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    ONE 結果共922筆

  • Incidents reignite debate over MRT’s priority seating policy

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s priority seating policy in public transportation: A proposal to expand the scope under the People with Disabilities Rights Protection Act is back to square one. Learn about the ongoing debate, recent incidents, and what’s next.
    2024/06/19 10:52
  • 滅火器搶金曲4獎!楊大正預告帶兒女走紅毯 談結紮「隨時都可以」

    金曲樂團「滅火器」以專輯《家和萬事興》,入圍第35屆金曲獎最佳樂團、最佳台語專輯、年度專輯、年度歌曲4項大獎,今(15)晚他們在台北流行音樂中心舉辦「一生到底 One Life, One Shot」演唱會,會前他們接受訪問,開心分享入圍金曲的喜悅,主唱楊大正更說要帶1雙兒女走紅毯。
    2024/06/15 19:51
  • 賴冠霖宣布退圈!與公司解約「內幕曝光」 致歉粉絲:我並不好受

    男星賴冠霖2017年參加韓國選秀節目《Produce 101》出道,獲得第7名加入男團「Wanna One」,進行為期1年半的限定活動,團體解散後,賴冠霖將事業重心轉往大陸,他昨(14)日突然將微博頭像換成全黑圖,並宣布「將轉變賽道」,關鍵字「賴冠霖 退圈」立馬衝上熱搜,他今(15)日證實即將退圈,向粉絲喊話「去學習如何更愛自己吧,我永遠愛你們。」
    2024/06/15 17:05
  • 退出演藝圈?賴冠霖突拋震撼彈 宣布「轉變賽道」拋下878萬粉絲

    藝人賴冠霖2017年參加韓國選秀節目《Produce 101 S2》出道,以第7名的成績成為男團Wanna One成員,團體解散後,賴冠霖事業重心轉到大陸,不過今(14)日賴冠霖突然發文丟出震撼彈,宣布「將轉變賽道」,疑似退出演藝圈的發文,引發熱議。
    2024/06/14 16:51
  • China, Pakistan reaffirm "One China" principle, irk Taiwan

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s response to China and Pakistan’s joint statement on the "One China" principle, emphasizing its independence and democratic values.
    2024/06/11 12:05
  • Local, global companies bring fresh ideas to COMPUTEX Taipei

    Discover the latest innovations from COMPUTEX Taipei, where Taiwanese companies like Ducky BU and Graphen showcased cutting-edge tech, solidifying Taiwan’s reputation as a global tech hub.
    2024/06/07 17:49
  • Taiwan seeks closer ties with India post Modi’s re-election

    MOFA to deepen Taiwan-India ties post-election. China objects to Lai’s message to re-elected Modi. MOFA: ROC is sovereign, not subordinate to PRC. Taiwan to engage globally on shared values.
    2024/06/07 13:44
  • 黃仁勳簽名辣妹胸引轟動 外媒:庫克也沒有「挺胸而出」待遇

    輝達(NVIDIA)執行長黃仁勳(Jensen Huang)在今年Computex電腦展期間,來到台灣進行演說和宣傳,受到有如搖滾巨星般的對待,走到哪裡都有大量鏡頭和人潮包圍。其中,一段在人潮擁擠的攤位前,有年輕女子要求黃仁勳,替她在胸口簽名的影片,讓他再次爆紅並引起外媒關注。《商業內幕》(Business Insider)與科技媒體《The Verge》對此都特別撰文報導,甚至還下了一個令人玩味的註解,表示其他科技大廠高層恐怖都不可能獲得這樣待遇,「沒有人會為庫克(Tim Cook)『挺胸而出』(no one is lining up with their chests out for Tim Cook)」。
    2024/06/06 10:37
  • 滅火器入圍金曲4大獎!報喜6月北流開唱 突「交換主唱」超驚喜

    金曲樂團「滅火器」去年推出專輯《家和萬事興》,今年第35屆金曲獎入圍最佳樂團、最佳台語專輯、年度專輯、年度歌曲共4項大獎,近來受邀至海外音樂節表演,6月15日還將在台北流行音樂中心舉辦「一生到底 One Life, One Shot」演唱會,演唱會仍有零星票券,詳洽拓元。
    2024/06/01 19:59
  • China criticizes Taiwan president’s inauguration speech

    Discover the latest on cross-strait tensions as China’s Taiwan Affairs Office criticizes Taiwan President Lai’s inaugural speech, calling it a "Taiwan independence manifesto" and warning of severe consequences.
    2024/05/29 16:31
  • 獨家限定!台啤攜手CASETiFY抽聯名手機殼 搶攻啤酒市場

    2024/05/29 13:08
  • 《淚之女王》夫唱婦隨!金智媛緊接金秀賢來台會粉 出道14年首次亞巡

    2024/05/28 16:46
  • Taiwan’s WHA bid blocked amid China’s opposition

    Discover how Taiwan’s bid to join the World Health Assembly was blocked, sparking criticism from MOFA towards China’s "one-China principle" and highlighting global support for Taiwan’s inclusion in global health security efforts.
    2024/05/28 14:03
  • Taiwan warns of China’s intensified diplomatic pressure

