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    City 結果共936筆

  • 史上最小米其林餐廳!墨西哥塔可餅店僅3坪 靠「簡單」摘星

    墨西哥首都墨西哥城(Mexico City)的塔可餅專賣店Califa de León,店面只有2.81坪,也只有販售4種口味,卻在今年獲得米其林星級肯定,成為史上首間獲得米其林星的墨西哥塔可餅攤位,也是史上最小米其林餐廳。
    2024/05/19 13:57
  • New Taipei invests NT$30M to boost vocational education

    Discover how New Taipei City is revolutionizing vocational education with the launch of a NT$30 million initiative to create international-level training bases and form an elite coaching team, aimed at nurturing top-notch talent.
    2024/05/17 17:37
  • 「女性最重要頭銜是家管」 泰勒絲男友隊友失言、15萬人要他滾蛋

    美式足球聯盟(NFL)堪薩斯酋長(Kansas City)的球星哈里森・巴克(Harrison Butker),日前受邀前往大學參與畢業典禮致詞時,他竟稱女性「最重要的頭銜」是家管(homemaker),同時還抨擊在美國本土引發極大爭議的墮胎權(abortion),導致這名球星慘遭各大美媒圍剿,甚至有超過15萬人連署,要求球團將哈里森開除。
    2024/05/17 09:46
  • Shui-Yi Kuo named new leader of Taiwan Smart City Alliance

    Discover how Shui-Yi Kuo, Chunghwa Telecom’s chairman, plans to lead Taiwan Smart City Solutions Alliance (TSSA) into a new era, focusing on global smart city trends and international collaborations.
    2024/05/16 20:50
  • Singapore’s prime minister steps down after 20 years

    Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong steps down after 20 years, highlighting ongoing US-China tensions that could last decades. During his tenure, Singapore maintained strong relations with both superpowers, engaging in significant projects with China while emphasizing Singapore’s unique identity despite its Chinese-majority population. Lee’s leadership saw Singapore navigate complex geopolitical landscapes, ensuring stability and regional security through constructive international relations.
    2024/05/15 17:08
  • Taipei mayor embarks on Tokyo visit for city leaders program

    Discover how Taipei City Mayor Chiang Wan-an’s visit to Tokyo strengthens international ties and showcases Taipei’s urban safety innovations at the SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 City Leaders Program.
    2024/05/15 10:42
  • Beigang Mazu starts U.S. pilgrimage with three-city tour

    Discover how Beigang Chaotian Temple’s Mazu is bridging cultural divides with her first post-pandemic international pilgrimage to the U.S., promoting Taiwanese culture at New York’s Passport to Taiwan Festival.
    2024/05/14 15:58
  • Taiwan and Japan collaborate on electric three-wheelers

    Explore how Taiwan and Japan are pioneering the future of urban transport with their new electric three-wheeler, set to launch in 2025. This compact and efficient vehicle is tailored for dense city environments.
    2024/05/14 15:52
  • Rust forces closure of iconic Cat Bridge in New Taipei

    Discover the latest on New Taipei’s Cat Bridge closure for repairs. Starting Tuesday, the bridge connecting Houtong train station to Cat Village will undergo maintenance until the end of October, including structural and aesthetic enhancements. Learn about the temporary bridge ensuring continued access.
    2024/05/13 15:59
  • Hsinchu expands fertility support with free AMH testing

    Discover how Hsinchu City is leading Taiwan in women’s health with a free AMH ovarian function testing event on May 18, aimed at supporting fertility planning and awareness.
    2024/05/13 14:29
  • No power shortage behind Taoyuan outages, Taipower clarifies

    Discover how Taiwan Power Company (Taipower) addresses the surge in power outages in Taoyuan City, clarifying that the issue is not due to electricity shortage but localized incidents. Learn about their efforts in energy conservation and steps to reduce future outages.
    2024/05/09 16:55
  • 全球最富有城市曝!台北排名39 「15人身價達324億」

    財富調查公司「新世界財富」(New World Wealth)近日發布《2024全球最富有城市報告》,美國紐約(New York City)奪下榜首,台北則成為台灣唯一上榜城市,排名第39。
    2024/05/09 16:22
  • Suspected food poisoning hits students, teachers on trip

    Discover the details of a suspected food poisoning incident at Yuteh Private International School in New Taipei City, affecting over 250 students and teachers after a field trip. Learn about the ongoing investigation and the community’s response.
    2024/05/09 10:42
  • Tainan’s state banquet gifts showcase local pride

