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    delivery 結果共36筆

  • Uber併購熊貓涉壟斷?王世堅「3質疑」怒轟:要公平會幹嘛

    Uber Eats​​​​​​​昨(14日)宣布與Delivery Hero達成協議,以9.5億美元(約台幣308億)現金收購Delivery Hero旗下foodpanda在台灣的配送業務,交易有待監管機構批准,目標於明年上半年完成。對此,民進黨立委王世堅今(15日)召開記者會,針對該案提出質疑,坦言此次結合案已達壟斷標準,將衝擊國內庶民經濟,更提出三點質疑,反問「這樣的結合不該通過,否則要你公平會幹什麼?」
  • Uber Eats, foodpanda merger to dominate Taiwan’s market

    Discover how Uber’s acquisition of foodpanda for US$950 million sets the stage for a major shift in Taiwan’s food delivery market, pending regulatory approval. Learn about the potential market impacts and consumer concerns.
  • Uber Eats併購熊貓以後怎麼叫?「吳柏熊」呼聲超高

    外送平台UberEats宣布,以9億5千萬美元(約新台幣308億元)併購Delivery Hero旗下foodpanda台灣外送事業。消息震撼各界,台灣人經常稱UberEats為「吳柏毅」,foodpanda也常被以「熊貓」簡稱之,不少網友表示,兩間合併後應改叫「吳柏熊」,引發討論。
  • Uber Eats併購熊貓!鄭運鵬籲政府:別只找鬍鬚張喝咖啡

    外送平台龍頭Uber Eats今(14日)向外界拋出震撼彈,宣布將砸9.5億美元(約308億元新台幣),併購Delivery Hero旗下的foodpanda台灣外送事業,預計2025年正式上路。消息一出,引起不少民眾憂心未來外送漲價趨勢再創新高,而前民進黨立委鄭運鵬也對此在臉書發文,呼籲「政府的角色該出動了!」
  • Uber Eats併購熊貓!鄉民熱議「以後怎簡稱」 他1解答全場笑翻

    外送平台「Uber Eats」在台灣時間今(14)日震撼宣布,將以高達9.5億美元(約308億元新台幣)的現金,收購Delivery Hero旗下「foodpanda台灣外送事業」,預計此交易會在2025年上半年正式通過。消息曝光後,立刻引發各界熱議,其中就有網友好奇2大外送平台併購後「該怎麼簡稱」?結果眾人超有才的回應立刻笑翻全場。
  • Major expansion: Uber Eats buys Foodpanda in Taiwan deal

    Uber to acquire foodpanda’s Taiwan operations for US$950 million, expanding its footprint in Taiwan’s delivery market. The deal includes a US$300 million investment in Delivery Hero and awaits regulatory approval. This strategic move aims to merge foodpanda’s local network with Uber Eats, promising enhanced services for consumers, merchants, and delivery partners across Taiwan.
  • 外送市場恐一家獨大?Uber買下foodpanda 公平會曝併購條件

    台灣外送市場將大變動!Uber今(14)日宣布併購Delivery Hero旗下的foodpanda台灣外送事業,引起議論,併購後恐成為全台最大的外送業;對此,公平會副主委、發言人陳志民表示,事業體結合後,營業額、市佔率達一定門檻就必須來申報,目前看來申報可能性高,屆時審時併購案通過與否,還是要審視幾個關鍵,包含結合後台灣外送平台市場集中度會如何改變、這種改變會不會導致更有能力提高價格、同業是不是有有能力做聯合勾結的行為、對市場、消費者有沒有正面影響等。
  • Uber Eats砸308億現金!併購foodpanda台灣外送 熊貓回應了

    Uber今天(14日)宣布與Delivery Hero達成協議,以9.5億美元(約台幣308億)現金收購Delivery Hero旗下foodpanda在台灣的配送業務,交易有待監管機構批准,目標於明年上半年完成。另外,Uber擬以3億美元購買Delivery Hero新發行的普通股。foodpanda下午也發聲明回應,表示審查完成前,foodpanda的各項服務皆維持不變。
  • Taiwan and US address delays in US$19 billion arms sales

