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    man 結果共758筆

  • 獨家/佘詩曼曝接《新聞女王》過程 奪影后向台灣粉絲甜喊「這句話」

    2024/01/15 10:28
  • 萬千星輝/《新聞女王》好風光奪8大獎!佘詩曼女王發威包辦4項

    2024/01/15 00:23
  • 萬千星輝/佘詩曼《新聞女王》奪三料影后!淚喊:感謝Man姐這角色

    2024/01/14 23:33
  • 許光漢集郵男神! 「驚喜合體目黑蓮」網驚呼:突破次元壁

    台灣男星許光漢紅到國際,日前宣布擔任FENDI全球男裝品牌大使,最近飛到米蘭時裝週出席男裝大秀,巧遇日本男偶像「SNOW MAN」的目黑蓮,2位都是話題度超高的男神級人物,同框合照超級吸睛,網友忍不住直呼:「打破次元壁!」
    2024/01/14 18:49
  • 《TVB頒獎典禮》佘詩曼有望二度摘影后 1舉動引猜測無心拿獎

    2024/01/11 20:57
  • 韓團牌失效?《紅白》收視跌破30%創新低 133萬人跨年看傑尼斯

    2024/01/02 14:49
  • Wu Feng celebrates 17 Years in Taiwan with a touching tale

    Turkish comedian and long-time Taiwan resident, Ugur Rifat Karlova, also known as Wu Feng, expressed gratitude and warmth for his adopted home in a heartfelt Facebook post. Wu celebrated 17 years of his life in Taiwan, referring to it as his family’s home and a place deserving of cherishing. He shared a moving incident that occurred on New Year’s Eve in a teppanyaki restaurant, where a Taiwanese couple surprised him by settling his bill. Wu expressed his gratitude to the generous man and hoped to reciprocate the favor next time, thanking him for a touching New Year memory for his family.
    2024/01/02 11:31
  • 周杰倫放閃昆凌親密畫面曝光 6歲兒「伸手摟2女」Man爆

    2024/01/02 10:24
  • 《新聞女王》佘詩曼再登事業巔峰 曾遭狠批「雞仔聲」吐低潮心境

    2023/12/30 11:28
  • 韓千萬YTR爆性侵酒醉女!案發經過曝光 她睡一半「聽到這聲音」 

    知名韓國男網紅Won Jeong Man(원정맨)在YouTube、TikTok等平台擁有破千萬訂閱,極具人氣,還曾被《富比士》列入「30 位30 歲以下精英」(Forbes 30 under 30 Asia)亞洲榜。怎料,看似人畜無害的他,竟疑似和友人涉嫌性侵酒醉女子,警訪透露已依特殊準強姦罪名移送檢方偵辦,恐面臨最高7年有期徒刑,如今受害者的供詞曝光,還原了整起案發經過。
    2023/12/26 16:31
  • 千萬網紅爆性侵遭逮!9身分線索曝光 涉染指女友人挨轟

    2023/12/24 17:00
  • 路邊火球驚見1幼童!滿地燒毀焦黑 怪男瘋喊「幫驅魔」斃命

    美國一起冷血攻擊案引起討論,警消人員接獲火警通報,到場後不僅發現是惡意縱火,甚至還是為了傷害無辜一名孩童,39歲主謀漢姆(Richard Ham)更是在見到警察後,揮舞鐵棍發動攻擊,最終被當場擊斃;而該名孩童則是幸運脫逃後,確認傷勢相對輕微、治療後送往安置,警方事後也在漢姆的車輛中發現大量槍械、毒品,詳情仍待進一步調查。
    2023/12/23 08:20
  • National Comics Museum to unveil first exhibit Dec. 23

