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    Green 結果共342筆

  • 半夜「癢醒」驚罹癌王!她檢查才知已第4期 醫嘆:剩8月可活

    2023/11/12 09:41
  • Expo showcases Taiwan’s culture and tech prowess in Tokyo

    The 2023 Taiwan Expo Japan opens in Tokyo, highlighting Taiwanese culture, VR art from the National Palace Museum, and innovative green technologies. The expo, supported by key figures, strengthens Taiwan-Japan relations, celebrating shared values and mutual support.
    2023/11/09 17:41
  • NBA/遭火箭痛宰34分輸球 湖人吞開季客場5連敗

    美國職籃(NBA)9日由洛杉磯湖人(Los Angeles Lakers)客場迎戰休士頓火箭(Houston Rockets),沒想到卻迎來慘烈結果。從第一節就處於大幅落後,湖人連續四節都被壓著打,最終以34分差、94比128輸球,苦吞新賽季客場五連敗。湖人先發五人中只有詹姆斯(LeBron James)和羅素(D’Angelo Russell)獲得雙位數得分,替補上場的八村塁(Rui Hachimura)24分8籃板表現,甚至是全隊第二高分。火箭方面則以得分後衛格林(Jalen Green)表現最優,繳出28分7籃板3助攻,幫助球隊拿下勝利。
    2023/11/09 12:13
  • Vice President Lai praises soaring Taiwan-EU trade

    Vice President Lai Ching-te envisions Taiwan as a global haven for democracy, justice, innovation, and sustainability, as he addresses the European Chamber of Commerce. He emphasizes the need to strengthen trade and investment relations with the European Union through a Free Trade Agreement or Bilateral Investment Treaty. Taiwan-EU trade has flourished, with Europe being the largest source of foreign investment. Lai highlights the importance of maintaining a stable Strait and opposes any attempt to change the status quo by force. He also commits to Taiwan’s national vision of achieving net-zero transitions by diversifying green energy sources and implementing high-tech solutions for energy conservation.
    2023/11/08 20:03
  • Taiwan’s influencer drug scandal sparks cannabis debate

    Explore the ongoing investigation into alleged cannabis use by Taiwanese influencers, the public’s reaction, and the broader debate over marijuana laws in Taiwan, where it remains illegal despite legalization movements and the government’s firm opposition.
    2023/11/08 17:39
  • 碳足跡結合消費習慣!芬蘭奧蘭銀行「靠信用卡搶救海洋」

    芬蘭奧蘭銀行希望透過消費行為,讓消費者知道自己為地球帶來多少損害,將足跡與消費行為以世界銀行的碳價格計算成本,最後透過每月帳單或App,讓消費者知道碳排量,進而減少浪費。 金融科技蓬勃發展,金管會為持續精進及跟上國際腳步,今年8月發布升級版的「金融科技發展路徑圖2.0」,內容包括4項目標:包容、公平、永續及國際化,另一方面推動策略的部分,囊括4大面向,其中包括推動綠色永續科技,而金管會了解到科技能為綠色金融帶來新的應用層面,運用大數據分析串接綠色永續的橋樑,讓科技助綠色金融一臂之力。 金管會參考綠色數位金融聯盟(Green Digital Finance Alliance)與瑞士綠色金融科技網絡(Swiss Green Fintech Network)在2022年發布「綠色金融科技分類」報告,將綠色金融科技定義於金融科技應用在達成永續發展目標的金融流程及創新技術的金融產品,以此作為八大綠色金融科技分類,其中就綠色數位支付與帳戶類別來說,將碳計算運用在消費者的消費行為之中,讓消費者能清楚自己在消費行為上產生的碳足跡,以每月統計數值,並且透過不同的抵換或獎勵方式促使消費者重視環境保護,進一步改變消費者的消費行為。
    2023/11/08 16:32
  • NBA/勇士格林遭「踢蛋」倒地卻未獲哨音 賽後怒噴裁判雙標

    NBA金州勇士悍將格林(Draymond Green)向來以強悍防守著稱,不過他的各種防守小手段也飽受爭議,其中一招就是「踢蛋」,聯盟中不少球員都中過這招,不過近日格林卻踢到鐵板,遭克里夫蘭騎士中鋒艾倫(Jarrett Allen)踢中下體,但裁判卻未響哨,讓格林賽後氣得發文抱怨判決雙標。
    2023/11/07 10:47
  • Lai vows to shape Taiwan into a democratic nation

