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    Fun 結果共541筆

  • 暑假納涼首選!台北、高雄漢來入住爽吃哈根達斯 瑞穗天合送積木組

    暑假即將到來,許多家長開始煩惱漫漫長假該如何帶小孩放電,飯店也開始佈署暑假出遊商機。高雄漢來大飯店「2024非去不可漢來假期-繽紛夏日嘉年華」專案每晚6,339元起,台北漢來大飯店「親子樂遊開心FUN暑假」專案入住豪華客房每房7,956元起,兩飯店皆贈送Häagen-Dazs冰淇淋。瑞穗天合國際觀光酒店7-8月三天兩夜城堡精緻客房二泊四食優惠價16,000元起,每房再贈限量NANO BLOCK城堡積木組。
    2024/06/04 13:41
  • NVIDIA founder to pitch at Taipei Dome baseball event

    Discover how NVIDIA founder Jensen Huang is connecting with the Taiwanese community through baseball, as he prepares to throw the first pitch at the Taipei Dome during the Dragon Stars Fun Days. Learn about his engagement with tech leaders and fans.
    2024/05/31 09:48
  • 曾是EXID師妹!女星遭爆「私下賣淫」 含淚發律師聲明

    曾為韓團EXID師妹的歌壇新人陳涵瑜(球球),歷經7年等待才發行出道單曲〈Boom!〉,無奈新歌發行後,卻遭黑粉爆料賣淫醜聞,後經球球本人提出當年律師聲明「兩年前已提告製造假影片的人」,才得以洗白不實傳言,球球雖為此感到難過,但更感謝忠誠粉絲支持,和經紀公司討論決定以現場粉絲音樂會回饋歌迷;上週Friday Night在台北信義區ATT 4 FUN 「sakura櫻」音樂餐廳,舉辦為夢想闖蕩7年來首場粉絲音樂會,原本限量150席座位擠進逾200位鐵粉支持,讓球球開心地說:「很有成就感也很感動!」
    2024/04/30 12:34
  • 小新路跑7月登場!「屁屁抱枕毯、新之助手機繩」物資包超萌

    小新粉跑起來!超夯經典卡通《蠟筆小新》2024年路跑7月即將登場!這次全台共有4場接力開跑,分別在新北、桃園、台中、高雄,「2024 蠟筆小新 FUN RUN」最可愛物資包也曝光,這次有新之助選手組、動感Fun組2款可選,還有動感小新完賽獎牌、加購商品可收啦!
    2024/03/22 15:10
  • 花火節提案來了!澎湖福朋喜來登兒童免費 加碼抽住宿券

    2024/03/22 11:22
  • 陽帆愛女爆騎車與來車對撞!整個人飛上天慘摔 留巨大陰影

    Hit Fm龍年初四特別節目由陽帆愛女安吉、PINK FUN朵莉主持,安吉分享自己今年過年要做一件偉大的事情,她到去年為止都不會騎腳踏車,因為童年有一個悲慘的記憶,當時她在學騎車,騎到一半但不懂怎麼剎車,就跟對面的小朋友對撞,她依稀記得自己有一秒瞬間飛上天,之後就再也不碰腳踏車了。直到去年過年台北車流沒那麼多,她心血來潮去騎youbike,沒想到身體還記得,就馬上會騎了,所以今年過年她打算趁人少的時候去河堤騎腳踏車,她認為這是一個很勵志的故事,面對小時候的陰影戰勝恐懼。朵莉聽完笑說:「其實我也不會騎腳踏車!」安吉聽到馬上自信爆棚,要邀約朵莉在過年教她騎腳踏車。
    2024/02/13 13:05
  • 他在馬路旁唱歌爆紅!350萬人搶看 真實身分曝光

