
Singapore to uphold One China policy amid soaring tensions

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/15 18:15
Last update time:2024/05/15 18:15
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Singapore to uphold One China policy amid soaring tensions (AP) Singapore to uphold One China policy amid soaring tensions
Singapore to uphold One China policy amid soaring tensions (AP)

SINGAPORE (TVBS News) — Lawrence Wong Shyun Tsai, set to become the new prime minister of Singapore on Wednesday (May 15), told The Economist on May 6 that Singapore is neither pro-China nor pro-U.S. but pro-Singapore.

Wong's stance on the Taiwan Strait issue is clear: It differs from the Russo-Ukrainian War. He emphasized that Ukraine is a sovereign, independent nation, while most countries adhere to the "One China policy" worldwide. 


Wong stated that Singapore also upholds the "One China policy," handling issues involving cross-strait relations with caution and refusing to be used as a supporter of Taiwan's independence.

Wong believes that Singapore does not want a war in the Taiwan Strait. However, he thinks the likelihood of maintaining the status quo is high because all parties, including the U.S. government, know the risks and red lines involved.

In response to the Economist's question about how Singapore can claim not to be a U.S. ally despite receiving advanced technology and military weapons from the U.S. over the years, Wong said the security and defense relationship has lasted for decades, proving beneficial to both sides.

Wong stated that because Singapore does not consider itself a U.S. ally, it is not considering joining the Australia-UK-U.S. security initiative (AUKUS) at this stage.

Wong believes that the rising China tends to be assertive, a trait shared by all major powers, including the U.S. However, he warned that any overreach would inevitably lead to a backlash, a lesson the U.S. has also experienced.

Taiwan Affairs

Asia-Pacific News

#Lawrence Wong# Singapore Prime Minister# Taiwan Strait# one-China policy# Singapore US relations# AUKUS# China assertiveness# Singapore stance on Taiwan independence# Lawrence Wong Taiwan Strait issue# Singapore not joining AUKUS


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