    Discover the essence of Tainan’s hospitality and creativity through state banquet gifts unveiled by the Tainan City Government and sponsored by Kang Yin-shou. These gifts, including local specialties and award-winning products, perfectly encapsulate the city’s rich culture and innovative spirit.
    2024/05/08 17:50
  • Circular Line recovery efforts surge past NT$400M

    Discover the efforts to restore New Taipei’s Circular Line after an earthquake: Over NT$400 million allocated for repairs, innovative engineering solutions in progress, and interim shuttle bus services ensuring commuter welfare.
    2024/05/06 17:45
  • Calls for action as Taoyuan’s power outage crisis worsens

    Explore the escalating power outage crisis in Taoyuan as Deputy Mayor Su Jun-pin addresses systemic issues with TaiPower, highlighting the city’s struggle with increasing frequency of power disruptions and the urgent need for infrastructure enhancement amidst a growing population.
    2024/05/06 12:20
  • Tainan councilor seeks national status for local art museum

    Discover how Tainan City Councilor Chen Yi-chen is pushing for the Tainan Art Museum to gain national recognition and secure central government funding for sustainable growth.
    2024/05/01 17:45
  • Athletes ill after hotel breakfast, investigation launched

    Discover the story of ten athletes at the National Intercollegiate Athletic Games in Taichung suffering from alleged food poisoning, with suspicions pointing to a hotel’s breakfast buffet. Follow the investigation led by the Taichung City Office of Food and Drug Safety into the cause, involving sample testing and preventive measures.
    2024/04/30 18:21
  • New Taipei City unveils Cat Public Office in Houtong

    The New Taipei City Government inaugurates the Houtong Cat Public Office in an effort to promote animal protection and increase adoption rates. The office, situated in a renovated old dormitory near the Houtong railway station, aims to enhance the adoption environment and highlight the cat village with its first director, an orange tabby named Dorayaki. Offering sterilization, medical, and adoption services, the initiative seeks to raise awareness and encourage the public to adopt cats responsibly, fostering an animal-friendly reputation for New Taipei City.
    2024/04/30 13:27
  • 愛情事業兩得意!「泰勒絲球星男友」獲11億大約續留酋長

    美式足球聯盟(NFL)堪薩斯酋長(Kansas City Chiefs)的明星球員凱爾斯(Travis Kelce),不僅是該隊最受矚目的球星,他也因為與小天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)交往,過去一年以來獲得高度社群關注。根據美媒報導,這位高人氣的近端鋒(Tight End),日前與球團達成2年續約,他將以兩年3425萬美元(約新台幣11億1411萬元)的合約,成為美式足球聯盟最高薪的現役近端鋒。
    2024/04/30 09:46
  • Popular dance group Avantgardey to perform in Taiwan

    Explore the journey of the Japanese dance group Avantgardey as they embark on their first overseas tour in Taiwan, blending their unique choreography with local culture and achieving widespread acclaim on social media.
    2024/04/29 18:59
  • 52 diners fall ill after eating at Kaohsiung buffet

    A food poisoning outbreak at Hi-Lai Harbour restaurant in Kaohsiung has led to 50 people seeking medical attention for symptoms like diarrhea and abdominal pain, following dining experiences on April 26 and 27. The Kaohsiung City Department of Health is investigating, conducting microbial tests, and has mandated an improvement plan for the restaurant.
    2024/04/29 15:46
  • Google expands in Taiwan with new R&D building

    Google opens its second hardware R&D building in Banqiao, New Taipei City, establishing Taiwan as its largest hardware research base outside the U.S. The facility features over 50 labs and aims to foster hardware and AI innovations with global tech talent. The event was attended by prominent Taiwanese and American officials, highlighting Taiwan’s growing tech industry and Google’s commitment to investing in the region despite geopolitical concerns.
    2024/04/26 13:15
  • Study reveals higher disordered eating in immigrant children

    Research by Chen Tuan-jung from National Taiwan University suggests children of recent immigrants in New Taipei City are more prone to disordered eating behaviors compared to their peers, with factors such as social identity, cultural pressures, and health literacy influencing this trend. The study highlights the psychological distress and potential for serious mental health issues among these children, underscoring the need for awareness and intervention.
    2024/04/26 13:14
  • Bilingual anchors to host inauguration ceremony

    Discover the prestigious announcement of hosts for Taiwan’s 16th presidential and vice-presidential inauguration ceremony and state banquet. Anchors Ethan Liu and Jasmine Liu will lead the ceremony in Taipei, while Kuo Ya-hui and mixed-race model Kevin Tai will charm guests in Tainan, highlighting Taiwan’s diversity and democracy.
    2024/04/26 12:11
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