    2024/02/05 16:56
  • YOASOBI thrills fans with promise of encore

    YOASOBI’s concert at Zepp New Taipei attracts 2,000 fans, promising an encore in Taiwan. Lead vocalist Ikura expresses gratitude to Taiwanese fans and recites a letter in Mandarin. The event was organized by Fun Entertainment, which required real-name registration for tickets and carefully checked identifications upon entry. Refunds were permitted within three days of purchase, with allowances for unforeseen circumstances.
    2024/01/22 11:21
  • KMT and TPP push for parliamentary system despite challenges

    In the lead-up to Taiwan’s Jan. 13 elections, candidates from both the Taiwan People’s Party and Democratic Progressive Party showcase a unique blend of political seriousness and lighthearted fun, from supporters in dinosaur costumes to birthday celebrations on the campaign trail.
    2024/01/05 17:32
  • Dinosaur, frog costumes enliven election campaign trail

    In the lead-up to Taiwan’s Jan. 13 elections, candidates from both the Taiwan People’s Party and Democratic Progressive Party showcase a unique blend of political seriousness and lighthearted fun, from supporters in dinosaur costumes to birthday celebrations on the campaign trail.
    2024/01/05 17:26
  • 不用抽直接送!7-11、全家「限量隱藏優惠」 領完馬上用

    2023/12/16 18:09
  • 衣服布料最少 PINK FUN粉黑撞色公主造型曝光

    女團PINK FUN推出全新EP《Oh! My Oh! My》,實體專輯的照片也曝光了PINK FUN的全新粉黑撞色公主造型,她們直呼:「這是出道以來布料最少的一套!」要給粉絲看到不同以往的PINK FUN!而週六(12/16)PINK FUN將前往台中廣三SOGO舉辦全台唯一簽唱會,與粉絲近距離見面。
    2023/12/14 17:11
  • Sam Lee, NICKTHEREAL shine at New Taipei Christmas concert

    The Superstar Christmas Concert in New Taipei concluded with captivating performances by Taiwanese singer Sam Lee and actor-singer Nick Chou (NICKTHEREAL). The event featured an impressive lineup of renowned singers and bands, delighting fans who filled the venue. Chou’s rendition of his hit song "Handsome to Break Up" ignited the crowd, while Sam Lee, known as the "Taiwanese Prince of Love Songs," mesmerized the audience with his performances of "The Night Sky Under Your Eye" and "Absolute Infatuation." The atmosphere was enhanced by the audience, who created a starry night effect using their cellphone flashlights. Another standout moment was singer and rapper OSN’s rendition of his classic song "Without You," which prompted a massive sing-along among fans. The two-day concert at New Taipei Fun Christmas City set a festive tone for the upcoming Christmas season, with fans eagerly cheering for their favorite artists.
    2023/12/11 21:05
  • 太驚喜!PINK FUN限定成員竟是他 粉絲激喊:成功了

    初戀系女團「PINK FUN」推出全新EP《Oh! My Oh! My》,收錄5首風格多元的歌曲,其中充滿可愛氛圍與正能量的同名主打〈Oh! My Oh! My〉廣受歌迷喜愛,MV昨(28)日正式上線,她們的YouTuber好友「寶賤」特地相挺,當起MV男主角,由於寶賤曾說想希望加入PINK FUN,成為第9位成員,讓粉絲看了笑說:「恭喜寶賤成功加入PINK FUN!」
    2023/11/29 18:25
  • 嚇傻!男星「提一顆頭」上台 下秒往粉絲拋震驚全場

    索尼音樂昨(18)日在華山園區舉辦「Google Pixel挺美好發聲」演唱會,J.Sheon與熊仔領軍,與師弟妹PINK FUN、林茉曦、同理Zunya、瑋瑋黃挺瑋、Shawn尚融、晨悠CHENYO、徐暐翔、邱軍、ANGIE安吉、張若凡,共12組索尼藝人接力開唱,怪潮音樂才子Shawn尚融一向演出風格強烈,這次竟帶著一顆恰吉娃娃的頭在音樂聲中慢慢走上舞台,讓粉絲驚呼連連,他隨手就把這顆頭往台下拋,就在演唱完第一首歌〈Mom Don’t You Cry〉後,他問:「請問是哪一位『接頭兄弟』接到我的恰吉頭?」隨後回收恰吉頭,插回麥克風架上,「兩人」一起接受主持人的訪問,十分荒謬又逗趣。
    2023/11/19 15:26
  • Man arrested for "Raincoat Ghost" prank in Changhua

