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    girls 結果共600筆

  • 只紅了《WA DA DA》!Kep1er兩成員傳不續約 解散倒數6個月

    女團Kep1er是從韓國選秀節目《Girls Planet 999》選出的9人限定女團,而組合團體的活動合約為期是2年6個月。Kep1er在2022年1月3日發行首張迷你專輯並正式出道,如若全體不續約,將於今年7月3日解散。
    2024/01/13 16:01
  • 林襄爆離隊「樂天怎麼辦?」 網揭1殘酷內幕:只是跳板

    在中職樂天桃猿啦啦隊「Rakuten Girls樂天女孩」晉升為龍頭地位的人氣成員林襄,如今傳出離隊的消息,震驚各界,經紀人證實確實有台灣和日本的啦啦隊正在洽談。對此,就有網友好奇問「樂天失去三本柱林襄怎辦?」貼文PO出後,就有不少網友認為啦啦隊只是跳板,隨時都有人可以補上位子。
    2024/01/13 14:30
  • 琳妲環抱DJ SODA!「側面裂1線」炸出流量密碼 超香畫面曝

    南韓性感女神DJ SODA在全球擁有超高人氣,時常受邀到世界各地出席活動及表演,刷碟實力備受肯定。數次來台灣工作的她,日前上了多次的綜藝節目,而在此次《同學來了》的節目錄製,碰巧與桃猿啦啦隊樂天女孩(Rakuten Girls)人氣成員琳妲(林羿禎)同上節目,兩人合影畫面流出,其中DJ SODA超辣衣服的尺度,引來網友的熱烈關注。
    2024/01/13 08:57
  • 林襄爆出走樂天!首發聲曝近況 認了「想念遠離一切的那一天」

    中職樂天桃猿啦啦隊「Rakuten Girls樂天女孩」的人氣成員林襄憑藉火辣的身材和精緻的五官收穫大批粉絲的喜愛。近日,就傳出她已離隊的震撼彈,經紀人證實確實有台灣和日本的啦啦隊正在洽談,引起粉絲的關注。離隊消息傳開後,林襄首度在IG上PO文曝光近況!
    2024/01/13 08:15
  • 林襄廝殺落敗?傳退團主因疑「遭李多慧擠下」 內行人曝未來動向

    啦啦隊女神林襄今(12)日驚傳離開中職樂天桃園「Rakuten Girls樂天女孩」,對此經紀人莉奈回應,「確實有台灣的職棒跟職籃密切接洽中,日本啦啦隊也積極詢問」,疑似間接證實離隊一事,掀起軒然大波,未來動向也引來大批網友熱議,不少人反應則相當淡定,直言:「本來就只是把啦啦隊當跳板而已。」
    2024/01/12 11:55
  • 突拋震撼彈!林襄掰了樂天 經紀人證實「職棒、職籃接洽中」

    中職樂天桃猿啦啦隊「Rakuten Girls樂天女孩」的人氣成員林襄憑藉火辣的身材和精緻的五官收穫大批粉絲的喜愛。近日,就傳出她已離隊的震撼彈,對此,經紀人莉奈證實,確實有台灣的職棒跟職籃密切接洽中。
    2024/01/12 08:07
  • 李多慧返韓忘拿護照!奶音甜喊「我愛台灣」超撩人  網秒暈船

    南韓人氣啦啦隊女神李多慧自加盟「樂天女孩Rakuten Girls」,全台掀起一陣「李多慧旋風」,火辣的身材加上不做作的性格深受大家的喜愛。雖然中職賽季已結束她也回到韓國,但是她在台灣仍有不少的代言,因此常常韓國、台灣兩地飛奔。日前有網友曬出她去年底回韓國時,把護照忘在櫃檯被地勤提醒的畫面,可愛模樣讓網友瞬間融化。
    2024/01/08 10:05
  • 啦啦隊女神「5萬買到房」!半年淨賺50萬 教戰2重點秒入手

    樂天女孩(Rakuten Girls)成員、也曾是日本「天氣女孩」的筠熹時常會在Instagram、臉書等社群平台與粉絲互動,分享活動詳情之外,也會大方公開自己的生活點滴,而在她YouTube的其中一個影片主題「房市熹EO」中,也曾提到自己僅花5萬存款就訂下預售屋的經歷,認為年輕人要想買對房,除了慎選房仲之外,只要注意「喜歡與否」、「能力所及」等2點即可。
    2024/01/06 14:06
  • KMT unveils secret weapon to win voters’ hearts

    As Taiwan’s 2024 elections near, the Kuomintang (KMT) introduces the "KMT girls" campaign group, spearheaded by Chairman Eric Chu. This strategic move, focusing on women’s empowerment and targeting diverse voter groups, signifies a fresh approach in the party’s bid for electoral success.
    2024/01/04 20:10
  • 最後關鍵 藍推女力「KMT girls」環台催票

