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    2015 結果共3,491筆

  • 結婚9年!超人氣網紅夫妻報喜「懷孕3個月」 噴淚:寶寶回來了

    2024/01/10 08:09
  • 央視揭「洗米華」網路賭場運作手法 4年境內投注額3千億人民幣

    2024/01/09 10:16
  • 才剛被吳奇隆封鎖!劉詩詩片場勾男「親密互動」 十指緊扣不藏了

    2024/01/08 16:58
  • 遭疑被虐待!本土劇女星「暴瘦臉頰凹陷」 認了:害老公背黑鍋

    2024/01/08 13:12
  • 蔡英文過去8年做了啥?謝金河揭驚人數據 嘆低薪與對岸有關

    2024/01/07 13:26
  • Taiwan’s NHI reaches 91.2% satisfaction rate in 2023

    Taiwan’s National Health Insurance (NHI) has achieved a satisfaction rate of 91.2% in 2023, according to the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW). This is the first time the satisfaction rate has not decreased despite an increase in insurance costs. Previous reductions in satisfaction were observed in 2002 and 2006 due to premium increases, and in 2013 following the implementation of the second-generation NHI. The highest-rated aspects of the NHI were accessibility to medical treatment and the quality of medical care, with increased insurance costs ranking third. The satisfaction rate reached its peak during times of pandemic, likely due to the introduction of home-based medical care services and improved medical accessibility. Since 2021, the satisfaction rate has consistently remained above 90% and even reached a new all-time high during the pandemic. Taiwan has been ranked number one in the global healthcare index published by NUMBEO for the past five years. The NHI budget has also seen significant growth, increasing by over 48% from NT$590.5 billion in 2015 to NT$875.5 billion in 2024. The survey involved 3,257 participants aged 18 in Taiwan, and while public satisfaction with the NHI is high, physicians generally express lower levels of satisfaction.
    2024/01/06 17:11
  • 緬北內戰雲南遭殃!砲彈炸入中國境內 至少5傷

    2024/01/05 19:55
  • Taipei to reoffer free 30-minute YouBike rides

    The Taipei City Department of Transportation will announce the implementation date of the free 30-minute YouBike rental policy after the 2024 budget is passed. The policy aims to reduce carbon emissions by 40% and increase the use of green transportation to 70% by 2030. It was previously implemented in 2012 but ended in 2015. A public opinion poll in 2023 showed support for the policy among motorcyclists and the YouBike community, with over 60% of motorcyclists willing to switch to using YouBike for short trips. To address potential bike shortages, the department has added 1,780 bikes in May and 1,500 bikes in December 2023, increasing the availability of bikes citywide from 80% to 90%. In 2024, the department plans to add another 6,000 YouBikes and improve scheduling and personnel to meet the increased demand.
    2024/01/05 18:11
  • 吳奇隆驚爆大動作「封鎖劉詩詩」! 狗仔不忍全說了

    2024/01/05 14:31
  • 哈瑪哈瑪斯二號人物.列以色列追殺名單 貝魯特遭轟喪命

    2024/01/03 19:55
  • 才剛跨年!吳奇隆微博無預警「封鎖劉詩詩」 無情拉黑粉絲崩潰

    2024/01/02 16:55
  • 吳奇隆爆婚變劉詩詩 狗仔揭背後主因「與助理穿情侶裝」

    2023/12/30 18:48
  • 爆婚變分割財產!吳奇隆驚「暴風消瘦」 雙頰凹陷近照曝

    2023/12/29 19:55
  • 賴清德質疑親中「兩岸一家親」 柯文哲反嗆:民進黨把我利用完就踢走

    2023/12/28 20:20
  • 離婚3年!名媛孫瑩瑩與「19歲鮮肉」不藏了 親下廚又送愛馬仕

    2023/12/27 23:08
  • 你看過李善均哪些作品?《寄生上流》《我的大叔》《咖啡王子1號店》

    2023/12/27 14:41
  • 潔西卡曝退團心境「暗示遭多數決霸凌」 網罵爆:又消費少女時代

    2023/12/22 14:53
  • 出生後沒睡過夜!宋米秦宣布5歲愛女「驚罹這病」將緊急動刀

    40歲女星宋米秦自韓國來台發展,2011年和郭雪芙、李毓芬合組女團Dream Girls出道,5年後單飛並於2015年結婚生女後淡出演藝圈。近日宋米秦發文透露,5歲愛女Ellie自出生到現在都無法睡過夜,原來是罹患1病需要緊急開刀。
    2023/12/21 08:01
  • 日本大廠東芝今正式下市 爆假帳醜聞、業績低迷風光不再

