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    舌癌海怪阿伯中州科技大學F1陳曉東颱風動態大學倒閉 樂天桃園啦啦隊 華視
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    2021������������ 結果共5,908筆

  • 英男刺死人母再姦殺2歲童 冷血埋屍廚房地板稱「體面墳墓」

    英國52歲男子英內斯(Andrew Innes)2021年透過約會網站認識菲律賓籍25歲女子柏克(Bennylyn Burke),未料發生口角後竟暴怒用榔頭和武士刀將她殺害,事後更性侵她年僅2歲的女兒潔莉卡(Jellica),並將她勒死,把兩人遺體藏在廚房地板下,人神共憤行徑震驚各界。日前男子被法官判處無期徒刑,憤怒的女子親屬難以接受,要求將他死刑正法。
    2023/11/20 16:25
  • 銅殘留超標40倍! 魚吃下肚恐引發急性腎衰竭

    2023/11/19 21:26
  • 川普又贏了?法院認定參與國會暴動 但允許選總統

    美國前總統川普(Donald Trump)官司纏身,但仍不減他的高人氣,川普的民調仍高然高居共和黨首位、力壓現任總統拜登(Joe Biden),黨內無人能望其項背。科羅拉多州法院周五(17日)裁決認定川普「有參與」2021年1月的美國國會大廈暴動事件,但即使如此,法官仍認為,川普可以繼續留在科羅拉多州選民的選票上,此次裁決可說是川普的又一次勝利。
    2023/11/19 17:03
  • 《百萬小學堂》容容長大了! 飄仙氣變超美「名校學霸」近況曝光

    2023/11/19 16:19
  • 許瑋甯罕見放閃!參加生日趴 與邱澤「做這事」畫面甜爆

    2023/11/18 12:14
  • 小米汽車申報資料曝光 最快明年2月上市

    2023/11/17 19:56
  • 2包「毒咖啡」一口乾!高雄女激烈抽搐後暴斃 毒友目睹繼續喝

    2023/11/17 19:21
  • 以砌磚喻音樂事業 蕭邦大賽首獎劉曉禹活在當下

    2023/11/17 17:09
  • 離家失蹤2年!20歲男成「華江橋下無名屍」 警驗DNA助他回家

    2023/11/17 16:16
  • 新生代甜美女星1年接7片 苦命過頭悲嘆:何時才能幸福?

    2023/11/17 14:41
  • Chinese Taipei Football Association faces multiple scandals

    The Chinese Taipei Football Association (CTFA) has come under criticism from New Power Party Legislator Claire Wang for failing to make progress in paying salaries to players and facing accusations of gender discrimination. These issues have reportedly persisted since the CTFA’s appointment in March. Wang revealed that players have been owed millions in wages since 2021. The Taiwan Women’s Football Players Association has accused the CTFA of negligence, claiming that the women’s national team’s long-term training plans were abruptly halted. The association has called on the Ministry of Education’s Sports Administration to take responsibility. The Sports Administration has stated that there may be misunderstandings and has requested the CTFA to submit a comprehensive plan for international events such as the 2026 Asian Games. Wang believes that the planned suspension of training is due to the CTFA’s failure to submit a planning document on time, rather than a problem with the National Sports Training Center. Wang has called for a re-evaluation of the CTFA by the Sports Administration to prevent further damage to football development in Taiwan. Under the current chairman, Wang Lin-hsiang, the CTFA is facing a debt problem of over NT$90 million from previous administrations, including player salaries, referee fees, and vendor costs. Chairman Wang has sent a lawyer’s letter to former chairman Chiou I-jen seeking clarification on these issues.
    2023/11/16 21:15
  • 22刀弒養母「搶錢買春」!她遭刺穿倒血泊 新北男逃死定讞

    2023/11/16 17:40
  • 才爆被胡瓜獨寵!熊霓突幸福喊「官宣了」 男友視角牽手照曝

    20歲熊霓2021年於「猿來是妳」徵選中以狀元之姿入選「Rakuten Girls」出道,成為中職樂天桃猿啦啦隊一員,擁有甜美外型、火辣身材的她是許多人心中女神,日前爆出受到綜藝天王胡瓜獨寵,兩人關係甚密,事後雙方否認傳聞,近日竟無預警曬出牽手照,公開喊「官宣了」。
    2023/11/16 13:47
  • 人才、想法都夠!台灣生醫領域缺的是「這個」

