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    Green 結果共331筆

  • NBA/評最偉大控衛!湯瑪斯「把柯瑞歸類在射手」:控衛是格林

    勇士王牌柯瑞(Stephen Curry)在進攻端的影響力無庸置疑,無論是在三分線外的牽制能力,或是無球跑動下的威脅,對防守者都是一個不小的噩夢,而此前柯瑞同意將自己封為「史上最佳控衛」的說法也引起爭議,不少球迷均認為言之過早,畢竟還有史塔克頓(John Stockton)、強森(Magic Johnson)等人在前,對此「微笑刺客」湯瑪斯(Isiah Thomas)也給出了看法。
    2024/03/13 11:32
  • NBA/賠了比賽又折將!柯瑞「右踝大扭」傷退 本季缺陣勇士全敗

    勇士今(8)日於主場迎戰公牛,儘管他們在比賽剩下4分鐘左右時,還以112:109領先,但一哥柯瑞(Stephen Curry)卻在空切過程中扭傷右腳踝退場,終場公牛即以125:122險勝。對於想要衝擊季後賽的勇士來說,柯瑞的傷退無疑是個重大打擊。
    2024/03/08 22:41
  • Free YouBike ride boosts Taipei’s sustainable urban mobility

    Discover how Taipei’s YouBike expansion aims to revolutionize urban mobility, offering free rides and bolstering sustainability goals. Mayor unveils ambitious plans for the city’s transportation future.
    2024/03/08 18:29
  • NBA/新秀年奪DPOY?格林斷言「未來屬於斑馬」:但今年不行

    馬刺「天才狀元」文班亞馬(Victor Wembanyama)攻守全能,在不斷進化的情況下,本賽季至今能夠繳出場均1.3抄截3.4阻攻的成績單,更被評為有望超越前輩鄧肯(Tim Duncan)、奪下「最佳防守球員」(DPOY)的熱門人選之一;不過考量到馬刺團隊戰績、防守效率的不盡理想,或許「新秀年奪DPOY」只存在於幻想中,勇士悍將格林(Draymond Green)亦對此表態。
    2024/03/07 09:40
  • Taipei battles urban heat with green solutions

    Discover how Taipei City is tackling the urban heat island effect with sustainable solutions like energy-efficient buildings, increased green coverage, and strategic urban planning. This initiative aims to create a cooler, more livable city for its residents.
    2024/03/06 17:17
  • 世界最大蛇 南美發現6.1M新物種「北方綠森蚺」與人共游

    亞馬遜研究人員在厄瓜多的雨林中,發現全新物種「北方綠森蚺」(Northern Green Anaconda,學名Eunectes akiyama),這種蛇長6.1公尺、重200公斤,是現今世界上最大的蛇類。
    2024/03/03 10:34
  • Tainan Mayor backs probe into solar plant scandal

    Tainan Mayor Huang Wei-che supports a thorough investigation into an alleged solar power plant scandal involving Ysolar Co. under former Executive Yuan Commissioner Ku Sheng-hui. The Tainan prosecutor’s office is probing the case, with Mayor Huang subpoenaed as a witness. Huang emphasizes the importance of transparency and adherence to legal guidelines in green energy development, stressing the need for swift resolution and clarity in the investigation.
    2024/03/01 15:59
  • Taipei revives free 30-min YouBike rides, starting Feb. 28

    Taipei mayor Chiang Wan-an announces the return of free 30-minute YouBike rides, part of a plan to expand operations and promote safety and physical activity in the city. The initiative aligns with ambitious environmental goals for 2030, aiming for a 40% reduction in carbon emissions and a 70% green transportation usage rate.
    2024/02/26 16:31
  • NBA/遭菜鳥當眾指責!勇士格林笑「請繼續保持」:沒人敢這樣

    勇士新秀波傑姆斯基(Brandin Podziemski)勵志職涯再添「傳奇一筆」,據勇士隨隊記者史萊特(Anthony Slater)分享,陣中以剽悍作風出名的四冠元老格林(Draymond Green)透露自己在季初傷癒、積極備戰以便回歸球場的練習賽期間,竟因為一次簡單的失誤被這名菜鳥「當眾責罵」,新奇的體驗也讓這位暴脾氣老將笑稱「他竟然敢對我大小聲」。
    2024/02/21 21:15
  • NBA/欲大手筆換詹皇?恐成聯盟噩夢 格林喊話「別動庫明加」

    2024明星賽正式落下帷幕,雖然被球迷普遍評為「史上最難看一屆」,但在比賽之外的採訪、球員互動仍有不少焦點;其中作為勇士的四冠元老,悍將格林(Draymond Green)在擔任TNT解說員期間,與名宿巴克利(Charles Barkley)聊到曾經的「詹姆斯(LeBron James)交易案」,明確傳達了絕不會將新星庫明加(Jonathan Kuminga)當作籌碼的立場。
    2024/02/20 17:09
  • New Taipei City launches dazzling 2024 Lantern Festival

