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    fleet 結果共22筆

  • Lai Ching-te to fast-track submarine fleet expansion

    President-elect Lai Ching-te shows strong support for Taiwan’s Indigenous Defence Submarine program, aiming to build all seven follow-up submarines simultaneously. Joining him on an inspection of the prototype submarine Narwhal at CSBC Corporation’s Hai Chang factory was current President Tsai Ing-wen. The transition of power between Tsai and Lai is set for May 20, with Lai emphasizing the need to complete the submarine project swiftly. The projected cost for each follow-up submarine is around NT$20 billion, with a total budget estimated between NT$150 billion and NT$200 billion.
    2024/03/18 14:26
  • Free YouBike ride boosts Taipei’s sustainable urban mobility

    Discover how Taipei’s YouBike expansion aims to revolutionize urban mobility, offering free rides and bolstering sustainability goals. Mayor unveils ambitious plans for the city’s transportation future.
    2024/03/08 18:29
  • 美驅逐艦今通過台灣海峽 解放軍:全程跟蹤監視「做好戒備」

    美國海軍第七艦隊(U.S. 7th Fleet)今天(5日)在官網發出聲明證實,麾下柏克級驅逐艦「約翰芬恩號」(USS John Finn),從南向北穿越台灣海峽,藉此展現美軍聲稱的自由航行權。根據第七艦隊的說法,驅逐艦並未進入任何沿海國家的領海範圍,而是在台灣海峽的一條走廊內航行。但此事正逢中國大陸全國兩會,外加同日上午菲律賓與中國海警船艦碰撞的敏感時刻,也讓軍艦航行再次引起關注。
    2024/03/05 16:22
  • Travel agencies brace for impact of EVA Air pilot strike

    The Travel Quality Assurance Association warns that if EVA Air pilots go on strike during the Lunar New Year holidays, it would have a significant impact on travel agencies as all airlines have already filled their fleet. The strike is planned for the Lunar New Year period from Feb. 7-18 and the Tomb Sweeping Day holidays from March 30 to April 7. Travel agencies would face challenges in adjusting operations and relocating passengers if the strike occurs. Limited alternatives would be available for travel agencies during the Tomb Sweeping Day holidays, and managing already-sold bookings would require separate action. The exact date of the strike will only be informed 24 hours prior, although the pilots’ union has announced the duration. The association’s spokesman, Ringo Lee, suggests implementing a strike notice period similar to the Danish model, which allows for a month’s advance notice of strike action.
    2024/01/26 17:22
  • EVA Air ranks 14th in global safety rankings for 2024

    Taiwan’s EVA Airlines has been ranked the 14th safest airline in the world in 2024 by Australian airline review site AirlineRatings.com. The annual list features the top 25 safest airlines, assessed from 385 carriers. Air New Zealand holds the title of the world’s safest airline for 2024, followed by Qantas, Virgin Australia, Etihad Airways, Qatar Airways, Emirates, All Nippon Airways, Finnair, Cathay Pacific Airways, and Alaska Airlines. EVA Air is the only company from Taiwan to make it into the top 25. Japan Airlines, which was involved in a collision on Jan. 2, landed in the 20th spot. AirlineRatings.com evaluates carriers based on safety measures, flight records, serious accident records, pilot training, the age of their fleet, and more. The top 25 airlines are considered the creme de la creme of the aviation industry, known for their strong reputation in safety, innovation, and the introduction of new airplanes.
    2024/01/22 14:50
  • Taiwan’s navy extends search for missing servicemen

    Taiwan’s R.O.C. Naval Fleet Command continues its search for three missing servicemen who fell overboard from the Hai Hu Submarine on December 21. Despite the 72-hour rescue window passing, the Navy has ordered an additional three-day search. The families of the missing servicemen will be transported to the accident spot on December 27. The wife of one of the missing crew members has made an emotional plea for assistance in the search. Families have suggested moving the search south based on sea current directions. President Tsai Ing-wen visited the recovered crew and comforted the families, vowing to continue the search. The search and rescue effort involves approximately 900 personnel, 80 aircraft, 76 ships, and 319 vehicles, covering an operational area from south of Kaohsiung Port to Hengchun and along the coast of Xiaoliuqiu.
    2023/12/27 10:40
  • Uber Eats Taiwan, Gogoro launch green delivery program