    The National Comics Museum in Taipei is set to launch its inaugural exhibit on December 23, offering comic enthusiasts a new destination for artistic exploration. Situated in the former staff quarters of the Taichung Prison, the museum gained approval from the Executive Yuan in April. The eastern site of the museum, comprised of 15 Japanese-style buildings, currently features eight main themed exhibitions and three focal areas. One of the planned spaces, "Da Shu Jung Guang" ("Big Fig Tree Lights"), aims to create unique nocturnal landscapes using lighting, shadows, mist, and music. Another attraction is "Barkley The Cat," an area adorned with whimsically scattered kitten patterns. The museum also includes three reading areas, a bathhouse area called "Pao Man-hua" ("Soaking in Comics"), and a section for comic graffiti. Visitors can enjoy "Jia Ramen" at Dormitory No. 12, designed for dining while enjoying Taiwanese comics. The northern site of the museum, featuring a new main building, is scheduled to open in 2029. The museum is eagerly anticipated by comic lovers across Taiwan as a celebration of the vibrant world of comics and animation.
    2023/12/20 17:31
  • Malaysian singer stabbed to death by obsessed fan

    Malaysian singer Hsu Chia-ling, 26, was tragically killed on December 18, in an incident involving an obsessed fan. The fan, a 44-year-old man who had been pursuing Hsu for two years, had arranged a lunch date with her at a restaurant. After the meal, an altercation occurred in the alley behind the restaurant, resulting in Hsu being fatally wounded with eight knife stabs, including one that pierced her heart. Hsu, who had agreed to marry her boyfriend Liu Yu-yang, had confirmed the lunch meeting with the fan. Despite her aversion to the meeting, she intended to keep it brief before a scheduled eyebrow grooming appointment. Following the attack, the assailant carried Hsu’s body to his car and drove home. The police found Hsu’s lifeless body in the front passenger seat of the suspect’s car and arrested him at his residence. Hsu’s family, devastated by the loss, is seeking full legal prosecution of the murderer. Liu, heartbroken by the incident, has been mourning deeply since learning of Hsu’s death.
    2023/12/20 17:22
  • Jee Seok-jin takes health hiatus, exits ’Running Man’

    Beloved South Korean actor and variety show personality, Jee Seok-jin, has announced a sudden hiatus from all entertainment activities due to health concerns. Effective from December 18, Jee will be suspending all work commitments, including his regular appearances on the popular variety show "Running Man." Known for his humor and affable nature, Jee has been a key member of the show since 2010, amassing a significant fan base over the years. This marks the first break Jee is taking from the show since he joined its original cast 13 years ago. With the departure of another cast member in October, the "Running Man" team is now left with only five members, raising questions about how the show will adapt and what impact it will have on its future.
    2023/12/18 21:19
  • Record 28,000 runners brave cold at Taipei Marathon

    The Taipei Marathon took place on a chilly morning with a record-breaking turnout of around 28,000 runners, including an 80-year-old man. Ethiopian runners, Dechasa Alemu Moreda and Obse Abdeta Deme, won the men’s and women’s marathon categories with impressive times of 2:11:56 and 2:27:12, respectively. Taiwanese runners, Chiang Chieh-wen and Chen I-ning, claimed the national titles with finishing times of 2:22:29 and 2:56:37. This year’s marathon set records for the highest number of participating countries, with runners from 62 nations, and the largest ever runner participation, nearing 30,000 entrants. Kenyan athlete, Lani Kiplagat Rutto, who narrowly missed the championship last year, returned but fell short once again.
    2023/12/18 20:06
  • 《RM》又少一個!池錫辰「健康因素」告假 暫停所有演藝活動

    南韓知名男星池錫辰幽默個性圈粉無數,2010年起即是綜藝節目《Running man》固定班底,不過他今(18)早突然透過經紀公司宣布暫停演藝活動,因為健康因素,需要暫時停止一切工作,就連《RM》的錄製也必須中斷,而該節目今年10月才面臨全昭旻的退出,如今又少一個,讓粉絲相當擔心。
    2023/12/18 12:07
  • 媒體界宮鬥劇!《新聞女王》佘詩曼金句連發 「變臉」演技網封神