    Lai Ching-te inaugurates his 2024 campaign headquarters in Tainan, drawing over 20,000 supporters. He recalls Tainan’s past challenges and highlights his vision for a democratic and innovative Taiwan.
    2023/11/05 12:25
  • Renewable energy becomes focus ahead of 2024 elections

    Presidential candidates in Taiwan have unveiled energy policies that prioritize renewable energy and low-carbon gas as bridging fuels. Taipower, the national power company, has announced plans to accelerate the construction of gas turbine units across the country. The Hsieh-Ho Power Plant, which supplies electricity to the northern region, is currently undergoing an environmental impact assessment. Shifting from oil to gas can reduce air pollution by 96% and greenhouse gas emissions by 52%. In recent years, the government, private sector, and Taipower have made significant efforts to increase the capacity of renewable energy devices. As of September this year, the cumulative capacity of photovoltaic installations exceeded 11.55 million kilowatts, and wind power reached 2,583,000 kilowatts. By prioritizing green energy and using gas, Taipower has reduced air pollution emissions from thermal power plants by 60%, dropping from approximately 107,000 metric tons in 2016 to about 42,000 metric tons in 2022.
    2023/11/04 14:02
  • Taipei Metro celebrates 13 billionth passenger milestone

    Taipei Metro celebrates a major milestone as it records its 13 billionth passenger. The lucky rider embarked from Zhongxiao Fuxing station on the Bannan Line and alighted at Xindian station on the Songshan-Xindian Line. In recognition of this achievement, Taipei Metro gifted annual metro passes to the lucky recipient, as well as the five commuters preceding and following them. Additionally, the 13 billionth passenger received a voucher for a presidential suite at a vacation resort worth NT$88,000 and free metro travel for one year. The metro authority tracks ridership by counting entrance times of ticket cards and selects the winner from registered metro card members’ data. Passengers are encouraged to stay updated by following the official Taipei Metro fan page, "Fun with the Metro." Fans can participate in predictive activities on Facebook for a chance to win a voucher for a presidential suite at the Crystal Resort in Sun Moon Lake or a metro card. Taipei Metro is committed to promoting Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) concepts, aiming to convey the ideals of sustainable development and zero emissions to its riders as part of the city’s green transformation.
    2023/11/04 12:36
  • NBA/飆分秀僅次喬丹!柯瑞4戰寫紀錄 歸功保羅「策劃了一切」

    儘管在身材上相對矮小,以及年齡、傷病隱患的質疑,加上悍將格林(Draymond Green)開季的短暫缺席,讓勇士一度不被看好,但在王牌柯瑞(Stephen Curry)飆分秀的帶領下,逐一粉碎質疑的同時,也正在甩脫前個賽季「客場一條蟲」的尷尬標籤;而前4戰就投進了24顆三分球的柯瑞,也默默達成了多項里程碑,對此柯瑞等人也歸功於保羅(Chris Paul)的加入。
    2023/11/01 17:52
  • TSIA Chair urges government to prepare for AI revolution

    Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association Chair Cliff Hou has made four key suggestions to the government in a proposal, emphasizing the need to prepare for significant changes in the global semiconductor industry due to the rise of AI.
    2023/10/27 20:03
  • Taichung mini hydroelectric plant to complete by year’s end

    The "Taichung City Mini Hydroelectric Development Plan" in Taiwan has signed a 20-year contract with collaborating companies for total funding. The project, led by Fong He Green Energy & Environment Co. and JetPro, aims to create a mini hydroelectric facility within Taichung City. The first facility, the Shishuike Creek mini hydroelectric power plant, is set to be completed by the end of the year and will have an installation capacity of 185KW.
    2023/10/26 11:27
  • NBA/有實力卻沒被球隊青睞 自由市場的5大明珠

    2023/10/24 14:26
  • Bright green reflective stripes improve student road safety

    Discover how Yilan-Longtan Elementary School enhances student safety with a creative solution. Waterproof bag covers with bright green reflective stripes improve visibility on the streets. Learn more about this innovative approach.
    2023/10/24 10:33
  • NBA/難找到下個K湯!前球員喊「比格林有價值」:他是第二順位

    八年內攜手斬獲4次總冠軍、創建勇士王朝的三老「綠色浪花」柯瑞(Stephen Curry)、湯普森(Klay Thompson)、格林(Draymond Green)是否能終身效力灣區,是不少球迷相當關注的重點事項之一;而儘管湯普森遭指「尚未與球團達成共識」,但早前就有消息證實,雙方並不急於迅速敲定續約。此外前球星亞瑞納斯(Gilbert Arenas)也談到了自己的看法。
    2023/10/19 11:17
  • 台泥能源週推專利儲能櫃 並宣布完成260億國際籌資

