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    Yao 結果共23筆

  • Taiwan to revamp education with AI, digital literacy focus

    Discover how Taiwan plans to revolutionize its education system by integrating AI and digital literacy into the curriculum, as announced by Education Minister Cheng Ying-yao. This initiative includes new teaching guidelines, teacher training, and community engagement to prepare for the digital future.
    2024/05/27 14:41
  • 沒預約吃不到!隱藏版「高CP值法餐」 1道僅需300元起

    台中美食新星「L’Atelier par Yao」帶來法式創意料理饗宴!小編發現這家位於台中太平區的隱藏版餐廳,由國際級主廚江曜宇領軍,他的料理經歷橫跨倫敦、巴黎到斯德哥爾摩的米其林星級廚房,這次回到台灣,帶來了精緻的法式料理。不僅如此,「L’Atelier par Yao」還提供客製化的餐酒搭配服務,讓你的用餐體驗更上一層樓。如果你是尋找高CP值台中美食,這裡絕對是你的新選擇!
    2024/05/27 10:07
  • Taiwan debates the merit of a four-day workweek

    Explore the ongoing debate in Taiwan over the adoption of a four-day workweek, featuring insights from workers, industry spokespersons, and teachers on its potential impacts.
    2024/05/09 17:55
  • DPP clarifies upcoming dinner not a nat’l report simulation

    Discover how the DPP is strengthening its legislative strategy with a dinner meeting between President-elect Lai Ching-te and 51 legislators, aiming for open dialogue and unity.
    2024/05/09 16:07
  • Taipower president refutes claims of energy policy failure

    Discover the reasons behind the recent power outages in Taoyuan, Taiwan, as Taipower’s President, Wang Yao-ting, clarifies the situation. Learn about the complexities of Taiwan’s power system, the comparison with Tokyo Electric Power Company, and the ongoing efforts towards green energy development.
    2024/04/22 17:59
  • Taipower president stays amid power outage controversy

    Premier Chen Chien-jen defends Taipower President Wang Yao-ting’s decision to stay on despite power supply issue accusations, highlighting Taiwan’s robust energy policy and the country’s praised power resilience, particularly after the April 3 earthquake. Chen cites significant improvements in reducing power outages, emphasizing the government’s commitment to renewable energy and power system enhancements.
    2024/04/22 17:53
  • Taipower president reverses resignation decision

    Explore the story of Wang Yao-ting, President of Taiwan Power Co (Taipower), who retracted his resignation to continue leading the company amidst recent power outages and supply challenges in Taoyuan. Discover his commitment to Taipower, supported by the Minister of Economic Affairs and Taipower’s acting chairman, and learn about the company’s efforts to manage power supply through demand response mechanisms and the call for societal support in power plant construction for a stable power system.
    2024/04/22 12:20
  • DPP lawmaker criticizes Ma Ying-jeou’s China visit

    Criticism and controversy surround former President Ma Ying-jeou’s recent visit to China, with DPP legislator Wu Szu-yao questioning its impact on Taiwan’s national dignity. Ma’s meeting with Chinese officials, including a visit to DJI, a U.S.-blacklisted drone manufacturer, has sparked concerns about potential implications for Taiwan’s interests and international relations.
    2024/04/02 14:24
  • DPP urges Ma to affirm Taiwan’s sovereignty in China visit

    DPP Caucus Whip Wu Szu-yao urges former President Ma Ying-jeou to assert Taiwan’s sovereignty during his upcoming visit to China. Criticizing the KMT for scheduling the visit during a sensitive period, Wu emphasizes the importance of aligning with Taiwan’s mainstream public opinion. She warns against sending the wrong message and calls for the assertion of Taiwan’s sovereignty, particularly regarding Taiping Island.
    2024/03/25 17:20
  • Yao Ming towers over others at 14th Nat’l People’s Congress

    At the opening ceremony of China’s National People’s Congress, former basketball star Yao Ming towered over other attendees, bringing a unique highlight to the event. Discover how Yao’s towering presence and his journey from the basketball court to the political arena captivated everyone’s attention.
    2024/03/06 17:18
  • Taiwan’s legislature to discuss Premier’s food safety report

    Legislative Yuan Speaker Han Kuo-yu to convene cross-party consultation to discuss Premier Chen Chien-jen’s food safety special report. DPP, TPP, and KMT caucuses express support for the report, emphasizing the importance of setting aside differences for the parliamentary meeting on Feb. 23.
    2024/02/22 15:59
  • Taiwan eyes stronger ties with UK post-Brexit

