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    girls 結果共600筆

  • Taipei to offer free HPV vaccines to junior high boys

    Starting September 2024, Taipei’s male junior high school students will receive the 9-valent Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine for free, as announced by the Taipei City Department of Health. The aim of this initiative is to enhance herd immunity, reduce HPV infections, and lower the incidence of related cancers by vaccinating both male and female students. With a vaccination rate of 91% among junior high school girls in 2021, the Health Commissioner decided to extend the program to boys. Consent from students and parents will be required, and a health assessment will be conducted by a physician. Vaccination sites will be set up in 93 schools, and there are also 115 contracted medical institutions available for students who cannot receive the vaccine at school. The vaccine’s effectiveness in preventing infections and reducing the risk of related cancers is supported by medical studies. The World Health Organization recommends that 90% of girls under 15 receive the HPV vaccine, with boys included as a secondary priority group. The Health Promotion Administration has been providing the vaccine to female junior high students at public expense since 2018, establishing a strong foundation for safeguarding boys against HPV as well.
    2023/12/12 13:19
  • ’Orange Devils’ land in Taiwan, echo love for island

    The Kyoto Tachibana Senior High School marching band, known as the "Orange Devils," arrived in Taiwan to a warm welcome at Taoyuan International Airport. Their visit is a testament to the strong ties between Taiwan and Japan, which were first sparked during their performance at the 2022 Taiwan National Day celebration. The band’s invitation this year, alongside Taipei First Girls High School, is an effort to further strengthen cultural bonds, as they are set to participate in the upcoming celebration of TGH’s 120th Anniversary. The visit has been made possible through corporate support, including an invitation from the Kaohsiung City Government for school exchanges and performances. Over the next five days, the Tachibana SHS band will showcase their talent at prestigious venues such as Kaohsiung’s Time Avenue, TAI Urban Resort, New Taipei’s Fuji Grand Hotel, Ximending, and the National Theater & Concert Hall.
    2023/12/11 19:58
  • KMT’s Hou Yu-ih vows to overhaul ’108 Curriculum’ if elected

    KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih has promised to review the controversial 108 curriculum if elected, in response to concerns from parents, students, and educators. He plans to reinstate the National Conference on Education, which has not been held in 13 years, to reassess the curriculum. The curriculum has been criticized as "shameless" by a teacher at Taipei First Girls High School, sparking societal debate. Former President Ma Ying-jeou has supported the criticism, urging the Ministry of Education to urgently review and improve the curriculum. DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te has a different perspective, arguing that textbook publishers consider teachers’ opinions and that this should not be equated with curriculum issues. TPP presidential candidate Ko Wen-je has stated his opposition to de-Sinicization in education and believes in recognizing the cultural continuum. The approaches of each candidate on educational reform will be important considerations for voters in the upcoming election.
    2023/12/09 15:58
  • Taichung Prosecutor indicts six in child exploitation ring

    Six men have been indicted by the Taichung District Prosecutor’s Office for alleged sexual exploitation offenses under the Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act. Led by Chen Tso-wei, the group imitated the infamous "South Korea’s Nth Room case" and used deceptive tactics to lure their victims, promising easy money for photos or offering iPhones. They profited over NT$8 million from their illicit activities. Authorities discovered that the syndicate blackmailed the young girls involved with explicit videos and threatened to leak their nude photos if they didn’t comply. A total of 86 girls were found to have fallen prey to this exploitation, with the youngest victim being just nine years old. Some of the victims resorted to self-harm as a result of the abuse. The Taichung District Prosecutor’s Office is seeking a substantial sentence of 30 years imprisonment for three of the accused, including Chen, who played a particularly malicious role with a severe impact on human dignity. The remaining three face sentencing recommendations of five to ten years.
    2023/12/08 17:35
  • 林襄夢到「嘴巴有1物」!一查原來是這含意 網喊:快買彩券

    中職樂天桃猿啦啦隊「Rakuten Girls樂天女孩」的人氣成員林襄憑藉火辣的身材和精緻的五官收穫大批粉絲的喜愛,時常在社群媒體分享日常的她,昨(5)日也透過Threads發文透露自己夢見嘴巴裡有「狗屎」,嚇得她整晚不敢將嘴巴合上,事後,她也在網絡上搜索相關夢境解析,意外引起討論。
    2023/12/06 21:13
  • 啦啦隊女神罹患白內障 「右眼幾乎失明」二度進行角膜移植

