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    Green 結果共340筆

  • NBA/湯普森退追勇士!格林首發聲「完全不知情」:沒什麼好說

    勇士王朝元老湯普森(Klay Thompson)續約談判陷入僵局,即便身手不若巔峰、仍有多隊意圖延攬這位4冠神射,而湯普森日前更被發現在取消追蹤勇士官方IG(Instagram)的同時,接連將多張奪冠照片從版面上移除,引起各界高度關注;對此老友格林(Draymond Green)也在節目上首度發聲,坦言自己毫不知情,但也強調這並不是什麼值得大驚小怪的事情。
  • Tsai Ing-wen jokes about post-retirement career in design

    Discover how former President Tsai Ing-wen humorously shares her retirement plans on Threads, and Vice President Hsiao Bi-khim praises Taiwan’s evolving interior design at the Taiwan International Interior Design Expo 2024.
    2024/06/14 16:58
  • 把原住民比喻成猴子?日知名樂團新MV挨轟歧視 緊急下架

    日本知名樂團Mrs. GREEN APPLE於2013年組成,過去曾來台灣參加大港開唱,去(2023)年也曾出場紅白歌唱大賽,擁有大批粉絲。他們12日釋出與可口可樂合作的新歌〈哥倫布〉。在MV中,樂團成員抵達一座小島,與島上的「原住民」猴子交流,讓猴子拉人力車、教牠們各種知識,引發網友質疑是種族歧視和肯定殖民主義。唱片公司與經紀公司隨即發文道歉,緊急下架MV。
    2024/06/13 17:16
  • Funeral Parlor in Taipei to become parking, green space

    Discover the future of Taipei’s urban landscape as Mayor Chiang Wan-an announces the demolition of the Taipei First Funeral Parlor, paving the way for new green spaces and potential development. Learn about the city’s plans and community hopes.
    2024/06/12 14:16
  • Taipei to begin demolition of First Funeral Parlor

    Discover the story of Taipei’s First Funeral Parlor’s demolition, a significant event marking the end of an era for a facility that has served for 60 years. Learn about the city’s plans for the site’s future.
    2024/06/12 11:28
  • How TSMC went global? A firsthand account from Mark Liu

    Explore how TSMC’s Chairman navigates geopolitics, technology leadership, and sustainability, aiming for global expansion and innovation in the semiconductor industry.
    2024/06/11 10:49
  • NBA/湯普森爆不滿勇士續約態度 還被嘴綠受訪暗酸惹怒

    NBA金州勇士球星湯普森(Klay Thompson)今夏的去留引發各界關注,不過他與球隊的續約談判卻遲遲沒有進展,近日美媒《The Athletic》記者Tim Kawakami在Podcast節目爆料,湯普森對勇士管理層的續約態度感到不滿。
    2024/06/10 10:15
  • NBA/勇士統治力不再!格林坦承「還在適應中」:需要一點時間

    隨著獨行俠、雷霆、溜馬、塞爾提克、灰狼等年輕球隊崛起,NBA也正式迎來又一次的世代交替,作為近十年內最具影響力的勁旅,由柯瑞(Stephen Curry)帶領的勇士無疑經歷了高峰低谷,短短8年內4度奪冠,更是一度讓灣區大軍被貼上「王朝」標籤,未料即便柯瑞仍保持高效,本賽季的勇士仍無緣爭冠、甚至折戟附加賽,對此格林(Draymond Green)也罕見吐露心聲。
    2024/06/09 08:53
  • Taiwan’s tech industry poised for growth after Computex 2024

    As Computex 2024 concludes, Taiwan emerges as a leader in accelerated computing, AI demand, and green computing, heralding vast business opportunities and a new era in technology.
    2024/06/07 18:15
  • Premier reaffirms Taiwan’s commitment to nuclear-free future

    Discover Taiwan’s commitment to a nuclear-free future and green energy development as Premier Cho Jung-tai addresses concerns over nuclear power extension, emphasizing stable power supply and leading green energy initiatives by 2030.
    2024/06/07 12:07
  • Supermicro head touts green computing at COMPUTEX keynote

    Supermicro CEO Charles Liang unveils new AI tech and liquid cooling systems at COMPUTEX, highlighting significant savings, CO2 emissions cuts, and the potential for mainstream green computing.
    2024/06/05 11:40
  • Taiwan aims to become AI leader with new strategic plan

    Discover Taiwan’s ambitious plan to become an AI powerhouse, unveiled by President Lai at Taipei COMPUTEX. With support from NVIDIA and TSMC, the initiative focuses on stable power, supercomputers, and talent in AI and semiconductors.
    2024/06/05 11:00
  • Premier outlines Taiwan’s new anti-fraud, hope strategies

    Premier Cho Jung-tai addressed the Legislative Yuan outlining major initiatives including anti-fraud measures and the ambitious National Project of Hope, aiming for significant national progress and stability in Taiwan.
    2024/05/31 17:02
  • Taiwanese shoe brands turn waste into wearable tech

