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    City 結果共952筆

  • NBA/浪花兄弟終將拆夥? 美媒曝:雷霆有意挖走K湯

    美國職籃(NBA)金洲勇士隊(Golden State Warriors)過去靠著「浪花兄弟」奪下4座總冠軍,不過「K湯」湯普森(Klay Thompson)近年大傷復出後表現相當不穩定,今年約滿成為自由球員的他是否會繼續留隊引發關注,近日有體育記者爆料稱本季奪下西區龍頭的奧克拉荷馬雷霆(Oklahoma City Thunder)有意出手爭取K湯加盟。
    2024/06/14 10:40
  • 台女澳洲涉「縱火燒車」被通緝 秒被網認出還爆:這齣戲有三季

    澳洲維多利亞省凱西市(City of Casey)警方6月12日發布通緝令,主角是一名亞裔女子,然而照片一曝光,就在當地打工度假社群中引發熱議,有台灣網友指出,照片中的洪姓女子,是嘉義人因縱火燒車被通緝,且這已經不是洪女第一次惹事,過去還有跟房東起爭執、砸車等事跡,令網友驚嘆表示:「真狂,原來這齣戲還有第三季。」
    2024/06/14 09:49
  • 台女澳洲打工度假涉「縱火燒車」遭通緝 當地台人:她嘉義人

    澳洲維多利亞省凱西市(City of Casey)警方6月12日發布通緝令,嫌犯是一名亞裔女子,不料畫面曝光後,當地的台灣人社團有人一看就認出,嫌犯疑似是一名台灣籍的洪姓女子,其中還有人反應,洪姓女背包客來打工度假,但在墨爾本犯下多起刑事案件,其中包括縱火燒車,不少網友感嘆來澳洲竟鬧到被通緝,並呼籲有認識女子的網友配合警方調查。
    2024/06/13 16:54
  • MOTC head: Tainan railway project set for 2026 completion

    Minister Li Meng-yen announced the Tainan railway underground project will be completed by 2026, with significant progress on the Tainan Metro supported by President Lai.
    2024/06/12 15:44
  • Taipei mayor highlights benefits of regional cooperation

    Discover how Taipei, New Taipei, Keelung, and Taoyuan cities are enhancing quality of life through a unified governance platform, exploring potential municipal mergers for improved services.
    2024/06/12 11:11
  • 小7推新冰品!「水蜜桃牛奶霜淇淋」買1送1 再出楊枝甘露飲

    7-11霜淇淋新口味報到!今夏與桃園市府桃園好農合作推出「水蜜桃牛奶霜淇淋」,淡粉色外觀加上香甜多汁的口感,療癒到不行,還可把握夏至活動全口味買一送一搶吃!另外,酷聖石複合店也與人氣手遊怪物彈珠推出「芒果草莓冰淇淋」;CITY更首創推出「CITY TEA水果冰沙楊枝甘露」,不用到手搖店就能享用!
    2024/06/11 22:26
  • AIT director Sandra Oudkirk bids farewell to Tainan

    Discover how Sandra Oudkirk, director of the American Institute in Taiwan, marked the end of her tenure with a farewell visit to Tainan City, highlighting strong Taiwan-U.S. relations and mutual respect.
    2024/06/11 17:34
  • Tainan to boost security after station attack

    Discover how Tainan officials are boosting security at transfer stations after a disturbance, ensuring a safer public transportation experience for all.
    2024/06/11 15:26
  • Taiwan launches association to boost digital economy

    Discover how Taiwan is advancing its digital economy through the launch of the Taiwan Parliamentary Exchange and Promotion Association for Digital Technology and the New Economy, led by DPP legislator Michelle Lin. This initiative aims to foster government-industry cooperation and includes plans for talent transformation, international exchanges, and smart city policies.
    2024/06/11 15:26
  • YouBike service outage affects commuters nationwide

    Discover why Taiwan’s FDA is destroying three U.S.-imported seasoning sauces, including a popular steak sauce, due to carcinogen ethylene oxide detection. Learn more about the safety measures.
    2024/06/11 11:38
  • Taipei police department welcomes new commissioner

    Discover the latest leadership change at the Taipei City Police Department with Commissioner Li Hsi-ho taking charge. Mayor Chiang Wan-an emphasizes traffic safety and crime prevention for 2024. Learn more about their plans for a safer Taipei.
    2024/06/06 17:58
  • New Taipei mayor sees highest dissatisfaction rate: Survey

