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    LIFE��������� 結果共1,036筆

  • 不只是消遣!「瑪利歐」竟可改善憂鬱症 還加強大腦4能力

    2024/01/28 14:45
  • 冬季腸胃易出血!醫曝保護「3重點」 大便長這樣也有事

    2024/01/28 14:44
  • 「杵狀指」就是肺癌?醫曝早期徵兆 這招檢測最精準

    2024/01/27 23:05
  • Grieving family demands justice at student’s funeral

    The funeral ceremony of a middle school student who was stabbed by a schoolmate was held in New Taipei. The bereaved family demanded judicial reform and swift and severe punishment for the offender, hoping to establish a norm of "life for a life." They detailed the brutal incident, including the victim’s cardiac arrest, open-heart surgery, and subsequent death. The family pleaded for just and stiff penalties for both the perpetrator and abettor to ensure justice. They expressed skepticism towards the judiciary mechanism and its treatment of offenders, and voiced deep regret. The incident has had a significant impact on the family, particularly the deceased’s dependent sister who is now left to manage on her own. The family appreciated the assistance from kind-hearted individuals in caring for the sister and managing affairs after the child’s death. They fervently urged the judiciary to prioritize public safety, protect innocent victims, and ensure appropriate punishment for murderers and instigators.
    2024/01/25 15:12
  • Taiwanese conscripts worry about salary gap despite raise

    Taiwanese conscripts have expressed concerns that their monthly earnings still fall short of the country’s basic labor wage despite a recent salary increase. Privates, the lowest military rank, now receive a monthly salary of NT$26,307, including insurance and meal expenses. However, this amount is still lower than the standard basic labor wage of NT$27,470. Last year, President Tsai Ing-wen extended the mandatory conscription period to one year, and the wage adjustment for privates gained significant attention. Under the new system, privates can earn up to NT$20,320, consisting of a base wage of NT$10,130 and an additional NT$10,190 for specialized skills. In addition to their salary, they also receive military insurance (NT$1,240), national health insurance (NT$1,839), and a meal allowance (NT$908), bringing the total payment to NT$26,307. The first batch of 670 army conscripts for the one-year service started their eight-week entry training on January 25. Taipei City Mayor Chiang Wan-an encouraged the privates to form sincere friendships, develop disciplined habits, and cultivate a sense of responsibility during their military life.
    2024/01/25 15:11
  • 做錯了?睡前刷牙反而不易入睡 「3件事」影響睡眠品質

    2024/01/25 12:12
  • Medical tycoon donates equipment to boost rescue team

    Chang Ju-shan, chairman of a renowned medical group, donates equipment worth millions to the National Fire Agency’s Special Search and Rescue Team. The donation, motivated by the team’s efforts during an international humanitarian mission in Türkiye last year, includes life detectors, drones, and CPR training devices. Chang also provides two search and rescue puppies, covering all training costs, to join the team. His contribution aims to enhance the team’s mission effectiveness and strengthen Taiwan’s role in international humanitarian rescue efforts.
    2024/01/25 10:54
  • 剛生完雙乳「硬得像石頭」憂是乳腺炎?醫教2方法緩解腫脹

    2024/01/25 09:43
  • 42歲女訪友突中風倒地!醫警告「3大因素」讓年輕中風增10%

    2024/01/24 22:52
  • Taiwanese American director’s film nominated for Oscar

    "Island in Between," a documentary by Taiwanese American director S. Leo Chiang, has been nominated for Best Documentary Short Film at the 96th Academy Awards. The film provides an outsider’s perspective on the everyday life of the Kinmen Islands, exploring the complex relationship between Taiwan, Kinmen, and China through the lens of Chiang’s father’s military service memories. Chiang, who was born in Taiwan and raised in the U.S., aims to offer a unique perspective on the Taiwan Strait crisis by sharing the experiences of the people living in the region. The winners of the 96th Academy Awards will be announced on March 10.
    2024/01/24 14:19
  • 研究發現每天喝黑茶 罹患糖尿病風險降低近五成

    2024/01/23 15:41
  • 10年零異狀!他照LDCT「驚見肺癌」 5大日常跡象要小心

    2024/01/20 23:08
  • 腦動脈瘤破裂恐喪命!醫示警「關鍵症狀」 2方法有效治療

    2024/01/19 08:44
  • Satellite-tagged sea turtle triumphs over tumors in Taiwan

    A green sea turtle, previously afflicted with tumors, was released back into the wild in Taitung’s Shanyuan Bay. Rescued from a fishing net in July 2023, the turtle underwent successful treatment at the National Museum of Biology & Aquarium in Pingtung. Dr. Chen I-chun noted the increasing number of sea turtles with tumors globally, particularly along the eastern coast of Taiwan. Marine pollution or viral infections are suspected causes. The released turtle, the second in Taiwan to recover from a tumor, brings hope for the preservation of marine life.
    2024/01/18 16:16
  • 就是硬不起來!下面出問題影響性福 醫提「10關鍵」改善

    2024/01/18 14:32
  • 「救心丹」不是萬靈丹!硝化甘油錠4大禁忌 搭壯陽藥恐致命

    2024/01/16 17:16
  • 看東西一層霧?恐是輕微白內障 醫授「日常4招」延緩惡化

    2024/01/16 16:53
  • Taiwan to equip new conscripts with combat gear in March

    The Ministry of National Defense (MND) of Taiwan has announced that the first group of 650 conscription men will receive their individual combat gear on March 22 after completing basic training. The MND has allocated a budget of NT$4.04 billion for the "Xing’an project" from 2022 to 2024, which aims to improve the living conditions and quality of life for officers and soldiers. The conscripts will promptly receive their complete battle gear after basic training to carry out various combat training tasks. Sizing for the gear was conducted during the first week of conscription, with distribution scheduled for a week before graduation or before March 22. The MND’s comprehensive distribution of new style combat outfits, which has been ongoing for five years, includes 15 items such as tactical helmets, vests, and shock-absorbing elbow and knee guards.
    2024/01/16 15:13
  • 尾牙、過年理性飲酒!男子走路突「跛腳」 檢查發現骨頭竟壞死

    2024/01/16 14:31
  • 年紀輕卻常腰酸背痛?恐因這2大主因 「4種家中運動」可改善

    2024/01/16 14:09
  • 頭髮變少?過度依賴「藥用洗髮精」恐成反效果 食藥署:會有抗藥性

    2024/01/13 15:26
  • 走路能長壽!研究曝每天達「這步數」降早逝風險 60歲以上可多走

    2024/01/13 11:50
  • 「1肉類」增阿茲海默症風險40% 專家曝3飲食習慣可降低

    2024/01/13 10:28
  • 兒科急診擠爆!「免疫負債」成惡性循環 4歲童久咳竟併發肺炎

    2024/01/12 10:57
  • 她備孕7年沒動靜!醫抽血揪「婦科3病」 治癒順利懷3胞胎

    2024/01/10 22:59
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