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    ONE 結果共914筆

  • China’s Premier sets economic, diplomatic goals at NPC

    The 14th National People’s Congress in Beijing saw Premier Li Qiang deliver his first government work report, emphasizing the "One China" principle and opposing "Taiwan independence." The report highlighted progress in military and national defense construction, with no press conference held this year. Plans include boosting employment opportunities and achieving 5% GDP growth. Last year, China’s economy showed recovery with a 5.2% GDP increase.
    2024/03/05 14:47
  • 幫本土蝦米對抗大財團 法國不再有「買一送一」促銷

    為了保護法國中小企業,免於受到跨國大財團舉行的折扣促銷衝擊,《歐洲新聞網》報導,法國國會通過新法,並從本月1日開始落實,超市內的洗髮精、牙膏和衛生紙等民生商品,不得再有高於產品售價34%以上折扣,按此折扣比例換算,法國未來將不會再有「買一送一」(Buy one, get one free)的誘人優惠。
    2024/03/05 13:25
  • KMT, DPP split Legislative Yuan committee leadership

    The results of the Legislative Yuan’s standing committee convener election were announced, with both the Kuomintang (KMT) and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) securing one seat each in the eight committees. Huang Kuo-chang of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) expressed support for KMT’s convener candidates, while KMT’s Fu Kun-chi revealed TPP did not nominate any candidates. The committees cover Home Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Economic Affairs, Finance, Education, Transportation, Judiciary, and Sanitation.
    2024/02/29 12:04
  • Fire EX. announces first northern Taiwan concert in 8 years

    Fire EX. announces "One Life, One Shot" concert at Taipei Music Center on June 15, marking their first major northern Taiwan performance in eight years. The band, known for their punk music, gained fame with their hit "Island’s Sunrise" during the 2014 Sunflower Student Movement. Join them for a unique musical experience showcasing life as "a film shot in one take." Don’t miss their upcoming North American tour and participation in South by Southwest festival.
    2024/02/27 13:44
  • 滅火器開唱!準副總統無預警「現身」力挺 網嚇壞:重量級

    金曲樂團滅火器今(26)日正式宣佈將於6月15日在台北流行音樂中心舉辦「一生到底 One Life, One Shot」演唱會,睽違8年再次舉辦北部大型專場,讓許多歌迷都興奮不已。滅火器也將於三月在北美九個城市展開巡演,更特別邀請到曾擔任駐美代表的蕭美琴拍攝推薦影片,讓許多台美人看見直呼「蕭大使都親自推薦了一定要去看的吧!」
    2024/02/26 18:29
  • Dense fog shuts down Keelung Harbor temporarily

    Thick fog temporarily closed Keelung Harbor on February 22 due to an approaching front, reducing visibility to less than 1.2 kilometers. The Port of Keelung temporarily suspended ship entry and exit until the fog dissipated at 8:04 a.m., affecting one inbound ship.
    2024/02/22 14:27
  • Taiwan reports first domestic measles case of 2024

    Taiwan reports its first domestic measles case of 2024, with a man in his 30s testing positive in the Northern part of the country. The Centers for Disease Control are investigating possible sources of infection and monitoring 199 individuals who had contact with the patient. Vaccination is urged, especially for infants older than one year.
    2024/02/19 17:25
  • K-pop star Hyewon charms fans at Taipei meet-and-greet

    South Korean actress and singer Kang Hye-won, known as Hyewon, delights fans in Taipei with a fan meet-and-greet event at Clapper Studio. Enjoy her serenading fans with popular K-pop songs and her humorous interactions, as she shares her love for food and local delicacies during her first personal visit to Taiwan. Experience the charm of this rising star as she crafts a memorable connection with her Taiwanese fans.
    2024/02/19 14:38
  • 最扯頒獎典禮!粉絲為「他」扯頭髮打架 民眾當場拉屎崩潰暴哭

