
Taiwan proposes nationwide rollout of scramble intersections

Reporter Jamie Lin Pinzon
Release time:2023/05/13 05:59
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan's Ministry of Transportation and Communications has ordered local governments to install pedestrian scrambles at intersections nationwide to take new steps toward safer streets.

Pedestrian scrambles, also called "X crossing," allow pedestrians to walk simultaneously from every direction at an intersection, even diagonally, while vehicles are stopped simultaneously.


While protecting pedestrians, vehicle traffic must also be considered. Taipei City officials said pedestrian scrambles have more installation restrictions. The intersection cannot be too broad, increasing the walking travel time. The intersection has to have many pedestrians and right-turn traffic. And lastly, pedestrian scrambles are not recommended to be installed at intersections prone to heavy traffic jams. 

In Taiwan, there are also pedestrian-first traffic lights that will turn green five to 10 seconds earlier so that the pedestrians can cross the street before the vehicles arrive, to reduce the chance of accidents.

In Taipei and New Taipei City, there are 360 pedestrian scrambles at intersections and 479 crossings with pedestrian-first traffic lights. Taipei City officials said they plan to install pedestrian-first traffic lights around schools. Taiwan intensifies efforts to promote pedestrian safety following the tragic death of a three-year-old girl in a Tainan car accident.

Taiwan Affairs

#Pedestrian scramble#X crossing#pedestrians#traffic#pedestrian safety


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