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    safety 結果共376筆

  • Taxis required to obtain passenger liability insurance

    To enhance passenger safety, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) has mandated that all taxi drivers in Taiwan must secure a minimum of NT$1.5 million in passenger liability insurance by June 15. 
    2023/05/22 19:12
  • Costco’s frozen strawberries also tainted with Hepatitis A

    Costco Taiwan is grappling with renewed food safety anxieties as its frozen strawberries have been discovered to be tainted with Hepatitis A, marking the third incident involving their frozen berry products.
    2023/05/18 17:35
  • First look at intensive THSR safety training program

    The high-speed rail company unveils on Thursday (May 11) its intensive safety training for new recruits, which includes challenging tasks such as climbing trains and installing 15kg emergency ladders within a limited time frame. The training program is rigorous and applies to all new service personnel regardless of their gender.
    2023/05/15 19:08
  • 66% Taiwanese support end two-stage left turn for scooters

    Taiwanese scooter riders are advocating for improved road safety measures, the removal of the two-stage left turn rule, and the right to use the fast lane.
    2023/05/15 18:53
  • 車禍時恐爆炸! 美要求召回6700萬顆汽車安全氣囊

    美國汽車安全氣囊製造商「ARC Automotive」的產品遭當局質疑有爆炸、破裂風險,從2009年至今,全美已經發生7起安全氣囊破裂意外、導致人員重傷,其中有1人因此死亡。美國國家公路交通安全管理局(National Highway Traffic Safety Administration)要求,應立刻回收6700萬個安全氣囊。
    2023/05/15 10:24
  • Taiwan proposes nationwide rollout of scramble intersections

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Transportation and Communications has ordered local governments to install pedestrian scrambles at intersections nationwide to take new steps toward safer streets.
    2023/05/13 05:59
  • Public calls for faster safety measures after TMRT accident

    Taichung MRT has come under scrutiny following an incident involving a crane boom that fell onto the tracks, resulting in the death of one passenger and injuries to ten others. 
    2023/05/12 20:29
  • Tragic blazes show the need for better fire safety standards

    Three tragic fires unfolded in Taiwan over the past three years, resulting in the loss of over 60 lives and drawing attention to the need for improved fire safety standards. 
    2023/05/07 17:05
  • Taiwan implements new rules to improve road safety

    To reduce traffic accidents and improve pedestrian safety, the Taiwanese government passed an amendment to the "Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act" on April 14.
    2023/04/26 17:02
  • Changhua factory fire claims lives of 3 Filipino workers

    The tragic news of the Changhua food factory fire has sent shockwaves throughout Taiwan and the friends and members of the foreign community from Southeast Asia. 
    2023/04/26 16:36
  • Taipei Dome’s new turf meets safety standards, city says

    Taipei’s Department of Sports ensured Taipei Dome artificial turf is safe to use Tuesday (April 11) after concerns were raised regarding installing the artificial turf directly on concrete.
    2023/04/12 16:18
  • Former U.S. NSC official delves into origins of pandemic

    Following the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on March 8, former U.S. National Security Council (NSC) official Jamie Metzl sat down with TVBS commentator Wenchi Yu to talk about the possible origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, and how understanding its origins could determine global health and safety in the future.
    2023/03/16 19:50
  • Concerns arise as unidentified aircraft enters Taiwan’s ADIZ

    An unidentified aircraft in Taiwan’s Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) received five warnings from an air traffic controller on Tuesday (March 14), in a concerning incident that has raised questions about flight safety.
    2023/03/15 19:23
  • 蓉憶記AIE2獲國家雙重品質獎 杏輝營運再添金

    生醫界的奧斯卡「國家生技醫療品質獎」是品質卓越的象徵,經生醫領域的權威專家嚴格評選產品品質,以Safety & Quality為主要核心,為生醫界的最高榮譽。 經由專家嚴謹的科學驗證及品質審查後,蓉憶記®膠囊尤其受到評審肯定,其對於產品審查之評語:「本產品活性成分有明確的含量分析,原料從GAP做起,包括萃取、製劑可以完整掌握、監控,在生產品質上有一定的保障。實驗結果也證明其有助於改善阿茲海默症認知與記憶行為能力」。  
    2023/02/24 13:00
  • Increase in electric buses prompts new safety drills

    In pursuit of its target to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, the Taiwanese government has been providing financial support to bus companies to acquire electric buses. 
    2023/02/22 19:40
  • New mayor makes sure Taipei runs smoothly through holidays

    The Chinese New Year is almost here, and the Taipei City Gov’t is making sure the city runs smoothly throughout the holidays.
    2023/01/19 19:23
  • 2023全球安全指數出爐!台灣居第3 贏過139國

    資料庫網站「Numbeo」日前公布2023年各國「安全/犯罪指數」(Safety/Crime Index)排名,台灣在全球142個國家地區中,已是第2年名列第3;台北市也在全球242個城市中,位居第3。
    2023/01/17 16:00
  • Study: Low temperatures can sap Tesla car batteries

    Tesla was reportedly fined US$2.25M in South Korea for not telling customers this important information.
    2023/01/05 19:02
  • Hot Taiwanese firefighter warms up Taiwan winter

    With winter in full swing, bolstering public safety means more than just putting out warnings about the danger of cardiovascular diseases. 
    2022/12/21 17:03
  • CECC: China’s outbreak may reach its peak in 2 months

    The epidemic continues to spread in mainland China, and according to the Commander of the Central Epidemic Command Center, Victor Wang, their situation may reach its peak in 2 months. As many will be traveling back to Taiwan from the mainland for Chinese New Year, the CECC is urging children to get vaccinated or re-vaccinated. 
    2022/12/06 12:10
  • Authorities could lift this mask restriction in December

    Health authorities recorded 16,015 new local infections in Taiwan on Thursday (Nov. 24), a decrease of 20.2% from the previous week. There were also 65 deaths, down from 77 a week ago.
    2022/11/25 21:04
  • New Taipei earns US$62K from traffic violation fines

    New Taipei City has earned USD62,230 (NTD2 million) from traffic violations at three different traffic lights in 45 days, thanks to new tech equipment. The same equipment will be installed at 16 more locations across the city in December with the goal of improving the safety of local residents and detecting traffic violations more quickly, according to city authorities.
    2022/11/03 19:14
  • F1也有龜車?馬丁安全車開太慢挨批 選手:暖胎都不夠

    2022/04/23 17:13
  • Volvo「13車款」最高安全殊榮 20年無致命事故

    大家對於Volvo的第一印象就是安全,從以前到現在這個來自於瑞典的品牌都把駕乘客的生命放在第一位,而他們的安全程度更得到了瑞典坦克的美名,不過近年來因為被中國吉利汽車收購的關係,有些人認為原本品牌該有的特質可能會被一一破壞,但現在他們用成績來表示自己依舊與創立時的初衷相同,車輛的安全性更是無人能比,因為在2022年美國IIHS所頒發的Top Safety Pick+獎項當中,Volvo以壓倒性的成績在所有品牌當中有最多款車得到該獎項,從較老舊的XC90到最新的C40 Recharge都有得獎。
    2022/04/15 15:44
  • 馬丁Vantage F1 Edition強悍登台 性能全面提升1,088萬元起

    Aston Martin今年正式加入F1賽事後,大會破天荒地讓Aston Martin旗下的Vantage跑車與M-AMG GT共同擔任Safety Car的安全前導工作,而今日亮相的「Vantage F1 Edition」正是以Vantage Safety Car技術為基礎,所衍生的最強Vantage車型。
    2021/10/29 19:43
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