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    SNOW 結果共51筆

  • 人氣偶像變「變態跟蹤狂」 土屋太鳳認有陰影:看到就害怕

    日本偶像男團「Snow Man」成員佐久間大介平時搞笑瘋癲,平時在綜藝節目中的可愛模樣令觀眾印象深刻,人氣極高,這次他一改開朗形象,在驚悚推理片《完美配對謀殺案》中扮陰沉跟蹤狂,透過交友軟體結識土屋太鳳後,便展開陰魂不斷式的瘋狂追求,一舉一動都緊牽劇情走向,也讓積極想轉型的他過足戲癮,他說:「這角色簡直太讚了!比起正統浪漫愛情電影,我更想嘗試具有挑戰性的戲路,所以沒多想就答應演出了。」
    2024/05/22 18:37
  • 中島健人土味情話撩翻粉絲 Snow Man的他現身爆料:會被公司罵

    日本男團「Sexy Zone」成員中島健人今(15)晚在信義劇場Legacy MAX為主演戲劇《客廳裡的松永先生》(以下《松》)舉辦粉絲見面會,吸引1200名粉絲到場。雖是首度來台舉辦活動,不過中島健人準備十足,不斷用中文跟粉絲互動,還改編所屬團體Sexy Zone的經典哏,頻頻拋出「Sexy謝謝」,讓台、日、韓等各地的粉絲笑翻。同樣演出本劇的Snow Man向井康二、藤原大祐也驚喜「現身」,還爆料中島健人私下一面,兩人也擔心可能會因此被傑尼斯(現STARTO娛樂)罵。
    2024/03/15 21:29
  • Hebe Tien’s enchanting Hokkaido getaway captivates fans

    Taiwanese pop singer Hebe Tien charms fans with frigidly beautiful photos from her Hokkaido vacation. Follow her frosty adventure in the snow-filled landscape as she captures the hearts of her followers with her delightful escapades.
    2024/03/14 11:29
  • Taiwan braces for chilly weather as cold front moves in

    Get the latest weather forecast for Taiwan as a mainland cold front moves southward. Expect cold and damp conditions, with morning temperatures ranging between 15 and 17 degrees Celsius. Daytime temperatures will reach only 17 to 20 degrees in the north and eastern regions, while the central, southern sectors, and Taitung can expect warmer temperatures of 23 to 27 degrees Celsius. Rainfall is expected across Taiwan, with broad, persistent rainfall in the north and localized, brief showers in other areas. There is a possibility of snow or sleet in high-altitude areas, particularly on Lunar New Year’s Eve. The weather will stabilize on the second and third days of the lunar year, with gradually warming temperatures. Stay prepared and carry rain gear when venturing outdoors.
    2024/02/07 11:34
  • Taipingshan visitors brave cold weather for winter thrills

    Visitors to Taipingshan mountain in Yilan braved the -3 degrees Celsius temperatures to frolic shirtless in the snow. Despite the cold, the atmosphere remained chilly enough for visitors to enjoy their winter sojourn. The popular mountain tram is back in operation after maintenance work, allowing visitors to enjoy the beautiful scenery again.
    2024/01/24 16:55
  • Mount Hehuan wows visitors with 10 cm snow blanket

    Experience the breathtaking beauty of Mount Hehuan covered in a 10-centimeter snowfall. Despite the sunny skies, the snow remained intact due to the mountain’s high altitude and low temperatures. Enthusiasts flocked to witness the mesmerizing scene, with ice pellets gracefully falling alongside the snow. The recent cold spell from the mainland caused temperatures to plummet, creating a chilly blanket across Taiwan. The Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency of Nantou Branch advised using four-wheel-drive vehicles with snow chains for safety. Stay warm and properly equipped with crampons, ice axes (or trekking poles), helmets, and sufficient warm clothing for a winter mountain climbing adventure.
    2024/01/24 13:57
  • Snowfall, hail hit Yangmingshan amid Taiwan’s cold wave

