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    Green 結果共342筆

  • Kaohsiung eyes hosting Taylor Swift in two years

    Discover how Kaohsiung’s Mayor Chen Chi-mai plans to bring Taylor Swift to Taiwan for a grand concert at the Kaohsiung National Stadium, emphasizing the venue’s readiness and commitment to safety and sustainability.
    2024/05/09 17:19
  • Premier Chen visits Taiwan’s first offshore wind farm

    Discover how Taiwan is leading in green energy with Premier Chen Chien-jen’s visit to Formosa 1, the nation’s first offshore wind farm, emphasizing offshore wind power and the goal for net-zero emissions by 2050.
    2024/05/07 15:35
  • 民進黨入黨簽名見面會 吳崢、王義川任入黨推薦!人氣超高

    民進黨今(4日)舉行「Green Up! 和台灣在一起」入黨簽名見面會活動,新聞部主任兼發言人吳崢與政策會執行長王義川擔任入黨推薦人,現場更可抽選總統蔡英文、準總統賴清德、準副總統蕭美琴偶像風小卡。活動現場湧進近千人參加爭相入黨,吳崢與王義川也跟粉絲現場互動,並一起幫新入黨的夥伴簽名推薦。吳崢表示,看到滿場新入黨的同志令人振奮不已,也呼籲入黨同志要當奉公守法的好公民。王義川則說,成為黨員要非常支持民進黨「清廉、勤政、愛鄉土」的理念,盼與新黨員一起為台灣勇往直前。
    2024/05/04 20:25
  • Taiwan launches net-zero emission training to meet demand

    Discover how Taiwan’s National Environmental Research Academy is addressing the demand for green talent with its Net-Zero Emission Capacity Enhancement Class, filling up quickly due to high demand. Learn about the initiative’s focus on equipping individuals for the green sector and supporting green careers.
    2024/04/30 14:48
  • NBA/詹姆斯能再奪冠?格林力挺「沒問題」:但不是跟這支湖人

    即便已經是39歲的「高齡」,現役NBA第一人、湖人王牌詹姆斯(LeBron James)仍維持高競爭水平,2023-24賽季場均能交出25.7分7.7籃板8.3助攻,外帶1.3抄截的成績單,不少人也好奇,仍以絕佳狀態與新生代球員對決的詹姆斯,是否還有奪下生涯第五冠的機會?對此人在灣區的「摯友」格林(Draymond Green)也在節目中正式表態,認為絕對還有機會。
    2024/04/29 20:35
  • Taiwan’s Central Bank updates inflation forecasts for 2024

    Taiwan’s Consumer Price Index indicates a continued slowdown in inflation with a slight rise in March. The Central Bank revises its inflation forecasts as electricity and living costs surge. The public’s economic outlook remains cautiously optimistic.
    2024/04/26 13:24
  • Taipower president refutes claims of energy policy failure

    Discover the reasons behind the recent power outages in Taoyuan, Taiwan, as Taipower’s President, Wang Yao-ting, clarifies the situation. Learn about the complexities of Taiwan’s power system, the comparison with Tokyo Electric Power Company, and the ongoing efforts towards green energy development.
    2024/04/22 17:59
  • Panasonic 智慧前行 美好永續

    在面對未來氣候變遷、以及全球零碳轉型趨勢下,Panasonic集團向全球承諾「Panasonic GREEN IMPACT」,期許以自身影響力實現環境永續外,也協助台灣建構淨零碳排的社會。世界地球日前夕,台灣Panasonic集團於台灣松下中和廠區正式啟動淨零碳排能源實證,以節能、創能、儲能及能源管理四大面向打造再生能源系統,一步步邁向RE100綠色工廠並深耕台灣永續行動,積極朝向2050年「耗能< 創能」的環境願景邁進。
    2024/04/22 17:20
  • 修杰楷領TVBS眾藝人「上山種樹」 響應2024世界地球日

    TVBS積極投入永續作為,去年榮獲數位轉型鼎革獎ESG特別獎、Edenred Ideal Green減碳永續獎肯定,並成立「永續發展部」,以身為「ESG轉譯者」為己任。今年四月初更推出ESG全新品牌「TVBS GOOD」,透過深入淺出地倡議永續內容,從民眾的生活日常策動永續。世界地球日前夕,TVBS也呼應今年地球日主題「Planet vs. Plastics」,於17日舉辦「一樹一山」響應活動,號召TVBS永續倡議大使莊開文、TVBS主播黃星樺、葉佳蓉、TVBS星藝象旗下藝人修杰楷、楊銘威、楊晴、林子閎、黃柏峰、鍾岳軒、盧學叡等群起響應,以行動落實環境永續。
    2024/04/18 12:45
  • 「TVBS GOOD」品牌亮相 從生活策動日常永續革命