    Experience the enchanting 2024 Lantern Festival in New Taipei City, featuring a 12-meter high dragon palace lantern, mythical beasts, AR technology, and interactive art. Join Mayor Hou Yu-ih and officials at the festival until March 3 for a visual feast and cultural celebration.
    2024/02/17 12:56
  • NBA/歐文領軍出擊 獨行俠以118-102擊敗76人隊

    歐文(Kyrie Irving)和唐西奇(Luka Doncic)是達拉斯獨行俠(Dallas Mavericks)的雙槍,他們在今天的比賽中表現出色,帶領球隊以118-102擊敗費城76人隊(Philadelphia 76ers)。歐文貢獻23分和8次助攻,布林(Josh Green)則貢獻20分。
    2024/02/06 11:37
  • Taiwanese unaware of carbon reduction policies: survey

    Eugene Chien, president of the Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy, discusses the challenges and opportunities of Taiwan’s planned carbon fee by 2025, aimed at achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. Insights from a recent survey show public unawareness and dissatisfaction with current climate change efforts, stressing the need for alignment with global carbon taxation trends and the integration of AI with ESG initiatives.
    2024/02/01 15:52
  • NBA/火箭撿到寶!20順位菜鳥「18分鐘砍20分」 締造聯盟新紀錄

    近10場比賽僅拿下4勝的火箭在台灣時間今(30)日主場迎戰湖人,靠著陣中2大新星申京(Alperen Sengun)、格林(Jalen Green)聯手攻下65分14籃板,終場是以135:119大勝。值得一提的是,菜鳥前鋒惠特莫(Cam Whitmore)上場短短18分鐘即攻下20分,展現驚人的得分天賦。
    2024/01/30 17:34
  • Taichung metro blue line plan approved

    The Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) has approved a comprehensive plan for the Taichung Metro Blue Line and a feasibility study for the Taiwan Railway’s coastline dual-track. The completion of the transit system is estimated to be in 10 years, costing NT$1615.14 billion, with NT$675.59 billion borne by the central government. The Blue Line will connect Taichung Port to the city center, serving as the city’s most crucial east-west axis. It will also connect with the Green Line to form a cross-axis network. An agreement on the deployment of the Blue Line’s Shalu Overpass section was reached by the MOTC and Taichung City Government. The completion of the Taichung Metro Blue Line and the Taichung Port rail line’s dual track system is expected to improve the Taichung area’s rail infrastructure and spur balanced development in urban, rural, and coastal regions.
    2024/01/30 12:43
  • Tainan prepares grand displays for Lantern Festival 2024

    The Taiwan Lantern Festival 2024 will be held in Tainan on February 3, featuring lantern areas in Anping and the High Speed Rail (HSR), covering a combined area of about 50 hectares. The Anping Lantern Area will be open from February 3 to March 10, while the HSR Lantern Area will be open from February 24 to March 10. The HSR lantern area, spanning about 28 hectares, is located around the International Convention Center Tainan (ICC Tainan) and consists of three main sections: the main exhibit, "Light in the City," and a "green-energy" zone. The main exhibit will have 11 themes, while "Light in the City" will guide visitors through Tainan’s 400-year history using sound, light, and art. One of the main attractions in "Light in the City" is the art installation called "Infinity Cube," a 16-meter-high structure funded by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) at a cost of over NT$10 million. The Infinity Cube is made up of thousands of mirror-reflective plates, creating diverse visual effects that reflect the surrounding environment during the day and illuminate the city at night. Tainan Mayor Huang Wei-che expressed gratitude to TSMC for its sponsorship and believes it will attract more visitors to the festival. TSMC sees this artwork as an embodiment of its ESG vision, focusing on green manufacturing, responsible supply chains, a diverse workplace, talent development, and caring for the underprivileged.
    2024/01/29 14:27
  • NBA/金牌老將無緣夢幻隊!總監認「情況特殊」:有更重要的事

    在奧運男籃項目奪下四連霸的美國,擬由聯盟門面詹姆斯(LeBron James)集結「復仇者聯盟」親征巴黎奧運,以報去(2023)年美國男籃在世界盃止步殿軍的一箭之仇,而《ESPN》公布的41人大名單中,除了詹姆斯、杜蘭特(Kevin Durant)等功勳老將之外,柯瑞(Stephen Curry)的首度加盟也別具意義,不過卻不見格林(Draymond Green)的身影。
    2024/01/25 10:37
  • Satellite-tagged sea turtle triumphs over tumors in Taiwan

    A green sea turtle, previously afflicted with tumors, was released back into the wild in Taitung’s Shanyuan Bay. Rescued from a fishing net in July 2023, the turtle underwent successful treatment at the National Museum of Biology & Aquarium in Pingtung. Dr. Chen I-chun noted the increasing number of sea turtles with tumors globally, particularly along the eastern coast of Taiwan. Marine pollution or viral infections are suspected causes. The released turtle, the second in Taiwan to recover from a tumor, brings hope for the preservation of marine life.
    2024/01/18 16:16
  • Taiwan secures prime lodging for Paris 2024 Olympics

