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    UP 結果共666筆

  • 環保人士抗議!破壞賣場表達憤怒 竟演變成超血腥屠殺

    恐怖電影《超級殺》(Wake up)今(15)日釋出電影預告,六名環保抗議人為了訴求不再屠殺動物與不再砍伐森林,闖入居家賣場,企圖透過破壞賣場表達對該品牌的憤怒,然而,一切在打烊後變得岌岌可危,引起嗜血警衛的注意,變調成一場殘酷弒血屠殺。
  • 7月開唱!怪物女團XG「全員ACE出道」 超強實力成日本第一

    近期以獨特風格席捲全球的怪物女團XG,以全新單曲〈WOKE UP〉強勢回歸,並且即將展開自出道以來的「首次」世界巡演,於7月13日首次登陸台灣在「台北國際會議中心演出」,消息一出令粉絲們興奮不已。
    2024/06/08 19:51
  • 黃仁勳簽名辣妹胸引轟動 外媒:庫克也沒有「挺胸而出」待遇

    輝達(NVIDIA)執行長黃仁勳(Jensen Huang)在今年Computex電腦展期間,來到台灣進行演說和宣傳,受到有如搖滾巨星般的對待,走到哪裡都有大量鏡頭和人潮包圍。其中,一段在人潮擁擠的攤位前,有年輕女子要求黃仁勳,替她在胸口簽名的影片,讓他再次爆紅並引起外媒關注。《商業內幕》(Business Insider)與科技媒體《The Verge》對此都特別撰文報導,甚至還下了一個令人玩味的註解,表示其他科技大廠高層恐怖都不可能獲得這樣待遇,「沒有人會為庫克(Tim Cook)『挺胸而出』(no one is lining up with their chests out for Tim Cook)」。
    2024/06/06 10:37
  • 與李濬榮首度合作!表藝珍認了「一直覺得他很可怕」曝私下面目

    由《模範計程車》系列表藝珍、《Imitation》李濬榮、《青春應援CHEER UP》金賢鎮以及《黑暗榮耀》「小惠程」宋智友主演的最新浪漫韓劇《我光明正大想成為灰姑娘》,劇情描述在現實生活處處碰壁而夢想成為灰姑娘的女人,與「視女人如石頭」不相信愛情的財閥王子,兩人相遇後翻轉人生的故事。劇組於昨天(29)日在首爾舉辦記者會宣布即將開播,導演金敏京表示,希望能從觀眾口中聽到「真瘋」、「好好笑」等評語,提前預告本劇將是幽默無厘頭的輕鬆路線。
    2024/05/30 14:18
  • Taiwan’s WHA observer status up for review in Geneva

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s bid to join the 77th World Health Assembly as an observer, including global support and efforts in Geneva for its inclusion.
    2024/05/27 11:09
  • Delivery market faces shake-up as Uber Eats buys foodpanda

    Uber Eats’ acquisition of foodpanda for US$950 million is set to reshape Taiwan’s delivery market, potentially monopolizing it by 2025. How will this affect Taiwan’s delivery, dining, and retail industries?
    2024/05/24 16:57
  • Taichung MRT ramps up security after stabbing incident

    Discover how Taichung City Police Department is enhancing MRT security with 112 officers patrolling daily after a stabbing incident, aiming to ensure passenger safety and restore confidence in public transit.
    2024/05/23 16:22
  • Taiwan ramps up surveillance amid regional tensions: MND

    Discover how Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense is ramping up surveillance and security measures amid rising tensions with China, including monitoring maritime activities and enhancing cognitive warfare training.
    2024/05/23 14:28
  • MLB eyes Taipei Dome for World Baseball Classic qualifiers

    Discover how Taiwan is gearing up for a significant role in international baseball by potentially hosting the 2026 World Baseball Classic qualifiers at Taipei Dome, a move that could spotlight its talent on the global stage.
    2024/05/23 10:23
  • New Taipei City ramps up school bus safety after accidents

