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    safety 結果共371筆

  • Father of assailant seeks hospital visit, denied entry

    A student in New Taipei City stabbed his classmate five times over a dispute involving another student, leaving the victim in critical condition. The father of the accused student expressed a desire to visit the victim’s family at the hospital but was declined due to limited visiting hours and the victim’s unconscious state. The injured student was immediately put on ECMO at Far Eastern Memorial Hospital and, although his vital signs have recovered, he remains unconscious. The culprit has been detained in a reform facility, while the other student involved is under the guardianship of an appointed adult. This incident has raised concerns about school safety and youth violence.
    2023/12/27 09:38
  • Tech-driven traffic enforcement expands in Taipei City

    Taipei City plans to install four more traffic enforcement cameras at intersections starting from January 1, 2024, to maintain traffic order. The new technology will assist in enforcing traffic regulations, including stopping for pedestrians, obeying traffic lights, making proper turns, and following traffic signal directions. Violations captured by the cameras will be penalized under the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act. Since 2019, Taipei has already installed such cameras in 34 areas, resulting in over a 90% decrease in traffic violations according to the Traffic Division’s data. The introduction of tech-based traffic enforcement aims to reduce violations and ensure smooth traffic flow, with the authorities urging drivers to prioritize traffic safety. These additional installations are expected to contribute to safer road conditions in the city.
    2023/12/26 20:24
  • Lai Ching-te pledges unity, safety in presidential bid

    DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te has proposed a comprehensive national vision, emphasizing unity, safety, and cross-strait cooperation based on mutual respect if elected. Lai aims to establish a transparent government by combating corruption, including illegal drugs and arms dealing, fraud, and embezzlement. He also plans to boost Taiwan’s economy by supporting the growth of small and medium enterprises in high-tech industries. Lai is committed to education equity, with plans to waive high school and vocational school fees and provide financial aid to private university students. He also pledges to improve long-term care facilities and services through the implementation of Long-term Care 3.0. Lai and his running mate, Hsiao Bi-khim, are dedicated to caring for the people, protecting Taiwan’s security, and advancing its development.
    2023/12/26 20:06
  • Thai restaurant found with excessive pesticide in peppers

    Pesticide residue 60 times over the standard limit was found in green peppers at Nara Thai Cuisine in Taichung, according to the city’s Office of Food and Drug Safety. The investigation targeted popular dining businesses and specialty restaurants recommended by the media and online personalities, including those recommended by Michelin Guides and food shows. The office tested 48 food product samples and detected 0.6 ppm of pesticide (Profenofos) in the green peppers, which is 60 times the permissible limit of below 0.01 ppm. Authorities have demanded the restaurant to cease using the batch of green peppers and will transfer the case for further investigation. The restaurant could face fines ranging from NT$60,000 to NT$200 million under the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation, while farmers inappropriately using pesticides can be fined from NT$15,000 to NT$150,000.
    2023/12/26 19:57
  • Two rescuers overboard in Taiwan submarine incident

    Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense confirms that two rescuers have fallen overboard while assisting a Hai Hu submarine incident. One is still missing, while the other has been rescued by a navy vessel. The incident occurred when the wooden cover of the rear rescue buoy fell off, causing unusual noise and pulling the connected steel cable. Initially, four people were sent to retrieve the items, but the narrow track caused them to be swept off by surge waves. Three people fell overboard, with two still missing. The weapon’s chief also fell into the sea but was later rescued. A total of six rescuers have been dispatched, with 11 people involved in the mission. The three rescued and four injured have been treated at Zuoying Armed Forces General Hospital. Search and rescue operations continue beyond the 72-hour golden rescue period, with the search area expanding based on ocean currents. The Chief of Naval Staff emphasizes that they will not abandon the search and that all soldiers are like family.
    2023/12/26 15:23
  • Taiwanese pangolin’s night visit captures hearts

