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  • Taiwan braces for fewer typhoons in 2024, CWB reports

    Discover the Central Weather Bureau’s forecast for Taiwan, predicting two to four typhoons from June to November, a figure that’s below average to normal. Learn about the impact of El Niño and La Niña on typhoon formation and Taiwan’s preparation for potential water conservation and disaster prevention measures.
  • 中山限定!「復古咖啡廳x百年抹茶」推新飲品 還有熱狗爽開胃

    焙茶控瘋了!中山最夯復古咖啡廳「Tella Tella Cafe」,近日與百年抹茶名店「辻利茶舗」攜手,推出最強宇治焙茶聯名新品,有現刷的焙茶歐蕾、焙茶黑糖冰沙,還有入口即化的「焙茶提拉米蘇」,更連動中山站最潮「Alpha Cafe」推出超可愛「焙茶昭和布丁」,讓焙茶人絕對淪陷!同場加映,Alpha Cafe也與日系咖啡廳「ABG COFFEE」,推出4款限定餐點,「LA酪梨熱狗堡」必點一波!
    2024/06/16 23:06
  • Taiwan’s DPP urges China to halt military threats

    Explore the latest on Taiwan-China relations: DPP spokesperson Cho Kuan-ting urges China to halt military threats and engage in dialogue, emphasizing peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.
    2024/06/03 14:53
  • Experts predict La Niña onset, warn of closer typhoons

    Discover how the shift from El Niño to La Niña will impact Taiwan and the Western Pacific’s weather, with insights from Dr. Lin De-en and the U.S. Climate Prediction Center. Expect changes in typhoon activity, rainfall, and temperatures.
    2024/05/29 12:05
  • MLB/打線不給力!山本由伸8K無用 道奇「睽違5年」再吞5連敗

    2024/05/27 09:06
  • 王若琳陷心碎回憶!竟遭「她」埋進洞裡 吃土畫面曝光

    歌手王若琳(Joanna)推出全英文創作專輯《Hotel La Rut 破爛酒店》,以自己的獨特視角,唱出各種人生角色的內心世界,並特別飛往冰島錄製這張專輯,新一波主打歌〈There She Smiles (In a Memory)〉MV今(24)日上架,她擔任MV女主角,更嘗試分飾2角,更上演挖土戲碼,為此還不小心吃進了幾口泥土。
    2024/05/24 12:19
  • 大谷砸2.5億買LA豪宅 電影院、健身房、三溫暖內裝奢華

    MLB日籍球星大谷翔平,本季以體壇史上最大約轉戰洛杉磯道奇,日前也和前女籃球星田中真美子完婚,情場事業兩得意。美媒報導,他斥資785萬美元(約2.5億新台幣)在洛城(Los Angeles)買下豪宅,內部電影院、健身房、籃球場等設施一應俱全。
    2024/05/23 10:38
  • MLB/道奇熄火慘敗!紅人新星「單場4安又4盜」 榮登史上第6人

    道奇在今(17)日回到主場展開與紅人的系列賽,然而王牌投手葛拉斯諾(Tyler Glasnow)卻主投5局就丟失4分,加上豪華打線熄火,終場就以2:7苦吞2連敗。值得一提的是,紅人超級新星克魯茲(Elly De La Cruz)不但4打數4安打,還單場跑出4次盜壘,成為此戰最大亮點。
    2024/05/17 17:24
  • 拜登募款不只找歐巴馬 LA場邀喬治克隆尼、茱莉亞羅勃茲助陣

    拜登(Joe Biden)競選團隊即將前往加州洛杉磯舉行募款造勢,為了防止被川普(Donald Trump)迎頭趕上,來到好萊塢所在地這一站,勢必得拿出明星站台助陣。根據美媒取得的內部資訊指出,預計將在6月中旬登場的洛杉磯募款,除了前總統歐巴馬(Barack Obama)會出席,到時候兩大電影明星喬治克隆尼(George Clooney)和茱莉亞羅勃茲(Julia Roberts),也將登台替拜登站台表達支持。
    2024/05/13 09:39
  • 消失4年!王若琳認了生病「懷疑自己」 求助心理諮商近況曝

