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    solo 結果共148筆

  • 大巨蛋例行賽首轟! 中信兄弟曾頌恩這敲:要歷史留名

    2024/04/01 13:32
  • 源少年爆私下玩很大!他慘輸被團員狂壓 不忍吐真心話

    AcQUA源少年3月28日推出首張專輯《I’m Here 我在》,專輯收錄了出道至今的5首團體歌曲以及5首成員個人Solo歌曲,更加碼原子少年節目時期的〈Little Bomb〉,黃莑茗提到:「想透過這張專輯告訴大家我們一直都在,陪伴著大家,也感謝粉絲一路從原子時期到出道就陪伴著我們到現在。」須弘道感性地告白:「就像是歌曲中的〈You Are The Reason〉,因為有你們所以才有我們,感謝粉絲一直以來都陪伴著我們。」
    2024/03/28 18:52
  • Calum Scott to electrify Taipei with first solo concert

    British soul singer Calum Scott is gearing up for his first solo concert at Taipei Arena on March 27. Discover his journey from being chosen as Ed Sheeran’s opening act in Kaohsiung to the excitement of his Taiwanese fans. Join Scott for an unforgettable performance and secure your tickets now at kham.com.tw.
    2024/03/26 17:53
  • Hebe Tien’s enchanting Hokkaido getaway captivates fans

    Taiwanese pop singer Hebe Tien charms fans with frigidly beautiful photos from her Hokkaido vacation. Follow her frosty adventure in the snow-filled landscape as she captures the hearts of her followers with her delightful escapades.
    2024/03/14 11:29
  • 影音/小S抱病跳碧昂絲夯曲! 下秒SOLO「中猴」超厭世

    2024/03/04 13:16
  • BLACKPINK’s Jisoo launches BLISSOO, surprising global fans

    BLACKPINK’s Jisoo surprises fans with the launch of her personal brand BLISSOO, signaling a focus on acting. The official website garners high traffic as Jisoo’s solo activities are confirmed, sparking speculation on her future in the K-POP industry.
    2024/02/21 15:56
  • Solo travels on the rise as Google search for term doubles

    Discover the growing trend of solo travel! Explore the reasons behind its rise, tips for first-time solo travelers, and the increasing popularity among older adults. From local getaways to luxurious international tours, solo travel offers a world of possibilities.
    2024/02/18 12:30
  • 歐陽娣娣選秀節目初舞台! SOLO秀一字馬實力遭疑「皇族」

    2024/02/04 13:08
  • 車銀優驚爆戀愛? 洛杉磯約會超正外國演員「真相曝光」

    南韓演員「臉蛋天才」車銀優,近期戲劇邀約不斷,在2016年出道後,除了唱跳舞台吸睛,海外也擁有高知名度,而日前他宣布將在出道8年後首度發行 solo 專輯,讓粉絲們都非常期待。因為要拍攝MV,車銀優最近都在美國工作,卻沒想到被網友偶遇到他在咖啡廳與外國女生在咖啡廳約會的照片,讓從來沒有傳出過緋聞的車銀優,引起大眾關心戀愛消息是否屬實。
    2024/01/29 10:39
  • Rhydian Vaughan kicks off winter tour with unplugged shows

    Taiwanese-Welsh actor and singer Rhydian Vaughan began his winter tour on January 19 to promote his first album, "Seven." The tour features Unplugged-style performances where Rhydian shares his songs and the stories behind them. During the tour, Rhydian is excited to perform two special songs, "Windmill" by Taiwanese rock icon Wu Bai and the English track "Soaking in Divine," which he dedicated to his wife. Rhydian revealed that he will be joined by "Thai prince" Phum Viphurit for a duet. Viphurit’s song "Lover Boy" has gained nearly 100 million views on YouTube, and he also performed at the Golden Melody Awards Ceremony last year. Rhydian expressed his delight in collaborating with Viphurit, praising his tall and handsome appearance and their harmonious singing. Rhydian emphasized the intimate connection with fans as the most memorable aspect of the winter tour, sharing his creative story up close. He also announced an upcoming solo concert titled "After the Show," which will be held at Legacy Taipei on March 9, the eve of his 36th birthday.
    2024/01/26 12:49
  • 擁69項金氏世界紀錄!泰勒絲穩坐歌后寶座 哈佛要開她的課?