    Explore the concerns over delayed U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, highlighting the establishment of a "Tiger team" to address delivery issues, discussions in the U.S. House Armed Services Committee, and the involvement of Taiwan’s National Security Council Secretary-General Wellington Koo in military matters.
    2024/05/06 17:34
  • foodpanda短期不售出!台總經理諾:今年外送費不比去年高

    foodpanda的母公司「Delivery Hero」近期因東南亞市場虧損,曾與「Uber Eats」商談將包含台灣等地業務出售,但因談判未能達成共識而告終,此消息引起市場關注。對此,「foodpanda」台灣總經理黃逸華於21日表示,短期內沒有出售計畫,並承諾「不會在此時靠漲價、砍成本獲利」。
    2024/03/22 09:28
  • Global system outage affects McDonald’s orders in Taiwan

    McDonald’s Taiwan faces temporary service interruptions due to Internet disruptions affecting transactions, prompting urgent system maintenance. The fast-food giant assures customers of necessary repairs amid widespread systemic failures impacting online and phone-based ordering systems.
    2024/03/15 15:43
  • System glitch disrupts meal plans: Uber Eats investigates

    Uber Eats faced a system crash on March 5, causing inconvenience for users unable to place orders. The company is investigating the cause and working to restore service. Customers left complaints on Facebook due to the disruption.
    2024/03/05 11:03
  • 台灣Foodpanda賣給Uber Eats? 談判進度曝、官方緊急回應

    德國《經濟周刊(WirtschaftsWoche)》2月29日報導,總部位於柏林的foodpanda母公司Delivery Hero計畫把台灣事業出售給Uber Eats的交易談判,已經暫時破裂;台灣foodpanda聲明則回應,這是市場傳言,公司並無所悉。
    2024/03/01 13:03
  • A feast of tradition and festive warmth on Dihua Street

    Experience the bustling Lunar New Year market on Taipei’s Dihua Street, offering a variety of festive essentials. Free shuttle services enhance the shopping experience in a rich cultural setting.
    2024/02/08 12:30
  • Raytheon to supply Taiwan with advanced AGM-154 missiles

    The United States Department of Defense has awarded a contract to Raytheon Company to produce and deliver 50 AGM-154 Block III C Joint Standoff Weapons (JSOW) to Taiwan. The contract, valued at US$68.4 million, requires completion by March 2028. The AGM-154 Block III C is an air-launched glide cruise missile with a range of 22 kilometers at low altitude and up to 130 kilometers when launched at a higher altitude. It is compatible with Taiwan’s F-16V fighter jets and will enhance Taiwan’s aerial capabilities for land-based attacks. Negotiations for another weapons procurement contract involving AGM-84H/K (SLAM-ER) extended-range standoff land attack missiles are ongoing.
    2024/02/05 10:42
  • Taiwan’s cold snap leads to food delivery dilemmas

    Residents in Taiwan are facing difficulties in getting food delivery services due to persistently low temperatures. The Central Weather Administration issued a cold weather warning, with the lowest temperature dropping to eight degrees Celsius across the country. As a result, many people have chosen to stay indoors, leading to a surge in online complaints about limited delivery options and self-pickup only. Some speculate that couriers are avoiding orders due to the cold weather and low delivery fees, which are as low as NT$30-40 per delivery. This has prompted discussions about the need for higher wages and better working conditions for couriers.
    2024/01/24 15:54
  • Candidate halts campaign after video exposes family secret

    Legislative candidate Chen Kai-ning suspends her campaign activities after it was revealed that the retired air force officer turned delivery person featured in a viral video by Taiwanese stand-up comedian Brian Tseng is her estranged father. Chen confirms her father’s identity but clarifies that her mother is alive and was her primary caregiver. Chen temporarily halts her campaign activities for a week out of respect for those affected by the incident.
    2023/12/30 16:12
  • Pentagon expedites F-16 sales to Taiwan: Hunter

    The U.S. Air Force is actively exploring options to expedite the sale of F-16 fighter jets to Taiwan, with 136 upgraded aircraft already delivered and the final three on the way. An additional 66 new jets are scheduled to be delivered by the end of 2026. Concerns were raised by over 20 Republican members of Congress that the promised deliveries to Taiwan might be delayed due to commitments to Ukraine, Israel, and global security issues. Taiwan’s existing F-16 upgrade program has already faced significant delays due to a lack of crucial parts, and the delivery of the new jets has been postponed by over 15 months due to software development complexities. Lawmakers are committed to collaborating with the Pentagon to ensure the timely delivery of the jets, especially in light of China’s frequent military drills near Taiwan.
    2023/12/22 18:08
  • Uber Eats Taiwan, Gogoro launch green delivery program

