
China’s TAO announces resumption of Taiwan grouper imports

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/12/22 16:15
Last update time:2023/12/22 18:59
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China’s TAO announces resumption of Taiwan grouper imports (TVBS News) China’s TAO announces resumption of Taiwan grouper imports

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — China's Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) spokesperson Zhu Fenglian announced on Friday (Dec. 22) that the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China will resume imports of Taiwan groupers but only from certified and registered fish farms.

Several Taiwanese grouper farms have already received the first batch of registrations, enabling them to immediately begin exporting groupers to China.


China halted imports of the fish from Taiwan on June 13, 2022, citing the detection of banned substances. Zhu told reporters that during this period, representatives from the Taiwanese grouper industry have taken effective measures to improve the safety of groupers.

Furthermore, Zhu specifically highlighted that Su Ching-chuan, the policy committee vice chair of the Kuomintang (KMT), and Huang Yi-cheng, head of the Taiwan Cross-Strait Agricultural and Fishery Exchange Development Investment Association, have guided Taiwanese businesses in their improvements.

Zhu said the two helped work with fishers to make corrective measures and led visits to China, expressing a “strong wish” to resume grouper imports.

The TAO emphasized that as long as Taiwan adheres to the 1992 Consensus and opposes independence, mainland China and Taiwan will be considered one family.

Taiwan Affairs

#China# Taiwan Affairs Office# groupers import# certified fish farms# Taiwanese grouper farms# banned substances# Taiwan-KMT partnership# resumption of grouper imports from Taiwan# measures to improve safety of groupers
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