    2024/01/14 14:31
  • 跨年演出又拍戲!男歌手數度暈眩 診斷竟患「前庭神經炎」

    2024/01/07 15:35
  • Taiwan’s top 10 concerts of 2023 revealed by big data

    In 2023, Taiwan’s concert scene witnessed a multitude of chart-topping performances, captivating fans with spectacles from renowned artists. The KeyPo big-data engine used by DailyView analyzed online discussions to rank the top 10 concerts of the year. At number 10, rock band Power Station, featuring guests JJ Lin and Accusefive, received positive reviews for their world tour concert "Because of Love." Accusefive, the ninth most discussed band, also garnered favorable reviews for their world tour concerts in Taiwan. Veteran singer Rainie Yang, ranked eighth, touched the hearts of concertgoers at the Taipei Arena. Hebe Tien, in seventh place, returned to the Taipei Arena after three years, inviting guest artists Waa Wei, Deserts Chang, and actor Greg Hsu. Hong Kong superstar Eason Chan, placed at number six, conveyed deep philosophical messages in his concert "Fear and Dreams." Korean soloist Taeyeon, at number five, held a solo concert at the Taipei Arena, performing 24 songs consecutively. Taiwanese star A-Mei, in fourth place, performed in Kaohsiung for 10 consecutive days, earning applause from dedicated fans. British band Coldplay secured third place for their eco-friendly concert in Kaohsiung. Taiwanese band Mayday celebrated their 25th anniversary with surprises and engagement with fans, landing them in second place. However, the top concert of 2023 in Taiwan belonged to K-pop girl group BLACKPINK, whose "Born Pink" tour tickets sold out instantly in Kaohsiung, attracting nearly 90,000 fans. The analysis collected data from various digital platforms from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2023, including Facebook, YouTube, news media, discussion boards, and blogs.
    2024/01/07 11:06
  • 戴佩妮豁出去了!為于文文獻出第一次 手冒厚繭吐心聲

    2023/12/26 18:09
  • 火焰之舞經典SOLO舞步 男主角示範教學

    2023/11/29 23:15
  • 快訊/消失數月爆引退!42歲男星驚罹癌症 最新病況曝

    2023/11/09 11:12
  • 火焰之舞solo 高超舞技展十足舞王魅力

    2023/11/09 10:01
  • 柾國主打歌「Standing Next to You」帥度升級!登頂串流冠軍

    韓國男團BTS忙內柾國,全新專輯在昨天(3日)全面發行,一舉拿下77個國家的熱門專輯榜榜首,其中主打歌「Standing Next to You」MV曝光,柾國帥氣唱跳,引起迴響,隨即登上韓國音源實時榜第一。
    2023/11/04 17:14
  • 韓國獨立樂迷注意!DPR IAN來台開唱 11月活動硬體最猛頂規

    那個男人這次真的要回來啦!繼去(2022)年12月由Wonderful Ent. Asia舉辦的DPR世界巡迴演唱會台灣站後,不到1年,DPR的當家歌手DPR IAN也決定要在11月22日再次回到新北的Zepp New Taipei,為大家帶來他新的音樂作品以及一場精彩的SOLO演唱會!
    2023/10/31 18:22
  • 挺過霸凌爭議!穗珍11月SOLO出道 最新預告惹哭粉絲

    2023/10/29 05:00
  • 陳漢典才奪金鐘獎 突爆主持《大熱門》有心魔:很沉重

    陳漢典日前抱回第58屆金鐘獎綜藝節目主持人獎,好事不斷的他,睽違5年推出新歌〈Solo so long〉。日前作客Hit Fm聯播網「夜貓DJ」Dennis節目,Dennis更送陳漢典印有「慶祝」字樣的金箔清酒,祝賀他未來繼續鍍金,在演藝圈天天慶祝,天天都是精采慶典。
    2023/10/27 17:33
  • 才剛奪金鐘!陳漢典無預警「說再見」拋震撼彈 40歲新轉變

    出道18年的陳漢典近期雙喜臨門爽收兩大「成年禮」,不僅終結「槓龜」風光敲響金鐘成為新科金鐘最佳主持人,更發行暌違五年的新歌〈SOLO SO LONG〉,除了藉由真摯歌聲及精湛舞技來宣告要「終結孤單」,更透過歌詞赤裸傳遞內心想法,正如歌名之意「要跟一個人的自己說再見」,陳漢典把出道18年的人生歷程心境都濃縮在這首歌中,娓娓道出步入40不惑之年的心聲。即將邁入40歲的陳漢典表示:「這幾年默默地從毛躁的小屁孩變成大家口中的熟男,一直以來跳舞是我最自在的時候,所以想透過用舞蹈跟歌聲去表達自己的心境,讓大家看到40歲男人該有的樣貌。」
    2023/10/24 12:02
  • 專訪/陳漢典睽違5年推新作 正面對決「內心孤獨」變身40歲熟男

    39歲藝人陳漢典今(2023)年憑《綜藝大熱門》入圍第58屆金鐘獎「綜藝節目主持人獎」,日前接受《TVBS新聞網》專訪,自嘲是繼搭檔Lulu(黃路梓茵)後,入圍最多次,卻沒得獎的人,很希望今年可以走上舞台。陳漢典在2018年推出歌曲〈先不要〉,這句話也就成為他與人互動的起手式,「先不要、先不要」;時隔5年,他再度發行新單曲〈SOLO SO LONG〉,想用歌曲闡述這幾年的轉變。
    2023/10/18 14:53
  • 女團前成員昔捲霸凌!爆這時間「SOLO復出」 百萬粉激動力挺

    2023/10/16 12:51
  • 5566重返小巨蛋!孫協志「甜蜜放閃夏宇童」熱舞飆唱 滿滿粉紅泡泡

    2023/10/15 15:11
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