    2024大選倒數,國民黨主席朱立倫宣布推出專業女力輔選團「KMT girls」,包括不分區立委候選人.國民黨發言人等13位女力將啟動「環島輔選催票」。
    2024/01/03 22:26
  • 林襄辣扮韓韶禧!舉槍Look反差感太絕 耶誕行程全說了

    中職樂天桃猿啦啦隊「Rakuten Girls樂天女孩」的人氣成員林襄憑藉火辣的身材和精緻的五官收穫大批粉絲的喜愛,時常在社群媒體分享日常的她,今(23日)在IG上分享出席Netflix新劇《京城怪物》的活動,值得注意的是,她擺脫以往甜美的形象,扮成劇中韓韶禧帥氣的造型,反差超大的她瞬間擄獲不少網友的芳心。
    2023/12/23 19:59
  • 李多慧可鹽可甜!化身女警Look 網自首:快抓我

    南韓人氣啦啦隊女神李多慧自加盟「樂天女孩Rakuten Girls」,全台掀起一陣「李多慧旋風」。每每在球場上的應援都迷倒大批粉絲,火辣的身材加上不做作的性格深受大家的喜愛。沒想到,桃園市警察局近日與李多慧合作,共同推出反詐年曆,更公布2張李多慧化身女警的帥照,讓粉絲們紛紛看暈喊「自首」。
    2023/12/21 09:32
  • 出生後沒睡過夜!宋米秦宣布5歲愛女「驚罹這病」將緊急動刀

    40歲女星宋米秦自韓國來台發展,2011年和郭雪芙、李毓芬合組女團Dream Girls出道,5年後單飛並於2015年結婚生女後淡出演藝圈。近日宋米秦發文透露,5歲愛女Ellie自出生到現在都無法睡過夜,原來是罹患1病需要緊急開刀。
    2023/12/21 08:01
  • 孫生遭爆「晚上鳥沒用」!沈玉琳嘆他努力全毀 林襄道歉了

    「Rakuten Girls樂天女孩」人氣隊員林襄曾與YTR「反骨男孩」孫生有段戀情,林襄也不避諱提及舊愛,幾個月前曾在節目上透露孫生「晚上鳥沒啥用」。近期主持人沈玉琳對此表示,其實林襄的「沒鳥用說」是自己教的,不過並非針對孫生,而是所有的男性,林襄最終也在沈玉琳的鼓勵下,向孫生道歉。
    2023/12/20 16:41
  • 南韓實況主「氣質天菜女神」旋風來台!火辣照起底網全嗨翻

    南韓人氣啦啦隊女神李多慧自加盟「樂天女孩Rakuten Girls」,全台掀起一陣「李多慧旋風」。而南韓實況主「企鵝妹」柳允進(Jinny),4月抵台展開為期42天的環島直播,可愛的個性吸引不少粉絲的喜愛!近日,就有網友發現另一名被譽為「氣質天菜女神」的實況主禹韓京(우한경,Woo Han Kyung)也悄悄地來到台灣,再次掀起一陣討論聲量!
    2023/12/20 09:21
  • 李多慧「黑絲襪誘惑」!辣秀蜜大腿曲線一覽無遺 網秒暈:極品

    南韓人氣啦啦隊女神李多慧自加盟「樂天女孩Rakuten Girls」,全台掀起一陣「李多慧旋風」。每每在球場上的應援都迷倒大批粉絲,火辣的身材加上不做作的性格深受大家的喜愛。近日,她再度赴台工作,PO出在機艙拍攝的美照卻引起PTT鄉民的暴動,不少鄉民一看秒戀愛,瘋狂喊「這腿是極品」。
    2023/12/19 11:25
  • 李多慧鏡頭前脫衣褲!「素顏真面目」超童顏 網一看全暴動

    南韓人氣啦啦隊女神李多慧自加盟「樂天女孩Rakuten Girls」,全台掀起一陣「李多慧旋風」。每每在球場上的應援都迷倒大批粉絲,火辣的身材加上不做作的性格深受大家的喜愛,隨著賽季告一段落,她也返回南韓,未來動向引發關注,話題性十足的她,也積極經營YouTube頻道。昨(15日)她也上傳了新影片,不僅曝光全素顏的模樣,還大膽在鏡頭外脫掉睡衣、睡褲,網友一看全暴動!
    2023/12/16 09:32
  • 林襄遭問「為何找運動員當男友」? 害羞鬆口細節全說了