    2023/11/14 22:58
  • MOFA outlines 2024 strategies for Taiwan’s CPTPP bid

    Taiwan’s application to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) has been delayed since 2021, according to Kuomintang legislator Johnny Chiang. Chiang expressed concerns about the government’s progress in establishing a task force for the CPTPP and questioned the allocation of a NT$12 million budget for hosting discussion forums. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) has proposed three strategies to take relevant action when Canada assumes leadership of the CPTPP Commission next year. These strategies include building informal communication channels with CPTPP attendees, facilitating effective communication teams with key opinion leaders, and engaging with members who hold unfavorable stances towards Taiwan’s CPTPP entry. The MOFA sees the year 2024 as a gateway for Taiwan to access international opportunities.
    2023/11/14 21:03
  • Lung cancer surpasses colorectal cancer in Taiwan in 2021

    Discover how Taiwan is leading the fight against cancer with its Lung Cancer Early Detection Program, marking a significant shift in the most common cancers and underscoring the importance of early detection and screening.
    2023/11/14 19:05
  • Lung cancer takes the lead on Taiwan’s cancer list in 2021

    Taiwan’s most common cancer has shifted from colorectal cancer to lung cancer, according to the Health Promotion Administration (HPA). This change was observed in 2021, ending a 15-year record held by colorectal cancer. The HPA’s report listed the top 10 cancers, with lung and colorectal cancers being the most common. Other cancers on the list include breast, liver, oral, prostate, thyroid, stomach, skin, and pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer notably made the list for the first time. Dr. Chen Jin-shing, chief of surgery at National Taiwan University Hospital, explained that the shift is not surprising as lung cancer has been the leading cause of cancer-related deaths for the past decade. The HPA’s Cancer Prevention and Control Division director, Lin Li-ju, highlighted an increase in early lung cancer detection following the introduction of low dose computed tomography (LDCT) screening in 2022. In 2021, there were 121,762 new cases of cancer registered in Taiwan, marking the first decline in new patient numbers. On average, a person was diagnosed with cancer every 4 minutes and 19 seconds. HPA Director-General Wu Chao-chun urged individuals to reduce their risk factors and recommended regular screenings for early detection and treatment, especially for those at high risk.
    2023/11/13 12:01
  • 日圓現「0.2168」低價 10萬台幣換匯賺日本來回機票

    2023/11/13 10:53
  • 《無法抗拒的他》翻拍日版 網傳「國寶級男神」將扮渣男

    2023/11/13 09:32
  • 2年前女兒夭折!男星妻宣布「我又懷孕了」驚出血停工安胎

    2023/11/13 08:50
  • 消失2年!「鄉民女神」震撼宣布已婚懷孕5個月:抱歉讓大家嚇到

    2023/11/13 07:35
  • 突逢巨變!朱芯儀2年前罹癌 淚謝衛斯理:撐起一個家

    2023/11/11 09:52
  • 疫後大陸興起「靈活就業」 專家:台灣兼職也變多

    2023/11/10 22:48
  • Lung cancer now leading cancer type in Taiwan

    Explore the latest 2021 cancer statistics in Taiwan, where lung cancer has now surpassed colorectal cancer as the most prevalent. The report highlights significant trends, including the rise of pancreatic cancer in the top ten list.
    2023/11/10 22:17
  • Taiwan sees rise in fathers using Parental Leave Allowance

    Over 1.01 million people have benefited from Taiwan’s "Employment Insurance Parental Leave Allowance" since its initiation in 2009. This allowance, available to parents with at least one year of cumulative employment insurance, allows them to take unpaid parental leave before their children turn three. The subsidy is calculated at 60% of the average salary for the six months preceding the leave, with an additional 20% wage subsidy provided since July 2021, bringing the total to 80%. Since January 2022, both parents can simultaneously apply for the allowance, allowing them to apply for a subsidy for 12 months within half a year if they meet the criteria and take leave together. Assuming an average monthly salary of NT$42,000, each parent can receive NT$33,600 monthly, totaling NT$403,200 for the half-year period. The program has also seen a rise in male applicants, with over 20,000 annually compared to the initial 4,000 during the inaugural year, indicating a growing willingness of men to share childcare responsibilities.
    2023/11/10 22:08
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