    A man was arrested in Changhua County’s Xizhou Township in Taiwan for a raincoat prank that caused a stir. The suspect inflated the raincoat with hydrogen, allowing it to float and crossroads on its own. Initially mistaken for a mechanized flag holder, surveillance footage later revealed the man deliberately filled the raincoat with hydrogen. Despite claiming it was for fun and meant no harm, the suspect was fined for violating Taiwan’s Social Order Maintenance Act and Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act, as his actions caused fear and public inconvenience.
    2023/11/09 11:18
  • Taipei Metro celebrates 13 billionth passenger milestone

    Taipei Metro celebrates a major milestone as it records its 13 billionth passenger. The lucky rider embarked from Zhongxiao Fuxing station on the Bannan Line and alighted at Xindian station on the Songshan-Xindian Line. In recognition of this achievement, Taipei Metro gifted annual metro passes to the lucky recipient, as well as the five commuters preceding and following them. Additionally, the 13 billionth passenger received a voucher for a presidential suite at a vacation resort worth NT$88,000 and free metro travel for one year. The metro authority tracks ridership by counting entrance times of ticket cards and selects the winner from registered metro card members’ data. Passengers are encouraged to stay updated by following the official Taipei Metro fan page, "Fun with the Metro." Fans can participate in predictive activities on Facebook for a chance to win a voucher for a presidential suite at the Crystal Resort in Sun Moon Lake or a metro card. Taipei Metro is committed to promoting Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) concepts, aiming to convey the ideals of sustainable development and zero emissions to its riders as part of the city’s green transformation.
    2023/11/04 12:36
  • New Taipei’s Christmasland to light up skies with sculptures

    New Taipei’s annual Christmasland, opening on November 17, will feature stunning light sculptures and kick off a series of festive activities. Deputy Mayor Liu Ho-jan expects a record-breaking turnout of 7.7 million visitors this year. A pop concert on December 9 and 10 will further enhance the holiday spirit. The New Taipei Christmas Market, themed the "Santa gift box," will delight attendees with local gourmet foods and tourism factories from December 1 to 3. Additionally, the German Trade Office Taipei will host a Christmas party from December 15 to 17, showcasing an authentic German Christmas village in the downtown area.
    2023/10/30 13:53
  • Ozone煥鈞長髮被「她」一刀剪掉 悲壯心聲全說了

    陳勢安前陣子推出新歌〈不如我們〉,MV由師弟「Ozone」煥鈞與師妹「PINK FUN」容容詮釋清新感十足的純愛劇情,這回新歌〈全世界我只想保護你〉MV再度由這對CP出演。值得一提的是,煥鈞刻意留了半年長髮,為了師兄在MV裡真槍實彈被容容剪下頭髮,他更大喊:「一切都是為藝術犧牲!」讓全場笑壞。
    2023/09/28 16:00
  • 李㼈愛女想養貓被打槍! 1理由忍痛放棄:貓砂都買了

    安妮、女團「黑曜精靈」、金雲、江尚儒、王品澔、KIRE凱爾 X 木木、閻奕格、張語噥等日前出席「2023一起FUN幸福」公益活動,宣揚領養不棄養。紫嫣分享家中曾有養貓的打算,連貓砂都買了,考量沒時間陪伴照顧所以最後沒養,紫嫣笑說當時正忙於準備學測,比較沒時間整理房間,爸爸李㼈對她說:「我們家貓咪只要一跑進去妳房間,就會迷路吧,牠會找不到出來的地方。」
    2023/09/19 17:28
  • 陳勢安純愛MV「男女主角揭曉」 師弟妹助陣互虧冤家路窄