    Following the United Kingdom’s departure from the European Union (EU), Taiwan’s representative to the UK, Vincent Yao, stated that Brexit has allowed the UK to establish closer economic ties with Taiwan, potentially helping Taiwan resist China’s attempts to isolate it. Taiwan is also increasingly investing in the UK, with the goal of becoming the UK’s primary trading partner in Europe. Additionally, strengthening UK-Taiwan trade relations could benefit the UK by providing access to Taiwan’s key industries, such as semiconductors. The bilateral relationship between Taiwan and the UK is reflected in the increase of UK government officials posted to Taiwan and the expansion of the UK office in Taipei. Collaboration between the two countries extends to areas such as artificial intelligence, offshore wind power, and electric vehicle batteries. However, there is still room for further development in bilateral cooperation.
    2024/01/30 12:41
  • Hou Yu-ih unveils plan to combat school violence

    Kuomintang (KMT) Presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih presents a four-point plan to address school violence, criticizing the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) administration’s social safety net. The plan includes stricter regulations, preventive education, enhanced security checks, and tougher punishments for gang intrusions. Hou’s response comes after a high school student in New Taipei City was slashed in the neck, putting campus security under scrutiny. He questions the effectiveness of the government’s Social Safety Net 2.0 plan and calls for revisions to regulations. Tung Yao-tsung, president of the New Taipei City Parents’ Association, supports Hou’s stance and urges the Ministry of Education to focus on an intermediary education system to improve school security. Retired teacher Wang Chiung-yuan emphasizes the need for a balanced approach that considers the rights of all students.
    2024/01/04 18:20
  • Lai Ching-te calls for strong future path in Taiwan vote

    Presidential candidate Lai Ching-te emphasizes the importance of culture in advancing Taiwan’s international identity, stating that without cultural recognition, the world would remain unaware of Taiwan’s existence. Lai urges voters to choose the right path for Taiwan’s future, highlighting that the island cannot afford to backtrack. The rally to support DPP legislator Wu Szu-yao saw more than 150 cultural figures in attendance, showcasing broad support for her exceptional qualities. Wu emphasizes that culture could serve as Taiwan’s strongest form of national defense and foreign relations, drawing a parallel with Ukraine’s use of cultural heritage to garner international protection. She expresses confidence in Lai’s future leadership to enhance Taiwan’s cultural ties globally.
    2023/12/19 21:56
  • DPP’s campaign office defends candidate amid criticisms

    The story discusses the defense of Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te by his campaign director, Yao Li-ming. Yao defends Lai as a victim of the system, using Lai’s family home in Wanli District as an example. This defense comes in response to criticisms from Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) legislator-at-large candidate Huang Kuo-chang, who suggested that Lai should empathize with the hardships faced by the people. Yao criticizes Huang for hypocrisy, questioning his sincerity in displaying emotions. Yao highlights the struggles of residents living in mining areas and compares their situation to the limited residential rights of military dependents’ villages in the past. He argues that seeing distressed individuals as privileged is an unsupportive stance for voters. Yao expresses hope that if Lai becomes president, he will focus on improving miners’ housing rights and interests through legal and institutional reforms, similar to past government efforts to address the housing rights of military village residents.
    2023/12/12 17:25
  • Aaron Yan exonerated of assault, secret photography charges

    Taiwanese entertainer Aaron Yan has been cleared of charges related to sexual offenses, including secret photography and assault, according to the Shilin District Prosecutors Office. The allegations were made by internet celebrity Chiu Yao-le in June, leading to the suspension of Yan’s entertainment career and side business. Prosecutors found that Yan had shared private videos of Chiu with friends, a violation of the Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act. Yan will only be indicted on charges related to filming and possessing videos depicting the sexual conduct of a minor. The case is scheduled to be heard behind closed doors on December 21.
    2023/12/08 17:38
  • Yao Yao celebrates sister Apple Huang’s nuptials

    Entertainer Apple Huang, known for her appearance on "Blackie’s Teenage Club," recently revealed that she officially married dentist Carter Jaw a year ago. Her sister, Yuri Huang (also known as "Yao Yao"), expressed her excitement and congratulations on social media. Apple, who is 39 years old, also announced that she is expecting her first child through a series of maternity photos. The news has brought joy to Yao Yao and has been met with warm wishes from friends and fans in the entertainment industry. The public has also shared in the excitement surrounding Apple’s marriage and pregnancy.
    2023/12/08 17:11
  • DPP alleges CCP offered Ko US$200M for Taiwan VP bid