    A young Taiwanese pangolin pays a surprise visit to a residence in Chiayi County, capturing hearts with adorable photos. The villa owner, Hsu Ming-wei, temporarily keeps the pangolin for its safety before releasing it in the nearby mountains. Estimated to weigh around 2.1 kilograms, the pangolin falls short of its adult weight of approximately 20 kilograms. Hsu believes that a group of pangolins likely resides near his property. While capturing pangolins is prohibited due to their protected status, Hsu will not face penalties for his well-intentioned actions. Shui Hui-ling, the head of animal science and conservation at the Chiayi County Agriculture Department, advises notifying authorities and providing video evidence when releasing such animals.
    2023/12/26 14:15
  • Dr. Chiang fears long-term effects on stabbing victim

    Dr. Chiang Kuan-yu, a prominent figure, criticized the inadequate security measures on campuses following a severe assault on a teenage student in New Taipei City. Dr. Chiang expressed concern that the victim’s life could be permanently altered due to the attack. He emphasized the potential long-term consequences, even if extracorporeal life support successfully saves the victim’s life and restores breathing. Dr. Chiang pointed out that prolonged absence of vital signs can deprive the brain of oxygen, leading to significant cognitive changes during recovery. The incident occurred when a 15-year-old male student scolded a female classmate for entering another classroom, which provoked her to seek help from a male classmate who then physically attacked the victim with a switchblade. Although the victim was revived through extracorporeal life support, his prognosis remains uncertain. Dr. Chiang condemned the incident as a serious campus safety issue and questioned how a juvenile delinquent managed to bring a knife into the school. He called for a "zero-tolerance" policy towards violence in educational institutions. Dr. Chiang further expressed concerns about the overall safety of students in what he described as a "dark campus" environment and stated that as a parent, he would not allow his child to continue attending the school.
    2023/12/26 10:46
  • Ed. Bureau Director visits victim of campus knife attack

    The director of the New Taipei City Education Bureau, Chang Ming-wen, changed his plans to visit a middle school student at the Far Eastern Memorial Hospital after the student was attacked on campus. The student, from a junior high school in Tucheng District, is in intensive care with serious injuries from a throat-slashing incident. The attack occurred when a male student confronted a female student during lunchtime, leading to verbal and physical assault. The male student used a folding knife to inflict multiple wounds on the victim, causing severe blood loss and cardiac arrest. The school principal stated that the altercation stemmed from discontentment with noise during lunch break. Police are investigating whether there were previous tensions between the students involved. The Education Bureau has prioritized the victim’s recovery and provided full medical assistance, as well as support to the family. Supervisors, social workers, and psychologists were dispatched to the school for assistance, and preliminary counseling has been offered to the students involved. The bureau has also called for increased attention to the affected students and enhanced campus security to ensure their physical and psychological safety.
    2023/12/26 10:36
  • China’s TAO announces resumption of Taiwan grouper imports

    China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) spokesperson, Zhu Fenglian, announced that the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China will resume imports of Taiwan groupers from certified and registered fish farms. This comes after China halted imports of the fish on June 13, 2022, due to the detection of banned substances. Zhu praised the Taiwanese grouper industry for taking effective measures to improve the safety of groupers during this period. She specifically highlighted the guidance provided by Su Ching-chuan, the policy committee vice chair of the Kuomintang (KMT), and Huang Yi-cheng, head of the Taiwan Cross-Strait Agricultural and Fishery Exchange Development Investment Association. The TAO emphasized that as long as Taiwan adheres to the 1992 Consensus and opposes independence, mainland China and Taiwan will be considered one family.
    2023/12/22 16:15
  • Masked palm civet killed by chimp in Taipei Zoo

    An adult masked palm civet tragically fell to its death after mistakenly entering a chimpanzee enclosure at the Taipei Zoo. The incident occurred on December 15 and was witnessed by onlookers. The civet was attacked and killed by a chimpanzee, leaving visitors shocked. Taipei Zoo spokesperson Eric Tsao explained that while precautions are taken to ensure animal safety, it is impossible to completely close off each area due to animal welfare considerations. Tsao emphasized that this event serves as a reminder that local wildlife species can occasionally wander into the zoo. Chimpanzees exhibit a group defense behavior pattern and will attack intruders until they show no signs of life. Upon being alerted about the incident, zoo staff followed the Standard Operating Procedure and managed to lure the chimpanzees inside before addressing the situation. However, the civet had already died. The deceased civet, considered a sensitive species in terms of communicable disease control, will be sent to a professional health institution for tests to determine if it carried any infectious diseases.
    2023/12/22 14:05
  • Taipingshan welcomes first snowfall amid -6 degrees Celsius