    2023/12/20 18:02
  • 金鐘導演陳慧翎遺作8年後終於播出! 蘇有朋嘆:心頭縈繞遲遲不散

    2023/12/20 16:33
  • 睽違7年!王菲罕「開金嗓連飆2首」 歌迷聽哭暴動:寧願自己花錢

    香港歌手王菲曲風寬廣,從另類舞曲、電子音樂,再到藝術流行皆可輕鬆駕馭,加上極具穿透力的嗓音,曾包攬兩岸三地音樂頒獎典禮「最佳女歌手」獎項 ,且是金氏世界紀錄「銷量最高粵語女歌手」保持者,奠定其在亞洲地區「樂壇天后」地位,其歌曲〈容易受傷的女人〉、〈紅豆〉等仍是許多人心目中的神曲,不過近幾年淡出螢光幕,自2015年後再沒有出新專輯,距離上一次演唱會也已是7年前,昨(19)日網路突瘋傳一段她在KTV唱歌的影片,令粉絲驚喜不已。
    2023/12/20 12:20
  • Dengue spreads like needle-shared diseases: study

    A pivotal study reveals that dengue fever can rapidly spread through a transmission method similar to needle-sharing in infectious diseases like HBV, HCB, and HIV. The study, conducted by Taiwan’s National Health Research Institutes in collaboration with the Department of Health and Kaohsiung City Government, analyzed the timing of infections during the 2015 outbreak. They found that in 85% of household cases, symptoms occurred within three days of each other, contradicting the previously believed incubation period for virus transmission. Using animal models, researchers confirmed that when mosquitoes bite an infected animal and then promptly bite another, the virus can transfer via the mosquito’s proboscis, bypassing the once-considered essential eight-day extrinsic incubation period. This finding explains the rapid spread of the 2015 dengue epidemic in Taiwan and raises concerns for the recent spike in cases. The study, published in the esteemed journal eBiomedicine, a Lancet subsidiary, in August 2023, also involved international researchers from the University of California, Nagoya University, Tsinghua University, and National Taiwan University.
    2023/12/18 15:25
  • 觀點/柯文哲陣營出招曝內參民調 「客廳革命」只為保本

    2023/12/13 16:36
  • Childless newlyweds rise in S. Korea amid economic woes

    New data from Statistics Korea reveals a decline in young married couples in South Korea, with approximately 1.032 million couples within the first five years of marriage as of November 1, 2022. Since 2015, there has been an annual average decrease of 50,000 to 80,000 newlywed couples, projected to fall below 1 million by the end of this year. Around 79% of these newlyweds are marrying for the first time, while over 20% are embarking on a second marriage. Notably, 46.4% of first-time married couples have chosen not to start a family yet, marking the highest recorded rate of childless couples. Economic and housing conditions play a role in these trends, as the average annual income of newlyweds has increased by 6.1% from the previous year, and dual-income households have claimed a larger share, reaching 57.2%. However, despite earning 1.7 times more than single-earner families, dual-income couples have a lower rate of having children. The unique Korean rental system, Jeonse, involving significant security deposit payments, and rising rental costs may further impact young couples’ decision to start a family, adding complexity to South Korean family dynamics.
    2023/12/12 20:08
  • Lai Ching-te risks low Tainan vote over recent scandals

    Former legislator Julian Kuo warns that the DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te may struggle to secure over 50% of the vote in Tainan due to recent scandals. Kuo criticizes the DPP for "fueling moral panic" to gain electoral support but suggests that this strategy may not be effective in 2024. Despite leading in most polls, Lai’s lead over KMT candidate Hou Yu-ih is narrowing. Kuo points out that if the DPP continues to rely on Tainan as a decisive battleground, Lai could become the party’s presidential candidate with the lowest vote tally in the region. The scandals mentioned include illegal dumping of slag on farmlands in 2015, Cihji Temple head shootings in Syuejia, and the solar panel controversy in Cigu last year, all involving local officials associated with the DPP. While Kuo predicts Tainan will be critical in the 2024 election, legislator Lin Chun-hsien expects Lai Ching-te to win at least 60% of the vote there, highlighting a divide in expectations within the party.
    2023/12/11 21:12
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