
Young farmer’s extravagant wedding procession stuns locals

Reporter Isabel Wang
Release time:2023/11/06 16:36
Last update time:2023/11/06 16:36
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MIAOLI (TVBS News) — A young farmer returning to Miaoli created a significant stir on Sunday (Nov. 5) when he included six high-end tractors into his wedding procession, valued at an impressive NT$ 30 million in total.

Chung Yu-hsiu, 32, the groom, remarked during an interview, "She was taken aback; she didn't expect such a spectacle."


"In our community, when there's a celebration, everyone contributes. We consistently support each other through the farmer's association," Chung said.

The bride, originally from Dajia District in Taichung City, was part of a procession of sedan cars leading the parade to the Miaoli interchange. The six Europe-imported tractors later joined the fleet, creating a grand procession escorting the bride home.

The bride, recognized as a national sprinter and currently employed as a middle school coach, maintained a discreet presence, choosing not to stand in front of the camera during the public event.

Local residents were both shocked and intrigued by the display. One bystander commented, "What kind of car is that? Is that really the bride's car? It's so unconventional!"

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#Miaoli#Farmer#Tractor#Wedding#Procession#NT$ 30 million#Chung Yu-hsiu#Miaoli wedding procession#High-end tractors in wedding#Chung Yu-hsiu tractor spectacle
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