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    la 結果共551筆

  • 考古學家為尋找女友遠渡義大利 竟遭人利用鋃鐺入獄

    英國男星喬許奧康納(Josh O’Connor)最近在新片《盜墓奇美拉》(La Chimera)飾演具有「感應」能力的考古學家阿圖,為尋找女友、從英國遠渡義大利,甚至遭人利用鋃鐺入獄。剛出獄的他身無分文,只能住在簡陋木屋裡,除不時前往一幢古宅探望女友母親(伊莎貝拉羅塞里尼Isabella Rossellini 飾),並透過特殊體質尋找他失蹤女友的下落。
    2024/03/31 15:00
  • 考古學家為已逝愛人竟挑戰無形力量 深入地底尋來世之門

    由坎城名導艾莉絲羅爾瓦雀(Alice Rohrwacher)所執導的新片《盜墓奇美拉》(La Chimera),日前獲選2024金馬奇幻影展,並即將於下月在台上映。該片是羅爾瓦雀的「義大利三部曲」繼《蜂蜜之夏》、《幸福的拉札洛》之後的最終曲,藉由一宗盜墓事件、道出一段天人永隔的未了情緣。
    2024/03/24 16:36
  • Baseball superstar Shohei Ohtani ties the knot

    Baseball superstar Shohei Ohtani announces his marriage to a Japanese woman on Instagram, expressing hope for mutual support amidst changes. Ohtani pleads for privacy and warns against unauthorized interviews, especially involving his in-laws. He plans to share more details in an exclusive interview, emphasizing gratitude for fans’ warmth and blessings. Ohtani aims to balance his personal life with his professional career as a pitcher for the LA Dodgers.
    2024/02/29 16:09
  • 蕾菈當眾洩春光!笑認復出「下海賣肉」 換裝脫太快出事

    2024/02/18 16:11
  • Taiwan signs MOU with India to employ migrant workers

    Taiwan’s Executive Yuan has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with India to facilitate the hiring of Indian migrant workers. The MOU states that Taiwan will determine the sectors and numbers for employment, while India will recruit and train the workers according to regulations. Contrary to online rumors, the plan does not involve the introduction of 100,000 Indian workers. The signing ceremony occurred online between the Taipei Economic and Cultural Center in India and the India-Taipei Association. Taiwan’s Ministry of Labor will submit the MOU to the Legislative Yuan for record and will hold meetings with Indian counterparts to discuss further details. Once all preparations are completed, India will be recognized as a new source of migrant labor, allowing employers to hire based on individual demand. This move is part of Taiwan’s efforts to address issues such as an aging population, decreased birth rate, and labor shortages by developing new sources of migrant labor.
    2024/02/16 17:33
  • 讓你一早出門就有母胎美唇!4大「素顏唇膏」推薦

    2024/02/01 12:18
  • 朝聖巴黎時裝周竟遇「餵毒撿屍」 美國女慘被2男性侵丟包路邊

    法國每年舉辦的「巴黎時裝週」(Semaine de la mode de Paris)總是能吸引來自世界各地的旅客朝聖,不過有名美國女子本月在參與這項年度盛事時,竟在酒吧派對上遭2名男子餵毒、撿屍,後續更被帶到其他房屋內性侵,事後這2名男子竟直接開車將女子丟包在路邊,當局已針對此案展開調查。
    2024/01/30 16:47
  • EVA Air ranks 14th in global safety rankings for 2024

    Taiwan’s EVA Airlines has been ranked the 14th safest airline in the world in 2024 by Australian airline review site AirlineRatings.com. The annual list features the top 25 safest airlines, assessed from 385 carriers. Air New Zealand holds the title of the world’s safest airline for 2024, followed by Qantas, Virgin Australia, Etihad Airways, Qatar Airways, Emirates, All Nippon Airways, Finnair, Cathay Pacific Airways, and Alaska Airlines. EVA Air is the only company from Taiwan to make it into the top 25. Japan Airlines, which was involved in a collision on Jan. 2, landed in the 20th spot. AirlineRatings.com evaluates carriers based on safety measures, flight records, serious accident records, pilot training, the age of their fleet, and more. The top 25 airlines are considered the creme de la creme of the aviation industry, known for their strong reputation in safety, innovation, and the introduction of new airplanes.
    2024/01/22 14:50
  • 前天才投手張誌家猝逝 賴清德表哀悼:希望家屬節哀

