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    中捷殺人特赦 民調蔡英文卸任新竹女警中捷砍人台中捷運蔡英文嫩妹全套女警芊芊
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    C��� 結果共3,103筆

  • 下雪了!太平山溫度「-5°C」持續降溫 地板急凍結冰

    2023/12/21 23:05
  • 6°C寒流殺進台灣!一路凍到平安夜 「全台冰封」降雪熱區出爐

    2023/12/20 20:26
  • TSMC Chairman Mark Liu to step down after shareholder meet

    Mark Liu, Chairman of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), will step down after the next shareholders’ meeting. C.C. Wei, currently the vice chairman, has been recommended to succeed Liu as the new chairman. Liu, who took over in 2018, focused on solidifying corporate governance and competitiveness during his tenure. He plans to continue contributing his semiconductor expertise in different capacities after retirement. Liu expresses gratitude for his collaboration with TSMC and intends to spend more time with his family. He remains confident in TSMC’s future performance and is committed to bolstering corporate governance until his term’s end.
    2023/12/19 22:03
  • Ko Wen-je challenges KMT’s Jaw on media role ethics

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je challenges Kuomintang (KMT) vice-presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong to clarify whether he should resign as chairman of the Broadcasting Corporation of China. Ko criticizes the scheduling of the upcoming presidential debate just four days before the blackout period for election polls, suggesting that it is a strategic move by the KMT and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to minimize its impact on the race. Ko is seen wearing a pin of the flag of the Republic of China, sparking speculation about his intentions. He clarifies that his attire was chosen by his assistants and emphasizes that Taiwan and its flag do not belong to any single political party.
    2023/12/18 21:16
  • Taiwan braces for cold snap, temps to plunge to 8°C

    Get the latest weather update for Taiwan. Temperatures are expected to increase slightly following the weakening of a mainland cold air mass. However, a more potent cold front is predicted to sweep in on Tuesday, with temperatures potentially dropping as low as 8°C on Thursday and Friday in the plains. The Central Weather Administration reports chilly temperatures ranging from 14-17°C in northern regions and Yilan, while central and southern areas are slightly warmer at 16-27°C. Greater Taipei and parts of the eastern half of the country may experience brief local showers, while other areas will remain mostly clear to cloudy. Dress warmly and be prepared for significant diurnal temperature variation in the western half. A frontal system on Tuesday brings a chance of rain to the north, followed by a stronger cold air mass on Wednesday with temperatures potentially falling to 10-11°C. Independent meteorologist Daniel Wu predicts the cold spell to peak between Thursday evening and Friday morning, with temperatures around 8°C, possibly making this cold air mass even more intense and enduring than its predecessor. The effects of the new cold front will continue until Saturday morning, leading to persistent wet and cold conditions in northern Taiwan, with central and southern parts experiencing a mix of clouds and clear skies. Stay vigilant regarding health and warmth due to these significant weather fluctuations.
    2023/12/18 20:30
  • 明起「急凍4天」冬至冷爆!平安夜迎寒流 低溫再探6°C↓

    2023/12/18 18:51
  • 不必狂吃肉!10大補鐵食物一次看 專家揭4水果「以形補形」 

    2023/12/18 16:04
  • 觀點/C羅、梅西生涯第29場對決 有機會挑戰生涯1000進球?

    2023/12/18 13:44
  • 吹自己還是冷!電暖器「正確用法曝光」 溫差5°C↑恐猝死

    2023/12/18 13:43
  • Frost hits Mt. Jade North Peak at minus 4.2°C

    Frost observed on Mount Jade North Peak in Nantou County’s Xinyi Township, with temperatures dropping to -4.2 degrees Celsius. The Central Weather Administration explains that the freezing temperatures caused moisture near the ground to freeze, resulting in the formation of frost. In other parts of Taiwan, temperatures hovered around 11.5 to 11.7 degrees Celsius in Sanwan Township, Miaoli County, and Guanxi Township, Hsinchu County, respectively. However, other regions experienced a slight increase in temperature, with lows rising above 13 degrees Celsius.
    2023/12/18 10:02
  • AirPods Pro 3有望迎來大改版 外媒曝光5大升級亮點預測