    TVBS積極投入永續作為,去年榮獲數位轉型鼎革獎ESG特別獎、Edenred Ideal Green減碳永續獎肯定,並成立「永續發展部」,以身為「ESG轉譯者」為己任。今年四月初更推出ESG全新品牌「TVBS GOOD」,透過深入淺出地倡議永續內容,從民眾的生活日常策動永續。世界地球日前夕,TVBS也呼應今年地球日主題「Planet vs. Plastics」,於今(17)日舉辦「一樹一山」響應活動,號召TVBS永續倡議大使莊開文、TVBS主播、TVBS星藝象旗下藝人,以及企業友好夥伴「日月光」響應,推廣加樹減塑、節能減碳行動,同時新竹市副市長邱臣遠、新竹縣原民處 雲天寶處長、林業保育署新竹分署署長 夏榮生也到場力挺。TVBS總經理劉文硯表示:「非常開心參與此次活動,希望這些樹在十年、二十年、甚至百年後,都能為台灣帶來減碳幫助。今天活動也結合了TVBS志工日,包括很多公司同仁與藝人一起共襄盛舉,一起身體力行支持永續。」
    2024/04/17 19:39
  • Taipei auto shows spotlight green automotive strategies

    The 2024 Taipei AMPA and Autotronics shows highlight the automotive industry’s efforts toward achieving net-zero emissions, with global partnerships and market growth opportunities taking center stage.
    2024/04/17 17:52
  • J.W. Kuo to tackle Taiwan’s energy challenges as minister

    Taiwan’s Premier-designate Cho Jung-tai announces the third wave of cabinet appointments focusing on energy stability and green development amid national shortages in labor and resources.
    2024/04/16 16:52
  • 響應世界地球日!搭大眾運輸可千元入住「宜蘭星級酒店」還附早餐

    響應4月22日世界地球日!晶華國際酒店集團旗下捷絲旅宜蘭礁溪館及礁溪晶泉丰旅攜手推出「Go Green綠色旅行」住房專案,即日起至12月26日止,凡搭乘大眾交通工具前往飯店,出示入住當日大眾運輸票根或乘車證明,即可享有捷絲旅宜蘭礁溪館官網房價8折起、每人每晚只要1,080元,礁溪晶泉丰旅官網房價85折起、每人每晚最低僅需1,580元起的優惠,皆加贈自助式早餐吃到飽。
    2024/04/16 12:56
  • Food vendors absorb electricity costs, fearing price hikes

    Lukang Old Street Business District chairperson Huang Shih-chieh expresses concern over rising electricity costs and their impact on food vendors, who may absorb cost increases to avoid raising prices due to declining consumer purchasing power, potentially leading to a vicious inflation cycle.
    2024/04/15 17:25
  • Taipower struggles with losses amid calls for reform

    National Audit Office Auditor-General Chen Jui-min calls on Taiwan Power Co. (Taipower) to enhance management and boost revenue amid consecutive losses. Chen emphasizes the need for electricity price adjustments and debt interest reduction. Kuomintang Legislator Lin Ssu-ming questions Taipower’s deficits and government subsidies, urging a review of energy policy. Chen confirms NT$100 billion subsidy and stresses the importance of green energy for profit sustainability.
    2024/04/02 18:13
  • NBA/淺談獨行俠雙星!庫班認「為唐西奇破例」 揭厄文惹議關鍵

    2023-24賽季的NBA常規賽接近尾聲,獨行俠在唐西奇(Luka Doncic)、厄文(Kyrie Irving)的帶領下一路高歌猛進,斬獲當下最長的七連勝,並以45勝29負的戰績與鵜鶘並列、並暫居西區第五種子,距離第四的快艇僅有2場勝差;隨著獨行俠雙星的化學效益逐步明顯,外界也開始回顧當年獨行俠老闆庫班(Mark Cuban)「力排眾議」交易來厄文的決定。
    2024/04/02 13:53
  • 觀點/Curry場上情緒失控現警訊 勇士是時候大改陣容?