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Education Sports Administration inspects the athletes’ village at the Paris 2024 Olympics, noting that Taiwan’s delegation has been allocated 39 single rooms for a comfortable rest environment. The Taiwan team has been granted an independent seven-story apartment in the village, which is located in Saint-Denis and features green construction designs. The village uses 100% renewable energy and will transform into a residential community and public activity area after the Olympics. The floors assigned to the Taiwan team are near completion, including 39 single rooms, 33 double rooms, and a two-story sky garden. The beds in the athletes’ dorms use thick cardboard frames and mattresses made from a special fishing net material. The athlete’s village won’t have air conditioning but will use a "floor cooling system" with cold water pipes installed under wooden floors. Portable air conditioners may be rented to ensure athletes get the best rest at night. Each country’s athletes’ village exterior can be self-designed, and Taiwan plans to discuss with the National Sports Training Center how to decorate and design the exterior to promote recognition of Taiwan and its athletes.
    2024/01/17 10:18
  • Taipower commits to renewable energy trend post-election

    Taiwan’s commitment to renewable energy remains strong despite the recent general election results, according to Taipower. The acting chairman emphasized that the development of renewable energy is now a significant trend, no longer dependent on political parties. While Taipower’s total electricity sale in 2023 decreased by 1.6% due to reduced industry consumption, power use in commercial and domestic sectors has increased. The chairman highlighted the importance of green energy for Taiwan’s export-oriented industries and expressed the relentless drive for renewable energy. Regarding potential adjustments or innovative approaches, further evaluation is necessary. In response to questions about nuclear energy, Taipower stated that the new congress would hold discussions on power use and choice, and the company is prepared to provide data and respect any decisions made by the parliament.
    2024/01/16 17:21
  • NBA/別把他當格林!看好庫明加潛力 卡特嘆勇士「用錯說明書」

    由「當代三分之神」柯瑞(Stephen Curry)帶領的勇士,由於遲遲未能找到正確化學效應,以及補上陣容缺口,近期正遭遇無比掙扎的低谷狀態,前球星卡特(Vince Carter)作為柯瑞的「好家長」,則在節目上談到了勇士的現狀,除了直言球團正在用錯誤的方式「壓抑」庫明加(Jonathan Kuminga),也指出現在的勇士無法取得成功的關鍵原因。
    2024/01/16 08:44
  • NBA/「嘴綠」格林結束禁賽重返賽場 16日對決灰熊

    金州勇士隊的主力球員「嘴綠」格林(Draymond Green),將於台北時間16日對戰孟菲斯灰熊的比賽中,結束禁賽正式重返賽場。去年12月,格林因在對陣鳳凰城太陽的賽事中,對努基奇(Jusuf Nurkic)犯下嚴重犯規,被NBA賽事規定無限期停賽,經過停賽及歸隊備戰期間,格林一共缺席共16場比賽。事實上,格林因過去的出格行為,曾多次面臨停賽的處罰。
    2024/01/15 09:59
  • NBA/勇士4冠核心將拆夥?名嘴爆:全隊除了柯瑞都能交易

    NBA金州勇士本季起伏相當大,昨(11)日迎戰紐奧良鵜鶘的比賽以105比141慘敗,不只被痛宰36分,更吞下自家主場近15年最慘敗仗,當家球星柯瑞(Stephen Curry)賽後就直言球隊必須做出改變;美媒《The Athletic》記者查拉尼亞(Shams Charania)就透露,除了柯瑞之外,勇士其他球員都能被交易。
    2024/01/12 12:01
  • NBA/吞近15年最慘敗仗!柯瑞嘆「掌聲都顯諷刺」:該做出改變

    在四冠元老格林(Draymond Green)未有明確復賽日期、老將保羅(Chris Paul)因傷高掛免戰牌,且當家王牌柯瑞(Stephen Curry)持續低迷的情況下,勇士在自家主場吞下近15年最慘敗仗,不僅首節就丟掉了46分寫下賽季新高,終場更是以105比141慘敗鵜鶘36分;對此柯瑞坦言球隊必須做出改變,否則「被自家球迷報以噓聲」只是他們咎由自取。
    2024/01/11 17:24
  • NBA/重拾領袖責任!格林公開致歉「害到柯瑞」:不會再失控

    儘管正式恢復出賽資格,勇士悍將格林(Draymond Green)尚未有明確復賽日期,談到禁賽的近一個月,格林坦承面臨了極為沉重的心緒,甚至一度考慮過就此退休,而在所有被影響的人中,他最感到抱歉的卻不是「受害者」諾基奇(JusufNurkic)、戈貝爾(Rudy Gobert)等人,而是一直以來的搭檔、也是作為灣區老大哥的柯瑞(Stephen Curry)。
    2024/01/10 15:32
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