    Uber Eats Taiwan has partnered with electric scooter company Gogoro to launch a Green Delivery Program, aiming to promote sustainability in food deliveries. The program aims to increase the proportion of electric scooters in the Uber Eats fleet from 20 to 40 percent within two years. Gogoro’s swappable battery systems are already used in 26 percent of motorcycle logistics in Taiwan. The collaboration will provide a purchasing and battery subscription plan tailored for delivery partners, encouraging more riders to adopt green mobility. Uber Eats Taiwan aims to achieve zero emissions for global deliveries by 2040. The Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) supports Uber Eats’ objective and will continue to advance subsidy policies to support green initiatives.
    2023/12/19 22:01
  • Delivery Hero to close Taipei tech hub amid restructuring

    Delivery Hero, the parent company of Foodpanda, will close its global tech hub in Taipei as part of a major restructuring. This decision comes as Delivery Hero faces reduced investor confidence and aims to achieve efficient profitability and sustained growth. However, Taiwan’s Foodpanda assured that its operations in Taiwan will not be affected by the closure. The company also clarified that the recent organizational adjustments will not impact its operations or organizational structure in Taiwan, and no staff members in Taiwan will be laid off as part of this restructuring.
    2023/12/19 16:06
  • foodpanda母公司也爆裁員 關台灣科技中心、砍多地員工

    近來不少大型企業爆發裁員潮,除醫藥大廠輝瑞(Pfizer)外,今(18)日外送平台業者foodpanda母公司、德國餐飲外送集團Delivery Hero也宣布,將關閉在土耳其與台灣的全球科技中心,並調整柏林(Berlin)總部與世界各地其他分部的員工人數。
    2023/12/18 18:10
  • AIDC meets annual goal, delivers 4 Brave Eagles to Air Force

    Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation (AIDC) has successfully delivered four Brave Eagle advanced jet trainer aircraft to the Air Force base in Taitung, completing their annual contract goal of 17 aircraft. Despite media skepticism, AIDC managed to deliver five aircraft within the remaining month, overcoming challenges caused by the global pandemic. The quartet of Brave Eagles underwent rigorous testing and validation by the Air Force before leaving AIDC’s factory. AIDC’s procurement team negotiated with international suppliers to secure critical parts, ensuring the aircraft’s timely delivery. AIDC’s commitment to national defense missions and emphasis on safety and quality were highlighted by Chairman Hu and General Manager Ma. The Brave Eagle is a significant achievement in Taiwan’s defense autonomy, and AIDC plans to continue delivering aircraft on schedule next year to enhance the nation’s defensive capabilities.
    2023/12/12 13:47
  • Eva Air shares surge as foreign investors buy in

    Foreign investors have purchased a net 8,926 shares of Eva Air, making it the fourth most bought by foreigners in the session. The recovery in travel and business after the pandemic has improved operations in the aviation industry, with staff shortages at airports in northeast Asia finally relaxing. Demand for flights to China, Hong Kong, and Macao is gradually increasing, with booking rates for northeast Asian routes exceeding 90 percent. Eva Air plans to focus on routes in northeast Asia and to China, Hong Kong, and Macao as its operational priority next year, with an expected increase in weekly flights to a total of 538. The airline is also set to take delivery of two Boeing 787-10 aircraft, enhancing its fleet deployment flexibility.
    2023/12/07 18:53
  • Delivery drivers protest wage cuts by major platforms

    Delivery workers in Taiwan are protesting against significant wage cuts by popular food delivery platforms foodpanda and Uber Eats. The number of delivery personnel has increased from 40,000 in 2019 to over 140,000 currently, leading to a decrease in earnings from NT $70 per order to below NT$40. The Chairman of the National Delivery Industrial Union has called for dedicated legislation to protect the workers’ rights and wage standards.
    2023/10/11 14:47
  • Unsolicited packages unveil new fraud scheme in Taiwan

    A new parcel scam has surfaced in Taiwan. A Miaoli resident was targeted, forced to pay for an order she didn’t make. Police urge vigilance, especially in online shopping.
    2023/09/27 11:51
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