growth in 2024 with an inflation rate of 1.64%, but the public is more cautious, expecting a 2.52% growth and a 2.21% inflation rate. The optimism index for the local stock market has also improved. Additionally, 45.9% of Taiwanese anticipate salary increases, a 13.2 percentage point increase from 2022, while those expecting a steady monthly income dropped by 10.9 percentage points to 47.6%. Only 32.4% believe their year-end bonus will be less than one month’s salary, a decrease of 5.6 percentage points from the previous year.
    2023/12/20 17:28
  • Taiwan sees economic confidence boost: survey

    A survey by Cathay Financial Holdings reveals a rise in Taiwan’s economic confidence, with the outlook index turning positive and stock market optimism rebounding. The December survey shows that 70% of the population expects the economic growth rate to exceed 2% in 2024, while 55% anticipate the inflation rate to remain above 2%. These expectations differ slightly from projections by the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting, and Statistics (DGBAS), which forecasts a 3.35% economic growth rate and an inflation rate of 1.64% for 2024. The DGBAS data suggests that people may be more conservative about economic expansion and anticipate higher inflation. Additionally, expectations for salary adjustments have improved compared to 2022, with 45.9% of those surveyed predicting wage increases. Of these, 9.2% believe raises will exceed 3%, and 47.6% expect monthly regular wages to stay the same. Taiwan’s current situation confidence index has climbed from -23.2 in November to -3.0 in December, while the future outlook confidence index has improved from -9.1 to 3.6, signaling growing optimism about Taiwan’s upcoming economic climate.
    2023/12/20 14:56
  • 辛瓦的秘密!以色列軍找到哈瑪斯4km地道 可容小車移動

    2023/12/18 15:48
  • 「象鼻岩」崩塌了要改叫啥?一票人歪樓喊「這些名字」

    2023/12/17 18:06
  • 影音/東北角象鼻岩13:55斷裂! 風雨大鼻子被浪打斷剩象身

    2023/12/17 12:21
  • 最貴不超過65元!名店「泰國船麵」進軍東區 3炸物必點

    2023/12/17 11:53
  • 金融、科技高管爆「接連墜樓」!陸大廠創辦人身亡 享年55歲

    2023/12/17 11:27
  • 大咖男星離婚4個月擁新歡 女方驚爆有老公「秒變小王」

    好萊塢明星休傑克曼(Hugh Jackman)因「金鋼狼」一角紅遍全球,55歲的他今年9月宣布與結縭27年的老婆黛博拉離婚,這段相差13歲的姐弟戀原本備受外界看好,最後仍敵不過時間與摩擦,不過2人恢復單身後各自精彩,離婚4個月休傑克曼就傳出有新歡,對象是和他合作百老匯歌舞劇《音樂世界》的知名女伶薩頓佛斯特(Sutton  Foster),只是他和黛博拉的離婚還未正式生效,薩頓也還是有婦之夫,情況有些尷尬。
    2023/12/17 10:36
  • 象鼻岩斷裂沉海!網憂「下一個」恐是女王頭:要趕快去看

    2023/12/17 08:27
  • 瑞芳風雨、浪太大自然風化 象鼻岩今下午斷裂、網:變佛地魔岩

    2023/12/16 16:58
  • Survey: 60% in Taiwan back defense budget to 3% of GDP

    Nearly 60% of Taiwanese people support increasing the national defense budget to 3% of GDP, according to a survey released by the Institute for National Defense and Security Research (INDSR). The survey, conducted by the National Chengchi University Election Study Center, gathered 1,214 complete responses from November 12 to November 13. Around 9% of respondents believe the current defense budget is very insufficient, while 46% consider it to be insufficient, totaling approximately 55% who think the defense spending needs a boost. Additionally, nearly 60% of the full sample expressed approval for cutting other government expenditures to raise the defense budget, while around 41% would favor paying more taxes to achieve a defense budget constituting 3% of GDP.
    2023/12/16 16:20
  • 市調機構估2024「平價摺疊手機元年」 賣最好的是「這款」

    2023/12/15 23:01
  • Pornhub年度熱搜是它 年輕人看片只花8分鐘最愛這兩類A片

    2023/12/15 14:10
  • 他好奇「台積電工作壓力來自哪?」 過來人揭黑暗面:都當盤子

    2023/12/13 13:30
  • Taiwan’s Type B flu cases rise as Lunar New Year nears

    Taiwan’s Centers for Disease Control (CDC) warns of a potential flu epidemic around the Lunar New Year due to an increase in Type B influenza infections. Over 6 million government-funded flu vaccines have been administered, with a vaccination rate exceeding 50% among senior citizens. Several counties have reached the target vaccination rate of 55% for seniors. Influenza outpatient and emergency department visits have shown a recent downward trend, but adenoviruses remain the leading respiratory pathogens. H3N2 is more prevalent than H1N1, with a rising proportion of Type B influenza cases. There have been 14 new severe influenza complications and three additional deaths, mainly affecting individuals with chronic illnesses who were unvaccinated. As of December 11, 6.098 million public-funded flu vaccine doses have been administered, achieving a vaccination rate of 50.4%. Officials urge eligible citizens to promptly get vaccinated, as approximately 500,000 doses of government-funded flu vaccine remain.
    2023/12/12 16:59
  • 力拚國會過半組聯合政府 朱立倫:相信選民有智慧自動集結

    2023/12/12 08:19
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