    The story discusses allegations made by Yao Li-ming, the campaign manager for Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te, regarding Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je’s claim of being offered US$200 million to run for the vice-presidential bid. Yao asserts that this is a clear instance of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) meddling in Taiwan’s elections. The press conference titled "The Unclarified US$200 Million Doubt: Is Ko Wen-je Lying to Voters or Is It Chinese Intervention?" highlights the seriousness of the alleged criminal act and characterizes Ko as both a witness and a victim of Chinese interference. Yao suggests that only the CCP has the motive, capability, and suspicion to offer such a large sum, potentially aiming to support a Blue-White alliance. Lai’s spokesperson, Tai Wei-shan, raises suspicions about Ko’s silence on the issue and insinuates pressure from either the CCP or the Kuomintang (KMT). Tai calls on KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih to clarify the KMT’s role in the alleged incidents. Additionally, Tai criticizes Hou’s proposals to reopen Taiwan to Chinese tourists and allow Chinese students to work in Taiwan, arguing that these policies would increase Taiwan’s reliance on China. The story also mentions investigations into the Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) inviting Taiwanese village chiefs on free trips to China as an example of election interference. Tai rebukes the KMT’s eagerness to make Taiwan dependent on China, claiming that it would hinder the country’s progress in connecting with the world and the international community.
    2023/12/04 20:42
  • Low risk of China attack if Lai wins: DPP campaign chief

    In an interview, Yao Li-ming, the campaign chief for the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te, stated that if Lai were to win the presidency, the likelihood of a military attack from mainland China is low and the probability of cross-strait warfare is at its lowest. Yao analyzed that China may employ specific strategies in the last two weeks of the election to make Taiwanese voters perceive choosing Lai as "very dangerous," but the DPP has prepared for such scenarios. Yao drew an analogy, stating that if a bully knows that a person will resist to the death, they might not attack at all. Yao also noted that mainland China’s leader Xi Jinping did not mention a timetable for an attack on Taiwan during the recent Xi-Biden meeting, suggesting that Beijing would not rashly initiate conflict. The DPP is willing to interact with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) but cannot accept the preconditions of the "One China" principle set by Beijing. A re-elected DPP administration would send a clear message to China, emphasizing that any resolution to the Taiwan issue must involve the DPP. Yao also contended that a successive DPP administration would reflect the support of Taiwan’s younger generation and mainstream public opinion, revealing to Beijing the necessity of recognizing the DPP’s status. Regarding mainland China’s interference in the elections, Yao disclosed that the DPP is ready to confront any unusual situations that may arise, but specific suspicions cannot be made public at this time.
    2023/12/04 19:56
  • DPP Lai rumored to team up with representative to the U.S.

    Speculations of a planned alliance within the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for the 2024 presidential election are increasing. Rumors suggest that DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te may team up with Taiwan’s representative to the U.S., Hsiao Bi-khim, as a potential matchup against non-ruling parties. These rumors gained traction after it was discovered that renovation work was being done on a conference room in the DPP central committee’s building, allegedly to accommodate Hsiao’s campaign needs as Lai’s rumored running mate. Further speculations arose that Hung Yao-fu, a prominent figure in mobilizing young social activists and appointees for the DPP’s past electoral successes, may return to Taiwan to assist Hsiao’s campaign. However, a seasoned party staffer dismissed these rumors, stating that the running mate’s campaign strategy would be dependent on the presidential candidate. The candidate’s team for the vice presidency is mainly responsible for routine administrative work. Hsu Chia-hua, a former director of Hsiao’s legislative office, is also considered among the potential campaign members for Lai’s running mate, despite currently being abroad.
    2023/11/14 20:39
  • Ko is the main force splitting KMT votes: Yao Li-ming

    The story discusses the role of Ko Wen-je, chairman of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), in splitting the Kuomintang (KMT) votes since the 2018 Taipei Mayoral election. Yao Li-ming, campaign director for Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential hopeful Lai Ching-te, claims that the DPP’s decision to nominate Pasuya Yao for the mayoral race was a strategic move to distinguish themselves from Ko. Yao also highlights how Ko has shifted his focus away from securing the green camp’s vote in the 2022 election. Additionally, Yao argues that the KMT and TPP cannot form a union due to their differing natures and suggests that the potential candidacy of Foxconn founder Terry Gou has a greater impact on Ko and Hou than on Lai.
    2023/11/13 15:34
  • 臉書貼出貓週記 姚文智被狠酸:挑戰民調歸零

    2018/08/05 20:26
  • 真人版沙漏!西非95公斤巨臀女霸氣嗆:我能癱瘓交通

    有沒有看過這款「真人沙漏」?西非女子亞奧(Eudoxie Yao)以她的60吋超級巨臀與豐乳為傲,至今她的Instagram已有超過50萬人追蹤,還有無數粉絲替她成立專頁,她本人也成為各大節目的寵兒,但曾有人質疑她的身材是靠整形,對此,亞奧強調自己是與生俱來的「自然美」,就連祖先的身材也是如此傲人。
    2018/03/07 11:19
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