    台灣職棒樂天桃猿啦啦隊「Rakuten Girls樂天女孩」的人氣隊員林襄,擁有精緻的五官輪廓與傲人胴體,累積了不少粉絲。而林襄在10月初和棒球員馬傑森牽手的畫面被週刊拍到,讓兩人的戀情曝了光。雖然林襄事後解釋兩人已無聯絡,但近日錄影仍遭主持人沈玉琳逼問:「妳為什麼找運動員當男朋友?」她也害羞的曝光了真相。
    2023/12/14 18:03
  • 林襄熬夜打遊戲「蕁麻疹發作」!超狂行程曝:抵抗力下降超有感

    中職樂天桃猿啦啦隊「Rakuten Girls樂天女孩」的人氣成員林襄憑藉火辣的身材和精緻的五官收穫大批粉絲的喜愛,時常在社群媒體分享日常的她,近日在IG上曝光一整週的行程,她也因為紓壓而熬夜打遊戲,導致蕁麻疹復發,讓網友非常的心疼。
    2023/12/13 13:54
  • Lai Ching-te joins TFG’s 120th anniversary celebration

    DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te attended Taipei First Girls High School’s 120th-anniversary celebration, enjoying performances and interacting with the public.
    2023/12/12 20:20
  • Chiang Wan-an lauds TFG for 120 years of women’s education

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an expresses gratitude to Taipei First Girls High School (TFG) for nurturing generations of remarkable women on the occasion of the school’s 120th anniversary. Chiang attends the unveiling ceremony of the newly restored Kuang Fu Building, a historic landmark on the TFG campus. The Taipei City Government contributes over NT$100 million to support the restoration project. Chiang recalls his previous visit to TFG, where he interacted with the TFG Honor Guard and Marching Band. He humorously mentions that as a student at Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School, he admired TFG from outside its gates, but now as mayor, he can visit and engage with the school. Chiang also highlights a collaboration between TFG and EasyCard Corporation, resulting in a commemorative ’TFG 120th Green Uniform EasyCard’ that plays the school’s anthem upon use. EasyCard Corporation will donate 10% of the cards’ revenue to charity. TFG’s anniversary activities attract a diverse group of alumnae, including those from 70 years ago and mother-daughter pairs, as well as alumnae from Chiang’s own graduation year.
    2023/12/12 19:54
  • Taipei mayor unveils restored TGH heritage building

    Taipei First Girls High School’s Guangfu Building, a municipal heritage site, has reopened after a two-year renovation. Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an attended the unveiling ceremony and expressed gratitude to alumni for their donations. The Guangfu Building, constructed in 1933, is the most iconic structure of the high school. The Taipei City Government allocated over NT$100 million to support the restoration project, with additional contributions from alumni worldwide. Mayor Chiang reminisced about his school days and expressed the hope that all students would share the memory of this significant landmark.
    2023/12/12 19:41
  • Orange Devils band returns to enthrall Taiwan fans

    The renowned Orange Devils, Kyoto Tachibana Senior High School’s marching band, have returned to Taiwan, performing at the National Concert Hall on Dec. 14. They also performed at Taipei First Girls High School and surprised guests with a flash performance at a hotel in Xizhi District, New Taipei City. The band previously entertained crowds in Kaohsiung. The visiting students and staff were impressed by the warmth and support they received from the local Taiwanese community and Japanese residents. Their presence highlights the cultural exchange between Taiwan and Japan, celebrating shared passions and friendships across borders.
    2023/12/12 18:01
  • Ex-KMT legislator Tsai defends classical Chinese in schools

    Former Kuomintang (KMT) legislator Alex Tsai advocates for the inclusion of classical Chinese literature in education, suggesting that it should be part of university entrance exams. Tsai cites the University of Tokyo as an example, where classical Chinese content is included in the national language exams. He argues that studying these classics can enhance language skills and cultural refinement. Tsai criticizes the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and pro-independence forces for neglecting the value of classical Chinese and accuses them of attempting to "de-sinicize" Taiwan’s education system. Critics argue that education should prioritize critical thinking and note that the DPP has retained a significant portion of classical Chinese content in the curriculum. They emphasize the need for a comprehensive understanding of the curriculum’s core principles and content to advance Taiwan’s educational progress.
    2023/12/12 17:44
  • Kaohsiung high school debates NT$70K Christmas tree cost

    The administration of Kaohsiung Municipal Kaohsiung Girls’ Senior High School spent NT$70,000 on a Christmas tree designed by an alumna, leading to debate over its cost and design. The tree, themed in "Kaohsiung Girls’ Red," transitions from burgundy to festive Christmas red and ends in joyful pink, symbolizing the students’ virtues and providing blessings for the school’s centennial next year. The school clarified that the alumna designed the tree for free, and the cost covered only essential materials and decorations. The school also reinforced the tree’s structure due to strong winds in the area. The Christmas tree represents the alumni’s contributions, and the principal hopes students will see beyond the surface of the situation.
    2023/12/12 13:30
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