    蘋果在iPhone 15全系列首度改用USB-C接孔,而官方也同步為無線藍牙耳機AirPods Pro 2推出USB-C版本,近期外媒揭露有關下一代AirPods Pro 3的5大亮點,讓果迷能搶先一窺其可能的升級亮點。 根據外媒《MacRumors》報導,蘋果內部已開始進行AirPods Pro 3的開發,不過最快預計要到2025年才會推出,儘管距離發表還有超過1年的時間,但近期已有不少相關爆料出現,因此《MacRumors》也整理出AirPods Pro 3最可能出現的5大升級亮點。 1. 煥然一新的外觀設計: 由於AirPods Pro 3傳出將有新功能加入,而為了因應這些新功能,官方預計將會針對耳塞、耳機外殼等進行重新設計,不過具體的相關細節仍是未知數。 2. 更好的音質效果: 有消息指出AirPods Pro 3將進一步提升音質效果,並改善現有的主動降噪功能,由於蘋果首款頭戴式裝置Vision Pro將在明年上市,AirPods Pro 3的音質效果將會是官方強化的重點之一,搭配Vision Pro以提供更沉浸式的聆聽體驗。 3. 升級晶片: 目前AirPods Pro 2搭載的是H2晶片,而下一代的AirPods Pro 3預計將升級為H3晶片,可望帶來更優異的運算處理效能,以對應可能增加的健康相關功能。 4. 聽力健康改善 健康一直是蘋果相當重視的領域,目前官方正為AirPods系列開發多項聽力健康功能,而AirPods Pro 3可望透過其搭載的感測器與相關技術,帶來更多的「聽力健康」應用;《彭博社》記者Mark Gurman指出,蘋果正在研究讓AirPods進一步增強聽力的功能,目的或許是為了讓AirPods能夠取代助聽器。 5. 體溫監測: 蘋果近年頻頻取得與體溫監測相關的專利,傳出官方已經開始測試將AirPods嵌入溫度偵測器,讓AirPods能夠偵測耳溫,畢竟從耳內量測體溫會比手腕溫度(Apple Watch)更加準確,甚至未來AirPods系列還有望搭載生物識別感知器,以實現監測心律、出汗量等更多功能。
    2023/12/18 08:42
  • 下波全台濕冷急凍!「挑戰首波寒流」 這天最低恐探8°C

    2023/12/18 07:48
  • 天冷易感冒!攝取維生素C來預防 「1水果」=柳丁8倍

    2023/12/17 15:09
  • 又愛又恨!香菜營養價值高 「3招延長保存期限」可放1個月

    2023/12/16 10:25
  • 全都沒包裝!中山大學校園「裸賣合作社」 血拚兼顧環境永續

    國立中山大學海洋環境及工程學系校友劉瀞云在母校支持下,開設了全台首間校園「無包裝合作社」C House,從食材、民生到清潔用品,全都採用個別裸賣的無包裝,實踐環保永續。
    2023/12/15 12:58
  • MLB/道奇開賣大谷新周邊 17號球衣破梅西、C羅銷量紀錄

    2023/12/15 12:54
  • 披戰袍倒數! 大谷翔平加盟道奇、17號球衣預售金額創紀錄

    2023/12/14 18:46
  • MLB/大谷翔平加持道奇主場門票翻倍 最貴座位30萬台幣

    MLB球星大谷翔平以10年總價值7億美元(約新台幣220億)的天價合約加盟道奇隊,MLB也宣布,大谷翔平的17號道奇隊球衣開放預購後,銷量已經刷新紀錄,甚至超越足球巨星梅西和C羅。大谷帶來的經濟效益驚人,據《Forbes Japan》報導,道奇主場明年開幕戰的價格已經翻倍,最貴的座位門票甚至要9628美元(約新台幣30.1萬元),相當驚人。
    2023/12/14 14:21
  • MLB/大谷再創紀錄!球衣預購超車梅西、C羅 道奇明辦記者會

