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    特赦 民調國中潘姓女偵查佐照片國民黨賀軍翔陳沂海龍蛙兵賴清德五月天國會
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    City 結果共927筆

  • Taipei food poisoning victims assured insurance coverage

    Victims of food poisoning at the A13 branch in Taipei will have insurance coverage by Far Eastern Department Stores, confirmed by the Department of Legal Affairs. Compensation for the incident at Polam Kopitiam will be covered by Cathay Century Insurance Co., with potential additional coverage from Tokio Marine Newa Insurance Co. Taipei City Government will penalize each case individually, with a maximum penalty of NT$3 million for uninsured product liability.
    2024/04/01 14:15
  • 今天衝了!超商美式拿鐵「買3送3」 可寄杯、冷熱互換

    寄杯買起來!全家便利商店今(1日)推出一日限時優惠活動,大杯美式、拿鐵享「買3送3」;同日,7-11便利商店的OPENPOINT行動隨時取也推出每月一號限定的「CITY PRIMA一起精品吧!」活動,指定美式、拿鐵「買7送7」、「買7送4」。提醒民眾皆需透過APP購買,即可享有好康優惠。
    2024/04/01 10:46
  • Art school student loses top art award for using AI

    Fuhsin Trade and Arts School in New Taipei City revokes first prize from student Lin for suspected use of AI in artwork titled "Causing Havoc in the Dragon Palace." Lin admits to improper use of AI after three-day absence. School to reassign award based on scores.
    2024/04/01 10:42
  • Kaohsiung’s proactive steps secure water supply

    Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai announced that the city’s water situation is stable, with the Gaoping River’s flow rate at 8-9 cubic meters per second, slightly higher than last year. Kaohsiung uses 1.5 million tons of water daily, drawing from various sources including the Jiasian District river dam and Nanhua Reservoir. Drought measures, such as drought-resistant wells and embankments, ensure water supply stability. The Tsengwen Reservoir connection project is set for completion, further securing Kaohsiung’s water resources.
    2024/03/29 16:40
  • New incentives boost electric scooter program in Keelung

    Keelung City’s Youth Electric Scooter Project, initiated by Mayor George Hsieh, has relaxed application requirements to attract more participants. The project offers five monthly fee options and fully subsidizes certain scooter models. Applicants lined up early to apply for the initiative, which aims to distribute 12,000 electric scooters to residents under 45 years old.
    2024/03/29 12:42
  • RedBall Project rolls into Tainan: A global art phenomenon

    Experience the global sensation of the "RedBall Project" in Tainan, Taiwan! Follow the iconic red ball as it travels to various locations across the city from March 29 to April 7. Join Tainan Mayor Huang Wei-che in celebrating this unique art project and explore the city’s rich culture. Follow the RedBall’s journey at ten different locations, including the Wind Temple, Yongle Market, and Anping Old Fort. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to witness art in motion.
    2024/03/29 12:17
  • 普欽在俄羅斯「失去控制權」? 專家:音樂廳恐攻重創形象

    俄羅斯莫斯科的「克洛庫斯音樂廳」(Crocus City Hall)22日晚間驚傳恐怖攻擊、造成至少143人死亡,有位專門研究獨裁政治的英國記者兼作家認為這起事件使得被視為「偉大國家保衛者」的俄國總統普欽(Vladimir Putin)的形象遭受重創,更表明「他正在失去控制」。
    2024/03/28 16:56
  • Taiwan’s young adults face record-high mortgages

    Young adults in Taiwan face record-high mortgages, with only 21% of young people in Taipei City owning homes. Rising property prices are attributed to labor and material shortages and increasing land prices. Homeownership among young people dropped to 32.2% in 2023, with Taipei and New Taipei having the lowest rates. Kaohsiung has the highest rate of young homeowners at 37.3%.
    2024/03/28 16:13
  • 「難相信ISIS發動音樂廳恐攻 俄外交部:烏克蘭是幕後黑手

    俄羅斯莫斯科的「克洛庫斯音樂廳」(Crocus City Hall)22日晚間驚傳恐怖攻擊、造成至少143人死亡,雖然事後伊斯蘭國(ISIS)組織宣稱犯案,但莫斯科當局始終緊咬烏克蘭不放,如今俄國外交部更表示「很難相信ISIS有能力發動攻擊」。
    2024/03/28 15:16
  • Vice President-elect champions local revitalization

    Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim stresses the significance of local and international connections at the "2024 Global SDGs Two-Day International Forum (SDGs+City)" opening ceremony. She unveils the upcoming "Local Revitalization 3.0" plan to enhance local cooperation and innovation, emphasizing the resilience and forward-looking nature of Taiwan’s vitality. Hsiao highlights the government’s efforts to address challenges through the Local Revitalization National Strategic Plan and stresses the need for strategic fund allocation based on local needs to reinforce global ties.
    2024/03/28 14:50
  • Food safety scandal rocks Taipei: Mayor seeks speedy action

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an rushes to address food poisoning at Polam Kopitiam, urging collaboration between central and local governments to investigate the tragic incident. Two fatalities and multiple victims prompt urgent action to ensure public food safety.
    2024/03/28 12:03
  • 不是紐約跨年!拉丁天后夏奇拉快閃時報廣場 4萬人擠爆爭睹

    47歲「拉丁天后」、哥倫比亞歌手夏奇拉(Shakira)上周睽違7年發行新專輯《Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran》(女人不再哭泣),美東時間26日晚間她驚喜現身紐約市(New York City)時報廣場(Times Square),「免費」快閃演出,吸引約4萬人爭睹,萬人空巷場面猶如跨年活動,巨星魅力展露無疑。
    2024/03/27 16:27
  • New Taipei City accelerates YouBike upgrade