    第31屆韓國Hanteo Music Awards(HMA)頒獎典禮昨(18)日在東大門設計廣場盛大舉辦,祭出Zero Base One(ZB1)、aespa、ATEEZ等精彩卡司。豈料當晚狀況不斷,ZB1演出後,台下有人高喊「金地雄退團」,引爆粉絲不滿,竟上演全武行,甚至傳出有觀眾當場大便的驚恐狀況。
    2024/02/19 10:11
  • 姜惠元來台開唱!竟路邊排隊等待20分鐘 真相曝光

    以IZ*ONE成員出道、現在演、歌雙棲的韓國女星姜惠元,18日在台北三創Clapper Studio舉辦兩場見面會,除了準備多首歌曲、與粉絲分享韓劇《少年時代》心得,以吃貨聞名的她除了吃到粉絲準備的糖葫蘆,甚至還為了品嚐地瓜球而甘願排隊20分鐘,還在現場親手製作蛋糕,但因為配料加太多,她有自知之明的開玩笑說:「所以我沒開店做生意,而是改當演員!」
    2024/02/19 07:15
  • ZB1金地雄沒罵西八! 「粉絲音檔動手腳」動員國家力量還清白

    韓國男團ZEROBASEONE(簡稱ZB1)日前傳出成員金地雄在跟粉絲進行線上簽售會時,才關掉鏡頭畫面就立刻傳出罵「西八」的髒話聲,雖然有韓國網友認為只有聲音不足證實,金地雄仍在當地被罵翻。所屬公司Wake One事件爆發之際就承諾要進行數位鑑識來釐清真相,沒想到韓國最強狗仔《Dispatch》也來湊熱鬧,公布韓國科學調查鑑定院鑑定聲音檔案的文件,最終判定結果也出爐。
    2024/02/17 14:20
  • HeySong Sarsaparilla price hike: First in over a decade

    HeySong Corporation, a Taiwanese company, has announced price adjustments for some of its products after 10-20 years of unchanged prices. The adjustments, set to take effect in March, will see prices increase by 10-20%. The most notable increase will be for the popular 330-milliliter HeySong Sarsaparilla, which will surge by up to 25%. The company attributes the price adjustments to rising costs of raw materials, packaging, transportation, and personnel. The recommended retail price adjustments will mainly affect packages less than one liter, with some increasing by NT$4 and others by NT$5-6. Other beverage brands, such as Taisun Enterprise, have also indicated rising drink prices due to increased international raw material costs. The King Car Group had already adjusted the price of its Pocari Sweat drink in November 2020, marking the first price adjustment in 17 years. Public opinion on the price changes seems to be accepting, with many stating that they understand most products are experiencing price increases as long as the surge isn’t too high.
    2024/02/17 11:21
  • Tokyo cherry blossoms to bloom early on March 23

    The Japan Meteorological Corporation (JMC) has announced its fourth forecast for the cherry blossom season in 2024, predicting that blossoms in Tokyo will start opening on March 23 and reach full bloom on March 30. The JMC attributes the earlier bloom dates to higher-than-normal temperatures this year. In Kyoto, sakura is expected to start blooming on March 24 and reach peak bloom on April 1, according to the JMC’s estimation. The latest forecast also suggests that Northern Japan will see the blossom a day or two earlier compared to the previous forecast, while there will be a delay of one to two days for many areas in Eastern and Western Japan. The JMC anticipates the earliest blossoms to appear in Kochi on March 20, followed by areas such as Kanto Koushin, Tokai, and Kyushu. Additionally, Weathernews, a private weather information provider, has released its "third sakura bloom forecast," which aligns with the JMC’s prediction of an earlier bloom period this year, particularly in the Hokuriku Region and Northern Japan, where it will start over a week ahead of schedule.
    2024/02/16 13:38
  • Taiwan clears domestic pork of Cimbuterol contamination