    歌手王若琳睽違4年推出全英語創作專輯《Hotel La Rut破爛酒店》,今(10)日舉辦媒體試聽會,新作遠赴冰島錄製,她笑說恰巧上一張專輯《愛的呼喚》製作人被一個億萬富豪叫去冰島管理錄音室,製作人也邀她前往錄音,迸發出全新火花。雖然錄音過程很快樂,但後續編曲時,她卻陷入嚴重低潮,和錄音師雙雙罹患憂鬱症。  
    2024/05/10 17:54
  • 消失4年!王若琳在冰島被拍近況曝光 驚見一幕:太震撼

    Joanna王若琳睽違4年,終於再推出全新英文創作專輯《Hotel La Rut 破爛酒店》,並為這張專輯特別飛往冰島錄製專輯,在六星期的錄製期間,她不斷被冰島的夢幻景色震撼,還如願騎到冰島馬,讓王若琳直呼:「好幸運!」完成專輯製作後,王若琳展開大陸巡演,好評不斷,不斷加場,今年在蘇州、南京、北京、長沙、上海等城市演出,預計到今年底前演出累計超過30場。
    2024/05/06 13:40
  • NBA/曾助拳科比、魔獸!湖人悲發聲 33歲前球員「陳屍LA地區」

    NBA季後賽戰陸續進入第二輪賽事,確定一輪由放暑假的湖人也沒閒著、火速宣布開除「整組教練團」,休賽季補強動向引起高度關注,然而球團卻也在稍早發出聲明,證實曾效力紫金大軍的前球員莫里斯(Darius Morris)驟逝、享年33歲。
    2024/05/05 08:50
  • Taiwan to showcase culture at Cultural Olympiad in Paris

    Discover how Taiwan is set to highlight its dedication to democracy and peace at the Cultural Olympiad in Paris, featuring music, dance, and digital art from July 27 to Aug. 10.
    2024/05/01 17:53
  • Taiwan braces for plum rain season’s first front

    Explore how Taiwan is preparing for the plum rain season with the expected arrival of weather fronts that could bring increased humidity and showers. Understand the implications of potential La Niña conditions and stay updated on climate change impacts.
    2024/04/30 18:11
  • 找到了!GM墨鏡「平替款」竟在ZARA 2千就入手全網瘋搶

    近日Gentle Monster公布與JENNIE的最新合作系列,夢幻聯名瞬間引起超高的討論話題,Gentle Monster在太陽眼鏡市場穩居前幾名,熱度甚至超越許多精品品牌,但Gentle Monster的定價也不算低,幾乎都要九千起跳,小資族入手可能還是有點壓力,不過沒關係,在ZARA也找到了GM爆款「橢圓形太陽眼鏡」的平替,而且只要兩千多就能拿下!!!
    2024/04/26 15:47
  • 真人版茂野吾郎!男大生左右開弓 「無CD切換」飆150km火球

    效力於美國大聯盟(MLB)洛杉磯道奇隊(LA Dodgers)的日籍球星大谷翔平,除了憑藉出色的個人能力圈粉無數之外,在去(2023)年的世界棒球經典賽(WBC)中,與天使前隊友「神鱒」楚奧特(Mike Trout)的「王牌對決」更是讓人看的熱血沸騰,大谷翔平也因此被譽為「從漫畫裡走出來的男人」;未料時隔一年,大聯盟也將迎來「真人版茂野吾郎」的登板。
    2024/04/24 20:32
  • NBA/里納德回歸無用 東契奇、厄文率獨行俠扳回一城