    Experience the first snowfall of 2023 in Taipingshan, Yilan County, as freezing temperatures dropped to minus 6 degrees Celsius. The lightly covered statue of an owl added a touch of winter charm to the area. Despite the strong winds, the snowfall was not significant, and there was no observed increase in the trend. To ensure safety, the management urged all visitors to descend the mountain from 4 p.m. to avoid road ice. Tourists seeking snow experiences have booked local accommodations, highlighting the enthusiasm for the snowfall. For safety reasons, there will be a dynamic total volume control for vehicular entrance into the park, halting new entries once the limit of 1,000 vehicles is reached.
    2023/12/22 12:00
  • Shipping companies reroute amid escalating Red Sea crisis

    The escalating Red Sea crisis prompts shipping companies to reroute, with ten shipping routes from Taipei and Kaohsiung passing through the Red Sea. The Houthi movement, favoring Iran, targets ships in the Red Sea, leading international and local shippers to prioritize safety by announcing delays or re-routing around the Cape of Good Hope. Shipping companies opt to navigate around the Cape or temporarily suspend services, expecting disruptions in ship schedules. The situation mainly affects regional operations and does not yet have global consequences, resulting in no congested ports like during the pandemic. National shipping lines have temporarily ceased accepting cargo for ports in Israel, with further assessments on route adjustments to be made.
    2023/12/20 21:04
  • Taichung opens traffic theme park for kids’ safety education

    Taichung City has unveiled its first children’s traffic theme park, Quan Yuan Children’s Traffic Theme Park, located next to Quanyuan Park in the East District. The park aims to educate youngsters about traffic safety while they play, featuring miniaturized zebra crossings, scooter waiting areas, railway level crossings, and a section on the blind spots of large vehicles. Parents can use bicycles and scooters with their children, providing a practical setting for hands-on traffic education. The park is part of Taichung’s "Melody Project" to create unique parks within city districts and integrates local historical elements. Plans are underway to partner with nearby schools for outdoor traffic education classes, fostering an early appreciation of traffic rules in students and enhancing public awareness of traffic safety.
    2023/12/20 20:51
  • Taipei braces for cold wave, snow in high mountains forecast

    A meteorologist predicts a cold front will bring lower temperatures and possible snowfall in high mountain areas of Taiwan. Temperatures in Taipei could drop to 9.5 degrees Celsius, meeting the standard for a cold wave. Areas north of Miaoli County and the Huadong Valley may see temperatures below 8 degrees Celsius. The weather in areas north of Hsinchu and in Yilan will be damp and cold throughout the day. Snowfall is expected in Taipingshan, Lala Mountain, and Shei-Pa National Park, with Yangmingshan possibly experiencing sleet or rain mixed with snow. Mountains over 3,000 meters above sea level in areas north of Taoyuan and at the border of Yilan and Hualien counties may also see snowfall.
    2023/12/20 17:29
  • Tainan hotel upskills senior staff through training programs

    Queena Plaza Hotel in Tainan successfully utilizes Taiwan’s Middle-aged and Elderly Training Subsidy Program to enhance the skills of its middle-aged and senior workforce. Through external training courses, the hotel’s staff, particularly those aged 45 and above, have completed HACCP 60A and HACCP 60B courses, improving their capabilities in food safety control systems and kitchen hygiene regulations. Over 50% of the hotel’s middle-aged and elderly grassroots leaders have obtained HACCP certification, contributing to their career development. The Workforce Development Agency encourages companies to apply for subsidy programs to leverage the competencies of their middle-aged and senior employees, leading to improved work efficiency and organizational goals. Contact the agency for more information.
    2023/12/20 17:24
  • EVA Air rebuts union’s claims, stresses rigorous selection