    Taiwan’s Executive Yuan has announced that no detection of Cimbuterol, a feed additive used to promote leanness in animals, has been found in domestically-produced pork. This preliminary result dismisses concerns about the domestic pork supply being tainted with the substance. In the past, Taiwan Sugar Corporation’s pork slices were found to contain Cimbuterol, causing public concern. The Ministry of Agriculture has inspected 633 pre-market samples, and the Ministry of Health and Welfare has tested 73 post-market samples, with only one sample in Taichung city detecting Cimbuterol. The Health Ministry will strengthen random inspections for ractopamine in pork products and increase the number of annual inspections. The government will also enhance scrutiny of Cimbuterol imports and establish an expert group to assess the risk source at each link. The administration remains committed to ensuring the sanitary safety of pork products and monitoring related residues in various channels. Relevant authorities are dedicated to meeting Taiwan’s veterinary drug residue limits in foods.
    2024/02/15 14:41
  • 返台急入院!男星「唱不了歌等於死亡」突動手術 愛女1句話秒後悔

    38歲男星紀言愷(JR)曾為台灣偶像團體「K ONE」成員,以歌手身分出道的他,闖蕩演藝圈20多年,亦出演多部電視劇、參與節目主持等,然而,近來聲帶長繭、說話吃力,結束菲律賓外景節目錄製後,趕在過年前一返台立馬動手術,接下來須噤聲2週休養,沒想到回家後女兒說了「1句話」,瞬間讓他後悔。
    2024/02/09 11:31
  • 外送平台新春優惠大集合 人氣店家買一送一、除夕叫打5折

    農曆春節期間如果在家年菜吃膩了,或是懶得準備菜色,別忘記打開手機APP就能送到餐桌上,Uber Eats和多家業者推出買一送一優惠,包含Buger King、雙月食品社和瑪莉珍水牛城辣雞翅等人氣店家通通有,而Uber One 會員還能享有最低6折起的優惠。
    2024/02/09 10:59
  • 「搖滾公雞」洛史都華不來了! 睽違39年來台開唱突喊卡 

    樂壇超級巨星「搖滾公雞」洛史都華(Rod Stewart)原訂在3月9日於高雄巨蛋舉辦《Rod Stewart "Live in Concert, One Last Time"》演唱會,不料主辦單位理想國今天(8)日突然宣布,因為不可抗拒因素,洛史都華演唱會確定取消,掀起熱議。
    2024/02/08 19:14
  • ONE BOY怎麼了?撤大型廣告又被爆欠款 創辦人直球回應

    台灣機能服飾品牌ONE BOY曾砸大錢請知名藝人代言,近日卻傳出ONE BOY疑似財務出狀況,悄悄撤下大型廣告看板。對此,創辦人兼董事長顏瑋廷強調,絕無財務問題,目前公司營運一切正常。
    2024/02/07 22:32
  • Taoyuan Mayor gifts lucky bags for New Year festivities

    Taoyuan Mayor Simon Chang distributed "Year of the Dragon" lucky bags at the city hall on the final working day before the Lunar New Year. The bags featured a dragon enfolded in peach blossoms, symbolizing prosperity and good fortune. Each bag contained a one-dollar coin bundled with a red cord, believed to ward off evil and disasters. The lucky bags were labeled "Dragon’s Peace" and represented gathering wealth, good luck, and auspiciousness. Mayor Chang shared the bags with city hall staff, janitors, security guards, and the public passing by for business.
    2024/02/07 16:21
  • Taiwan’s diplomatic dilemma: Guatemala eyes China for trade

    Taiwan’s ally Guatemala is considering establishing formal trade ties with China, according to the country’s Foreign Minister Carlos Ramiro Martinez. He proposed the creation of a ’trade representative office’ to assist Guatemalan products in finding a market in China. While many Central American countries have switched recognition to China, Guatemala remains one of the twelve countries that maintain diplomatic relations with Taiwan.
    2024/02/07 14:38
  • Taichung pork tests positive for lean meat powder: FDA