    Uber Eats Taiwan has partnered with electric scooter company Gogoro to launch a Green Delivery Program, aiming to promote sustainability in food deliveries. The program aims to increase the proportion of electric scooters in the Uber Eats fleet from 20 to 40 percent within two years. Gogoro’s swappable battery systems are already used in 26 percent of motorcycle logistics in Taiwan. The collaboration will provide a purchasing and battery subscription plan tailored for delivery partners, encouraging more riders to adopt green mobility. Uber Eats Taiwan aims to achieve zero emissions for global deliveries by 2040. The Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) supports Uber Eats’ objective and will continue to advance subsidy policies to support green initiatives.
    2023/12/19 22:01
  • Eva Air shares surge as foreign investors buy in

    Foreign investors have purchased a net 8,926 shares of Eva Air, making it the fourth most bought by foreigners in the session. The recovery in travel and business after the pandemic has improved operations in the aviation industry, with staff shortages at airports in northeast Asia finally relaxing. Demand for flights to China, Hong Kong, and Macao is gradually increasing, with booking rates for northeast Asian routes exceeding 90 percent. Eva Air plans to focus on routes in northeast Asia and to China, Hong Kong, and Macao as its operational priority next year, with an expected increase in weekly flights to a total of 538. The airline is also set to take delivery of two Boeing 787-10 aircraft, enhancing its fleet deployment flexibility.
    2023/12/07 18:53
  • Evergreen Marine offers crew hotel-level comfort

    Evergreen Marine Corporation has expanded its fleet with the commissioning of a new "A class" container ship, the EVER ALP, boasting a maximum capacity of 24,000 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU). This vessel, among 13 ordered by the company, brings luxury to the high seas with crew accommodations rivaling star-rated hotels. Constructed by South Korea’s Samsung Heavy Industries, the EVER ALP features nine decks and a range of leisure facilities, including a gym and social lounge. Crew quarters on the ship are designed to match that of star-rated hotel rooms, each spanning 16.53 to 46.28 square meters with private bathrooms. The working environment on board is notably comfortable, with third officers and engineers drawing an average monthly salary of about NT$170,000. For entertainment and relaxation, the ship is equipped with a library, karaoke facilities, treadmills, and dining options featuring a variety of international cuisines. These A-class container ships incorporate eco-friendly and energy-saving features, ensuring compliance with the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) emission standards. With the addition of the EVER ALP, Evergreen Marine’s current fleet totals 210 vessels with a combined capacity of approximately 1.66 million TEU, marking a significant increase in the company’s global shipping capabilities.
    2023/12/04 17:33
  • Young farmer’s extravagant wedding procession stuns locals

    In a surprising twist, a young Miaoli farmer, Chung Yu-hsiu, incorporates a fleet of high-end tractors valued at NT$ 30 million into his wedding procession, leaving local residents in awe.
    2023/11/06 16:36
  • 有片/打臉烏克蘭? 俄黑海艦隊司令被傳炸死後「現身會議」

    烏克蘭情報單位信誓旦旦地對外宣告,俄羅斯現任黑海艦隊(Black Sea Fleet)司令官索科洛夫(Viktor Sokolov),已經遭到該國特戰部隊殺害,但《路透》卻在26日俄羅斯國防部高層會議現場畫面中,發現那個「應該死亡」的指揮官,也出現在大螢幕視訊牆上,莫斯科似乎想藉此打臉基輔,對外證實指揮官還活著。只不過,這場連線會議上,索科洛夫只是做為單位主管出席,期間並無做任何發言或討論,也讓外媒質疑,這個現身畫面有可能是預錄的影像。
    2023/09/27 10:15
  • MND detects PLA Shandong aircraft carrier fleet near Taiwan

    The Ministry of National Defense (MND) released on Monday (April 24) a surveillance photo of Chinese PLAN aircraft carrier Shandong detected near Taiwan’s waters.
    2023/04/25 16:02
  • Dunmu Goodwill Fleet sets sail again after Keelung stopover

    Taiwan Navy’s Dunmu Goodwill Fleet plans to resume its voyage after nearly three years of hiatus and attracting nearly 100K people to Keelung Port as of Sunday (March 19).
    2023/03/20 21:00
  • 美中緊張!共軍黃海射「實彈」 美國尼米茲航母南海操演