    The New Taipei City Government Transportation Department completes the upgrade of YouBike 1.0 stations to 2.0 in Tamsui, Xindian, and Xizhi districts. The city aims to finish the citywide upgrade by October 2024, integrating public bicycle resources in the Taipei-Taipei-Taoyuan area.
    2024/03/27 12:51
  • Taipei health officials probe deadly food poisoning case

    A suspected food poisoning incident at a Taipei department store restaurant has caused eight people to feel unwell, resulting in one fatality. The Taipei City Government’s Department of Health has ordered the restaurant to stop serving food, with samples sent for central testing to identify the cause. The severity of the situation has prompted discussions with toxicology experts, while the Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control are actively investigating.
    2024/03/27 10:10
  • 稱同伴被酷刑更想殺人 ISIS威脅:將屠殺普欽和俄國人

    俄羅斯首都莫斯科(Moscow)的「克洛庫斯音樂廳」(Crocus City Hall)22日晚間遭恐怖攻擊,至少137人慘死,雖然俄羅斯總統普欽(Vladimir Putin)試圖嫁禍給烏克蘭,但恐怖組織伊斯蘭國(ISIS)宣稱犯案,且25日又發布最新影片,警告要屠殺普欽和俄羅斯人,同時表示俄國酷刑犯案的恐怖分子,只會增加該組織的殺戮慾望。
    2024/03/26 13:39
  • Far East University to rename to CTBC Technology University

    Far East University in Tainan is set to be renamed as "CTBC Technology University" following a substantial donation from Chinatrust Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. The move aims to enhance educational opportunities and innovation in vocational and technical education, aligning with existing CTBC institutions in the city.
    2024/03/26 11:34
  • New Taipei’s online memorial hits record users

    Discover how New Taipei City’s online memorial service system has seen a significant surge in users ahead of the Qingming Festival. Learn about the system’s evolution since its launch in 2013 and the recent enhancements made by the New Taipei City Civil Affairs Bureau. Explore the unique features of this digital platform and how it complements traditional grave visitations during this solemn period.
    2024/03/26 11:05
  • Taipei struggles with bike demand after free ride policy

    Discover how Taipei’s reintroduction of free 30-minute YouBike rides aims to streamline city transportation amid the challenges of meeting increased demand and ensuring sufficient bike availability. The city’s plan to expand the service seeks to enhance convenience and address concerns.
    2024/03/25 18:07
  • Hsinchu City hosts fire safety event for kindergarteners

    The Hsinchu City Government hosts a fire safety experience event for kindergarteners, featuring hands-on activities and interactive demonstrations to instill disaster prevention education in children through engaging activities. The event aims to teach disaster response skills and cultivate a correct concept of disaster prevention, emphasizing the importance of public safety from an early age.
    2024/03/25 17:46
  • Taiwan tightens safety measures in aluminum industry

    Taiwan’s Minister of Labor, Hsu Ming-chuin, declares the aluminum industry as high-risk following a fatal explosion in Kaohsiung City. Legislative discussions focus on enhancing safety measures and implementing specialized labor inspections in related factories. The Ministry of Labor reports on the number of businesses in the industry and emphasizes the need for strict enforcement of regulations to prevent occupational accidents.
    2024/03/25 15:17
  • Taipei mayor urges empathy over rising electricity costs

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an urges central government to empathize with public and small businesses amid electricity price hike concerns. Young homeowners worried about impact on quality of life. City government working to mitigate effects through increased revenue and reduced expenditure.
    2024/03/25 15:06
  • 美方稱莫斯科恐攻早已示警!俄駐美大使駁:任何通知都沒有

    俄羅斯首都莫斯科(Moscow)的「克洛庫斯音樂廳」(Crocus City Hall)於22日晚間遭恐怖攻擊,目前死傷人數達到至少137人,不過只有62人完成身分辨認。然而美國駐俄大使館表示早於本月7日示警,俄國政府卻置之不理。對此,俄羅斯駐美國大使安東諾夫(Anatoly Antonov)24日反駁,指美國政府並未透過駐俄大使館傳達任何有關恐攻之訊息。
    2024/03/25 14:16
  • New Taipei deputy mayor Liu undecided on election candidacy

    New Taipei City Deputy Mayor Liu Ho-jan remains noncommittal on potential 2026 election candidacy, focusing on current municipal duties. Liu’s career trajectory from science teacher to deputy mayor discussed in interview with journalist Huang Wei-han. Liu refrains from commenting on potential rivals and emphasizes importance of grassroots discussions in all 29 districts. No decisions made yet on future political plans.
    2024/03/25 12:52
  • 選美冠軍遇恐攻慘死!滿地屍體、母親抱孩子死去 活動沒保全恐有鬼

    俄羅斯首都莫斯科(Moscow)的「克洛庫斯音樂廳」(Crocus City Hall),當地時間22日晚間遭到恐怖攻擊,全副武裝攻擊者先是對人群開槍掃射,之後又縱火焚燒音樂廳,導致143人慘死。莫斯科衛生部已確認了41名罹難者的身份,其中包含前選美冠軍諾沃塞洛娃(Ekaterina Novoselova)、業餘曲棍球聯盟前鋒魯德尼茨基(Andrey Rudnitsky)。
    2024/03/24 13:44
  • ISIS公布音樂廳恐攻「槍手視角」影片 男中槍後遭割喉放血

    俄羅斯首都莫斯科(Moscow)的「克洛庫斯音樂廳」(Crocus City Hall),當地時間22日晚間遭到恐怖攻擊,目前死亡人數增至143人。事發後宣稱犯案的恐怖組織伊斯蘭國(ISIS),稍早公開一名槍手作案時的「第一視角」畫面,一名男子慘遭割喉放血,行徑相當冷血。
    2024/03/24 12:00
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