    Discover how New Taipei City responds to school bus accidents with a new inspection team to ensure student safety and possible penalties for Kang Chiao International School.
    2024/05/22 14:27
  • 蔡英文將卸任 CNN首頁報導:讓台揚名國際、對抗中國領袖

    台灣明(5月20日)將迎來政權交接,我國史上首位女總統蔡英文,也將卸下8年的領導棒子。《CNN》特別在首頁刊登報導,以「讓台灣揚名國際並對抗中國的領導人」(Tsai Ing-wen: the leader who put Taiwan on the map and stood up to China)為題,介紹她為台灣來的改變。
    2024/05/19 12:25
  • 蟒蛇出洞!杜德偉高唱〈脫掉〉剩內褲 「巨型偉偉」看光

    杜德偉今(18)日在台北小巨蛋舉行「Get Up」世界巡迴演唱會,為了要與台北場歌迷增進互動,杜德偉在唱完金曲〈放一顆心〉與歌迷示愛後隨即畫風一變,身為亞洲舞王的他把舞群CUE出來現場帶動唱要全場歌迷展起來跟著節奏律動,瞬間打破與台下歌迷的隔閡,結果互動橋段竟然是為了超級嗨歌〈脫掉〉做暖身,身為性感男神代表的杜德偉更重現「脫掉」精神從頭脫到尾貫徹始終,下身直接被舞者脫掉,讓「巨型大鵰」現形,掀起全場高潮。
    2024/05/18 22:02
  • 杜德偉唱一半7歲帥兒登台獻唱 合體亡父對唱全場噴淚

    「不老男神」杜德偉今(18)日首次攻上台北小巨蛋舉辦「Get Up」世界巡迴演唱會,62歲的他一開場連跳三首歌,〈Get Up〉、〈Believe〉、〈愛你愛的不尋常〉,臉不紅氣不喘,完全展現過人好體力,他坦言行走江湖那麼多年,但要看到台北歌迷,還是非常緊張,他一開始就說要「脫掉」,以為是經典要來,結果是耳機,逗樂台下歌迷。
    2024/05/18 21:16
  • 驚!杜德偉藏了40年「孿生兄弟」罕見曝光 竟是大咖影帝

    杜德偉出道40年,今(18)日首次攻上台北小巨蛋舉辦「Get Up」世界巡迴演唱會,除了家人專程飛來台北支持外,有著好人緣的杜德偉還讓中多大咖明星到場朝聖演唱會,其中包括影帝梁家輝夫婦、香港歌壇天王鍾鎮濤夫婦都特別飛來台灣齊聚為杜德偉應援,而說起跟梁家輝的交情,杜德偉表示兩人在香港被說長很像,堪稱是「孿生兄弟」,而且都是水瓶座,緣分相當深。
    2024/05/18 19:37
  • Taiwan unites to fight fraud with new initiatives

    Discover how Taiwan is stepping up its fight against fraud with a landmark conference that brought together industry leaders and legislators to unveil new prevention measures.
    2024/05/17 10:22
  • 韓燃燈會慶佛誕 DJ電音和尚出演嗨爆全場

    5月15日、農曆4月8日,是佛教重要節日「佛陀誕辰」,為了慶祝,南韓首爾提前在12日星期天舉辦「燃燈會」活動,吸引約五萬人參與。除了年年都有的花燈遊行,今年還找來DJ和尚「日進大師」表演。日進大師去年以袈裟造型,搭配動感的合掌手勢,傳唱電音「佛祖Hands Up」而爆紅,可以說是當今佛教活動最歡迎的嘉賓,無論是多莊嚴的宗教場合都能瞬間變成「佛系」夜店。不過他其實還有第二個身分,他原先是位搞笑藝人,去年受戒後,開始以他潮流、新奇的方式弘揚佛教文化。
    2024/05/13 19:53
  • 大怒神電梯!印度電梯失速暴衝 瞬間撞爆「25樓屋頂」