    Proactive citizens in Taiwan brace for an intense cold wave, as the Yangmingshan Anbu Weather Station and other areas experience notable accumulations of snow. The coldest period of this strongest cold wave falls on Tuesday and Wednesday, with temperatures ranging from 5℃ to 14℃. The Central Weather Administration reports hail, followed by rain mixed with snow, and a depth of one centimeter of accumulated snow by 6 a.m. Dress warmly and prioritize safety while driving, especially for those venturing uphill to enjoy the snow scenes. A gradual warming trend is expected to begin on Thursday.
    2024/01/23 10:19
  • Yangmingshan Elementary first in Taiwan to take cold break

    Yangmingshan Elementary School, located in Taipei, Taiwan, has become the first school in the country to implement a two-day cold break due to a cold front. Principal Liang Chih-huan made the decision to prioritize student safety, considering the potential for snowfall at students’ homes and icy roads. The suspended classes will be made up on the following Monday and Tuesday. Additionally, there is a possibility of snow at Yangmingshan’s Erziping trail, leading to an increase in snow tourists. Nearby Chinese Culture University is already on winter break, but administrative staff will take time off based on actual conditions. In the event of snowfall, vehicle restrictions will be imposed on Yangde Boulevard, the main road to Yangmingshan, with only vehicles with passes permitted to proceed. Snow chains will be required for vehicles accessing the mountain’s control and snow viewing points, and buses will not be allowed in the controlled areas.
    2024/01/22 17:10
  • Taiwan prepares for chilly blast as temperatures set to drop

    Taiwan is preparing for a cold wave that will bring temperatures as low as 7 degrees Celsius along the coast, according to meteorological expert Daniel Wu. The temperatures in different regions of Taiwan on Monday will vary, with northern areas dropping from 14 to 7 degrees, central areas ranging from 9 to 21 degrees, southern regions from 10 to 24 degrees, and eastern zones from 9 to 21 degrees. Snow is expected to fall in high-altitude areas such as Lala Mountain, Mount Hehuan, Qixing Mountain, and Datun Mountain. The cold front will engulf the entire island from Tuesday to Thursday morning, causing temperatures to plummet even further, potentially dipping below 5 degrees in some plains regions. Local rain is expected in areas north of the central region and the eastern half on Tuesday, with showers in the eastern section on Wednesday. Residents are advised to dress warmly. The cold wave is predicted to gradually weaken from Thursday to the following Sunday, with temperatures rising across the island. Greater Taipei will remain mostly cloudy, while areas south of Taoyuan will experience clear and stable weather, with brief local showers possible in the eastern half.
    2024/01/22 12:42
  • Taiwan braces for a chilly week ahead with snow predictions

    Expect fair weather through Friday, followed by cooler and wetter conditions from Saturday to next Wednesday, according to WeatherRisk meteorologist Ke Yu-ning. Temperatures in Taiwan will continue to rise on Thursday, with increased cloud cover in mountainous areas. Coastal areas will see a 1-2 degree drop in high temperatures on Friday, while inland regions will remain warm. The chance of rain is relatively high in eastern parts and the Hengchun Peninsula. The expected weather front has been delayed and is now forecasted to pass over Taiwan from Saturday morning to Sunday morning. Northern temperatures will fall from 16-21 degrees to 14-17 degrees over the weekend and into next week, while central and southern regions will experience a daily decrease of 1-2 degrees. A significant temperature drop is expected on Monday and Tuesday, with the coldest weather occurring Tuesday evening into Wednesday morning, when temperatures may fall to around 9-10 degrees Celsius in most urban areas. Despite a slight warming during the day on Wednesday, conditions will remain chilly. High-altitude regions may experience snowfall next week, with the snowfall altitude potentially increasing to 2500 meters as cold air diminishes. Temperatures in these areas may approach or drop to freezing from Monday evening through Thursday, creating the opportunity for snow.
    2024/01/18 11:15
  • Cold wave to sweep across Taiwan with snow in the forecast