    前旅日球星、中華職棒La New熊隊投手張誌家今(2日)驚傳因心肌梗塞過世,享年43歲,目前這項死訊已經被張誌家的母親證實。民進黨總統候選人賴清德今(2日)受訪表示,表達哀悼,因為他過去也曾經為國家征戰多年,不管從少棒、青棒、甚至成棒都有很好的成績,希望家屬能夠節哀順變。
    2024/01/02 11:19
  • 張誌家傳心肌梗塞猝逝 冬季胸痛患者多醫點「5壞習慣」成風險

    前旅日球星、中華職棒La New熊隊投手張誌家今(2日)驚傳因心肌梗塞過世,享年43歲,目前這項死訊已經被張誌家的母親證實。台安醫院心臟內科主任林謂文指出,台灣每到冬季時胸痛患者也會增多,最常見就是心肌梗塞、冠心症等。
    2024/01/02 10:59
  • 曾被檢方批「最惡劣球員」!張誌家宿舍猝逝 母一早才接到噩耗

    2024/01/02 10:03
  • 跟教授太太拍色情片被抓包 美大學校長遭開除嗆「我要告董事會」

    美國威斯康辛大學拉克羅斯分校(University of Wisconsin-La Crosse)董事會27日經表決後,確定將校長高喬(Joe Gow)解雇,高喬28日出面表示自己被開除是因為和妻子共同製作和出演色情影片,此舉讓董事會「感到不舒服」,他也對這項無預警的決定感到不滿,正考慮提起訴訟。
    2023/12/29 18:04
  • 浪漫求婚被拒影片爆紅 義大利男自嘲:還好戒指可退

    一名名為瓦萊里奧(Valerio)的義大利男子在羅馬求婚,被其女友拒絕後,側拍影片卻在TikTok上引起廣大關注,累積觀看人數超過1300萬。這名男子當時在羅馬知名的康多蒂大道(Via Condotti)公開求婚,並請當地男高音歌手現場演唱。據義大利當地媒體《La Stampa》寫道,瓦萊里奧在TikTok自嘲地回覆:「幸好卡地亞(戒指)30天內可退貨。」
    2023/12/28 15:02
  • 寵粉天花板!蔡依林陪粉絲開趴爭醜 預告送「獨一無二大禮」

    天后蔡依林(Jolin)履行2022年末台北跨年演唱會上與歌迷的約定,明(24)日將舉辦「JOLIN 編織夢想醜毛衣派對 UGLY SWEATER PARTY」,邀大家一起穿上醜毛衣票選「最醜冠軍」。此外,她宣布加碼演唱多首「鐵粉專屬」的敲碗歌單,並準備遊戲互動,陪伴歌迷共度平安夜。
    2023/12/23 12:30
  • Tsai meets World Baker of Year, praises Taiwan’s creativity

    President Tsai Ing-wen met with Justin Wu, the 2023 World Baker of the Year, to recognize his contribution in promoting Taiwan’s baking industry globally. The government is actively supporting the industry’s growth and international engagement. Wu, who won the group competition at the Coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie last year, was honored with the World Baker of the Year title by the Unibread Bread Baking Championships this year. He has showcased his creativity by creating an art bread piece inspired by the Seediq tribe and coaching the Taiwanese team to victory at the UIBC Junior World Championship. President Tsai highlighted the value of Taiwan’s baking industry, which exceeds NT$100 billion, and praised the diverse and exquisite styles of Taiwanese bakers at global competitions. She also expressed gratitude to the Taipei Bakery Association for their efforts in passing down experience and hosting international contests in Taiwan. President Tsai expects the bakery sector to continue delivering high quality and innovative products as it expands its market and introduces Taiwan’s delicious baked goods to the world.
    2023/12/19 16:46
  • RDRC tracks Chinese rocket flight over Taiwan airspace

    Taiwan’s National Armed Forces (RDRC) detected the ballistic motion and trajectory of a Chinese satellite rocket through its Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) systems. The rocket was launched from the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Sichuan Province and passed over the southwestern airspace of Taiwan. The Ministry of National Defense (MND) reported that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) conducted several satellite launch missions in recent days, but they posed no threat to Taiwan as they occurred outside the Earth’s atmosphere.
    2023/12/11 20:27
  • Taiwan’s global issues highlighted at French forum

    This story discusses a recent event in France where journalist Arnaud Vaulerin, Taiwan envoy François Wu Chih-chung, and former French Minister François deRugy discussed Taiwan’s role in the world and President Tsai Ing-wen’s time in office. Vaulerin, author of the book "Taïwan, la Présidente et la guerre," highlighted that Taiwan’s issues are global and not just confined to the island. De Rugy praised Taiwan’s vibrant democracy and its ability to overcome challenges, while Wu emphasized Taiwan’s importance as a countermodel to China’s authoritarianism. The speakers also called for better understanding and attention to Taiwan’s situation in international media and politics.
    2023/12/03 13:47
  • 武裝分子疑錢喬不攏 攜炸藥襲秘魯礦場、挾持人質釀至少9死 

