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    Brain 結果共30筆

  • Taipei boosts pay for conservation workers after 30 years

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an announces pay rise for Taipei Zoo conservation workers, with bonuses ranging from NT$3,000 to NT$5,000 based on animal risk levels. Chiang emphasizes the challenging conditions of the job and the need for intelligence and physical labor. The bonuses for high-risk duties have not been adjusted in over 30 years, potentially causing a brain drain. Chiang has been actively working to increase zookeeper wages and improve their conditions. He calls for attention to zookeeper welfare and animal protection issues and reveals plans for the Taipei Zoo’s 110th anniversary in 2024. This pay increase further showcases Taipei as a city that values its workers’ contributions to biodiversity.
    2024/01/30 15:09
  • Community rallies to support comatose man’s medical bills

    A Singaporean man named Jake fell into a coma on his first day visiting Taiwan, prompting a fundraising campaign to cover his medical expenses. The campaign has raised 89,000 Singapore dollars (about NT$2.09 million) as of January 18. Jake was airlifted back to Singapore after a month-long hospital stay, but remains in a vegetative state. His hospital expenses and air ambulance charges have depleted his family’s savings, amounting to 66,166 Singapore dollars (approximately NT$1.55 million). Currently receiving treatment at Singapore General Hospital’s intensive care unit, Jake’s nightly charges are 426 Singapore dollars (roughly NT$10,000). Although he regained consciousness on December 30 and was transferred to a general ward, severe brain damage prevents him from communicating with his family. Despite this, Jake has made progress in physical rehabilitation, being able to sit up, stand with support, and actively learn to walk.
    2024/01/18 14:17
  • Dr. Chiang fears long-term effects on stabbing victim

    Dr. Chiang Kuan-yu, a prominent figure, criticized the inadequate security measures on campuses following a severe assault on a teenage student in New Taipei City. Dr. Chiang expressed concern that the victim’s life could be permanently altered due to the attack. He emphasized the potential long-term consequences, even if extracorporeal life support successfully saves the victim’s life and restores breathing. Dr. Chiang pointed out that prolonged absence of vital signs can deprive the brain of oxygen, leading to significant cognitive changes during recovery. The incident occurred when a 15-year-old male student scolded a female classmate for entering another classroom, which provoked her to seek help from a male classmate who then physically attacked the victim with a switchblade. Although the victim was revived through extracorporeal life support, his prognosis remains uncertain. Dr. Chiang condemned the incident as a serious campus safety issue and questioned how a juvenile delinquent managed to bring a knife into the school. He called for a "zero-tolerance" policy towards violence in educational institutions. Dr. Chiang further expressed concerns about the overall safety of students in what he described as a "dark campus" environment and stated that as a parent, he would not allow his child to continue attending the school.
    2023/12/26 10:46
  • TSMC to expand globally, retain roots in Taiwan: Hsiao

    DPP vice-presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim visited the TSMC Museum of Innovation and stated that Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC) would remain based in Taiwan while expanding into trusted partner countries. Concerns about brain drain and technology outflow have arisen as TSMC expands globally. Hsiao emphasized that the first "T" in TSMC stands for Taiwan and highlighted the importance of strategic placement in partner countries. Drawing on her experience in the United States, Hsiao mentioned her efforts to prevent double taxation agreements, which benefit Taiwan’s talent and industries. Her visit and comments coincide with TSMC’s international strategies being closely scrutinized as it seeks to maintain its competitive edge in a complex geopolitical landscape.
    2023/12/12 13:31
  • 只有熱血不夠!日本校園推崇「思考型棒球」

    2023/11/09 20:00
  • 吳恩達:AI不致影響人生存 AGI實現還要30年

    2023/09/25 11:31
  • Brain-eating amoeba claims second victim in Taiwan

    Taiwan reports a second case of Naegleria fowleri infection, a deadly brain-eating amoeba, with a fatality rate over 99%. Warm freshwater environments pose a risk, causing severe infection known as primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM). Learn about symptoms, prevention, and risks.
    2023/08/10 20:56
  • 游完泳頭劇痛!美少女染「食腦變形蟲」 頭骨鑽洞11天身亡

    野外游泳千萬要多加注意!美國17歲少女梅根(Megan Ebenroth)在一次戲水過後,因為嚴重的頭痛症狀不得不就醫,卻一度連醫生都難釐清病因,甚至不得不透過「鑽開頭骨」的方式減輕腦壓,無奈好不容易推測出可能是感染變形蟲的隔天,梅根就不幸去世。對此梅根母親痛心表示,希望女兒的死能喚醒大眾對「變形蟲感染」的警覺。
    2023/08/02 14:08
  • 新冠後遺症「腦霧」嚴重影響大腦?英研究:衰老10歲

    雖然新冠肺炎對人類的影響日漸縮小,不過曾確診的群眾至今仍會有後遺症,其中又以「腦霧」(Brain Fog)最為人所知。英國近期一項新研究就發現「腦霧」這類長期的新冠後遺症,相當於「使人衰老10歲」,同時對認知障礙的影響程度也相當高。
    2023/07/22 16:15
  • 美國年輕人很「自由派」?新世代種族多元 恐不利共和黨