    原是職籃啦啦隊「電豹女(Leopard Girls)」總監的女神豆芽Sandy(林裕庭),日前雖然宣布離隊,但仍會在個人社群平台上想日常生活,而近日她自爆動過2次角膜移植手術,且在3年前就被醫生告知術後有罹患白內障的風險,如今檢查出爐確定患上白內障,雖然起初有些無力感,但她仍選擇用樂觀態度面對。
    2023/12/06 17:07
  • 林襄陷隆乳風波!網紅蔡哥心疼:不明白為何需向大眾交代

    中職樂天桃猿啦啦隊「Rakuten Girls樂天女孩」的人氣成員林襄,因擁有精緻的五官和傲人的身材,每每在球場上的表演都讓觀眾看得讚不絕口,話題性十足的她先前在採訪中大方承認花了百萬做微整,但32E的傲人上圍是真的,還當場開放女記者驗貨。對此,YouTuber蔡哥(蔡宜紘)也心疼發聲,表示不明白為何需向大眾交代胸部真偽,更無奈嘆「追殺的竟然有不少女孩子」。
    2023/12/05 21:00
  • 李國毅超正妻秀「戰袍」!中空開高衩辣翻 懷孕5月不科學

    2023/12/04 21:24
  • 啦啦隊女神遭噁男亂來 怒揭不堪辛酸史:給1千就大爺?

    職籃T1臺中太陽啦啦隊「Shiny Girls」隊長牛奶(本名王儷潔),近日順利加盟台啤雲豹「電豹女」,擁有天使臉孔和嗆辣身材的她,被網友冠上「微醺感女神」美稱。怎料,她近日在社群披露啦啦隊舞者辛酸事,透露遇過男人以為「有錢就能怎樣」,讓她大發雷霆。
    2023/12/04 15:55
  • Dream Girls有望合體?宋米秦認「很懷念以前」 曝與李毓芬私下對話

    韓籍女星宋米秦當年是3人女團「Dream Girls」的一員,與李毓芬、郭雪芙有過一段革命情感,後來各自發展,宋米秦選擇走入家庭、當媽媽,3人已分開7年。宋米秦日前接受《TVBS新聞網》專訪,直言自己一直很懷念女團時光,對於歌唱還是有夢,近期很多經典團體相繼合體,掀起一波熱潮,至於有無機會看到Dream Girls再度合體,宋米秦鬆口了自己的想法。
    2023/12/03 22:59
  • 專訪/宋米秦結婚8年狂推韓妞嫁台男 老公不過紀念日「靠1招安太座」

    韓籍女星宋米秦2011年與郭雪芙、李毓芬組成女子團體「Dream Girls」在台灣正式出道,除唱跳作品外,她也參與了不少戲劇、電影演出,甜美的外型圈粉無數,當年人氣頗旺。2015年,宋米秦遇到了人生的Mr.Right,決定邁入人生下一階段,與老公陳鎧文互訂終身,成為台灣媳婦後生下一個女兒,並將重心轉往家庭,鮮少在螢光幕前與大家見面;宋米秦日前接受《TVBS新聞網》專訪,坦言心中一直都有女團魂,預告接下來會以個人名義推出新作品。
    2023/12/03 22:53
  • 永別了!37歲莊群施猝逝今火化 好友不捨嘆:人間你沒有留白

    2023/12/02 10:26
  • 這誰?林襄新造型「橘頭厭世臉」認不出 網驚:得罪造型師嗎

    中職樂天桃猿啦啦隊「Rakuten Girls樂天女孩」的人氣成員林襄,因擁有精緻的五官和甜美的笑容,每每在球場上的表演都讓觀眾看得讚不絕口,話題性十足的她,近日被網友挖出10年前的高中舊照掀起熱議,如今她再次PO出「新造型」將原本的招牌黑長直髮,大膽換上橘紅色,掀起2派熱議,就有粉絲直呼「是得罪造型師嗎?」
    2023/11/30 08:01
  • 37歲女星拍戲猝逝「火化日期曝」 老父悲痛發聲:無法接受

    2023/11/30 06:15
  • 中午才發文!37歲女星拍戲「突嘴唇發紫猝逝」 親友悲痛證實了

    2023/11/29 07:00
  • 林襄10年舊照遭酸認不出! 本尊親自發聲了:世界上沒有醜女人

    中職樂天桃猿啦啦隊「Rakuten Girls樂天女孩」的人氣成員林襄,擁有甜美的顏值與驚人的身材曲線,在台灣與日本都擁有高人氣,是不少人心中的完美女神。不過近日就有網友在Dcard上,貼出林襄10年前高中舊照掀熱議。對此,林襄也大方做出回應。
    2023/11/27 18:00
  • 林襄10年前高中舊照流出!顏值判若兩人 網全嚇傻