    陳勢安推出新歌〈不如我們〉,單曲封面僅出現一對男女的手,呈現出清新純愛的氛圍,曖昧情境引人好奇,他在社群邀歌迷一起猜猜這兩隻手的主人是誰,更提示「男的很帥、女生也很可愛」和「可以當舞蹈擔當的那一種」,引發歌迷熱烈討論,今正式揭曉女主角為初戀系女團「PINK FUN」容容,男主角則是潮流男團「Ozone」煥鈞,讓粉絲驚喜不已。
    2023/09/08 16:55
  • 「2023花蓮紅面鴨FUN暑假」榮獲國際繆思設計金獎 用水舞光影展現在地原民特色 讓世界看見花蓮

    今年的「2023花蓮紅面鴨FUN暑假」活動8月份才剛結束就傳來好消息,在國際獎項協會(International Awards Associates, IAA)主辦的國際性大賽「繆思創意設計獎」(MUSE Creative Awards)中,首次報名參賽便成功脫穎而出獲頒「慶典活動(Celebration event)」金獎,也讓邁入第11年的紅面鴨活動成功塑立品牌,未來將透過多元化的活動舉辦方式,吸引國際遊客來到花蓮,讓花蓮走向世界,世界走進花蓮。
    2023/09/06 15:05
  • 超正女團翻唱蔡旻佑神曲〈小乖乖〉 隔14年出現驚人巧合

    蔡旻佑19歲出道時,以優質創作才華獲得華語樂壇注目,夯曲〈小乖乖〉更以輕甜R&B曲風擄獲許多少女們的心。而當初在討論翻唱〈小乖乖〉人選時,依照歌曲「純愛」、「浪漫」、「青春」這幾個關鍵字,初戀系女團PINK FUN無疑是最適合的人選,由容容、心平、朵莉、聖恩、Nicole、巧瑜、珮含、以芯,以8人輪唱、合唱的方式重新詮釋〈小乖乖〉,以芯說:「唱完這首歌覺得自己談了一場又純又甜蜜蜜的戀愛!」容容則有不同感受,笑說:「PINK FUN版感覺像是八個女生一起養了一個寵物,想讓牠知道大家有多愛牠!」
    2023/09/04 17:06
  • 郭台銘也瘋《未來少女》?神還原「霸氣手勢」經典畫面曝光

    TVBS首播的女團選秀節目《未來少女》開播後引發熱烈討論,連續兩週踏上ATT FUN式音樂節連續演出,粉絲擠爆戶外廣場,雖然最後一天演出天公不作美,下起數小時的暴風雨,粉絲仍堅守現場,等待當日演出的「幻藍小熊」與「紫月光」,相當死衷。
    2023/08/31 19:29
  • 擁有90萬訂閱!最新「國民女友」是她 甜美真實樣貌曝光

    163braces朵芸推出2023首張創作EP《filter》,在YouTube上擁有近90萬訂閱、4000萬觀看次數的她,都有一票死忠粉絲支持,更因長相甜美可愛,受封「國民女友」稱號。她日前參加新北市河海音樂季,一連帶來〈控制〉、〈murmur〉、〈W〉等8首歌曲,她表示:「因爲臺下鼓勵的眼神,讓我生出信心,克服緊張!」因此順利成功解鎖人生第三次的大型音樂祭演出!日前上Pop Radio「Fun Music」專訪直播,居然有6500人同時在線觀賞,連主持人DJ Emily都說這是從來沒有過的人潮,163braces朵芸果真人氣爆棚,而她也興奮官宣近期將會有人生首次專場演唱會,正緊鑼密鼓策劃中,請大家拭目以待。
    2023/08/31 07:00
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