    西方一句名言有云:「若你25歲不是個自由派,你是沒良心的;若你35歲不是個保守派,就是沒腦袋。」(If you are not a liberal at 25, you have no heart. If you are not a conservative at 35 you have no brain.)。美國歷史看來,人們隨着年紀增長,意識形態會由自由趨於保守,但千禧世代似乎沒有跟隨這個慣性走,牢牢的留在民主黨陣營裡;仍然在學或剛進職場的Z世代,種族文化更多元,在各種社會議題上取態更是「向左走」
    2023/07/08 13:56
  • 劉芒爆「人設翻車」!本人親道歉 攝影師不買單:有壓力

    2023/05/14 12:20
  • Giant panda gifted by China to Taiwan remembered by fans

    TAIPEI (TVBSNews) — Animal lovers in Taiwan have expressed their sadness following the passing of the beloved Taipei Zoo giant panda Tuan Tuan (團團), 18, which passed away on Saturday (Nov. 19). 
    2022/11/21 17:41
  • Taipei Zoo Panda Tuan Tuan waiting for Chinese medical help

    Mainland China sent two giant pandas, Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan, to Taiwan in 2008 during Jason Yeh’s tenure as the director of the Taipei Zoo. The former city official expressed concerns on Monday that Tuan Tuan was recently diagnosed with a brain lesion, meaning that the endangered animal’s health is under threat.
    2022/11/02 10:43
  • 表態會開「運鈔車」!賈吉62轟身價漲 洋基:全力留人

    美國職棒大聯盟(MLB)洋基強打「法官」賈吉(Aaron Judge),季前拒絕球團開出的7年2.135億美元延長合約,在本季打出史詩賽季,帶領洋基闖進季後賽;不但成為美聯MVP的熱門人選,如今身價也翻漲,季外勢必引起一波搶人大戰。對此,洋基總管凱許曼(Brain Cashman)表示,球團已準備好「一大桶金」留人,希望這位巨星能繼續留在紐約打球。
    2022/10/10 11:19
  • 腦霧恐傷注意力?地中海飲食助緩解 按2穴位提升腦功能

    COVID-19蔓延全球,國內疫情正進入高原期,今年以來確診者已超過130萬,而各國陸續發現,不少確診者在康復之後仍出現「長新冠」(Long COVID)的後遺症,其中「腦霧」(Brain fog)會導致認知功能減退,患者可能會出現記憶力、注意力及理解力下降等情形。
    2022/05/29 15:36
  • 兒接種疫苗「氣胸塌陷」 何如芸吐糾結心聲:慶幸都打了

    2022/05/06 13:58
  • 攜兒外出用餐!女星酒精不離手四處噴 竟被酸「很丟臉」

    2022/02/14 14:43
  • 專家揭Omicron「1後遺症」 恐致終身無法工作

    新冠疫情肆虐全球肆逾2年時光,近來新變種病毒Omicron更成為新流行病毒株,在全球擴散,由於相較於其他變異株,Omicron重症及死亡率偏低,不少人主張Omicron可當作流感,甚至普通感冒看待;然而這不代表染疫後沒有後遺症的風險。就有國外專家揭露,Omicron的染疫者每4人中就會有1人患上「腦霧」(Brain Fog)的可怕後遺症,而這症狀恐會導致終身無法工作,呼籲民眾仍需積極防疫。
    2022/01/22 09:34
  • 常忘東忘西「腦霧」8症狀注意 醫剖析原因:很多人都有

    你有經常覺得「腦袋突然當機」,常忘東忘西或容易恍神嗎?醫師歐瀚文指出,此現象稱為「腦霧(Brain Fog)」,其實有許多人都有這問題,但不是因為身體生病了,而是與身體功能失衡有關,只要矯正就有機會恢復,他也分享常見的腦霧8大症狀,以及6種可能造成腦霧的原因。
    2021/11/23 13:36
  • WHO定義「新冠長期後遺症」 4大症狀可能解法曝光

    世界衛生組織(WHO)公布了「新冠肺炎長期後遺症」(Long COVID)定義,該詞語用來定義新冠肺炎的康復者持續性的健康問題,不過科學家們仍然持續在研究並釐清這相關症狀,其中主要四種症狀包含了持續疲勞、呼吸困難、腦霧(Brain Fog)以及抑鬱等,此外改善這些後遺症的方式也仍在研究當中。
    2021/10/08 11:02
  • 何如芸「哭了一整夜」喊想念 對他真情告白:愛至死不渝

    2021/07/24 12:01
  • 確診者生殖器縮水!英研究:染疫後遺症多達203種

    全球新冠肺炎疫情至今仍在延燒,依英國倫敦大學學院(University College London)最新研究指出,長期染疫者可能會有疲勞、生心理狀態惡化及和記憶認知功能障礙有關的腦霧(brain fog)等多達203種症狀,其中更有少數確診者出現「陰莖和睪丸尺寸縮水」的情形。
    2021/07/17 10:26
  • 何如芸「兒哭著打來」 遠在新加坡勸完嘆:不覺得是媽媽

    2021/06/29 13:24
  • 新冠後遺症新病況 日本多起記憶力喪失

    2021/02/25 19:56
  • 愛女腦瘤病逝…深情父忍痛坐上小車 騎321公里募款

    英國1名46歲父親彼得(Peter Williams)的愛女3年前因腦瘤過世,由於女兒生前最喜愛騎腳踏車,於是他決定騎上女兒粉紅色的小型腳踏車,替腦瘤慈善組織(The Brain Tumour Charity)募款,最後彼得忍著屁股及膝蓋的疼痛,完成了200英里(約321公里)的募款行動。
    2018/10/01 22:34
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