    台灣國際智慧能源週今天舉行,台泥除展示全球首個結合低碳建材打造的混凝土儲能櫃,凌晨也透過重訊宣布,完成共新台幣260億元的海外存託憑證(GDR)及綠色海外無擔保可轉換公司債(Green ECB)發行。
    2023/10/18 13:46
  • NBA/勇士上賽季缺乏團結無緣衛冕!威金斯:波爾不該背鍋

    NBA金州勇士上賽季開打前爆出內鬨風波,老將格林(Draymond Green)在內部訓練時出拳狠揍小老弟波爾(Jordan Poole),事發畫面還遭到外流引發外界熱議,讓勇士內部氣氛受到嚴重影響,間接導致球隊無緣衛冕總冠軍;勇士小前鋒威金斯(Andrew Wiggins)近日被問及這件事,認為勇士上賽季無法團結與與波爾無關。
    2023/10/06 11:48
  • NBA/勇士頭大了!格林左腳踝扭傷 開季戰力恐受影響

    NBA新球季即將於10月底開打,金州勇士在休賽季交易來明星控衛保羅(Chris Paul),準備在開季大展拳腳,不過近日卻傳來壞消息,陣中防守悍將格林(Draymond Green)因左腳踝扭傷,預計將缺席4到6週養傷。
    2023/10/02 10:33
  • NBA/一拳改變未來!勇士衝突內幕曝 普爾「這句話」格林理智線秒斷

    灣區大軍金州勇士,去年開季前在一次訓練中,發生格林(Draymond Green)出拳狠揍小老弟普爾(Jordan Poole)的內鬨,且畫面更遭外流,引起外界一片譁然,最終不僅使普爾整季鬱鬱寡歡,就連格林也喪失話語權,近日又有爆料指出,全因普爾出言挑釁,才導致格林理智線斷掉,失控揍人。
    2023/10/01 09:42
  • Agriculture Ministry seeks investigation into egg rumors

    The Taiwan Ministry of Agriculture has requested an official investigation into rumors of spoiled green eggs sold at a supermarket, even though they were still within their expiration date. Reports were filed with the Taipei City Police Department on Sept. 27, with the aim of uncovering the truth behind these allegations.
    2023/09/27 19:54
  • 魔獸重返NBA生變?勇士「保持陣容彈性」不簽人 開季才有望上車

    上個賽季效力於台灣T1職籃桃園永豐雲豹的「魔獸」霍華德(Dwight Howard),雖然多次表態願意繼續待在台灣打球,但他仍沒有放棄重返NBA的機會,日前更是與金州勇士球團會面。不過,根據美國媒體最新消息,勇士球團為了保持陣容彈性,暫時不打算簽下任何球員,預計會等到訓練營結束或季中才會再做補強。
    2023/09/23 08:15
  • NBA/清晨6點的洛杉磯!魔獸苦練拚重返NBA 合體勇士雙星引遐想

    近日「魔獸」霍華德(Dwight Howard)將加盟金州勇士的消息甚囂塵上,雖還沒有正式簽約,但今(22日),他凌晨6點於洛杉磯合體格林(Draymond Green)、保羅(Chris Paul)等人一同訓練的畫面遭曝光後,再度引發球迷遐想。
    2023/09/22 17:10
  • NBA/浪花不拆夥!傳勇士與湯普森談續約 美媒曝「進展緩慢」原因

    休賽季歷經不小人事動盪的金州勇士,在成功留下老將格林(Draymond Green)後,也確定要保留昔日奪冠陣容續拚未來,接著下一步就是要搞定湯普森(Klay Thompson)的續約問題,據《ESPN》資深記者薛爾本(Ramona Shelburne)報導指出,球隊已經和湯普森展開討論,不過雙方「進展緩慢」。
    2023/09/18 16:45
  • NBA/承認自己「恨透保羅」 格林:勇士還能再拿2座冠軍

    NBA金州勇士上賽季止步於季後賽首輪,無緣衛冕總冠軍,休賽季透過交易換來明星控衛保羅(Chris Paul),展現新賽季拿下總冠軍的決心,勇士老將格林(Draymond Green)過往與保羅相當不對盤,他最近受訪時也坦承自己恨透保羅了。
    2023/09/14 11:26
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