    2023/12/15 12:26
  • Elderly man’s lost backpack with NT$1M found by clerk

    A 70-year-old man named Liu reported his backpack lost after a trip to Nantou, Taiwan. The backpack contained nearly NT$1 million in various currencies, as Liu was preparing for a business trip to Japan. Fortunately, a convenience store clerk found the backpack and, after no claimant came forward, discovered the significant amount of money inside, including Japanese Yen, U.S. dollars, and Chinese Yuan. The First Precinct Taichung City Police Department, who was already assisting Liu in locating his lost item, was alerted about the discovery. Deputy Head Hsiung Tien-hsin confirmed that the recovered property belonged to Liu and contained all the foreign currencies he needed for his upcoming business trip to Japan.
    2023/12/11 20:47
  • Woman, 19, dies in wrong-way crash on Taipei Expressway

    19-year-old Lee died in a head-on collision while riding her motorcycle the wrong way on the Taipei Huanhe Expressway. The crash occurred around 2 a.m. when Lee’s motorcycle collided with a minibus driven by a 44-year-old man surnamed Piao. Lee was critically injured and pronounced dead at the National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH) at 3:54 a.m. Both drivers were not under the influence of alcohol. The exact cause of the accident and assignment of responsibilities are currently under investigation by the police.
    2023/12/11 20:17
  • University in Taoyuan ramps up security after attack

    A security incident at a university in Taoyuan City has raised concerns about campus safety measures. Following the attack on four students, it was discovered that surveillance cameras were absent in the school’s administrative building corridors. In response, the university administration plans to increase patrols, install additional surveillance cameras, and identify 14 potentially dangerous areas on campus. The school has also installed panic buttons in restrooms and emergency phones next to elevators to enhance emergency response measures. Students are advised to avoid roaming alone or leaving the campus late and to be aware of potential safety risks. The incident occurred when a man unlawfully entered the campus and assaulted a clerk before attacking four students. Wang, the assailant, was subdued by students and campus security personnel until police arrived and took him into custody.
    2023/12/11 20:10
  • Elderly man’s 350km wrong turn ends in New Taipei

    A 71-year-old man from Kaohsiung, Taiwan, accidentally rode his motorbike for 38 hours, covering 350 kilometers, after taking a wrong turn while returning home from visiting his daughter in Taitung. Physically exhausted, he sought help from a local shop in Sanxia, New Taipei City, where the storekeepers contacted the police. Reluctant to trouble his daughter, the man initially withheld her contact information, but eventually provided it after the officers communicated with him. Since his daughter couldn’t reach him quickly, she asked relatives in northern Taiwan to assist. The police took care of the man at the station until his relatives arrived to ensure his safe return home. This incident highlights the compassionate response from the authorities and the community to an elder’s misadventure.
    2023/12/09 14:06
  • 女星遇街頭槍戰「扛攝影機繼續拍」 曝驚險過程:腦子一片空白

    2023/12/08 11:41
  • Actor Wu Kang-ren spotted at Taipei murder trial

    Taiwanese actor Wu Kang-ren, winner of the best leading actor award at the 60th Golden Horse Awards, surprised attendees at the trial of a man surnamed Chung, who is accused of killing his father with a dumbbell. Despite wearing a mask, Wu’s presence caused a stir as he was recognized by the crowd. Wu declined to comment on his reasons for attending. The case involves a dispute over the purchase of a boxed meal that allegedly led to the fatal blow. The Taipei District Prosecutors Office filed charges in May, making this the second case to involve citizen judges. Due to Chung’s mental illness and lack of impulse control, the court ordered a temporary placement for six months. The court selected citizen judges prior to the trial, with six judges and four alternates chosen through a rigorous process.
    2023/12/07 19:10
  • Man to serve full 16 years after High Court denies appeal

    The Taiwan High Court Kaohsiung Branch Court (KSH) has upheld a 16-year sentence for a man named Chen who was convicted of murder and attempted murder. Chen attacked a homeless man, Lee, with a brick after being refused help and insulted, resulting in Lee’s death. The next day, Chen severely injured an air conditioning repairman named Chang. Chen’s previous convictions for assault and violence, as well as a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder (APD), were taken into consideration during the trial. The Pintung District Court initially sentenced him to 13 years for murder and 7 years for attempted murder. The Kaohsiung Branch Court has affirmed the original verdict, denying Chen’s appeal and confirming that he will serve the full 16-year term.
    2023/12/07 18:54
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