
New Taipei City ramps up school bus safety after accidents

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/22 14:27
Last update time:2024/05/22 14:27
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Mayor vows action on school bus safety (TVBS News) New Taipei City ramps up school bus safety after accidents
Mayor vows action on school bus safety (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — In response to two major traffic accidents involving school buses from Kang Chiao International School (康橋中學) within a two-month span, New Taipei City Mayor Hou Yu-ih (侯友宜) announced on Wednesday (May 22) the formation of a joint inspection team to enforce strict supervision.


The accidents, which occurred on March 11 and May 21 on the Xinyi Expressway's Wenshan Tunnel in Taipei, led to 20 people seeking medical treatment and two students being injured, respectively.


Mayor Hou emphasized the city government's commitment to student safety and indicated that the school could face penalties under the Private School Act.


New Taipei City Education Department Commissioner Chang Ming-wen (張明文) has expressed the department's intolerance for the school's failure to improve transportation safety for its students.


Chang reported that an inspection team visited the school at 9 a.m. on Wednesday to demand a comprehensive explanation and improvement measures.


He further highlighted the seriousness of the incidents, pointing out that mishandling campus safety could result in severe consequences, including the possibility of reducing or suspending student recruitment as per Article 55 of the Private School Act.

Taiwan Affairs

#school bus accident# student safety# New Taipei City# traffic accidents# Kang Chiao International School# Private School Act# transportation safety# school transportation safety measures# enforcing student safety regulations# consequences of school safety
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