    美國職籃(NBA)西區季後賽第一輪,快艇(LA Clippers)在贏得第一場比賽後,24日主力球星里拉德(K. Leonard)回歸,給粉絲增添不少信心。不過,獨行俠(Dallas Mavericks)在東契奇(L. Doncic)與厄文(K. Irving)帶領下,從第一節就打出不錯表現,雖然第三節被快艇加速追趕,但獨行俠在第四節逐步拉開差距,最終就以96比93、3分差距拿下勝利,將比數扳平為1比1平手。
    2024/04/24 13:04
  • La Niña likely to shape Taiwan’s climate in 2024

    Lin Te-en predicts a high chance of La Niña in 2024, potentially affecting Taiwan’s weather with fewer typhoons, altered rainfall patterns, and cooler temperatures, based on a U.S. study.
    2024/04/22 15:26
  • Taipei Fashion Week 2024: ready to launch with Olympic flair

    Get ready for the 2024 Taipei Fashion Week Autumn/Winter! This year’s event, starting April 25, features a ’Ready to Launch’ theme inspired by the Paris Olympics. Highlights include fashion-sport fusion designs by Justin Chou and the Cultural Olympics Fashion Exhibition.
    2024/04/15 17:35
  • 馬丁史柯西斯前妻近況曝光 養170隻動物!還擁10座蜂巢

    曾經是世界最高酬勞代表的義大利女星伊莎貝拉羅塞里尼(Isabella Rossellini),近期環遊世界宣傳她的新片《盜墓奇美拉》(La Chimera)。她在片中飾演個性刁鑽古怪的「佛蘿拉太太」,超級難伺候,卻唯獨對考古學家女婿「阿圖」(喬許奧康納 Josh O’Connor 飾)疼愛有加。擁有動物行為碩士學位的羅塞里尼,近年熱衷動物及農場,不僅有許多狗狗作伴,還養了150隻雞、20隻羊,更種蔬菜、養鴨子,並擁有10座育有蜜蜂的蜂巢。
    2024/04/14 14:29
  • Chiang unveils 4-point plan to tackle foodborne illnesses

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an announces four measures to address recent suspected food poisoning cases at popular restaurants, including establishing a dedicated team, increasing inspection efficiency, purchasing additional equipment, and launching a special inspection project for food monitoring.
    2024/04/11 18:09
  • Over 100 fall ill after dining at Wowprime Group eateries

    Taipei reports over 100 ill after dining at Truewow and Xiang La Spicy Hotpot restaurants. Mayor Chiang Wan-an addresses food poisoning cases, including Polam Kopitiam, as food safety issues resurface in the city.
    2024/04/11 17:32
  • Wowprime takes responsibility for norovirus outbreak

    Wowprime Corp. offers full refunds and medical expense coverage for customers affected by suspected norovirus outbreak at Taipei Truewow and Hsiang La Spicy Hotpot restaurants from April 2-6. Company apologizes, introduces care plans, and proactively contacts domestic and international customers.
    2024/04/11 17:25
  • MLB/15秒繞4壘包!紅人新星左右開弓雙響砲 收生涯首支場內轟

    年僅22歲的紅人內野新星迪拉克魯茲(Elly De La Cruz)自去年正式踏上大聯盟舞台後,頻頻改寫隊史與聯盟新紀錄。他在台灣時間今(9)日面對釀酒人的比賽中,更是「左右開弓」敲出2發全壘打,除了一支是飛行距離450呎的超大號全壘打,還有一支「不到15秒」就繞完一圈的場內全壘打,再度成為史上第一人。
    2024/04/09 17:42
  • Taiwan-born Terry Tang takes helm of LA Times newsroom

    Terry T’ang, born in T’aipei, Taiwan, has been named the first female editor-in-chief of the Los Angeles Times in its 142-year history. T’ang immigrated to Los Angeles at age six, graduated from Yale University and New York University Law School, and previously worked at the ACLU and The New York Times before joining the Los Angeles Times in 2019.
    2024/04/09 17:34
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