    EVA Air addresses accusations from the Taoyuan Union of Pilots (TUP) regarding pilot turnover and flight safety. The airline clarifies that only 50 national pilots have retired or left in 2023, contradicting TUP’s claim of 100 pilots leaving annually. EVA Air strongly denies the union’s allegations, emphasizing its rigorous selection process and commitment to fair pay. The airline urges the union to cease inappropriate behavior.
    2023/12/19 21:47
  • Dcard faces police searches amid fraud, safety issues

    Dcard, a popular Taiwanese networking platform, has been the target of multiple police and judicial searches due to numerous instances involving anonymous postings that resulted in fraud, child and teenager safety issues, and defamation cases. Despite polite requests from Taiwanese authorities for data, Dcard has refused to comply, leading to criticism from attorney and former prosecutor Perseus Chen. Chen pointed out that while Facebook’s headquarters in the United States are beyond Taiwanese law enforcement’s jurisdiction, Dcard, being based in Taiwan, should cooperate with local investigations into criminal matters. Chen’s comments have further intensified scrutiny on Dcard’s handling of law enforcement requests and its adherence to legal obligations in Taiwan.
    2023/12/19 15:35
  • Taiwan’s Presidential Office unveils 2024 New Year cards

    The Presidential Office in Taipei held a press conference to unveil the Lunar New Year’s greeting cards for 2024. The cards, designed by Yen Po-chun, feature a dragon motif combined with Taiwan’s scenic landscapes. The design aims to convey blessings for the Lunar New Year and wishes for prosperity, peacefulness, safety, and well-being for the nation. The card is in an "Mp4" format, with an animation that intertwines the dragon motif with the numbers 2024 and the word "LOVE," symbolizing Taiwan’s vitality, hope, and vision for progress. Recipients of the greeting cards include heads of state, international dignitaries, ambassadors, representatives to Taiwan, local government figures, overseas Chinese community leaders, members of the legislative body, and notable figures from academic, cultural, and business sectors.
    2023/12/19 10:09
  • ’Taroko Tears’ dismayed by TRA’s safety reform stance

    Taroko Tears, a group for family members of those who died in the 2021 Hualien train derailment, is expressing incredulity at the Taiwan Railways Administration’s (TRA) dismissive attitude towards safety reform discussions. The TRA has repeatedly altered or canceled meetings with the Ministry of Transportation and Communications’ external oversight committee, raising concerns. The TRA’s upcoming transformation into a corporation on New Year’s Day has sparked skepticism and worry among Taroko Tears. The group has sought a seat on the TRA’s board to monitor safety reforms but was rejected due to a lack of professional expertise. Taroko Tears questions the ability of TRA board members to lead substantial improvements. The external oversight committee has been pushing for joint discussions on safety reforms since September 2023, but the TRA’s handling of these meetings has been criticized as capricious and disrespectful. The TRA is currently in communication with the external oversight group but has yet to respond to their concerns. As the TRA’s transformation approaches, tensions between Taroko Tears and the railway administration are escalating.
    2023/12/18 21:28
  • Taiwan to merge tourism and weather services for travelers

    The Tourism Administration and the Central Weather Administration (CWA) have signed a memorandum of understanding to merge tourism and meteorological services in Taiwan. The partnership will focus on Taiwan’s tourism activities, particularly the 13 national scenic area administrations. The collaboration aims to develop strategic promotions that enhance the traveler experience by utilizing the expertise of both organizations. The Tourism Administration plans to incorporate real-time weather data into a tourism smart cloud, providing accurate weather conditions for tourists. The CWA will deliver targeted meteorological information for different regions, simplifying access for both local and international travelers. This initiative aims to catalyze the development of the tourism industry and ensure the effective use and exchange of weather and maritime information. The use of smart cloud technology will equip travelers with useful information, enhancing convenience and safety, especially for maritime recreational activities.
    2023/12/18 21:26
  • EVA Air pilots consider strike over bonus, pay issues

    The Taoyuan Union of Pilots (TUP) has announced that EVA Air pilots will hold a strike vote in response to the airline’s handling of end-of-year bonuses and salary raises. The TUP claims that EVA Air’s cost-cutting measures and talent loss have resulted in frequent safety incidents. The union plans to hold a press conference in front of the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MOTC) to voice their demands. EVA Air has been accused of aggressively reducing costs, leading to a significant loss of national pilots and the hiring of foreign pilots through illegal brokers. The TUP believes the MOTC should take responsibility and has set a deadline for EVA Air to improve the situation, suggesting that flight rights be reduced if conditions are not met.
    2023/12/18 20:24
  • EVA pilots union prepare for strike vote amid labor dispute