    2024/05/13 16:44
  • Northern Taiwan braces for chilly nights

    Discover the latest weather update for Taiwan: Brief showers and thunderstorms hit various regions due to a frontal system, with conditions expected to clear up. Northern Taiwan sees a temperature drop, with more stable weather ahead.
    2024/05/13 10:57
  • Weekend warm-up: Taiwan to experience brief heat spike

    Explore the dramatic shift in Taiwan’s weather as temperatures soar to 30°C, only to be followed by thunderstorms. The Central Weather Administration highlights the weakening northeast monsoon’s impact, leading to significant temperature fluctuations and potential air quality concerns. Stay alert for a brief warm spell before the onset of rain and cooler conditions.
    2024/05/10 12:54
  • 民進黨入黨簽名見面會 吳崢、王義川任入黨推薦!人氣超高

    民進黨今(4日)舉行「Green Up! 和台灣在一起」入黨簽名見面會活動,新聞部主任兼發言人吳崢與政策會執行長王義川擔任入黨推薦人,現場更可抽選總統蔡英文、準總統賴清德、準副總統蕭美琴偶像風小卡。活動現場湧進近千人參加爭相入黨,吳崢與王義川也跟粉絲現場互動,並一起幫新入黨的夥伴簽名推薦。吳崢表示,看到滿場新入黨的同志令人振奮不已,也呼籲入黨同志要當奉公守法的好公民。王義川則說,成為黨員要非常支持民進黨「清廉、勤政、愛鄉土」的理念,盼與新黨員一起為台灣勇往直前。
    2024/05/04 20:25
  • FSC ramps up fight against credit card fraud

    Discover how Taiwan’s Financial Supervisory Commission is stepping up its game against credit card fraud with new measures to protect consumers from phishing scams and unauthorized transactions. Learn about the enhanced security steps being taken.
    2024/05/01 17:12
  • 不躲了!九澤CP唱一半「他突襲衝上台」 邱鋒澤張大嘴巴嚇傻

    陳零九和邱鋒澤組成的「九澤CP」,「九澤CP 愛在你身邊 LOVE GAME」4月27、28日一連兩天在香港九展Star Hall舉行,兩人正準備情深繼續唱出〈不確認關係〉時,響起卻是婁峻碩的〈Rise〉,婁峻碩突然出現走上台喊:「What’s up Hong Kong!」此時陳零九搶著說:「我就知道,就是知道你這個人會來!」但邱鋒澤則張大嘴巴:「呀!」了出聲,接著三人有默契唱了幾句。
    2024/04/30 16:01
  • Taiwan launches net-zero emission training to meet demand

    Discover how Taiwan’s National Environmental Research Academy is addressing the demand for green talent with its Net-Zero Emission Capacity Enhancement Class, filling up quickly due to high demand. Learn about the initiative’s focus on equipping individuals for the green sector and supporting green careers.
    2024/04/30 14:48
  • Taiwan’s weather swings: From heatwave to plum rains

    Taiwan faces a scorching day with temperatures up to 36°C, particularly in its southern and southeastern areas, as forecasted by the Central Weather Administration. Foehn winds are anticipated in Taitung County, prompting a heat advisory with a yellow warning for Tainan, Kaohsiung, Pingtung, and Taitung counties. A weather shift is expected to bring brief showers or thunderstorms, especially in the central and northern regions, with heavier rainfall predicted for the northeastern and Greater Taipei’s mountainous areas. Meteorologist Lin Te-en highlights an expected above-average rainfall for May, aligning with the plum rain season, potentially easing Taiwan’s water scarcity concerns yet raising flooding risks.
    2024/04/30 11:54
  • Taiwan sweats under severe heatwave, CWA issues warnings

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s weather: a heatwave with temperatures soaring up to 34°C, high-temperature warnings in four counties, and the potential for foehn winds in Taitung. Amidst the heat, expect scattered showers and brief thunderstorms across various regions. However, a shift is on the horizon for Labor Day, with a passing front bringing unstable weather, possible heavy rainfall, and a cool down in northern Taiwan. Stay updated on these changing conditions.
    2024/04/29 11:16
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