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    Parks 結果共12筆

  • 涉聯手李天怡坑三立!南非台裔議員「越洋發聲明」:還我清白

    南非台裔議員孫耀亨因頑皮世界提告買賣動物涉及背信罪遭台北地檢署通緝,他透過律師越洋表示,有關動物買賣關係是,Pacific Image Ltd與南非Motsumi Animal Import and Export (Pty) Ltd訂立合約,南非Motsumi公司再與史瓦蒂尼Big Game Parks簽約購買動物,供應給Pacific Image Ltd.,Pacific Image Ltd須分別在南非與史瓦蒂尼兩地交付動物給頑皮世界,頑皮世界負責進口台灣相關事務。Pacific Image Ltd 和Big Game Parks並無任何直接關係,他與頑皮世界、Motsumi公司或是Big Game Parks也無任何合同關係。
    2024/05/08 12:01
  • Cross-Strait relations tense over ECFA tariff changes

    Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council warns that China’s reduced tariff concessions under the ECFA could harm cross-strait companies, criticizing China’s trade sanction threats and efforts to attract Taiwanese youth with housing and entrepreneur parks.
    2024/04/26 13:25
  • Penghu County in Taiwan named second most welcoming region

    Booking.com has declared Taiwan’s Penghu County as the second "Most Welcoming Region on Earth" in its 2024 Traveller Review Awards. This decision was based on feedback from over 309 million verified customer reviews. Penghu County is known for its basaltic formations and a variety of aquatic activities. The top five most welcoming regions also include United Kingdom’s Perthshire, Columbia’s Boyacá, Italy’s Trentino-Alto Adige, and Chile’s Los Lagos.
    2024/01/25 10:52
  • TSMC’s potential 1nm factory fuels Chiayi housing boom

    Housing prices in the Science Park in Taibao, Chiai County, have significantly increased due to the possibility of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) establishing a 1-nanometer factory in the area. Although the news is not confirmed, the anticipation has led to a surge in pre-sale housing prices, with pre-sale apartment buildings increasing by 8.8% and townhouses rising by 12.6% between 2019 and 2023. TSMC has expressed its land needs to the Southern Taiwan Science Park Management Office, but the final decision to set up the factory depends on various factors. According to the Ministry of the Interior’s statistics, the price per ping in Chiayi County has soared by 65% from NT$101,500 to NT$167,100 between the first quarter of 2018 and the third quarter of 2023. Analysts believe this trend could continue as Chiayi County actively promotes industrial transformation and has six emerging industrial parks, including the potential site for the TSMC factory, the Chiayi Science Park. With the addition of nearby Tai Sugar Corporation’s land, it may meet TSMC’s requirement for a 100-ping plant. Despite the migration issue in predominantly agricultural Chiayi County, TSMC’s factory has the potential to stimulate the housing market by attracting younger out-of-town individuals and influencing the county’s buying and leasing market.
    2024/01/23 16:17
  • Taichung opens traffic theme park for kids’ safety education

    Taichung City has unveiled its first children’s traffic theme park, Quan Yuan Children’s Traffic Theme Park, located next to Quanyuan Park in the East District. The park aims to educate youngsters about traffic safety while they play, featuring miniaturized zebra crossings, scooter waiting areas, railway level crossings, and a section on the blind spots of large vehicles. Parents can use bicycles and scooters with their children, providing a practical setting for hands-on traffic education. The park is part of Taichung’s "Melody Project" to create unique parks within city districts and integrates local historical elements. Plans are underway to partner with nearby schools for outdoor traffic education classes, fostering an early appreciation of traffic rules in students and enhancing public awareness of traffic safety.
    2023/12/20 20:51
  • MOEA ensures sufficient land for semiconductor industry

    The Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) reassures that Taiwan has sufficient land for the semiconductor industry, despite concerns over shortages in land, water, energy, labor, and talent. Media reports claimed that Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (TSMC) had abandoned its Longtan plant, highlighting potential issues in the semiconductor industry. However, the MOEA states that it is actively working on land allocation and expansion plans in science parks and industrial parks. The government aims to meet all land requirements for industry expansion and new factories, while providing full services to manufacturing businesses. The MOEA is fully committed to assisting semiconductor companies in developing in Taiwan, with the goal of maintaining Taiwan’s dominant role in global semiconductor manufacturing.
    2023/11/09 15:05
  • Lai Ching-te pledges to create 20,000 startup jobs

    Lai Ching-te, the presidential candidate from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), aims to create 20,000 new startup jobs within five years and raise startup investment to NT$150 billion annually. He plans to make Taiwan a net exporter of innovative solutions in a decade.
    2023/10/03 19:33
  • Taipei utilizes parks, AI systems for flood prevention

    Taiwan’s annual monsoon and typhoon seasons often bring about heavy rain, making flood management a matter of great importance.
    2023/09/05 17:54
  • Poisonous mushrooms spring up in Kaohsiung after heavy rain

    Kaohsiung City tackles a sudden influx of poisonous wild mushrooms in its parks following heavy rain. Authorities are working swiftly to eliminate the fungi, identified as potentially harmful "green-spored parasol mushrooms." The public is urged to avoid touching or consuming them due to their toxic effects. Learn about the measures being taken to ensure safety.
    2023/08/18 23:30
  • 美國82歲勇嬷隻身擊退45公斤黑熊 僅小腿輕微被抓傷

    美國科羅拉多州公園與野生動物處(Colorado Parks and Wildlife)日前通報,當地一名高齡82歲的老婦人,晚間在家中被吵雜聲和狗吠吵醒,發現一頭重100磅(約45.36公斤)的黑熊闖入家門,甚至一度跳到她身上進行攻擊,這名勇猛的阿嬤隻身對抗黑熊,最後擊退並讓牠落荒而逃。《紐約郵報》(New York Post)報導,根據當地法規規定,該黑熊已被認定為「危險生物」,公園處派人進行追捕。
    2023/08/15 11:54
  • Experts aim to make defense knowledge more accessible

    A retired naval officer has established national defense education parks in Taiwan, hiring retired non-commissioned officers from the U.S. Marine Corps to instruct classes so that the public can have a correct understanding of national defense issues.
    2023/01/17 19:25
  • 「媽媽我中彈了」曾投稿反槍枝文章獲獎 少女遭流彈擊斃

    美國威斯康辛州密爾瓦基(Milwaukee)一名少女19日在自家臥房看電視,意外被外頭流彈擊中,不幸身亡。少女生前曾寫過關於槍枝暴力的文章,還在校園中獲獎,她的母親伯尼斯(Bernice Parks)傷心表示「我的寶貝不是暴力的,我的寶貝不喜歡暴力。」
    2018/11/23 14:49
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