    The Taoyuan Union of Pilots (TUP) has taken their concerns to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC), demanding increased oversight of EVA Air due to dissatisfaction over wages and annual bonuses despite rising revenues. The union has threatened to limit the airline’s rights if conditions are not improved by a specified deadline and plans to hold a strike vote on December 22. EVA Air has faced scrutiny for various issues, including understaffing that has led to several safety incidents. Pilots accuse the airline of excessive cost-cutting measures, such as hiring foreign pilots through illegal brokers, resulting in a workforce where foreign pilots outnumber national pilots. Over the past year, EVA Air has experienced a significant decline in national pilots, with approximately 10% of the total pilot workforce leaving. The union also claims that EVA Air’s response to the manpower shortage, including mandatory overtime and inadequate training, has resulted in frequent safety incidents. The union is calling for a comprehensive labor inspection and continuous penalties for workplace safety incidents. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications has received a petition from the union and emphasizes the priority of flight safety and public well-being, urging EVA Air to engage in dialogue. The Ministry of Labor is also involved in labor-capital negotiations. The strike vote result, due on January 5, will determine whether a strike will be launched, contingent on EVA Air’s willingness to negotiate improvement measures sincerely.
    2023/12/18 16:40
  • Taiwan passes gun control amendments, fines up to NT$15M

    The Legislative Yuan has passed amendments to the Controlling Guns, Ammunition and Knives Act, imposing stricter penalties for firearms offenses in public spaces. Offenders firing standard-issue firearms in or towards public areas could face a minimum of seven years in prison and fines of up to NT$15 million. Discharging non-standard firearms in public venues may result in sentences ranging from five to twelve years and fines of up to NT$10 million. The amendments also address loopholes by adjusting the terms for those confessing or turning themselves in, allowing judges to decide on leniency based on each case’s specifics. These revisions aim to combat gun-related crimes and strengthen social safety and order.
    2023/12/18 14:37
  • Tsai Ing-wen honors excellence in architecture and business

    President Tsai Ing-wen hosted the winners of the 25th National Golden Award for Architecture and the 20th National Brand Yushan Award, commending their contributions to Taiwan’s architectural and business communities. She expressed gratitude towards the National Enterprise Competitiveness Development Association for their rigorous evaluations that have motivated industry advancement and boosted Taiwan’s competitiveness. Tsai emphasized the importance of collaborative efforts in construction and building to achieve energy conservation and reduced carbon emissions. She also addressed concerns about urban renewal and pledged to intensify collaboration with private sector players to enhance architectural safety and improve citizens’ quality of life. The winners of the 20th National Brand Yushan Award, which includes CSBC Corporation, were recognized for their contributions to finance, biotech, manufacturing, and service sectors. Tsai urged the awardees to continue offering valuable advice to the government and elevate the prominence of Taiwanese brands on the international stage.
    2023/12/12 21:42
  • New Taipei City boosts sanitation workforce and bonuses

    The New Taipei City Environmental Protection Bureau plans to add 197 sanitation workers to its workforce in response to the heavy workload caused by the city’s vast jurisdiction. Currently, the sanitation team in New Taipei City consists of 5,298 staff members. City council member Huang Shu-chun emphasizes the need for increased staffing and highlights the improved work efficiency achieved through the use of GORE-TEX breathable raincoats in 2019. Director-General Cheng Ta-wei confirms plans to update the raincoats and increase staff numbers. The Ministry of Environment has also announced an increase in cleanliness and safety bonuses for sanitation workers employed by local governments. The cleanliness bonus cap will be raised from NT$8,000 to NT$10,000, and the safety bonus maximum will increase from NT$600 to NT$1,500, funded by local government budgets. These measures aim to improve the wellbeing of sanitation workers and maintain the cleanliness of the city.
    2023/12/12 21:25
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