    美國大聯盟(MLB)日籍球星大谷翔平以10年7億美元(約新台幣220億元)的天價合約轉戰洛杉磯道奇隊(Los Angles Angels)、寫下體壇歷史紀錄,而今(14)天大聯盟官網也宣布,大谷翔平在官宣加盟道奇隊的48小時內,球衣預購銷售量破紀錄,超車足壇巨星梅西(Lionel Messi)和C羅(Cristiano Ronaldo),明天道奇隊將召開加盟記者會。
    2023/12/14 11:33
  • 週末氣溫暴跌剩12度!3地區溼答答 下週首波寒流急凍9°C

    2023/12/13 20:10
  • 7人團浪花男子3人戀愛中! 原傑尼斯氣炸「全天候監控道枝駿佑」

    2023/12/13 11:34
  • Chiang Wan-an lauds TFG for 120 years of women’s education

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an expresses gratitude to Taipei First Girls High School (TFG) for nurturing generations of remarkable women on the occasion of the school’s 120th anniversary. Chiang attends the unveiling ceremony of the newly restored Kuang Fu Building, a historic landmark on the TFG campus. The Taipei City Government contributes over NT$100 million to support the restoration project. Chiang recalls his previous visit to TFG, where he interacted with the TFG Honor Guard and Marching Band. He humorously mentions that as a student at Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School, he admired TFG from outside its gates, but now as mayor, he can visit and engage with the school. Chiang also highlights a collaboration between TFG and EasyCard Corporation, resulting in a commemorative ’TFG 120th Green Uniform EasyCard’ that plays the school’s anthem upon use. EasyCard Corporation will donate 10% of the cards’ revenue to charity. TFG’s anniversary activities attract a diverse group of alumnae, including those from 70 years ago and mother-daughter pairs, as well as alumnae from Chiang’s own graduation year.
    2023/12/12 19:54
  • 沙烏地阿拉伯邀請促成 梅西、C羅明年再次傳奇對決

    全世界足球粉絲期待的戲碼,終於確定要再次上演,邁阿密國際(Inter Miami)12日透過官方粉專宣佈,該球隊接獲沙烏地阿拉伯邀請,將在2024年1月底抵達該國訪問,並舉行兩場友誼賽,和沙國聯賽的希拉爾(Al-Hilal)與艾納斯(Al Nassr)比賽,屆時粉絲們將能看到梅西(Lionel Messi)與C羅(Cristiano Ronaldo)兩大傳奇球星,繼卡達世界盃後再次同場對決。
    2023/12/12 14:30
  • 小7新品齊發!思樂冰「限3天」買1送1 霜淇淋第2件半價

    超商推新品了!7-ELEVEN推出思樂冰新口味「黃風俠思樂冰」,霜淇淋則與名店「18度C巧克力工房」共同開發全新巧克力口味;且即日起至1月9日,每周五六日憑icash 2.0、icash Pay霜淇淋任選第2支半價;且12月15日起至12月17日思樂冰可口可樂、果漾蘋果風味蘇打大杯買1送1。
    2023/12/12 13:28
  • Taiwan trusts eye bullish market outlook with zero-fee funds

    Investment trust companies in Taiwan, such as Jih Sun Investment Trust, Yuanta Investment Trust, Allianz Investment Trust, Taishin Investment Trust, First Investment Trust, and Cathay Investment Trust, are currently offering time-limited promotions that waive fund handling fees. These promotions, aimed at taking advantage of a bullish global financial market, include 0% transaction fees for regular savings plans and single payments. By focusing on Taiwan stock funds and funds invested in Vietnam, global industries, technology, and multi-asset classes, these companies are providing investors with opportunities to reduce investment costs. With an estimated profit of NT$3.4 trillion for Taiwan’s listed companies in 2024, a potential growth of 10% to 20% compared to 2023, and strong performance expected in the fourth quarter, the investment landscape in Taiwan looks promising.
    2023/12/12 11:48
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