
NVIDIA founder to pitch at Taipei Dome baseball event

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/31 09:48
Last update time:2024/05/31 10:27
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NVIDIA founder to pitch at Taipei Dome baseball event (TVBS News) NVIDIA founder to pitch at Taipei Dome baseball event
NVIDIA founder to pitch at Taipei Dome baseball event (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — NVIDIA (輝達) founder Jensen Huang (黃仁勳) is set to throw the ceremonial first pitch at the Taipei Dome (台北大巨蛋) on Saturday (June 1), marking his involvement in a significant baseball event during the "Voice of the Dragons" (龍星大樂主題日) hosted by the Wei Chuan Dragons (味全龍) from Friday (May 31) to Sunday (June 2).

This appearance follows his debut as a ceremonial pitcher last Sunday at the Oakland Athletics' "San Francisco Taiwan Day" in the United States, showcasing his growing connection with baseball and the Taiwanese community.


Huang will attend the game between the CTBC Brothers (中信兄弟) and the Wei Chuan Dragons, thanks to invitations from technology companies. This gesture highlights the intersection of sports and technology, emphasizing the importance of community engagement for tech industry leaders.

Furthermore, Huang hosted a dinner for 14 tech industry veterans at the Juan Yau Old-Time Flavor Retro Restaurant (磚窯古早味懷舊餐廳) in Taipei's Songshan District, demonstrating his commitment to fostering relationships within the tech community.

Huang's approachable demeanor was on full display as he interacted with fans and humorously responded to their curiosity about his pitching schedule, saying, "It's a secret, don't tell anybody."

His friendly gesture of throwing water bottles to quench the thirst of the media present further exemplified his affable nature.

As Huang prepares to take the mound at the Taipei Dome, his participation is a testament to the blending of sports, technology, and community spirit.


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#Jensen Huang#Taipei Dome#Wei Chuan Dragons#CTBC Brothers#Taiwan baseball#technology leaders#community engagement#ceremonial first pitch event#tech industry networking in Taipei#Voice of the Dragons
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