    Discover how China’s recent military exercises and diplomatic pressures aim to isolate Taiwan internationally, and learn about Taiwan’s strategy to counter these challenges by promoting value-based diplomacy for stronger global ties.
    2024/05/28 13:30
  • China’s "one China" stance pressures Taiwanese stars

    Discover how China’s political pressure on Taiwanese artists threatens artistic freedom and deepens tensions, as criticized by the Mainland Affairs Council.
    2024/05/28 11:56
  • China bans Guatemalan coffee, cardamom amid Taiwan tensions

    Discover the latest on China’s ban on Guatemalan coffee and cardamom amid rising tensions over Guatemala’s ties with Taiwan. Read about the trade dispute’s impact and geopolitical implications.
    2024/05/27 17:12
  • Blinken pushes for Taiwan’s observer status at WHA

    Discover how the U.S. is advocating for Taiwan’s observer status at the World Health Assembly, facing opposition from China, and the implications for international relations.
    2024/05/23 17:28
  • Executive Yuan flags issues with food delivery acquisition

    Explore the potential impacts of Uber Eats acquiring foodpanda on consumers and partner restaurants, including concerns over choice, costs, and membership benefits.
    2024/05/23 11:48
  • 沒飯吃?「這校」全台最愛叫外送大學 平台期末加菜買1送1

    5、6月正逢大專院校期末考,大學生們儲備好體力要拚「歐趴」了嗎?Uber Eats 首度公開全台大學生「期末外送美食地圖」,發現全台最愛叫外送的學校是陽明交通大學,幾乎全年都靠外送過活。此外,為慰勞大學生挑燈夜戰的辛勞,呼應台灣的大學校園獨有「All-Pass」祝福文化,Uber Eats 推出買1送1專區,Uber One會員輸入優惠序號再享一次 85 折。
    2024/05/22 13:11
  • Japanese scholar analyzes Lai’s omission of ’One China’

    Discover insights on Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te’s inaugural speech, where he omitted the "One China" principle, signaling wariness towards China, and emphasized Taiwan’s sovereignty. This analysis explores the implications for Taiwan’s political landscape and cross-strait relations.
    2024/05/22 11:10
  • 玉米片加1調味「吃出人命」!美少年慘死 腹絞痛心肺驟停亡

    短影音平台抖音(TikTok)充斥大量挑戰,然而其背後隱藏的危險卻非所有人都清楚;美國一名14歲少年沃羅巴(Harris Wolobah),因為在一次挑戰中吃下了「世界最辣玉米片」最終導致心臟驟停不治,引起各界高度關注,如今驗屍報告也出爐,確認沃羅巴是因「攝入高辣椒素含量食物」造成不適,在劇烈腹痛後被送醫,最終搶救無效身亡。
    2024/05/18 10:43
  • 全球最辣!美國少年挑戰薯片「被辣死」 累積10人不適送醫

    曾在抖音(TikTok海外版)等社交平台曾流行的「一片薯片挑戰」(One Chip Challenge),去年造成馬薩諸塞州(Massachusetts,又譯麻省、麻州)一名14歲少年死亡。最新曝光的驗屍報告確定,他「因攝入高濃度辣椒素的食品」,導致心肺功能停止。報告指出,少年患有先天性心臟病。
    2024/05/17 10:42
  • TSMC assures Arizona plant operations unaffected by blast

    Discover the latest on the TSMC Arizona plant explosion: caused by a tanker truck anomaly, not affecting operations. Investigation ongoing, one contractor injured.
    2024/05/16 11:33
  • 王力宏、杜德偉爆參戰《歌手2024》 日本大咖歌后也來了

    大陸歌唱節目《歌手2024》今年主打無修音、直播形式,吸引大批觀眾搶看,首集就創下大陸收視冠軍,由於美國女歌手香緹摩爾(Chante Moore)以及摩洛哥裔加拿大歌手凡席亞(Faouzia)唱功太強,就連天后那英也都只能屈居第三,網友苦尋應戰唱將,如今傳出補位歌手將找來王力宏、杜德偉,盛傳日本女歌手中島美嘉也將參戰。
    2024/05/16 11:09
  • Singapore to uphold One China policy amid soaring tensions

    Lawrence Wong Shyun Tsai, the incoming Prime Minister of Singapore, asserts Singapore’s neutral stance, neither aligning with China nor the U.S., and emphasizes the importance of the One China policy, caution in cross-strait relations, and the avoidance of Taiwan’s independence. Wong discusses Singapore’s non-aligned status despite its defense relationship with the U.S. and expresses concerns over the assertiveness of rising powers, highlighting the potential for backlash against overreach.
    2024/05/15 18:15
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