    中職樂天桃猿啦啦隊「Rakuten Girls樂天女孩」的人氣成員林襄,擁有甜美的顏值與驚人的身材曲線,在台灣與日本都擁有高人氣,是不少人心中的完美女神。不過近日就有網友在Dcard上,貼出林襄10年前高中舊照掀熱議。
    2023/11/27 10:45
  • 未來少女/郭郭韌帶嚴重撕裂「扎針抽血水」痛暈 啦啦隊時期被鐵粉狂寵驚呆

    TVBS女團選秀節目《未來少女》黑曜精靈成員郭郭擁有甜美外型,跟同團的依沛同為莊敬高職的隔壁班同學。過去曾擔任「CT Girls」中華民國棒球代表隊的專屬啦啦隊隊員,在網路上頗有人氣。郭郭日前接受《TVBS新聞網》專訪,坦言愛跳舞的她,其實原先是想當個舞者,誤打誤撞參加璀璨之星,被選中才踏上女團之路。
    2023/11/18 19:53
  • 亞冠賽場邊嬌點!「背號47啦啦隊女孩」狂登熱搜 日網全暈了

    2023年亞洲職棒冠軍爭霸賽自16日於日本東京巨蛋熱烈開打,中華聯隊以0比4不敵地主日本隊,不過台灣最強力的場邊應援啦啦隊吸引不少日本媒體報導,更以「台灣啦啦隊壓倒性獲勝」為題介紹啦啦隊女孩們。其中背號47號的統一獅啦啦隊「Uni Girls」成員瑟七更受到關注,不僅迅速圈粉日本網友,更在日本X(先前稱作推特)成為熱搜嬌點。
    2023/11/18 16:32
  • 李多慧「奶音飆中文」!近距離對話瘋傳 粉絲秒暈:太可愛

    南韓啦啦隊女神李多慧(Dahye Lee),今(2023)年3月17日宣布加盟台灣中華職棒樂天桃猿啦啦隊,成為樂天女孩(Rakuten Girls)一員,因個性親民可愛人氣直線飆漲,更有台灣粉絲後援會。近日,李多慧講中文的影片瘋傳,獨特口音瞬間吸引萬人朝聖!
    2023/11/16 18:13
  • 才爆被胡瓜獨寵!熊霓突幸福喊「官宣了」 男友視角牽手照曝

    20歲熊霓2021年於「猿來是妳」徵選中以狀元之姿入選「Rakuten Girls」出道,成為中職樂天桃猿啦啦隊一員,擁有甜美外型、火辣身材的她是許多人心中女神,日前爆出受到綜藝天王胡瓜獨寵,兩人關係甚密,事後雙方否認傳聞,近日竟無預警曬出牽手照,公開喊「官宣了」。
    2023/11/16 13:47
  • 樂天最快今封王!李多慧喊話「再拚一場」 霸氣宣布不走了

    2023/11/11 08:31
  • 捲劈腿退隊!倪暄隔10個月現身球場「和解了」 看陳晨威比賽掀話題

    倪暄(林倪亘)曾是樂天桃猿啦啦隊「Rakuten Girls」的人氣成員,甚至曾被封為「台灣最美啦啦隊隊員」。豈料,她意外在去(2022)年11月遭前男友控訴劈腿同隊球員陳晨威,儘管倪暄表明雙方是清白的,仍因為感情風波退出待了11年的球隊,如今成功復出,倪暄昨(8)日竟大方現身樂天桃猿主場欣賞台灣大賽,熟悉的氛圍讓她忍不住想哭。
    2023/11/09 15:49
  • 在台首個球季結束!李多慧「最終戰」淚喊明年見 粉絲敲碗續留

    2023/11/09 13:28
  • 前男友變同事!泫雅簽約新公司 小野馬也有清純風

    南韓女歌手金泫雅,曾是女團Wonder Girls和4minute的成員,出道以來就有著「性感小野馬」的稱號,而本(11)月6號,泫雅宣布離開老東家,正式與經紀公司AT AREA簽約,同時也發布了新歌〈Attitude〉的舞蹈影片。
    2023/11/08 17:48
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