    Discover the latest shifts in public approval for Taiwan’s city leaders, as revealed by a Global Views Monthly survey. New Taipei City Mayor Hou Yu-ih sees the highest dissatisfaction, while Taipei’s Chiang Wan-an enjoys a surge in approval. Explore the dynamic political landscape and how it reflects on local governance.
    2024/06/06 17:17
  • Taichung mayor tops Taiwan city governance survey

    Discover the top-performing mayors in Taiwan’s major cities according to the 2024 Global Views City Governance Satisfaction Survey. Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen leads with a 72.9% satisfaction rating.
    2024/06/06 16:15
  • Taichung uses drones for high-rise rescue operations

    Taichung City Fire Bureau integrates drone broadcasts for high-rise rescue operations, enhancing safety and efficiency for both victims and firefighters.
    2024/06/05 17:15
  • New Taipei City to host job fair with over 3,000 positions

    Discover over 3,000 job opportunities at the New Taipei City job fair on June 6, featuring roles in hospitality, retail, and tech from top companies like IKEA and Starbucks.
    2024/06/05 15:53
  • Keelung landslide injures 2, buries 11 vehicles

    Landslide buries 11 cars, injures 2 in Keelung. Heavy rain caused rocks to loosen and fall. Geologist: small falling rocks signal danger. Road to be repaired within 7 days by June 11.
    2024/06/04 17:28
  • Landslide traps vehicles in Keelung City, casualties unknown

    Discover the latest on the severe landslide in Keelung City’s Zhongzheng District, trapping vehicles and prompting a swift response from emergency teams. Learn more about the ongoing rescue efforts and eyewitness accounts.
    2024/06/03 15:54
  • 只有1天!小7精品咖啡「買7送7」可寄杯 現省770元爽喝

    週末折扣!超商7-ELEVEN推出超值五六日優惠,明(31)日連3天推出多款品項下殺買1送1起,還有CITY CAFE厚乳拿鐵、大杯熱卡布奇諾第2杯10元;另外6月1日也有當日限定下殺,推出CITY PRIMA精品美式、拿鐵買7送7,最多現省770元。
    2024/05/30 16:25
  • Excessive pesticide residues found in Taipei’s vegetables

    Discover how Taipei is tackling food safety by destroying over 17 tons of fruits and vegetables that failed to meet standards, primarily due to excessive pesticide residues.
    2024/05/29 16:25
  • New Taipei City mayor backs legislative reforms for progress

    Discover how New Taipei City Mayor Hou Yu-ih supports legislative reforms for societal progress, emphasizing bipartisan unity and the importance of public opinion in Taiwan’s democracy.
    2024/05/29 14:16
  • 看球有的吃了!大巨蛋14家餐廳一次看 9家明開幕迎戰週末

    大巨蛋有餐廳了!SOGO經營的大巨蛋商場「遠東Garden City」首波的圓形廣場將開幕,廣場這次共有14家主題餐廳,共有5家全台首店、1家全球概念店,包含全台獨家第一間結合星宇航空機艙的日式燒肉店「星胡同」、韓式酒館「紫木槿」、Brunch Bar 「Lit Lit」等,其中有9家明(30)日正式開幕,本週的中職賽事就是餐廳開幕後的首戰,遠東集團董事長黃晴雯指出,大巨蛋每場賽事都會帶來近4萬人潮,14家餐廳預估年度業績可創下8億元。
    2024/05/29 13:21
  • DPP clarifies use of mobile signal data amid KMT criticism

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s political scene: DPP spokesperson Cho Kuan-ting addresses KMT’s surveillance accusations, explaining the use of mobile signal data for market research is standard practice. Learn more about the controversy and the clarification provided.
    2024/05/28 17:58
  • Shanghai delegation lands in Taipei amid tensions

    Discover how Taipei and Shanghai maintain dialogue amid tensions, as a Shanghai delegation arrives in Taipei for a familiarization trip ahead of the annual Twin-City Forum.
    2024/05/27 16:04
  • Premier vows to boost firefighter safety after Hsinchu fire

    Discover the details of a tragic incident in Hsinchu City where two firefighters lost their lives, prompting Premier Cho Jung-tai to vow for enhanced safety measures for emergency responders.
    2024/05/27 14:39
  • Two Hsinchu firefighters die in late-night blaze rescue

    Discover the details of the tragic incident in Hsinchu City where two firefighters lost their lives during a rescue operation, sparking a conversation on firefighter safety.
    2024/05/27 13:25
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