    Get the latest weather forecast for Taiwan as the Central Weather Administration predicts a cold wave next week. Expect frigid temperatures ranging from 7 to 13 degrees Celsius across the island, with snowfall predicted in mountainous areas. This week, temperatures will rise till Friday with easterly winds and highs of 22 to 27 degrees. Brief showers may occur in the east, while the west remains sunny. Unstable weather and rain are expected on Saturday, followed by significant rainfall from Sunday to Wednesday next week. Stay warm and take necessary precautions.
    2024/01/17 15:13
  • 許光漢集郵男神! 「驚喜合體目黑蓮」網驚呼:突破次元壁

    台灣男星許光漢紅到國際,日前宣布擔任FENDI全球男裝品牌大使,最近飛到米蘭時裝週出席男裝大秀,巧遇日本男偶像「SNOW MAN」的目黑蓮,2位都是話題度超高的男神級人物,同框合照超級吸睛,網友忍不住直呼:「打破次元壁!」
    2024/01/14 18:49
  • 韓團牌失效?《紅白》收視跌破30%創新低 133萬人跨年看傑尼斯

    2024/01/02 14:49
  • Taipingshan welcomes first snowfall amid -6 degrees Celsius

    Experience the first snowfall of 2023 in Taipingshan, Yilan County, as freezing temperatures dropped to minus 6 degrees Celsius. The lightly covered statue of an owl added a touch of winter charm to the area. Despite the strong winds, the snowfall was not significant, and there was no observed increase in the trend. To ensure safety, the management urged all visitors to descend the mountain from 4 p.m. to avoid road ice. Tourists seeking snow experiences have booked local accommodations, highlighting the enthusiasm for the snowfall. For safety reasons, there will be a dynamic total volume control for vehicular entrance into the park, halting new entries once the limit of 1,000 vehicles is reached.
    2023/12/22 12:00
  • Taipei braces for cold wave, snow in high mountains forecast

    A meteorologist predicts a cold front will bring lower temperatures and possible snowfall in high mountain areas of Taiwan. Temperatures in Taipei could drop to 9.5 degrees Celsius, meeting the standard for a cold wave. Areas north of Miaoli County and the Huadong Valley may see temperatures below 8 degrees Celsius. The weather in areas north of Hsinchu and in Yilan will be damp and cold throughout the day. Snowfall is expected in Taipingshan, Lala Mountain, and Shei-Pa National Park, with Yangmingshan possibly experiencing sleet or rain mixed with snow. Mountains over 3,000 meters above sea level in areas north of Taoyuan and at the border of Yilan and Hualien counties may also see snowfall.
    2023/12/20 17:29
  • Taiwan braces for cold snap, temps to hit 8 degrees

    A strong continental cold air mass has reached Taiwan, causing temperatures to drop to between 16 and 19 degrees Celsius. Meteorological expert Wu Der-rong predicts that temperatures could reach as low as 8 degrees in some flatland areas. The Central Weather Administration (CWA) forecasts daytime high temperatures of 19 to 22 degrees in Northern Taiwan and Yilan, while central and southern regions will experience highs of about 27 to 28 degrees. As night falls, temperatures in the north and Yilan will dip to 15 or 16 degrees, while the south and east will see lows of about 17 to 19 degrees. Rainfall is expected in windward areas of Northern Taiwan, the eastern part of the island, and the Hengchun Peninsula, with increasing probability as the evening progresses. The next cold air mass, described as a "cold wave," is expected to bring further temperature declines, with the coldest moment anticipated on Thursday and Friday. Wu predicts significant rainfall on the windward side and the possibility of snow in mountainous regions. The cold air will weaken slightly on Saturday before strengthening again on Sunday night. Northern Taiwan will continue to be affected by the polar continental air mass, leading to wet and cold conditions, while central and southern Taiwan can expect cooler temperatures in the early morning and evening.
    2023/12/19 10:10
  • 未來少女/熙妍「闖星途遭阻」險放棄機會 被偶像鼓舞暴哭:原來我還有夢