    美國海軍第七艦隊(U.S. 7th Fleet)12日證實,尼米茲航母打擊群自11日開始在南海地區實施軍演;與此同時,中國海事局也宣布,共軍從13日早上開始,於黃海地區進行為期5天的「實彈軍演」。由於當前正值美中關係緊張之際,2軍在東亞地區的一舉一動也成為關注焦點。
    2023/02/13 15:02
  • 美海軍打撈中國間諜氣球殘骸照曝光 送FBI實驗室分析

    美國軍方4日將飛越領空的中國「間諜氣球」擊落,並開始進行打撈氣球殘骸的行動;海軍艦隊司令部(U.S. Fleet Forces Command)7日公布數張在南卡羅來納州外海上回收氣球殘骸的照片,從照片中可見,洩氣氣球的一大塊碎片已被撈起,預計會被送往維吉尼亞州的FBI實驗室進行分析,以進一步了解該氣球的各項功能。
    2023/02/08 10:07
  • Experience the best luxury taxis in Tainan, southern Taiwan

    A taxi company in southern Taiwan has a fleet of 40-50 high-end cars — the most luxurious fleet on the island.
    2023/01/18 17:33
  • U.S. official reaffirms importance of Taiwan Strait transits

    U.S. 7th Fleet Commander Vice Admiral Karl Thomas called on China to recognize Russia’s mistakes in invading Ukraine on Friday (Oct. 14), just two days before China’s 20th National Congress. 
    2022/10/17 17:17
  • 裴洛西訪台後第二次 美加軍艦攜手「路過」台灣海峽 

    美軍第七艦隊(US 7th fleet)21日發布新聞稿,指出麾下希金斯號驅逐艦(USS Higgins)攜手加拿大皇家海軍溫哥華號護衛艦(HMCS Vancouver),根據國際法規範,共同行駛通過台灣海峽。這是繼聯邦眾議院議長裴洛西(Nancy Pelosi)訪台後,美軍艦隊第二次經過台海。
    2022/09/21 09:43
  • 不滿克里米亞連日挨炸 俄黑海艦隊司令遭拔官

    俄烏戰爭持續進行,獲得歐美大量援助的烏克蘭開始主動反擊,過去兩星期屢次空襲轟炸克里米亞半島(Crimea),讓莫斯科當局非常惱怒。《路透》(Reuters)報導,引述《俄新社》(RIA Novosti)掌握的官方消息指出,疑似因為不滿克里米亞過去9天接連挨轟,由總統普欽(Vladimir Putin)下令、俄羅斯黑海艦隊(Black Sea fleet)將迎來新任司令,現任的奧西波夫上將(Igor Osipov)面臨被拔官的命運。
    2022/08/18 10:15
  • 力抗陸軍事威脅!美日等6國聯合演訓 軍容盛況曝光

    隨著中國大陸「十一國慶」展開,中共解放軍本月以來派遣150架戰機侵擾台,造成台海情勢高度緊張,不過同一時間,日本、美國、英國、加拿大、荷蘭、紐西蘭,則在菲律賓海舉行大規模聯合軍演,以遏制中共日益增長的海上侵略野心。美國海軍太平洋艦隊(United States Pacific Fleet)今(6日)在臉書釋出6國海軍聯合演訓時畫面,軍容壯盛令人震撼。
    2021/10/06 12:44
  • 增加載客量!美國史上第3次徵召民航機 助阿富汗撤離行動

    美國國防部週日(22)表示,目前已召集來自聯合航空公司 (United Air Lines)、美國航空公司(American Airlines)、達美航空公司(Delta Air Lines)、亞特拉斯航空(Atlas Air)、夏威夷航空(Hawaiian Airlines)和全能國際航空(Omni Air International),共6間商業航空公司,總計18架民用飛機,從臨時中轉地點運送人員。成為自二戰以來,第三次動用《民用後備航空隊》計畫(Civil Reserve Air Fleet program,簡稱CRAF)。
    2021/08/23 10:38
  • 紐約軍艦週30歲 新型船塢登陸艦展英姿

    紐約軍艦週(Fleet Week)開跑,今年有10多艘艦艇參加,其中以阿靈頓號兩棲船塢登陸艦最受矚目。這艘新型艦艇與911事件頗有淵源,停靠紐約別具意義。
    2018/05/25 14:16
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