    Taiwan’s FDA confirms detection of Cimbuterol in pork sample from Taichung, with trace levels at 0.001ppm. Public urged not to worry as only one package tested positive and levels are very low. Further test results to be released after the holiday.
    2024/02/07 11:39
  • Officials clash over publicizing contaminated pork findings

    Taipei’s Deputy Minister of Health and Welfare questions Taichung City’s decision to publicly announce the presence of Cimbuterol in local pork produce, insisting on a thorough investigation before disclosure. Taichung City’s Office of Food and Drug Safety found the banned substance in frozen pork slices produced by TaiSugar. The city health bureau defended the immediate announcement, citing the need to protect consumers and citizens’ health interests. The Executive Yuan expressed doubts about the test results, citing unusually low levels of Cimbuterol detected and suggesting further investigations. Taichung City’s Office of Food and Drug Safety informed Pingtung County’s Public Health Bureau and Tainan’s Public Health Bureau for further investigation. Organizations like the Executive Yuan’s Consumer Protection Committee and the Consumers’ Foundation tend to directly announce results when adulterated products are found, justifying Taichung’s disclosure. The office conducted three tests using two methodologies, with one result exceeding the quantitative limit. Only TaiSugar’s product tested positive for Cimbuterol. TaiSugar has called for a re-examination of the test results and sent the sample to the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s Food and Drug Administration for reinspection.
    2024/02/06 14:27
  • K-pop icon Yoona charms fans at Taipei fanmeet

    South Korean star Yoona from the popular K-pop group "Girls’ Generation" held a fan meet in Taipei, where she impressed the audience with her Mandarin-language performance. The event attracted 3,000 fans, and Yoona delighted them with her fluent Mandarin skills. She also sang the theme song from the popular Taiwanese drama "Someday or One Day," receiving enthusiastic applause. Lucky fans had the opportunity to interact with Yoona and take photos with her. During the fan meet, Yoona expressed her desire to try different roles, including playing a "beautiful villain." Additionally, she enjoyed trying Taiwanese delicacies such as sausage with sticky rice and sweet potato balls.
    2024/02/05 11:56
  • Taipei Mayor to ride revamped gondola during LNY

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an plans to take his family on a ride on the newly renovated Maokong Gondola during the Lunar New Year holidays to visit the zoo. The gondola cabins have been redesigned in collaboration with "Animal Rescue Team Taiwan" and the popular "Maji Meow" (cat) to promote animal conservation, rescue efforts, and life education. From Feb. 3 to Feb. 14, customers who purchase three one-day passes will receive a limited edition New Year magnet set. Each one-day pass purchase also includes a single limited edition magnet. The cabins feature images of the gondola’s mascots, including the "Landlord" (a sloth), the Maji Cat, EMMA, and a calf. QR codes inside the cabins provide access to real conservation stories, promoting respect for all life and equality among creatures. Visitors to the Camphor Tree Trail during the New Year period can enjoy blooming lupines, the "Maokong Light Halo" at night, and sporadic God of Wealth blessings at various gondola stations. Limited quantities of sweets and cookies will be given away at the gondola stations from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Feb. 10 to Feb. 12.
    2024/02/02 16:03
  • Han Kuo-yu faces impeachment buzz as new Taiwan Speaker

    Han Kuo-yu, the newly-elected Speaker of the Legislative Yuan, is facing challenges as the idea of his possible impeachment trends online. Currently, there are no laws for removing the Speaker without consent from one-third of proposing members and two-thirds agreeing to the recall. Han, being a legislator-at-large, is immune from recall according to the law. Despite criticisms, DPP chairman and President-elect Lai Ching-te congratulated Han and expressed hope for cooperation among different political parties. KMT legislator Chang Chia-Chun commented on the difficulty of accomplishing impeachment in reality.
    2024/02/02 15:00
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