    2023/11/19 20:38
  • 傑尼斯現址新冒出2公司! 北野武懶理日媒禁忌:我是強尼北野川

    2023/11/15 15:30
  • 《五月雪》奧地利首映獲熱烈迴響! 直指大馬問題「影迷憂導演安危」

    金馬入圍最大贏家《五月雪》(Snow in Midsummer)繼上月威尼斯影展獲獎後,再度入選第61屆維也納國際影展(Vienna IFF),導演張吉安昨(23)晚出席該片奧地利首映場,曾以電影《當愛來的時候》、《暑假作業》兩度提名金馬獎的編曲家吳睿然,也專程趕來欣賞,他除感佩張吉安拍攝該片的勇氣,更讚賞他與大馬音樂家余家和的配樂創作,大讚「音樂太厲害,真心喜歡」,並盛讚萬芳最後穿越叢林、直奔墳上痛哭的演出,「情緒堆疊得很滿,讓人很感動」。
    2023/10/24 18:46
  • 被Ella鼓勵重新圓夢!范范遭綁椅子任浪狂打 內幕曝光

    自《原子少年》出身的十八歲鮮肉范范(范庭瑜)挾高人氣在10月2日發行個人全新單曲〈清醒之後〉,在節目中因能歌善舞過人才華及穩健台風而被稱為「寶藏少年」,還讓導師Ella慧眼獨具把他視為「兒子」般頻頻護航力挺,儘管在節目歷經兩次「滅團」危機,卻因出色表演而獲許多粉絲肯定。范范十八歲「登大人」發片特別感謝貴人導師「媽媽」Ella提攜,在節目中難掩自己對這位「兒子」的驕傲及喜歡的Ella,不但在他表演青春歌曲〈Snow White〉當場被范范飛吻電到,更招架不住大喊:「不要對一個母親這樣子,我已經已婚,不要再讓我心動!」貴為天后的Ella除了幽默風趣的表現親和力外,更常為范范打氣,節目中一句「有個兒子像你這樣會超級驕傲!」讓范范牢記天后鼓勵當動力決心努力圓歌唱夢!
    2023/10/02 12:20
  • BTS續約!2025年退伍後仍7人 無懼傑尼斯醜聞與Snow Man合體

    BLACKPINK要不要跟現在公司YG娛樂續約的消息還沒出來,另一世界級偶像團體BTS(防彈少年團)卻搶先公布了,所屬經紀公司20日指出,目前已經跟BTS的7名成員完成續約。就在此時也傳出「打破次元壁」的跨界合作,原來BTS成員V(金泰亨)跟傑尼斯夯團Snow Man成員目黑蓮即將來場對談!
    2023/09/20 18:32
  • 摩斯粗暴切割傑尼斯!Snow Man帥臉被蓋掉 粉絲淚崩:太過分

    日本傑尼斯事務所7日召開記者會,正式坦承創辦人喜多川強尼的性侵狼行,也承諾接下來會負起責任,好好面對受害人賠償、公司改革等問題。許多廠商陸續切割傑尼斯,有的揚言未來不再任用傑尼斯藝人、有的表明與傑尼斯的廣告約滿就不再續約,其中也包含日本摩斯漢堡,尤其摩斯漢堡的實體店面竟直接蓋掉代言人Snow Man的海報,讓粉絲氣炸了!
    2023/09/13 17:28
  • 朝日集團狠鍘23傑尼斯藝人! 每人損失8位數收入「紅白也慘了」

    2023/09/09 12:45
  • 露營好物挑買看 日本東京三大特色店必須體驗

    走出戶外去露營,是近年不少人的休閒方式,當然,合適好用的裝備用具是絕對必要,這篇要來推東京戶外用品特色店,有台灣買不到的原創獨特好物,更是露營控的心頭好。第一是有數萬件露營用品的「Alpen TOKYO」,以及極簡風、強調機能實用的「muraco TACHIKAWA」,最後為潮牌結合咖啡廳的「Snow Peak LAND STATION TOKYO」,一邊採買、還能愜意欣賞東京車站周邊丸之內迷人景色。
    2023/08/06 00:45
  • 日本高山出現大片「血色積雪」 它恐促使暖化、加速融雪

    「雪藻」(snow algae)主要指的是在高山地帶或極圈的夏季,生長在雪或冰上的耐低溫藻類,種類有約百種以上,會呈現紅色、綠色等色彩。日媒指出,日本高山近日觀測到大量雪藻,恐會促使氣候暖化的發生。
    2023/07/12 12:26
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