    秘魯內政部2日晚間表示,該國西北部拉利伯塔德省(Departamento de La Libertad)一處礦場遭武裝分子襲擊,導致9人死亡、至少15人受傷。警方目前已逮捕7名嫌犯,並繳獲武器,初步調查與非法採礦利益糾紛有關。
    2023/12/03 12:24
  • 蔡依林無預警告白「我愛你」 驚人狀態粉絲傻眼:為什麼

    天后蔡依林(Jolin)五年沒發片,除了先前為了電影跟影集搭的慢歌,許多粉絲苦等舞曲,終於年底她為麥當勞寫的新歌〈OH LA LA LA〉,堪稱是年度壓軸「多巴胺神曲」,歡樂奔放的旋律超級洗腦,輕快的舞風MV正式上線後,也受到歌迷開始模仿,她開心表示:「從腳底尖到頭頂尖尖尖的,地方沙發馬鈴薯備備起。」不過也有許多人驚訝,怎麼年過43歲的她,怎能保持如此凍齡的狀態?直呼:「太美了,到底為什麼?」
    2023/11/25 12:27
  • 蔡依林不藏了!宣布睽違20年驚喜 辣開高衩到腿根超性感

    蔡依林推出全新單曲〈OH LA LA LA〉,這首歌是她繼2003年後,睽違20年再度與麥當勞攜手合作;不僅回歸代言,更為其創作並獻唱40週年主題曲,堪稱是年度壓軸「多巴胺神曲」,舞蹈是合作多次的世界級編舞老師Kiel Tutin所編排;結合超現實與舞台劇元素打造蔡依林瘋狂的奇想世界;她更化身上班女郎,隨著不間斷的「OH LA LA LA」洗腦歌詞大跳魔性舞蹈!
    2023/11/19 13:36
  • 等了20年!蔡依林不藏了宣布有「喜事」 直接晉升新身份

    麥當勞1984年進入台灣,在即將迎來40週年之際,台灣麥當勞今(17)日推出40週年主題片〈簡單的快樂〉,睽違20年後再度邀請亞洲天后蔡依林擔任代言人,蔡依林更透過她與麥當勞的獨特回憶,親自晉升詞曲創作人,寫出主題曲〈OH LA LA LA〉;主題片跨越五個年代,引領消費者穿越過去40年的重要歷程,並重溫與麥當勞間簡單的快樂。
    2023/11/17 12:25
  • 蔡依林新歌來了!20年後再重拾這身分 唱出「簡單的快樂」

    速食品牌麥當勞在即將迎來40週年之際,今(17)日推出40週年主題片《簡單的快樂》,睽違20年後再度邀請亞洲天后蔡依林擔任代言人,蔡依林更透過她與品牌的獨特回憶,親自操刀主題曲《OH LA LA LA》;主題片跨越五個年代,引領消費者穿越過去40年的重要歷程,並重溫簡單的快樂。
    2023/11/17 11:37
  • 美30萬通勤族哀號!LA市區10號公路「遭縱火」關閉

    2023/11/14 19:57
  • Ozone不藏了!私下真實相處外洩 他直接被丟水裡

    Ozone首檔實境團綜《Ozone夏日青春冒險》已正式開播將近一個月,六位男孩以最真實、自然的面貌出演節目,獲得粉絲們的熱烈迴響,上週官方IG無預警釋出〈陪你Sha La La〉MV預告,讓粉絲們驚喜萬分,拍攝MV時,Ozone帶著錄製團綜的心情到拍攝現場,從玩遊戲、入水到枕頭大戰,在各個場景玩得相當盡興,讓觀眾在欣賞MV時,彷彿在收看團綜的精華片段。
    2023/11/14 16:46
  • 分手後更好?76人喜獲七連勝 哈登轉戰快艇吞連敗

    美國職籃(NBA)11日賽事,費城76人(Philadelphia 76ers)面對底特律活塞的比賽,由恩比德(Joel Embiid)繳出33分16籃板3助攻帶領下,幫助76人以114比106打敗活塞,取得近期7連勝的佳績。但這個喜訊聽在開季剛剛轉戰洛杉磯快艇(LA Clippers)的哈登(James Harden)耳裡,恐怕會非常不好受,因為快艇近期陷入三連敗低潮,11日面對獨行俠的比賽,面對東契奇(Luka Dončić)與厄文(Kyrie Irving)聯手,加上恐怖三分球高命中率,再次以大比分輸球吞下四連敗。
    2023/11/11 12:00
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