
Local, global companies bring fresh ideas to COMPUTEX Taipei

Reporter Dimitri Bruyas
Release time:2024/06/07 17:49
Last update time:2024/06/07 18:34
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — A vibrant mix of small and medium-sized companies brought fresh ideas and groundbreaking technologies to the global stage at COMPUTEX Taipei. The annual tech expo, renowned for showcasing cutting-edge innovations, displayed a range of products from local and international developers, highlighting Taiwan's strong position in the global tech industry.

Innovative Products from Local, Global Companies

One of the standout products this year was the Ducky ONE X keyboard, introduced by Strong Huang, Vice President of Ducky BU. "This is our newest Ducky ONE X keyboard. It uses inductive analog switches, allowing you to utilize different depth variations to achieve precise control in shooting and racing games," Huang said. Emphasizing the keyboard's local roots, Huang added, "Our keyboard is entirely made in Taiwan. It is an excellent keyboard produced locally."

Another notable innovation came from Music Unit, a sound and music creation studio from France specializing in 3D audio. Martin Antiphon, CTO and Partner, described their latest product, My Bee Knows. "We're Music Unit. We are a sound and music creation studio and we specialize in 3D audio. Our product is specifically a binaural render and 3D audio content renderer," Antiphon explained. He highlighted the product's capabilities, stating, "If you want to play back 3D audio content such as Dolby Atmos or any other format that has just been released, you need a renderer, and we bring today My Bee Knows, which is one of the best binaural renderers on the market."

Taiwan's Role in AI Advancements
Graphen, another Taiwanese company, showcased their digital human, Aiia. Sandy Wang, a UI/UX Designer at Graphen, explained Aiia's applications. "This is our digital human Aiia. The machine is integrated with hospitals to provide in-hospital texts for application. It can offer simple health education to the general public, patients, and patients' families," Wang said. She further emphasized the local development of Aiia, adding, "It is mainly developed by the Taiwanese team and presented to the general public for use."

Taiwan has already solidified its reputation as a hub for advanced technology. The country’s robust tech ecosystem and innovative spirit were on full display at COMPUTEX, with exhibitors presenting solutions that could shape the future of various industries.

The Global Impact of Taiwan's Tech Ecosystem
With its focus on AI and 3D audio technologies, Taiwan is poised to lead in these advancements, making significant global impacts. The combination of local expertise and international collaboration at COMPUTEX underscores Taiwan's critical role in the tech world.

The expo not only provided a platform for showcasing technological innovations but also highlighted the importance of Taiwan’s contributions to the global tech landscape. As these companies continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, their innovations are set to drive progress and shape the future of technology.

Taiwan Business

#COMPUTEX#Taipei#Ducky ONE X#Music Unit#My Bee Knows#Graphen#Aiia#Taiwan tech#3D audio#AI advancements


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