    Discover how Taiwanese shoe manufacturers are leading the way in sustainability by transforming coffee grounds, plastics, and other wastes into innovative, eco-friendly footwear.
    2024/05/30 16:50
  • Taiwan’s new Premier outlines foreign policy goals

    Discover how Taiwan’s new Premier Cho Jung-tai aims to foster democracy, peace, and prosperity with a comprehensive foreign policy system. Learn about his plans for national defense, economic innovation, and environmental goals.
    2024/05/29 16:06
  • TAO: Taiwanese artists’ pro-China stance genuine

    Explore the latest on cross-strait relations as China’s TAO praises Taiwanese artists for sharing pro-China posts, amidst criticism of the DPP’s "green terror." Learn more about the cultural and political implications.
    2024/05/29 14:20
  • President Lai’s administration focuses on energy transition

    Discover how Taiwan is advancing toward a nuclear-free future, as the government commits to phasing out nuclear power and enhancing green energy initiatives. Learn about the decommissioning of the Maanshan Nuclear Power Plant’s No. 1 reactor and the steps being taken to ensure a stable power supply amidst this significant energy transition.
    2024/05/23 18:16
  • NBA/見證柯瑞改變聯盟!格林讚「只想跟他合作」:除了詹姆斯

    NBA季後賽戰況火熱,分區決賽分別由西區獨行俠、東區塞爾提克取得系列賽1-0領先,許多「提前放暑假」的球員也沒閒著,備戰巴黎奧運、或是展望新賽季的同時,有的人也活躍於各大節目中;勇士悍將格林(Draymond Green)也在日前接受歐尼爾(Shaquille O’Neal)訪談時,坦言自己除了柯瑞(Stephen Curry)、詹姆斯(LeBron James)之外,已經沒有想合作的球員。
    2024/05/23 17:15
  • Tainan councilor raises concerns over MRT line’s impact

    Explore the challenges and plans for Tainan’s Rapid Transit Green Line, including its impact on the city’s skyline and historical sites, and updates on the Blue and Red Lines.
    2024/05/23 17:05
  • NBA/穆雷丟熱敷墊竟躲過禁賽 格林酸:我說幾句話就能進監獄

    NBA丹佛金塊球星穆雷(Jamal Murray)在季後賽次輪第2戰因情緒失控,將熱敷墊直接丟入場內,事後聯盟並未將他禁賽,僅罰款10萬美元,這樣的做法讓金州勇士老將格林(Draymond Green)相當不以為然,直呼聯盟雙標。
    2024/05/23 15:26
  • Taipei mayor boosts metro security after stabbing incident

    Discover how Taipei is enhancing metro security following a stabbing incident on the Taichung Metro Green Line. Mayor Chiang Wan-an vows increased vigilance and swift action to ensure passenger safety.
    2024/05/22 17:02
  • NBA/8年6進東決!格林談綠衫軍「沒奪冠就是失敗」:還不夠好

    NBA東區季後賽,早早以4-1終結戰線、挺進分區決賽的塞爾提克以逸待勞,坐等溜馬、尼克搶七大戰的最後贏家,在此期間更有多達5天養精蓄銳的時間,加上例行賽豪取聯盟第一戰績,普遍被看好能在「8年6闖東決」後重返總冠軍賽舞台;而除了名記歐康納(Kevin O’Connor)認為綠衫軍在東區難逢敵手外,勇士悍將格林(Draymond Grren)也持類似觀點。
    2024/05/19 15:27
  • NBA/尼克成功是僥倖?格林酸「沒在打強隊」:準備再痛苦15年

    NBA東區季後賽戰況火熱,即便尼克王牌鋒線籃道(Julius Randle)因傷高掛免戰牌,球隊仍在「維大三劍客」布朗森(Jalen Brunson)、哈特(Josh Hart)、迪文森佐(Donte DiVincenzo)的帶領下一路高歌猛進,即便日前不敵溜馬,仍握有系列賽2-1的優勢;然而在各界都認為尼克終於爬出低谷的同時,勇士悍將格林(Draymond Green)卻表達了反對意見。
    2024/05/12 12:46
  • Kaohsiung eyes hosting Taylor Swift in two years

    Discover how Kaohsiung’s Mayor Chen Chi-mai plans to bring Taylor Swift to Taiwan for a grand concert at the Kaohsiung National Stadium, emphasizing the venue’s readiness and commitment to safety and sustainability.
    2024/05/09 17:19
  • Premier Chen visits Taiwan’s first offshore wind farm

    Discover how Taiwan is leading in green energy with Premier Chen Chien-jen’s visit to Formosa 1, the nation’s first offshore wind farm, emphasizing offshore wind power and the goal for net-zero emissions by 2050.
    2024/05/07 15:35
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