    2024/04/01 10:51
  • NBA/灣區大軍式微?朗多直言「勇士該拆夥」:像當年塞爾提克

    作為小球時代的引領者之一,金州勇士對於當代籃球的影響無遠弗屆,他們也為此成為聯盟的門面球隊之一,其中被視為「王朝三老核心」的柯瑞(Stephen Curry)、湯普森(Klay Thompson)及格林(Draymond Green)良好的化學反應尤其引起關注,然而自2022年奪冠後,勇士連續兩年陷入尷尬處境,如今更在附加賽邊緣掙扎,引起球迷、球員熱議。
    2024/03/29 20:22
  • NBA/風評恐被連累?傳柯瑞「領導力遭質疑」:他控制不住格林

    作為曾經「傲視」全聯盟的冠軍勁旅,金州勇士在2022年奪冠後狀態相對掙扎,目前也仍在力拼附加賽席次,然而在這個節骨眼上,四冠元老格林(Draymond Green)卻再度惹事,不僅在對陣熱火一役中出現鎖喉舉動,日前踢館魔術更因沒能控制住脾氣,首節就被驅逐出場;頻頻失控的言行舉止,也連帶影響到當家一哥柯瑞(Stephen Curry)的風評。
    2024/03/29 16:26
  • Officials face public dissatisfaction, survey shows

    The latest poll by My-formosa.com reveals high dissatisfaction rates towards Minister of Economic Affairs Wang Mei-hua, Minister of Digital Affairs Audrey Tang, and NCC Chairman Chen Yaw-shyang. Criticism is directed at the Tsai administration’s handling of inflation, fraud prevention, and green energy policies. Conducted through telephone interviews across Taiwan, the survey highlights public discontent with specific government departments and policies.
    2024/03/29 12:15
  • Taiwan’s economy glows green for stability in February: NDC

    Taiwan’s NDC reports economic stability with a green light status for February, driven by production and export improvements linked to AI themes. Officials anticipate continued growth in March, citing positive trends in manufacturing, consumer confidence, and foreign trade. Investment in emerging technologies and R&D, along with steady public investment, are expected to sustain momentum.
    2024/03/28 17:54
  • NBA/十連勝緊逼附加賽!火箭小將「點名勇士開嗆」:出來打球

    即便傷了主力中鋒森根(Alperen Sengun),火箭仍在格林(Jalen Green)爆炸性發揮的帶領下,睽違6年豪取十連勝,並以37勝35負的戰績緊追在附加賽外圍,距離西區第十的勇士僅落後1場勝差,而十連勝的氣勢顯然讓這支青年軍相當振奮,不僅格林此前反擊「很關注勇士每一場比賽」之外,二年級小將伊森(Tari Eason)更公開點名勇士「出來打球」。
    2024/03/28 17:13
  • NBA/全家都是湖人迷!哈勒戴無奈:他們穿詹皇球衣來幫我加油

    NBA波士頓賽爾蒂克後衛哈勒戴(Jrue Holiday)季前透過交易加盟,被視為綠衫軍本季脫胎換骨的一大關鍵,近日他參加金州勇士老將格林(Draymond Green)的Podcast節目時透露,全家人其實都是洛杉磯湖人的球迷,甚至會穿著湖人球衣看他比賽,讓哈勒戴十分尷尬。
    2024/03/28 15:10
  • NBA/本季第四次!剛開賽4分鐘 嘴綠又被驅逐出場

    金州勇士(Golden State Warriors)前鋒「嘴綠」格林(Draymond Green),28日對戰奧蘭多魔術(Orlando Magic)的比賽中,開戰不到四分鐘就被裁判驅逐出場,這也是他個人本季第4次被驅逐,不只是生涯最高、成為杜蘭特之後,第一位達成單季4次驅逐的球員。
    2024/03/28 11:58
  • Lai champions AI, green tech in Taiwan’s ICT push

    Vice President Lai Ching-te engages in discussions with ICT industry leaders at Hwa Ya Technology Park in Taoyuan, emphasizing Taiwan’s pivotal role in the global AI revolution amidst the U.S.-China tech war. NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang highlights Taiwan’s significance in the new AI era, urging collective efforts to solidify Taiwan’s global standing. Lai’s visits and dialogues with industry players signal a collaborative approach to strategic industry planning.
    2024/03/26 16:55
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